Thursday, January 2, 1919 THE ALLIANCE HERALD railroad notes Abandon Piece Work Abandon 1 1 -1 1 1 hy the lint lingtnii the piece work schedule for the day fffchiilulc will affect practie ally all el tit)' wiii kiiii n ef the Alliance Shops aril a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r m ' r of employes at the Hur tlngion storehouse s. It will al.-o effect enriiu n and maehanics. 11 will effect 11 shops of tin- Uurlington ayateoa. The orlt r coining from the nation al railroafl administration, of course affects all railroads. It means the abandonment of the piece w irk sys- tern In railroading. lay hy.the hour A Mil ie aubatltuded It is said that a number of men at yLtho Havefack shops Will not make as much money iii the future at hour KlVOlk as I hey have made in the pas! .jet piece .ork. Some ot these men ' made a lift It more than the hasic hour ate pay. lhey d.d n hy ruahlne their rk 'along w ith less men and less iiuitilj . 1 '.a not denied that the was profitable te, 'f the men found ll i si'.id that one cut of ' ximately) of tin delegates el shop crnltg, in a recent i oi to retain I lie c m on the Hnrliimton. timales indicate, is n Hie railrtJ fflaf profitaj. in (ap;i Hm the a If jnbiivent i (ft Iflfork syafe reno n f wyHiier WirK. 1 Wm The 9 ver art Htork. It g waitini en are ;V Ught houj iigth aft- Hate lengtl low prired. In fact, I know of no place where as cood Innds ran be purchased af such low tieuree. in hundred of instances the first crop would more than pay for the land. "The principal thing at this time and during the next two or three yets is to get Nebraska before the public, exploiting its lands and the value they possess for agricultural atul stock raising purposes Aft Of that the situation will take care of Itself." INFLUENZA STILL CLAIMING VICTIMS BY THE THOUSANDS i HpMemIc lireakliig Out Anew Krone Olle KhI Of Dnsmtf To The other ret nil go thnJI .fa ers Thai ally a piece west of the with their e equiptin nl e shops. I h" hours and be the days 11 the days ny must pay- is not hlington sho fairly well Is Mid hut 1 its place in orkh is eii ra w ill probaj r January 'tierl the cot ffjreri ii.;c nd n e work nfottlabie to a railroad. t.xpfciinoel Time Clianges General Suj rintDd i ' Sj art offAlliance has ISsueii the Bw ing eiplamat i n of the changes in Hnc whifh ate !ci take place on Mry tirsf on the Alliance division. "An Aler o' the luterstale coni Berce edfciuiteslon effective 2 o'edock X in., JaSTIiary 1 V.'l',) relative to time Bnes, cBmges the dlrleion line be jHreen cefcili al 'end moun:ain time mil AlMnnec o the township lines jH-ossing jour railroad four and tive trnths mil' r -t m An1-' !ni Neb . Between lowiish i ps IS and lit and ex it, fol- Ifeiidiug Seen 3 ft ifrces the ngp tin central Branch term inn the centmi ?ot o St to tin- range lines li" land 31. This yon will note. rnh.ii Pacific branch ter- aniuatinevt Stapo-ton emir. lv within zon". and Ibe ( . H. .v Q.. :nr uie pre sent epiae lina ing at'ffniTeiit within dieds of thousands w Ana except ion I Warning to the country that the n flUenta e pidemic is hy no means c nded, and that all possible precau tions against the disease should he 'taken has just been issued hy the puh lie health authorities at Washington. Late reports show the disease is I breaking out anew in its very WOfSl i form from practically one i nd of the country to the other. Already there have been over 300.000 deaths from the disease and one prominent hclth cifficial predict that there will pcssib I ly be 760,000 deaths in this country next year from Influents ar.d the ail ments which follow it, The disease has been very baffling to the medical profession and health authorities frankly admit that ordinary preven tive measures euch as we aring of masks and closing public places seems of little avail. Persons who ate weak and run clown, and who have not the Strength to throw off die Influents germ, are the earliest victims. Those- who culch colds easly or who tire suffering from Catarrhal trouble s are itlso early vic tims as the Influenza mucus mem brane linings of the none and throat are tin open door to the germs. If you are suffering from any of those symp toms, nothing will bUtld you up and fortify your System against attack like 'Canine, which containca the most powerful tonic properties known to science, This statement is easily prOVetl by the fact that this celebrated medicine is pdsr having the greatest sale of any system tonic in the history of medicine It has been accomplishing remarkable results dur mic and hut ho have Uted ire enjoy in it the hest of health, O V5V ' CJjAfsified. t man 1 ii - X 1 rTwTsTiiiMfi" rrrrr - r WANTED ROTICH 01 Estate No. I l IL RBPORT P82 of Marion want to BUT omethlng? Hun i t i of petopls w e eMy bean these Drent nil roluinim hieklng for vtml ten or otlie rs havr to Offsr. (i t quick r. units ly nelve rtlslng tn The HtMUd Want Ad depart IM nt. U.I CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission Is tn need of end-hand clothing. SSeClally BteS'l mi shoes Call phone (nc and w will rail for them. The City Mia Ion FOR SALE . a . . v rtuieninson, deceased, in the county Court of Bog, Butte County. Nebtashs ! Thk State of Nebraska: To all per j sons Interested In said estate take notice that the administratrix ha 111 ed a final account and re port of her administration, am! a petition for final settlement and discharge such, which have been Bel for hear I Ing before said Court on January 3. 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M.. whr-n ye may uppcar and contest the same. Dated December nth. 1 9 1 8. I (Baal) irR k. TASK, County Judge". BUrtOO i Reddish, Attorneys. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY BUYING A BOX BUTTE EARM llox Unite- County Lands Ml Pneiil Trices infer Beet Investment to the land Wanting ( Illen The safest investment In the conn try today Is in good tinu land. Whlls eastern Ne hraska and low a farm leads are selling for from 1200 to !! 00 per acre lands In llox Untie COUnty In western Nehraska whic-h raise crops every year of BQUal of bet -ter Mono) value are scdlltig from $2!". to 00 per acre. A little lime spent in in eat ignflng the list of lauds Offered by Tie Thomas II, del Investnii til Company will prove to you that I he fads as Mated above are true. C.c refullV per SOS the list given below ami write or call on us tit once. If you have- oomethlnK ttmt you w ish to ( of -Unit will " Of tn to other people - en net un ci. If tin rOlt gALH er MIS'Tt.- LANBOU8 headlna w ill do th.- biz. A JOB YOU CAN "LIVE" picde' prof dim; lor the u 01 railro nn id op' . I StH' eption, Merna with t he ordt i ialn time statu as Ka jby tliin e no confor nil be p e jiuhli e other A hv t le -e po tra: Th I us irj- the In the zo; tlon for I ipply for tefrftorj it ween ISing ceBl'ial tilno Sl'd erious cesifusion can 1 ptlhlle will e ontlnn ll time, i:- o-ci.-r th:;1 of monn-! Prominent 'physician in Texas frank- Stlon as far suited that he had found Tnnlac to ens covered be the finest tonic to be had for build to Ravenna jlBg up his patients who had had In , two doc ks fluenaa, The- man who has been looking for ajob Into which he can put every ! ounce of his energy add interest, can And that position with us.We nc-ecl a number of energetic, enthufiastic sale smen, 30 to 40 years of age. A j willingness to their jobs is a requirement of the men w hom we will select. The Work will be that of selling the patented Caloric Plpless Furnace (o Interprlslng dealers, An unequaled Sdverstlslng campaign will pave the way for four sales and make your work a pleasure and a profit- a job you can truly "live.' I Address replies or make personal good lots In the J application to "Daddy" Myers, 1015 Antloeh perfectly I lsrnnm St., Omaha, Neb., Jan. 4 and Fore Sale One Edison Phono graph, 78 Tflue-embrle records good condition. Price f-J5. 604 Sweetwat er. Phone 968. C. W. Wilson. For Sab- 6 room house, 2 room cement house 12 by 24 cemen' cel lar chicken house, garage, huge lot. Nettie M. Campbell Phone 71:. .0-tf.-9694. )! BALE nurlinrton Cafe ami llakery. Particulars Wat, Fuller at cafe. OR BALE two west side of level and s pleasani site. For par ticular! inquire of J. It. Van Wag i in n Lakeside, Nebr. 5: Labile ofJee if ::s PM-SCrtl e us of 1U0 failroad e)er 1 th th i i cc d 'ir the eliie nce of one i ,h!ed mounttcin and time and folders is- passe nnllepar tine nt at v ill sliOW hoth nttiil in timoisfor passenger order eontei'i plate.' the ntral time with ied, the exeep nntaln time to alion only. 1 he te twons lief on i t lmr railroads we believe avoided if to use cen :ill of tl"- ple within tlx- ecflBtral time- bound e will u- in- t ime . the only eption: bein t- for railroad . peratioa the tA-ns namecl.. I REINGTON OFFICIALS ON NEBRASKA LANDS lIjainNoo Head qf Itiii linglon sa He i mi NebraSkii l.aneU are CRieiiM-sl for Agriculture Actual experience has shown that the best Way to keep from tabling in fluenza i i to keep 1 1"- system in good shape as it is a well known fart that the powers of tesistenec- of the human System can-be so perfected that it can throw off Almost any Infection, not even excepting Spanish Influenza, which is one of the most conlageous diseases know n. Teniae Increases; your strength and Wefght and creates a good healthy appetite for nourshlng food. Ii kc-jis you physically lit and makes you strong, vigorous and Well, and 'n this way fortifies you against deadly disease ferms. In connection with the Teniae treatment) be sure to keep the bowels open hy taking Teniae Laxa tive Tablets. damson, headed the llurling- Umrnjgraiion aepart meiit , w ho la Or i ha last Friday, m an in ? in the Omaha liee said that Bag never a time in the history Mceuntrj wheBrthis sec tion of iiu w -st held such wonder pof mill ' s lor exploit Hi" its s as now. . being intafeeted in gather ra a mig th line s cd the n, M. lainnon is a memuer vernment eoniinission to irvey cif prceent and needed in Nebraska. Iowa and In niakingihis survi-y. the on will inaae an enori to ta c n the Unoccupied and agricultural land in the es. .Speaking of opportuni- ttlers he aaid: Nebiaska for instance-, in 1 and weste rn half of the e are nunateus oi inou- cres of ag ric h auriculturai ere is in the world, ( ar ' unoecupied or nearly act should tie calle d to the of Cie puhli' i" some man- r that thes. "lands pass in ds of pUflies who would nd make them products e O' N'obl''-l'1 ' 1:' i ' " i " itei number of pe-nple who he posglhlliiies that t 'SS( s an adM-rtlsit cat. Id" be inau unrated , ml t In- i '. )Urc s of t In star Every time- tin.- Germans open their mouths they reveal their depravity," dec lared Senator Trammel the other day. "They remind iiu; of Aunt Bukey, who was dilating on lie-r old man's fondness for c hicken. "Why, dat oil man oh mine's so doggone crazy 'bout chicken ciat if be, couldn't get it no other way, he'd he'd buy it." for BALE We have located in this Vicinity one of our fin piano., whic h We will clispose of to tht right party at a hansome saving. Tortus 'f desired. If Interest d writw ; for n'l Infomitlon. (live references in first letter, i. nIi.t CVMPliC'.T. Ml' - r LU CHEYENNE WYO . The Monitor Stove Company Established 1S19-99 Years of se'rvice Pioneers of Pipeless Heating Cincinnati, Ohio. "GOOD PEOPLE TO WORK WITH' Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass Ing of hot water each morn helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. ft he Hvate 'Outs y a 11 low ol He tlgn hidevel LSu'-b a pcli. me, carr i in - linpf would adel t hou- Ir aers unci eonseiiuejlliv lillions of dollars annually to the alth of Nebraska, Kansas and a lu: r i r ot c, tlier states have- adopts-! be advertlsins idan and excel li nt t - ills have bet n attaine d If something kind is Utah rtaki-n and Jnisln d Judgi-ment is that the rail rill c6op i th tnH return of the soldiers. id of the m are going tt ke e-i from SHS positions they oc- whn they went to war, Aq ihouhf no made to get them lis unoccupied land and let Some producers, adding to mt th ecountry. led agricultural lands in and western Nebraska are Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy confplexion and freedom from Ulness -irti assured only by clean, healthy Mood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the- morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. . Instead of tho thousands of sickly, anaemic looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complex ions; instead of the multitudes of "BOWS wrecks," "rundown., " "brain fags" ami pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water wih a tea : oooful of limeetone phosphate in it t i sh from the stomach, liver, kld ? oys and ten yards of bowels the pre v '.ous day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and .poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and fr sheolhg the entire iliinntary canal he fore putting more food into the stomach. Those i.uhject te sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particular)- those who have a pallid, sallow complmdpq and who are coustnwte d very often, are urged to obtain a (luarter pouml of limestone phosphate- at the drug store valchefWill cost hut a triflo but is sufflchTit to demonstrate the; quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We must remember that inside cleanliness is more lmiortani thui .outside, be cause the skin does not absorb impur ities to contaminate the blood, while the pores iu tbo thirty feet of bowels Hn V() SAI.K OR TRADE A standarl make, five.passenge-r touring CS? In xcelloii condition. Completely equipped in every way. Will sell for reasonable terms for cash Or will trade for city property or form lands. Lloyd C. Thoilias 3-t f-96 t FOIENT FOR RENT Good office room ot Box Butte avenue on grond floor, light aad heat furnished. For informa ton phone 148. 51-tf-9746 Large front room with two beds suitable for 2 gentlemen, well heat ed. Phone 347. 52-tf-9725. MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddist Block. 15-tf-6727 CAVEMGER WAGON We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 57 will receive prompt tine! carerul at tention. Our prices are reasonable anil we are bonded to do good work. SAM BHELTON, Phone 5TB. City Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 We Buy OLD FALSE TfcETH We pay from 12.00 to .r,.00 per set (broken or not). We also pay actual value for Diamonds, old Gold, Silver and Bridge-work. Send- at iince by parcel post and receive c.iBh by return m .11. L MAEER'8 tooth iPBCIALTI Oept. X, 2007 So. nth St. Philadel phia, Pa. DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lens. S13H Box Butte Ave Phons 111 WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE itoe uc:h;:Fun Jrand Nam Show '.tut Wl ' i e si-. Clli Entcrtf mmont. Everybody Goei ; k ctnybody. L Dill DIME MATINEE DAILY DON'T GO HOME BAYING : I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY MUSICAL FXTRAVA6AHZA MOTH H'HMTl ItK SAKEIjY :o: We have equipped our dray waa una and auto truck with the latea tppl'.ancee for moving furnltur without marring or scratching or do Ing damage Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all movlnv Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone It 37-tf-5950 If you arc not a regular stihscriher of The Herald you do not get all the news while its news. i cp li e eeeeei i 1 1 m.w NOTICH To Clarance K. Tliompsoa Non-res -ient defendant: You are hereby noticed that ol July 27th, 1918 Kva M. Thou pscn filled a rut it ion against yOu in the District Court of Box Butte (' unty Nebraska, the object and prayer of which was to obtain a divorce to b j you, and the c are, ciistoe!, eootlM and edueation of the chilj en the t j sue of .' 'id marriage, on ibe grouni i-that you have wilfully abandoned an.i i failed to .support the plaint ff wlihom good cause for the term of more IbeB two years last past precel'ng tht f'. ing of said action. You are req'iireo to answer said petition on or b?fo-e the 20th day of January 1919 Eva M. T.iompson, By Burton & Reddish, her attorney- i-6t-m7. j. JaWVWBTi r. . rb. c. A. G. 1 1 I 1 It i , d. c. CHIROPRACTOS 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Block COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Orandmotlic-r kept her hair beautifully darkened . ele)gy and attractive with a brew of Sage 'lea and Sulphur. When ever !nT hair took on that elull, faded or streaked tpflMfcMMCi this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. Bv asking at anv ilruj.' htore for "Wv Sage- and Sulphur C0eMMiedM you will get a large hottle of this uKi tiuie recipe, iupreed hy the addition of other ingred ients, all ready to use, for about SO cents. This .-implc mixture can be depended upon to restoi natural i i.ur and beauty to till' I. Mil A wcll-kiiown downtown druggist aay everybody ues Wjeth's Sajf, an 1 Bel phur CctMBMuad now because it darkens so naturally and evenly tdut nobody can tell it has been applied it's oo easy to use. too. You siuiplv dampen a couib or soft brush and draw- it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears; after another appliiiip -i er tMO, it is restored to its natural cotar anel look glossy, soft and beautiful lb. t-rep-.tration is a delight ful toilet leeuiaite. it is not intended for the cure, mitigation or pretention of df- t of I'ariiis iiml Itntuhes No. 1, 160 acres iiiiiiiiproveil lain) within one mile of Alliance Small cash payment. Ilnlaiice on Be I tertnB at low interest rato. No. 2. itio acree nnitnproTed land. Ill miles from Alliance. LetWl laml. Low price. Oni'-half ctish. Ilal- ii nee long una. No. 160 acres unimproved land 14 miles from Alliance, Very cheap a lief on easy terniB. No. 4. 160 acres II m I lea from Alliance, All level and graded road all way to town. Level, Eaay terms.' No. g. .i2u aetea of eoeelienl raw land 8 mile's from Alliance. On e.i- terms and a snap at the price. No.5.v 320 acres of excellent raw Alliance'. UnimprOVed. ill excellent fermlttg locality and can be purchas ed on easy terms. .No. 7. Ill ne ron 14 miles from Alliance. School on land. Will make Unset (arm In county if Improved. easy terms. No. 8. 1120 acres 10 miles from Alliance. Cheap on long lime, linprov ed with fair BOl oi buildings. 100 acrei Bnder cultivation. Ready, to live ou. Snap. No, I, 100 acres improved with lair Ml of buildings. All fenced. An e ccllent place for dairy farm. Iteaw oiiable terms and close to Alliance. No. 10. 480 acres U miles from Al llnace. 170 acres under cultivalion. .New House, ('.tables, corral.), sheds, etc. leruiK eaBy aim an exc e llent laim No. 11. 160 acrea 2 miles from Alliance. 90 acres under cult ivaTton. II ac res of alfalfa. Beep terms ami cheap. No. 12. 160 acres 11 miles from Alliance, (iently rolling prate and a bargain at the extremely low price asked by the owner. Easy terms. No. 13. 320 acres 3 miles from Alliance. All gocy.i I. t i "larr". ' lane i'"i need, well windmill. Cheap arid terms. No. 14. 180 iicre.s clone to Alli ance. Good farm land, All ! nee d, obi lioiiNi' Well, Windmill. 10 acres all il la. Cheap. No. 15. 320 acres within I mile.-; of station. Improved. House, barn, well, and Othei good improvements Mostly under cultivation. Worth more than asked and Wmui are reasonable. No. 16. 320 acres close to Alli ance Good larm land. Weil located. All fenced. I' ice low and easy terms. No. 17. 880 acres 6 miles from Alliance. 300 acres exce llent bottom land. 4HU acres level. Cuti 180 tons prairie hay. New 6 room house. Barn. An excellent farm and ranch com binal ion. No. 18 1,151 acre ranch in Sheri dan county. 12 miles from good town. 200 acres cultivated. 800 acre's hay land 60 acres alfalfa. Natural timber along river which flows through ranch. Fenced and cros.i-fcnced. 3 sets buildings. 7 wells, windmills and river for water fur stock Price very low and terms easy. No. 19. 675 acres in Sliori.l.n, cttunty in good farming community. 13 miles from good town. '.0 acres bottom land. 126 acres level upland for farming 110 acres under cultiva tion. 140 acre's alfalfa. 225 acrt pasture. Well fenceo.eiB room UOBBC Barn for 8 horses. Modern hog house no acrea of alfalfa fenced hog tight. price and terms are reasonable. No. 20. 1.760 acres deeded land and 320 acrea leaned land The lease will be turned over to purchaser of deeded land, lioreled oni 11 miles from Alliance-- gocjel, hard road all the way and graded. Ranch Include about 300 acres hard farm land Good hay land cutting from 17.r te 200 tons of e'Xi'ellent hay; exce-llent alfalfa land 60 acres now under cul tivation. Entire ranch fenced and i ross-fenc ed w ith good 3 and 4-wij'e fence'. laaprovemeota Included gooej frame ' use 32x32; 3 corrals; good hog ' lot fenced with hog wire; barn and big sheet; 3 wells anil wind mills, 2 supply ta. ks; new auto gar age. Owners price includes complete and practically new set of farm and ranch machinery. Purchaser can buy I..... ...... ,.nA ..,..,1 1 nil K.....I .,.,.. ' . ' ...... , , t. III, 4 T. v II. ., -1 of heifers with calves; 7.ri head good th a j Hereford spring calves; 3 bulls. Owne r of ranch is iu ill health and is making extremely low price for quick sale. A bargaiuund can be easil handled. EINAR V. BLAK M. D Ptiyalclah and surgeon Oi Vnclhe Kpeeclnlty 1 'cmsos of Office InVdallery Bloek BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law I'lmt Kntletnnl llnnk ItulldliiB P1IONK 180 Al.l.lANc i;. m:iiiiaka Harness Hand Made I'renii li. -.1 M ii, iuiI Oullnat Aa I ctclory Mjeile l.eieidei. i all mid Bee. Ilnrill-HH Id :il In: hy I . . rl i mill HnriirHK Maker. J. M. COVERT At Bt M. 1). ' I.' s,.,, I I I IM I I''. II It AW K A Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Icilcrleir .ml I l, .. Kedah i'inii.hiHK Ktilnralnii. nil NlylrM ALLIANCE ART STUDIO m. :. (.hi .nr.. PfapHaeie PHONE 11. .f 165 HARRY P. COURSEY LtVB tunc li nnd BBWHAte mi STI.e IAI.IST and At TleiKKKIU Farm Sales a Specialty Terms Ite-aneiiiiibl. I'lHiNi; III ainaaft) e-braak J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter hi., tin- only of Aliatraet HifokM In lli Unci, e uuiily. Hill ROOM 7 Clpirii lluuse- lllut-k L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 218 1-2 llox Putte Alllanrr, Nelirn.kie PHONBM aea n. - .n n . ia GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Bye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat mora e .,ii innnrrrd from Offlre day ar ulitht C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 11 I I IM I , KKBHASKA RBctlDBNCff I'HONE No. II OKI' lc PHONa No. 61 The hinds listed above are only a part of the completes list of this com pany In writing or ineiuiring regard ing any of the above please refe-r to the number. These are subject to I I. or withdrawl at any time. If you are lute rested, getvbuay. THOMAS-BALD INVEST MENT COMPANY I.I.OYI) t THOMAS F. A.BALJ) Plume 24M. Allianee Nat. Hank Itlilg., AliiMiice, Uux Hint. County Nebraska L. A. BERRY Lawyer It O O M Itl HHKK 111 ne u I'HONE I A1.I.IAM K, KKURASKA Have you LAND FOU SAI.K? A.tvertlse It In these columns. It'a I the cheapest and quickest way to I find a buyer. L If you are not a regular aubacriber ! of The Herald you do not get all the news while its newa.