BRIEF but. V THE ALMANCE HERALD Thursday, January 2, 1919 BUSY READERS 6orn, to Mr. and Mr W. A New-1 Martin L ntigerald, who has . Monday December "nth, a taafey Icllmbod to tna rank of corporal in Wll' HI'TVICr III Kill II riJIMI, IU HOIlie llll a fifteen-day furlough. vIh i h k with Allium'' relntlvnH anil friends. Hi- in iiiiw etattOBe4 at Camp bee en- Halil. boi s: i rirr Cal CoH had official hart- ti tn llemlimford Saturdny nfter- noon. i: ; Lalag, Alliance clotaler, layt you would b- snppi l d at the extent to which the Chr tot Rial shopper wiiu m their aerchaae .f the more i Hit , ,t nhrlntinna oreeents II i,.v. l : remarkable lillHincS.l h - K.iri Wamhauih left sMterdas tor NaW York, where ho win vteJt for fan dare befort retarnlnf to datjr a board the U, ft Ht. Vereoa al 'hoi oea, Natl fork. Whiio vlaltlai hare in. i araed thai ' Kaegaa, who i a junior Itenteaanl in 'ho navy is 'a ttoned but a hort dlataoce from bin headauartera 'that he will look up Bnrireon Keegan goea without the aaylnSi s. t'. laekaon, 'r tho ajtleneo Candy storo. will leave tho leal of the wee for Kaaaaa city, Mlaaoarti on a few days husliu h.j t t ip. Mrs. C. W. Wllel of Crawford waa in Alliance on Monday transacting a little hnalneaa and rleitlni with her tsistor, Mrs. Oeo. I Stafford. Deeplte tho exploitation of the fart, that Alliance has been enraad by tho preeence of tho bootlegger, by omo who s in tji believe that in so doing :i better (?) word for tho town will bo paaaed along, we cannot yt claim all each honor. Scot ishlnfT, nrrord inp to aewaptfper reporta Mhe find in gs of police raids, come In for n goodly share of tho credit or dlac radii John 11. teeraa to ho popalac fid low In tho valley, preM oiapatcd from waanmgton nys huge winter wheat crop, larg er hy 10,000,000 buahela than any yioid in tho history of American egrl culture, was fdrecaat by tin- depart nent of agriculture, Kebraaka'a crop is eetlmated at B, 611,000 buahela During tlio your Just drawing to a oloso tho state of Nebraaku eoatrlbo tod in round nutnberi more than one billion dollars worth of food and inn" ufacturad raluea lo the country. ! othor stair in tin union approach Nebraska's per rapita record for I production i.nd no atatt weat of Mississippi louallod Nebraska's Man ufacturing record, Sense and Nonsense fJICWWCd from Our Wookly Suil in tin tieiitle Art of tJoHsip B) JACK BnmiM QeOfge Duncan Island to ho with Christinas. wont to tirand Mrs. Dancan in Thcera arc a lot of things in poli tics that aro mightl pood things to howl about when you're out and equally M pood to keep still about when you aro in. Barling been ill to con Tho state just laaa d for 1011. It tics for ti board of agriculture has the annual crop bulletin contalncs the crop atatle ycar, together with farm cenaua, farm averagea and other veto ble ami Intereatlng matter C6piea of this billot in may bo h id by address inp Secretary State Hoard of Agricul ture, Lincoln. Commencing January 1st centra; and mountain time on the Burlington -Lanpe at Broken Bow instead el a! Sign Painter Bayso returned from the service or l?iu In Sain Monday and w ill no doubt locate in Alliance. supt. o I.. t;ripus r the ton route at this place bad Seneca this week attending business. a. n. Whitley, hretuaa on the Bar lingtOO has recovered from a recent attack ot the (in ' sill'l i n ntly to en able him to return to his work. QUI was laved Mip for several wei ks and was surely glad to get bark to hie work again. With the passage of the new reve nue bill by Congreaa the blank for he making of income returns will be availsrblo lo thoee affected. The time is near at hand, but the delay caused by the probable new legislation will retard the work of tho department for some time. Una Lowry, of the 6rn of Lowry t Henry has gone to California for the winter, lie contemplates being on the western coast about three months Miss liable Carey, cashier at the Alliance creamery left Sunday ior a few days visit at Sheridan anil Hil ling's. She will return to Ayliame and her work today. More than 2 all people filed In Tor- ringtog on the govern fti eat land in Qoahea county, Wyoming, which baa just been thrown ope n for entry, the drawing taking place laal Monday. A lurga number also registered nt Chey enne. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Townsond re turned the Brat of the week from a Week"! flail with relatives at Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. L .1. Bcblll, living two miles south and west of Alliance are the proud parents of a baby daughter since Monday morning. f Donald BpCnCer returned to Lin Oln Sunday, where ho will auain take up his work at the university, after a visit with his pufantai Mr. and -Mrs. w. B, spencer in Alliance Miss Tli'Tesa Morrow spent several days litst week with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs .1. ('. Morrow. She returned to Lincoln un Sunday. Martin Cable. 1:", year-old son of W. II. ('.abb. a Sco'ts Illuff county farmer cleared 10&.06 on one aero of sugar boots this season. His ex penditurea, Including rent. lalMir, irri gation, etc.. amounted to $S2".-is ami the gross receipts were $19(1.2.4. Mrs W. E, Spencer will leave to morrow for Phoenix Arizona, where sue dltl vi..U Tier brothe r. .Tohn ftnu;.i gardaer, formerly county superin tendent of public instruction or Bo BUtte county. Mr. Ilaumbargdner s health has not been good for some lime After a visit tit Phoenix. Mis. Silencer will go to Loa Angeles Cali fornia to spend the Winter months The Republican wall, for instance, I ol t he na rt isam-hip of t he I )eimn i a t i' Alliance automobile dealers anti cipated a good demand for motor cars tlx, MIMlnH ......11.. with " as possible getting stocked up the ralotta makes. Lowry & Henry this week received a shipment of the popular Dodge Brotbera cara, and ex pect to be able to get more in the near future. Howevufi should you contemplate the purchase of one of them it would be well to place your order now. Mr. ami Mrs K o. Strand are en tertalalng a strange face at theii home, since Monday morning when line baby box came to bless the home A change in the trainmasters at this place came the first ot the we W when Lleuet, .1. D. Nelson returned to the work after being discharged from the service of I'ncle Sam. Mr. Nelson was formerly employed as trainmaster here and later at Omaha His predecessor. I.. ('. McHride will bo tranaterred to Wympre, administration, will hardly hold water now that they have won in the election and fajfthWttb announced the Intention of showing the paOpla that suh a administration can be Fiiceess- ful. Queer world, this! You never can tell I A couple of Ullanee men were the othor day en gaged in conversation. "My wife to very fond of abating," remarked one or the gentlemen. "She sure is," re plied his companion. We had import ant business and could not remain for the following reel. Most anyone will tell you there is nohlog in a name. Apparently the white woman who left town rather unceremoniously last week figured there was nothing in a color. But, black is not a color, a , When you see a maiden fair who lis unafraid to cross the muddy street you can bet that she will show you I two pood reasons Tor her fearlessness This colm would like to subscribe i.v n fund that would !o expended in dealing some of the professional I reformers a bit of heir own dope. 'It's a cinch bet they would be for ! ever cured. We Were always skeptical of tho 'fellow who insists that others are 'crooked It takes a thief to catch a thief. He may not ho a crook, but there is a chance he's mi; taken, t Some of the returning soldier boys have awakened to the fact that you can win a girl In thirty minutes toot you can't shake in thirty years. An Alliance young man spent seventy-five dollars for Christmas presents for his parents and younger sister. And. every cent was wisely spent. He'a on the right road and will 'one day reach the roal of ..access. t The fellOW responsible rrtr this colm has no desire whatever to put a crimp in the pleasures of the boy. but ho has grave doubts as to the ad visability of allowing him to "hook on" with ills sled. From experience wo know it is great sport and our fih servance of later years has taught us it is also dangarOUa, Over at Sootts Mu tin other day a youtfli lad snf fered broken limbs as n result and led tho police to place a ban on the pastime. Why not forestall a like curence here? . . . Verily the ways of anonymous com DlUalCatloni are treacherous. Now comes Dr. Stivers of Antioch with promises of making things uncomforl ably warm for the party or parties re sponsible for his name being used in connection with a contributed story in tho publication of our esteemed contemporary. Friend Ben should prove a star witness when tho matter comes UP for airing. Some people have all the luck. , farmer raised Helling at phenomenal prices and with the manufacturers exerting every possible power to meet demand unprecedented, the times were naturally pood for all. The close of the war and the return of the factories to the manufacture of the commodities of life rather than the munitions of war have chanted this. It hss widened the competitive field and it remains for the alert tcf sur vive the fight that Wll be Waged for the business. There will be no im mediate return to pre-war-time nrices but there will be a demand for war time effecieacy and it is tins demand that nromises to prove serious lo the careless man or business There will come prosperity and success lo the systematic', prudent man: a success begot or greater business volume and economical management, The New Year will witness no re petition or the horrors of war. but it will record the greatest period of re construction accomplishment oyer ''o corded by man. Destroyed homes will airain bo established ; devasted Beldl will he returned to tho growing of fOodatttffa to food people who have enjoyed but very' meager rations for month and years, and Christian peo ple, tho world over, will turn to the teaching or the doctrine or Drotherly Love with renewed vigor. i ',. I T, Mr. Mr. and Mrs Win. Arnold of Alliance, left the fore part Of the week for a visit of aeaeral days with friends at Omaha Principal Btoekdale, Of the high School staff, is at the local hospital Contending for honors with an attack of the "Un," Late reports have it that his condition is much improved His father or Chadroa visited him this week. New Years Day was observed by the local railroader;-. Onl those m c- essary Tor the handling cr the busi ttOeai were asked to report ror work. Miss Mablo Ormsby, daughter of Ticket Agent Ormsby of Alliance, re turned to Casper the li rat of the week after a visit with homo folks. Miss Ormsby is assistant ticket agent at the Casper station. There is no longer any doubt in the mind of the farmer as to the benefits of good roads. It means dollar! to him and t it is argumml is forciful enough. The dear things were sittinp on th" stone slops at Polytechnic. One 'r them said: "I see Hetty has decor ated hr room with pistols, swords and riries." "Yess, Hetty's a creat girl for having arms around her." I t---a....a..)...-a- a a - DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD -7 J J i -- Cot a small package of I! unburn Itreasi Tea at nny pharmacy. T ike n lahlcapmwflll of the tea. put a cup of ixiiiinsr water upon it, pour through a ioe and drink a teacup full at tsi-y lime diirtng the daj or before i 'tiring, it is the moat effective way to break cold and cure grip, a Itiopeu Ibi lros of the skiii. relieving congestion, Also looacna the bowels, 'his driv cold from tin- kyatenL Try it the next time you eufler from n cold or the gri. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless The Silver drill, Joe C. Harvey's place, this week installed electric waf I lie irons ..un will cater to this trade I in the future, Those who crave the temptlVO waffle Will take clue notice I Ceorge, Kills, a former employee of the Ford garage, was mingling i with old-time Alliance friends Satur day. Mr. Bills, has Just been discharg ed from the service in which ho ser red as instructor to the students of motor mechanics schools. He was on his way to the Pacific coast where he will enter the employ of a large con cern in his line. His friends here were mighty glad to see him again and to know that hois climbing the ladder to success. The New Ye ar With The New Year, with all its prom ises of continued prosperity, i& with us in reality. It will be unlike the pre ceding one In almost every respect it will mark a radical change in the methods of successful business. A year ago, with the country in the throes of war; with everything the Hi MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS AC! BADLY Noel Young returned to duty in the V. S. Navy on the Paoitiic coast, Cali fornia, Monday after a week's visit with his mother, Mrs. L. A. Young of Alliance and friends. Take tablospoonfu' of Salt tf Hack hurts or Bladder bothers -Drink 0U of watej E LUMBAGO RIGHT GUT Rub Pain and Stiffness awt-y with a small bottle of old honest St. Jacobs Liniment When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't snffir! Uct a 30 cent bottle of old, honest "'St. .laiobs Liniment" at any drug ttorc, jKur a little in your hand and rub it right into tin pain or w bat and by 'be time you count Afty, the soreness and lameness is gone. Pout stay crippled'. This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be uned only once. It takea the ache and pain right out of your U.ok and ends ihc misery. It is aaagiral vet absolutely haruilem and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stope lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery 6U I'i'uuipUy t Harbor Ralph Hulger. of the Haglt Harbor shop, returned Sunday from Arcadia, where he had been last Weak because of the serious sickness of a niece. The niece, Mrs. Clara Smailey, paMad away Wednes day night of last week and before he could reach her heck de. Her father, Mr. Hulger's brother, is also suffer ing from the prevalent malady. Mitchell's new opei od ri r"i ci 1 1 tr over a Ua perfectly safe. concrete bridge was this week and it is 'daesure to dilvo 1 feci that you are Tho citizens of this community can well feel proud of th s andaome an t durable structure and we hope the time will soon be 4ere win u i vory wooden bridge over the Platte is replaced by one equally as gOOda and now tha tthe bridge bond art- to lie sold we feel that this wilt occur dur lag the next year. Mitchell Index. If you are not segular subscriber to The Herald ou do not get all the news while its news. Ws are a nation of meat eaters and our blood in "lied with urio acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utm-st to treo the blood of this irritating aciJ, but become weak from the overwork; thev called get sluggish; the eliminative tissues elog una iiius tiie waste is retained in tha blood to poison the entire system. Waeg VOW kjktaera che and feel like hnapa Of lead, and you have stitiu-inj pains in ihc back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or tho bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when vou have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless, ncss, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, pet from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a taM. spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a fe.v days your kidneys will act fine. This famous suits is made from the acid of grapes and knion juice, combined with lit liia, and has been used for gem. rations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to l utralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thua ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is ineznensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-nater drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to' keep the kidneys clean and active. Nerves and Health TITE not work of nerves which carries the normal flow of life-giving energy to every organ and tissue is re sponsible for the health of the body. These nerves arc dis tributed through tlic spinal col umn. If through aceidents, blows, strnin.s -r U&natUPal curvature the moveable bones of the spine be come lightly dlaplaced tlioy press on t he nerves jmj obstruct the free ptejgge of the health-givii g currents. The Organ! or tissue fed by the obstructed Bervea i,a turally become weakened and die rased. Fressure on the nerved leading to the ttotnach, for in stance, li often the cause of stom ach trouble. Eat Mince Pie made with None Such Mince meat XtiWMtfftcr tttd ttMaid J-Teeds No Added ftrinr Quickly Ready isbr Crust "-Var Time Recipe? Boc!: Free Menrell-SouLs Co., Syracuse, NY ; TCHIROPRACTCC by a Wliod of scientific adjustment corrects these ap ial defecta, relieves the pressure on and remtrVes the cause ot disease, ial conditions restored, the life- enta have full power to repair and and health results in a natural it the use of drugs or torgery. what the ailment, expenenco t can be relieved through Ciiiro- RO-PKAK-T1C) adjustments of of the spine. the ncrv With no o i un 'cut st i i ;.u'the wa , witl No m proves practio certain ill' v The though i hej c tried evi ry HIRO! iiould not be discouraged, even mve souglit relief for years and bOWn method of health. "RACTI lias ilotie wondera In raxes, investigate aiel learn for others, and what it caa lirinsfTniHlie: (1 in lonj; standing and obstinate jpractic Las done and is doing DRS. JI 1 DR. WALTER CHIKOPRAt REY STATES TORS V 1 i I s..i 13 HOTEL A. X.tT'"' OMAHA f. LOCATE YOUR NEW HOME ALONG THE BURLINGTON a I tire t ree bouiestead lands or buy- territory served by the Hur- ibraska. Wyoming, Colorado N Kififtv "JiiJininC : liiii ml h ist liuiiii .lltiiK ii iJJJAiUil Yi A . Olm RATHSV 50 KfOMs With datii $2.50 100 rooms vVJi aNTII ?.00 100 rooms 1 ril BATH 1 1 30 v 0' 1111 . it IV.1 II t.M jk'.u m mm i Mil in i i ii in i in W gffr V SulJiers, Sailors and civilians, in seel 1111 deeded lands, will do well to search 111 lington Route. Its lines tbrouph Westerffl I inid Montana have been populated within tlieiast tweat' years by a civil iza- tluii of the most prosperous 'ypo. y Bi rved by the Burlington large There are yet in the Wyoming terniorj areaa of graBs-covered lands for homestead eii ry in 640-acre tracts. You can buy deeded lands for dairy farminu i u Western Nebraska and Eastern rCeolorado on terms that any ood fanner can meet. From year to year the j i Government is opening irrigated lands in tha i!-- If yon settle aloii g l&rn Basin, with perpetual g tap Burlington you rear water rights almost a gift. your home m a progfessi locality, where every community is increaalng lm population. Write me I want to start you thinking as to where you or your son lne! tipst locate. S. B. HOWARD, Agricultural Agent. 1004 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebr. 2 v Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR WINTER TOPS FOR FORD CARS Just the thing for this cold snappy weather. All the ad vantages of other enclosed cars, yet quickly installed. They do not hamper the workings of our motor. Let us demonstrate the Detroit All-Weather Top for you. Now is a good time to have your motor over hauled. We have the time and materials and know how. C0URSEY & MILLER Successors to Keeler-Coursey Co.