THE ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, December 26, 1918 the ALLIANCE HERALD 4Jf!) a THOMAS. MMo st It. HMITH AwMH latt' MUM1 JOHN W. THOMAS, Mm HtH-k Hdltor THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Owners (Incorporated) Knterrd at tho pout office at Alliance Nebraska, for tranamlnnlon through the malla as second-class tnattrr. Published every Thursday. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER P U B L I H H K 1 V r y THURSDAY Subscription Price, $1.60 Per Tear, Payable in Advance Kvcry subscription la rrjrardcd aa an open account. The names of sub scriber will be Inatantly removed frani our mailing llat at expiration of time Yield for. If publishers ahall be notified; otherwise the aubacrlptlon will remain n force at thelealKnated subscriptions price. Kvery subscribe.- muat under stand that Uieae condition are made a part of the contract between publlaher nd aubacrlber. per I be r. Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting mora food Into stomach. Says Inslds-bathlng makes any ons look and feel elaan, sweet and refreshed. The Herald's Service Flag IT Lfocal News Notes "Wrt O'Keefe is Spendllig a lew days at bis hom-i in MUs. city. , Jessio Simpson Crae Thtirsriav morn. i g for a vis t wkh Ii'b i-arcnis UK. Ill si ('ASH PRICKS psiil for fresh country egs. AMinocc (Warn Mattoa Waiter Walker o( Hemlngtord was an Alliance business visitor Tuesday. I ( 'nuil Hurst la BKu t! dov vifiltlng bis p i e ifc i rw Jess and Wilbur Meliek of Heating ford transacted business in Alliance OB Monday. Drayman Jolin Wallace Is Just re covering from an attack of the influ ciiza. Brelyw Brio and Artie Lee who have been attendl-: the convent at York came home for Christmas. Harold Snyder is out again after a siege of the influenza, fie whs con fined to his bed only four days. ft IX. Hamilton Of (he National 5 and 10 cent store spoul GtUltMMM wiih frieudB an.l fclatiVeS at W .'miO. "Nebraska. Alvln Olson and wife of Sidney "were guests on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kmerlck. Mr. Olson is a brother of Mrs. Emerlck. Mrs. Will SalinK of Hemii niord -was a business visitor in alliance last Friday. Mrs. Sail 14 was Iter o have some dental work done. Mn Maria;. Mete spent Christinas wiin her parents in Miss Mote is attending the State Uiiiver liy. Mrs. C. A. .Shlndler and son. lbert returned to their home at Homi ig ford the last of the week alter a Visit of a couple of days with Alllarce friends and relatives. Mrs W. R. Harper, who has been in a precarious condition for the past several days Is reported improving rapidly. Mrs. Harper is a victim of the influents and has been confined to the home for a couple of weeks. Karl Wambaugh, hero of torpedoed transport and Box Butte county boy. came home Christmas for a visit with home folks Although Earl is modest he can tell of thrilling escapes during his period of service. Charley Tash, sergeant in the army writes home folks that he has started I on hia first lap of bis journey home I from Franco. He expects to land in the United States between January list and 15th. I The new feature of the Silver Drill. Under the nen management, is the iruaguratlon of a Merchants' I Lunch on and after January brat. This now service is for the direct benefit of the busy business man who desires quick noon hour service, i Mr and Mrs. Frank Was spent ChrlstniaH In Alliance. They bail Christmas dinner with Dean Shaw and family. Mrs. Was is a daughter of the dean. They made their home in Alliance until Ibis fall when they moved to Panama, Nebraska. The Ant loch News has been hard hit by the "flu." It finally become necessary for Editor F. M. Broome to get into the game and get the "Sheet" out. The 1 1 1 Ire force was laid on the shelf by sickness. Mr. Broome is soon to return to Antloeh from Valentine to stay. The counting of the annual elec tion ballots of the B. of If. F. & E. was finished recently. The officers for the coming year are J. A. Witowack, president and local chairman; F. W. Hicks, secretary-treasurer and dele gate to the national convention to be held in Denver next June. Miss Esther Norbeck and Mr. John Ueitveld were married Christmas eve at the home of the bride's sister, Mi I Robert Driscoll. The bride is a popu lar trained nurse and the groom Is a prosperous ranchman from Arvada, Wyoming. The ceremony was per formed by Hev. A. A. Layton. Wm. W. Barclay, aged twenty eight, a prosperous Wyoming ranch man and Miss Helen L. Putinan, aged twenty-one, daughter of Virgil Put- Wash yourself on the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This Is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, causing illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. It this waste material is not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should Buck only nourishment to ana tain the body. A splendid health measure ia to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In It. which is a harmless way to wash rviovuB ftowB mm, IVAIUB 1 1 1 Mil I the stomach, liver, kidneys and ; bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the Btomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store but is sufficient to make anyono an enthusiast on Inside bathing Men and women who are accustomed to wake up with a dull, aching head or have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are aaaured of pro nounced improvement in both health and appearance shortly. man of Alliance, were married Christmas night by Itev. Epler of Al liance. The happy couple left on the midnight train for a honeymoon it Denver. Miss Ethel Oraham has purchased the interest of Fred Mollrlni in the insurance and real estate business Of Bnoddy & Ifollring. The mm will be .known as Snoddy a Graham. Mi . , Graham has bad several years of ex perience in the insurance buslne&s and is considered an expert on Insur ance matters. The new llrm is enjoy ing an excellent business . Warren I.otspeich, aged eighteen, Well known and popular Burlington locomotive fireman and son of Mrs. I. B. Lotspeich of Alliance, was mar ried to Miss Lena M. Jameson of Hoff land on Tuesday of this week. The bride la a popular Sheridan county school teacher. They will make their home at Alliance. The Burlington Cafe, owned by Win. Fuller Is being remodeled this week, during Which time it Is closed I When again ready for business Mr. Fuller will have for sale bakery goods, made in the bakery in con nection and instead of serving meals as heretofore will confine his lunch counter business to light short-order lunches. He will employ an exper ienced baker and promises the best in the bakery line. Alliance people who buy the Klean rap bread from the Alliance Bakery, of which F. F. Stephens is proprietor, , often wonder how the neat wrappers are placed around the bread. It would be Interesting to them to watch the patent electric "sealing machine" seal the parafflne paper wrappers. An electric heated machine melts the paraflne at the folded paper joints, making the packet air tight and germ proof. Tho paraflne paper is not greasy and no other wrapper is need ed. This keeps the delicious bread in . excellent shape. SHE KEPT THEM ON THE JOB To our friends and customers: May the peace which, since Novem ber the 11th, has been enjoyed by all the nations-pf the world All your hearts to the fulleat degree at this joyful season and exteud through all of 1919. To the policy holders of the Equit able Life we have a special announce ment to make that is of great interest Beginning January 1st the Equitable Life will issue Accident and Health policies with full coverage and with out restrictions which may be at tached to and form a part of all out standing policies. We 7111 be pleased to explain the details to you at your convenience. Very cordially, GUTHRIE & MILLER CHRISTIAN GUVOI First Church of Christ, Scientist, which is a branch of The First Church of ChrlRt, Scientist, In Bor ton, Mass. Holds services as follows: Sunday School at 10 A. M. Lesson Sermon at 11 A. M. Testimonial meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 P. M.. Subject of this weeks lesson: "Christian Science" Christian Science Reading Room is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, from two to four oclock. All are welcome. Box Butte county went over to Des Moinnes a week or two ago and made an exhibit in a "Potato Show." Yes, you guessed right the first time. Box Butte county won the first prize for the best collective exhibit and enough minor prises to fill a good sized box. DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken 111 Box B.tts Are ltl HI5 is without a question one of the most astounding stories of air and land adventure written since the war be gan. A flier under the British flag, O'Brien, after a hard fight with several Boche machines was final ly wounded 8,000 feet in the While being taken to the prison camp with a German guard beside him with gun loaded ready to shoot, he made his escape by jumping through a window. After 72 days of crawling and slipping by night and hiding by day bleeding, wounded passing sentries boldly hating pes tan ti he crossed lb boundary into Holland. No wonder he wm received with joy by the English public no wonder Churches CHVRCII OF tm It 1ST Christmas Day is passed but the spirit of Him who brought "glad tidings of great Joy" lives on. Now we wish all a Happy New Year. Make next Lord's Day the time for great reflection. The serrnond subjects are Buttled reJl(,'nK" and "A Promise Next Sunday afternoon Is the great event In the calender. Every member when possible, will remain at home to receive a visit from canvassine committee. The splendid cooperation of the past year Is only an earnest of the greater which we anticipate this year. Yours for a great, year of ser vice. Come to the church with a mes sage and a welcome. Stephen J. Epler, Minister. METHODIST CIII KCH Sunday school 10 a. m. We cord ia lis invite all who are not attending Bible study at another Sunday school to meet with us. At the morning hour that paster will preach using as hiB sermos subject, "The Coin Of The Humai Heart" Special music will be rendered at this hour. Mrs. A. R. Kresge, a graduate of the music school of the Ohio State University will sing. Epworth League meets at 6: St p. m. We urge all young people con nected with the church to attend this fine service. Young people of the towa as well as plder folks are always welcome. At 7:30 p. m. the pastor will preach having as hos subject, "The Best Choice." This is a homey enures and there is always a warm welcome for the public. Uli li I Ilil'lliJull II 'III WHIP Wj ' I'lMllliyi MM raiiiiviiii ma . "t X .--i HflnfRHaaBEBaiiS ;;:V-..: ,. ij tMM B B SS Hra:' ga Bw&in jEeffijsfwy 'BsBgaagaa JBsyQk BK7 a tH ww pagBfnanaal m m 11 Professor and Mrs. Allen R. Kresgs of Athens, Ohio are visiting at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. Kresge was called into limited service just before the term opened last sept, and was stationed at Camp Sherman, Ohio till mustered out a few weeks ago. He will not return 10 the University till next Sept. He was organist at the ureat Methodist church in that fine old University city, as well as Inatnt. I tor of Pipe organ in the University. run wire is a graduate from the same music school of which Mr. Kresge was ;an instructor. She also was Asst. Choir leader in the church where her nusband was the organist. During the year just drawing lo a close the state of Nebraska contri-ontc-d In round numbers more than one billion dollars worth of food and manufactured values to the country No other state In the Union approch ed Nebraska's per capita record for food production, and no state west of the Mississippi river equalled Nebras ka's manufacturing record. Packed meats amounted to more than $150, 000,000. Potash and sugar contribu ted close to $35,000,000. The food factories added nearly $10,000,000 to the total. Soil products and live stock added more than $750,000,000. Orchards and vineyards contributed close to $10,000,000. Manufacturing plants aside from food factories add ed more than $100,000,000 to the value of raw material handled by them. Nebraska's per capita produc tion of agricultural, live stock and manufactures in 1918 will close ap proach $950. What state in the Union can beat that record. air, brought down and captured. audiences aB over the United States listened breathlessly to his story. YOU can read it now for we have secured it (or our next aerial. This long-limbed, hawkfaccd dare devil Irishman they could not keep ham out of war they could not ki I bkn they could not hold him! Read his story, it is a splendid proof of tht indomitable spirit that makes America unconquerable, invincible. Our New Serial-Be Sure to Read It Starts in Next Week's Issue ! 11 1 Uvl Ik CONANT . r i,iiciU' .iimiu ! I : J jaiiiitt Wiim"-i!2.: U ! 1 :.iifmfic at.utiifDits UL Q K Hi i H mi J jjjjfljMff f. . 1 tJ 230 PCOMS - 250 BAH IS IATES 12.50 DOV N 50 RfOMS With bath $2.50 100 rcoms With bath J2.00 100 rooms With BATH 1.50 4k NEVER LH. HER HI GET GRAY She Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair wttSage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, be cause it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is muggy and troublesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use. preparation, improved by tiie, addi tion of other ingredients, called "WyeihV Sage and Sulphur Compound." You iast dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray bair disappears, and, altar an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, get busy at ones with Wyetk'a Sags and Sulphur Compound and leak years younger. This ready to use preparation b a delightful toilet requisite sad sot a BMdiciM. It is not Intended for the sere, mittgatten et prsvsnuan et