SANTA CLAUS S COMING! What Do You Want Children ? CANDIES! CANDIES! From the Alliance Candy Store, the Only Plate that makes Good Candy in the City of Alliance Complete Line of Xmas Candies ! Our prices at right. A special price for every one : 10 lbs. and up J off The name. Alliance Candy Store is your guarantee of high quality and full weight. We guarantee all our candies to comply with all national and state Pure Food laws. We guarantee the flavor, appearance and quality to be the best that you can obtain for the money on the market. The Alliance Cand v Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Phone 27 MUST INCREASE FOOD EXPORTS America Called on by End of War to Supply Added Millions. ECONOMY STILL NEEDED. Ovr Three Timet Pre War Shipment Required Situation In Wheat and Fats Provee Government's a Policy Sound. With the guns In Europe silenced, we have now to consider a new world food situation. But there enn be no hope that the volume of our exports can be lightened to the slightest de gree with the cessation of hostilities. Millions of people liberated from the Prussian yoke are now depending upon us for the food which will keep them from starvation. With food the Uuited States made It possible for the forces of democ racy to hold out to victory. To Insure democracy In the world, we must con tinue to live simply In order that we may supply these liberated nations of Kurope with food. Hunger among a people Inevitably breeds anarchy. American food must complete the work of making the world safe for democ- cy. Last year we sent 11,820,000 tons of food to Europe. For the present year, with only the European Allies to feed, w bad originally pledged ourselves to a program that would have Increased oar exports to 17,500,000 tons. Now, to feed the liberated nations, we will have to export a total of not less than 20,000,000 toas practically the limit of loading capacity at our ports. Re viewing the world food situation, we Hud that some foods will be obtainable la quantities sufficient to meet all world needs under a regime of eco nomical consumption. On the other band, there will be marked world shortages In some Important com modi Return to Normal Bread Loaf. With trtV enlarged wheat crops which American farmers have grown, and the supplies of Australia, the Ar gentina and other markets now acces sible to shipping, there are bread grains enough to enable the nations to return to their normal wheat loaf, provided we continue to mill flour at h percentage of extraction and i maintain economy In eating and the avoidance of waste. In fats there will be a heavy short ageabout 8,000,000,000 pounds In pork products, dairy products and vegetable oils. While there will be a shortage of about three million tons In rich protein feeds for dairy ani mals, there will be sufficient supplies other feedstuff's to allow economical nsumptlon. In the matter of beef, the world's supplies are limited to the capacity of the available refrigerating ships. The supplies of beef in Australia, the Ar gentine and the United States are suf ficient to load these shlpa There vfl bo a shortage In the importing coun tries, but we cannot hope to expand exports materially for tbenaxi montl In view of the bottle neck In uuua portatlon. We will have a sufficient supply of sugar to allow normal consumption In this country If the other nations re tain their present short rations or In crease them only slightly. For the countries of Kurooe. however, to In- ease their present rations to a ma- rial extent will necessitate oar shar ing a part of oar owa supplies with them. Twenty Million Tana of Peon, Of the world total. North America will furnish more than SO oar coat The United States, Including the Want win be called upos to faralsh 000.000 toas of foo i of all kinds aa com ph rei wim our pre-war exports oi about 8,000,000 tons. While we will be able to change oar program In many respects, even a casual survey of the world supplies In comparison to world demands shows conclusively that Europe will know famine unless the American people bring their home consumption down to the barest minimum that will main tain health' and strength. There are conditions of famine In Europe that wllj be beyond our power to remedy. There are 40,000,000 peo ple In North Ilussla whom there Is small chance of reaching with food this winter. Their transportation Is demoralized In complete anarchy, and shortly many of their ports will be frozen, even If Internal transpc l could be realized. To Preserve Civilization. At this moment Germany has not alone sucked the food and animals from all those masses of people she has domlnuted and left starving, but she has left behind her a totul wreck age of social Institutions, and this mass of people Is now confronted with absolute unarchy. If we value our own safety and the 'Hut organization of the world, If we value the preservation of civilization Itself, we cannot permit growth of this cancer In the world's vitals. Famine is the mother of anarchy. From the Inability of governments to secure food for their people grows revolution and chaos. From an ability to supply their people grows stability of government and the defeat of an archy. Did we put it on no higher plane than our Interests In the pro tection of our institutions, we must bestir ourselves in solution of this problem. SAVE 16,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING Farmers, Urged by Food Administra tion, Provide 8even Extra Loaves f Bread for Every American. ARO OF THANKS To the friends who came to us in our hour of trouble, and contributed all that human kindness could sug gest, to help and comfort, we return most heartfelt thankB, and although such devoted friendship cannot re move the sad memories that linger around our. vacant chair, It brings into view the brightest side of human i-ty, and throws the pure light of an unselfish friendship into darkened homes. May the day be for distant when those friends who ftathersd around us wyi need similar attention but when the time comes may they receive the same full measure of en erous aid and tender sympathy they brought to our home when death was an inmate there. F. A. Trabert and family. Ray John, Herman and Leonard Trabert Chris Stally. CARD OF THANKS To the many colored and white friends whose sympathy and services were so kindly tendered in our time of bereavement, we desire to extend our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed Mrs. Den James Luciel, Alseen and James Daniel. NO ONE SUFFERED HERB. The marvel of our voluntary food saving, now that we are 'Vetting rn salts," Is that no one ever actually suffered any hardship from It; that wa all are better In healtn and spirit and better satisfied with ourselves he cause of our friendly self denial. Food control In America held the price of breadstuff's stesdy, prevented vlctous speculation and extortion preserved trauqullllty at tioma. In no other nation Is there so willing a sense of voluntary self-sacrlflce aa In America that was shown In the abstinence from wheat Find more wheat, It came; more pork, It came; save suxnr, It was lone. i So Americans answered the challenge of German sturvatloB. of By adopting cleaner threshing meth ods and by literally combing harvest fields to gather grain formerly wast ed, threshermen and farmers of the United States this year saved fully 16,000,000 bushels of wheat, estimated as equivalent to about seven one-pound loaves of bread for every person In the country. This result, accompanied by corresponding savings of barley, oats, rye and other grains, Is shown bj reports from 33 grain states to the D. 8. Food Administration. Other states, although not prepared to furnish defi nite figures of conservation In the grain fluids, report greatly reduced harvest losses. This rural food saving achievement, accomplished in scarcely six months' time, was in direct response to re quests by the Food Administration, which asked farmers and threshermen to reduce harvest losses from about 84 per cent the estimated average In normal times to the lowest possi ble" minimum. Country grain thresh ing committees carried Into every grain growing community the official recommendations for accomplishing the results desired. In numerous Instances drivers of racks with leaky bottoms were sent from the fields to repair their equlp inaiK and frequently bad order thresh ing machines were stopped until the cause of wasta was removed. But In proportion to the number of persons engaged In gathering the natlon'a grain crop, cases of compulsion were com paratively rare. The Food Adminis tration freely attributes the success of the grain threshing campaign to pa triotic service by farmers, thresher man and their crawa Incidentally grain growers of the United States are many millions of dollars "la pocket" as a result of the grain saved. mm 'aBjBPtsiasaa. HOal lasas a B a -aa Seasj Good will rules the new world as fear governed the old world. Through sharing food America helps make the whole world kin. JL tj When things begin to rattle-te-bang in the kitchen.telephona a want ad (or a new cook. H The classified ad and its quick results exer cise the same influ ence on the servant problem that a super dreadnauaht does on the world's peace. Fapd conservation la America has been the triumph of Individual dava- ta the national causa We wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas These are great days all the world is glad. The greatest of wars is over. America may now turn to the greatest gift-giving Christmas in all her history and to the enjoyment of her prosp erity, which has come greater than the most optomistic ever dreamed. For 1919 the American people have guaranteed to ship to curo pe twenty million tons of food-rin 1920 there will be still an enormous demand, so why shouldn't we be prosperous and glad? During 1918 the Forest Lumber Company has enjoyed a splendid patronage a pat ronage built by a policy of giving a full one hundred cents' value for every dollar and dealing on the square. The year to come will see no change in this policy. We will strive ever to serve you better and better. We wish at this time to express our appreciation of your past patronage and to solicit a continuance of the pleasant relations. Again we extend to you our wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosper ous New Year. The Forest Lumber Company Lumber Coal Building Materials