THE ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, December 26, 1918 Sense and Nonsence fihvn-l in.m Our Weekly Wwl In the tientle Art of iMp Hy Jack Hosthlni Yon see friends It's like this. The bono, himself, tins rolm which he d votea te what wo think Is pust puro "'bunk"' and for which ho has come ! for more or lesa favorable ( ?) recoftnl tlon We're not Inclined to he envious but that the reat of "the force" may not be eclipsed entirely by hla out burst of brilliancy we've decided to syndicate our efforta and to enter In to a friendly competition for that distinction that cornea only to those with more nerve than sense. At any rate we trust that you will bear with us In our mental dilemma and re in cm ber that In no case Is our contribution to be taken as serious or, personal, but rather, no doubt, as rldlculons. One thin we have noticed. The booster and the fellow who has to foot the bill never saree. For a speedy verdlc Dame Rumor bas all the courts of the land beaten to a standstill. You never can tell. An AI1Us.ce man is authority for the statement that married life la what .Sherman aid war Is. It's a mighty poor excuse of mas culine humanity that cannot boast of at east a half dosen fairer sea ad mirers these daya of Christmas pres ents and Jollification. T. U hasn't been at all pleased with this or any other sdmlnlstratloa for about ten years not sinoe he stepped from the chief executive's chair to private life and political oblivion. , There is a reason for all things.'tls said 'therefore most small-town "cops' and dectictives are smull caliber fel lows, because of the fact that no one other than a "small guy" ever accep ted the honor ( ?). Verily this is an age of fewer and better newspapers. Last week the Ogallala Tribune whb merged with the Keith County News nnd will here after be published as the later. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Kroh. who have pub lished the Tribune will preside over 'the destinies of the consolidated pub. .Itcatloti. Most people are scandal mongers most of us BMoneetetMlf so, no doubt but we are You're skeptical. W-II. lust attend the district court hearing !of the Henry murder case at ScnUs j bluff. You'll find the court room pack ed to rapacity with lUiioua ones and you will be firmly convinced that this rolm la correct. Such is the case, each and evcrv time, when there la a re- fmote chance that thin km not exactly according to Hoyle arc likely to ne exposed. Whadilaynmenn give tham h call We don't quite get Hro. Kastly of the lakeside Sun. In last week's Issue he hss the following to say: "See our new ads. from All! . ance firms who will be glad to serve you In their respective lines. There Is Jas. M. Kennedy, dentist; K. Tatro. florist; Harry P. Ooursey. suctloneer, and Oeo. D. Darling; the big dealer in fun eral supplies, etc. (Jive them s call.' Just whether he figures a few first class funeral would be conductive to a better more progressive Lakeside or that Mr. Darling Is to be counted on for superior service should the need of a funeral director arise we are at less to say. W 9 W 9 We know an Alliance man who suffered a real Chrlatmas disappoint, meat recently. A friend of years, while visiting a "wet" territory, and remembering his Alliance friend, packed very carefully a small consign ment of "Christmas Joy" and sent the same as a token of the existing friendship. Receiving the package, absolutely ignorant of Its contents, the local msn hastened to open It, only to And thlt the said c. J. had spilled onroute. 8ome blow wo say, to a fellow living in a bone dry state. Kilitor Tompert of the Garden County News had his feathers some what ruffled the other day when a disgruntled reader sent him an an onymous communication in which he in referred to In terms ordltiarly used In speaking of those of Illegiti mate birth. It seems Brother Tompert is waging a Judicious war on the boot leggers and gamblers of Oshkosh and has Incldentnllv come In for criticism by some of those interested. It was suggested, in the letter, that it was his move, which suggestion the editor Is Inclined to disregard and In retalia tion offers to make things unpleaBani for those responsible In due dime. Just one d d thing after another this newspaper life. Hut at that it is Just things thst make it worth while. z HPIKXKItlNKTl'M Here's s word that gets your eye. Spticerlnktum Can't forget it If you'd try. Splzr.erinktuni Do you know the reason why Hchwab and Foch and you and I Have that will to do or die? Splzzerinktum Hitch you wagon to a star. Spixzerlnktum Every time you get a Jar, Spixzerlnktum If your hopes go under par, Olve the blues a little war, Simply show them what yau are, Splsserinktum Optimism's what it is. Splsserinktum Use It often In your bis, Splsserinktum It's the ginger In your tlx. It's the grit that's in your giss. It's the spark that runs your Lit, Splsserinktum The Monitor Stove Company of Cincinnati says that Splsserinktum is Pep in Action. It is that indefinite, indefinable and well-nigh indescrib able something which permeates, sat urates and penetrates the true optim ist. It is enthusiasm and optimism per sonified. It Is the backbone of enter, prise, the basis of endeavor and the guarantee of success. It is that rich-red-blooded enthus iasm tha taeta men on fire for their chosen work, kindling the flame of seal in their hearts and minds. It Is hope, grit, optimism, enthus iasm, confidence, combined into SUCCESS. A great Irrigation project that will when completed Irrigate thousands of acres In Phelps and Kearney counties Is being pushed, and the Reclamation Service has boon Interested. An Im mense area In the two counties may be watered from the Platte river and storage reservoirs, thus insuring splendid crops. Interest In Irrigation in Nebraska is growing at a gratify ing rate, and the federal government is taking more notice of Irrigation possibilities in the middle west than ever before. UK. M I s i t'AMH PKH'KK paid for fresh country eggs. Alliance Cream Station. The eight annual convention of the Nebraska State Irrigation Association at Bridgeport last week was the lar gest attended convention in the organ izat ion's history. The federal govern ment was represented by the two men in the reclamation service, and they Intimated that the department was ready to cooperate In every possible way with the work of developing the irrigation possibilities of Nebraska. Ford .THE UNIVERSAL CAR WINTER TOPS FOR FORD CARS Just the thing for this cold snappy weather. All the ad vantages of other enclosed cars, yet quickly Installed. They do not hamper the workings of your motor. Let us demonstrate the Detroit All-Weather Top for you. Now is a good time to have your motor over hauled. We have the time and materials and know how. COURSEY & MILLER Successors to Keeler-Coursey Co. r will start a Bank Account . join oar mm .v - Join Our ifenkmg (Jab Land have 5C Christmas. Christmas Banking Club and Have Money Here is the Plan Come in and et a i mugs; Girls and women can join our Xmas Banking Cub Come in, ask about it. PLAN OF THE CLUB The plan is simple: You begin with a certain amount, lc 2c, 5c, or 10c, and increase your deposit the same amount each week. Or, you can begin with a certain amount, 50e, $1.00, $5.00, or any ;i mount, and deposit the same amount each week. Club begins January 1st. You can join any time after that date. HOW TO JOIN Look at the different clubs in the table below and select the one you wish to join, the lc, 2c, 5c, 10c, 50c, $1.00, or any of the clubs; then come to our Bank with the first weekly payment. We will make you a member of the Club and give you a Christmas Bank ing Book showing the Club you have joined. E VERYBODY CAN JOIN Men and Women, Boys and Girls, Little Children, The Baby You can take out memberships for your family and your friends. An employer can take out memberships for bis employes. We will welcome everyone WHAT THE DIFFEREMT CLUBS WILL PAY YOU: lc CLUB Payments 1st Week lc 2nd Week 2c 3rd Week 3c Increase Eve:"y Week by e Total In 50 Weeks . $12.75 2c CLUB Payments 1st Week 2c 2nd Week 4c 3rd Week 6c Increase Every Week by 2o Total In 60 Woeks $25.50 5c CLUB Payments 1st Week 5 c 2nd Week 10c 3rd Week 15c Increase Every Week by Se Total in 50 Weeks $63.75 10c CLUB Payments 1st Week 10c 2nd Week 20c 3rd Week 30c Increase Every Week by 10c Total in 50 Weeks $127.50 50c CLUB Payments 1st Week 60c 2nd Week 60c 3rd Week 50c Deposit 50c every week Total in 50 Weeks $25.00 Payments $1.00 CLUB 1st Week $1.00 2nd Week $1.00 3rd Week $1.00 Deposit 1 every week Total in 50 Weeks $50.00 $5.00 CLUB Payments 1st Week $5.00 2nd Week $5.00 3rd Week $5.00 Dep'i n ov.iry week Total in 50 Weeks $250.00 X CLUB For $2. $3. $4. no or any amount YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST PAYMENT FIRST AND DECREASE YOUR PA YMENTS EACH WEEK THE REASON FOR THE CLUB FOR OLD AND YOUNG To provide a way for those of moderate and even small means to bank their money. To teach "the saving habit" to those who have never learned it. It makes your pennies, nickles and dimes, often foolishly spent, grow into dollars; dollars grow into a fortune. Start your fortune today. To give you a Bank connection and show you how our Bank can be of service to you. The sensible thing for all parents to do is to join our Christinas Banking Club and also put every member of their family into it. This will teach them the value of money and how to bank and HAVE MONEY.. Maybe this little start you give them now will some day set them up in business or buy them a home. How often have you wished that your parents had taught you early the value of banking your money. You would be well-off today. Don't make the same mistake with YOUR children WE PAY 5 PER CENT INTEREST IN OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB The First State Bank Alliance, Nebraska