Thursday, December 5, 1918 TH1 ALLIANCE HERALD '1 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO BUY something? Hun Arc dfl of people weekly scan these want ad columns looking for what you or others have to offer. Get quick results by advertising in The Herald Want Ad department. WANTED Wprk by voting lady. 210 1 Avenuo. the hour by I ilox Butte l-lt-9719 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED We have had a large number of calls within the past few days for fur nished rooms. Make that room or ulte of rooms bring you Th an income by renting to responsible people. Pboae 340, Alliance Herald office. Want Ad Department. OLD CLOTHES WANTED Tbe City Mission la In need of second-hand clothing, eseclally men's and shoes. Call phone 696 and we will call for them. The City Mis sion POTASH LAKES WANTED tot 1 am interested in securing good potash lakes on which to erect a re daction plant. If you own lakes, either large or small, which are in tbe potash district, or If you have options or leases on lakes, get in tonch with me without delay and I will handle them for you if they have the potash. Give full description when writing. T. B. I.. Box 9780, care Alliance Herald. 34-tf-9780 j LADIES Be the local representa tive for the Duchess line in Alll i ance. Easy to sell. Others making from $16 to $30 per month in spare time. Pleasant, easy work. Particu lars free. Duchess Drug Company. 117 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I1HMIM Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-6727. FOR SALE ft If you have something that you wish to dispose of that will be of use to other people an ad un der the FOR SALE or MISCEL LANEOUS heading will do the biz. STEAM ROLLERS FOR SALE Two 50-horse power horizontal steam boilers for sale Also ane 135 horse power steam engine in Rood shape. Suitable for small potash plant. Also a complete electric light generating outfit. Address Box 9747, care Alliance Herald. f.l-2t-974 7 Fore Sale One Edison Phono graph, 78 Blue embrle records good condition. Price 25. 604 Sweetwat er. Phone 968. C. W. Wilson. For Sale 6 room house, 2 room cement house 12 by 24 cement cel lar chicken house, parage, large lot. Nettie M. Campbell Phone 712. 50-tf.-9694. FOR SALE CHEAP Wicker baby buggy in good condition. Also man's bicycle in fine shap. W. A. Bennett, 13 Reddish block. Alliance. 40-tf-9499 FOR SALE Two used autoa In good condition. Ono Ford touring car and one standard make touring car of another make. Both cars are euippel with new tires and n tic best of shape. Prices reasonable. Inquire at The Herald office. FOR SALE Roadster, driven only six thousand miles. Cheap. Ap ply Sturgeon Garage. 43-tf. )R SALE Will sell about 200 tons of flrst-claBS hay. Will furnish sheds and house for man to feed same if desired. Address Felix San daz Hilton. Neb. 47-4t-96 31 SCAVENGER WAGON We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 575 will receive prompt and careful at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do good work. SAM SHELTON, Phone 575. CKy Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wai ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furnltur without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all movlni Jobs. JOHN R. 8NYDER. Phone U S7-tf-5950 NOTICE Estate No. 578 of Ferdinind Trenkle, deceased, in the County Court of 3ox Butte County, Nebraska The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, take notice, that the Executrix has filed a final account and report of her ad ministration mid pettion for final set tlement uiid discharge a3 such which has been set for hearing before said court on December nth, 1918 at 10 o'clock a. m. When you may appear and contest fhe same. Dated November 14th., 1918. (Seal) Ira E. Tash, County Judg". Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. 50-37-9770 FOR RENT FOR RENT One large sleeping room furnished, larcio enough for two beds; has outside door. Gentle men preferred. 504 Sweetwater or phono- 1024. 40-tf9494 FOR RENT Good office room on Box Butte avenue on grond floor, light and heat furnished. For lnforma ton phone 148. 51-tf-9746 Large front room with two beds suitable for 2 gentlemen, well heat e. Phone 347. 52-tf-9725. FOR RUNT Completely furnished borne. Will rent for the winter to MoiiHlhle Htrtie. Phone or rail before Monday. J. C. McCorkle. Ffcoao 454. 1 I i :T I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TBE UNTTHD STATES FOR THE DIS- TBK OF NEBRASKA. 4'liadroii Division. In the Matter of The Commonwealth Potash Company, a Corporation, Bankrupt. Case No. 46. In Bank ruptcy. Voluntary Petition. Publication Notice t Creditors. At Chadron, Dawes county, Ne braska, in said District, before Fred erick A. Crites, Referee in Bank ruptcy, November 25, 1918. To the creditors of The Common wealth Potash Company, a Corpora tion, of Box Butte county, Nebraska, Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day of November, A. D., 1918. tbe said, The Commonwealth Potash Company, a Corporation, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held in the Dlstrct Court Room in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County. Nebraska, on the 10th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1918, at two o'clock P M , at which time and place said cred itors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, and transact such other business as may properly conu- before such meeting. WITNESS my hand ths 25th day of November. A. D., 1918. FRIODlfKICK A. CRITES. Referee in Bankruptcy. 51-3t-9722 LOST OR FOUND FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at this re and paying for this ad. 40-tf-9488 L48T Opal setting. At the dance at the Armory. Alliance, Thursday evening, Nov. 28th. W1U pay reward far return. Finder please leave at th Herald office. 1-21-9706 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT To, Vern B. Musser, You will take notice that on the 31 day of October 1918, The Sterling Brass Co. caused an order of attach ment to be issned out of Justice Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska before T. D. Roberts Justice of the Peace, and that under said order of attachment A. M. Mc Cormick has been served with garnishment, who has answered that he Is indebted to you in the sum of $90.00 That said cause has been continued A. M. at which time you arc requtr ed to appear and defend plaintiffs action. to December 23rd 1918 at 10 o'clock Attachment for $87.85 The Sterling Brass Company Plaintiff 61-3t-9752 "FLivvraviMionnTioN to rw INCREASED SINCE WAR ( l it The Ford factory, getting back to production of automobiles and trucks since the coming of peace, announces that everything possible is being li n-- to oxpldite the manufacture of the cars in sufficient quantities to m: the greater than over demand. Cour- sey & Miliar, local distributors, liav JURt n'ctMvod a letter from the Ford people in which they are asked the number of orders that can he Obtain d hy them at this time. The company expects to be able to furnish a limit ed number of both pleasure cars anil trucks, B the Mar future and n lu course of time get hack In-.o tliiei normal production again. "We have now on file about fifty orders for Ford cars," said Mr. Cour sey, and feel very optomlstlc in Hi' chance for the early delivery of at least a part of this number." NEWSPAPERS RELEASED FROM NEWSPRINT RESTRICTION The folowlng notice from the War Industries Board will be received with no little appreciation by the country newspapers. However as we understand it this does not in any way release weekly newspapers from the order msklrVg it mandatory upon them to collect subscriptions in ad vance. "Notice is hereby given that on and after December i-t . 1918, the rule3 of the War Industries Board govqrn ing weekly newspaper will be with drawn and no further reports will be required. In making this announcement, the Board prompted by She fact that the amount of paper consumed by weekly newspapers Ib not sufficient to at this time materially affect the newsprint situation, and as the Holiday Beason ib at hand, it is felt that it is desirable to remove the restriction at this time so that merchants and publishers majf profit by the Holiday activities." (Signed) Thos. E. Donnelley, 'BUY TO YOUR HEARTS' CONTENT," SAYS COUNtIL We are to have an old-faBhioned Christmas after all. The national council of defense has lifted the re strictions on the production and saie of holiday gifts and to the manufact urer, merchant and buyer sayB In effect, "Go to it," as in the opulent days of peace. The country is chiefly interested n the reamsorption of war labor by the holiday trade. In the announcement of the lifting of the ban the council says: "Before the armistice the council of national defense, composed of the 'secretaire of war, navy. Interior, agri culture, commerce and la bur, entered into an agreement with representa tives of leading industries and retail interests of the effect that the sale of Christmas goods should undergo certain restrictions with regard to the employment of labor during the Christmas season and the conserva tion and delivery facilities. Certain other agreements were likewise, en tered into. The council of nation il defense now believes that one of the steps essential to thp rapid es-lahlis'i-ment of normal after-the-wnr condi tions should, and it hereby doeB, lift its ban in connection with holiday buying in the desre to give a natural impetus to the re-e-mployment of those normally engaged in the holi day trade? The council is further im pelled to this decision by reasons if the necessity now confronting as to get our cilitary forces and munition factory workers back to the ordinary pursuits of life with the least pbssible shock in making the change." St. Swithin's Uay. 8t. Swithin's day is July 18, The tradition Is that If ruin fulls then it will rnin for 40 days. The official weather records, however, do not sup port the tradition. SALTS IF KIDNEYS BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to flush Kidneys and neutral in irritating acids Splendid for system. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE "Omaha'i Fun Centre" tBKBS MH!: FXTRAVA6ANZA CIsmi EaUrtaiMMit E.ntJ, & ; Am LAMM DIME MATINEE DAILY don't OO Home SATINO i I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY Kidney and Bladder w.-akness result from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidney filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often, remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and some times very painful, this is really one of the moet simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen did for kidneys and rsusss no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pies sent, effervescent litaia-water drink, whist goiesJjr I sits i HURRAH FOR WORLD'S PEACE! LIBERTY sessMSMSBeBMsMsesMsesMsw Based Upon W Right, Justice and Democracy. Cool heads, constructive rebuilding and conservatism necessary. LIVE STOCK ALL NEEDED AT GOOD PRICE Don't miss the advices or fail to get the services of BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. CO. CHICAGO OMAHA KANSAS CITY BOWLE S LIVE STOCK MARKET INFORMATION from each of -.he toys upon his ur Fat ( attic and Feeders Wrong At Top Prices; Other tiradea Improving; Pruupects Favorable Next Year Hogs Uneven lrlct Above Mini mum Hheep and I jamb Advancing (By C. A. Mallory, Mgr. Bowles Live Stock Commission Company) Omaha. Nebraska. any stock that is ready for market or that the owner wishes to dispose o : whenever It is most convenient. The hog trade continues to fluctu ate and whenever the receipts let up t lit? market advunces, and with heavy receipts it declneu as usual, but prices j are still above the minium. Good hons j I around 117.25 n thlB market, ami, will probabaly continue so during December at least, unless the Food Administration takes off the "lid". Sheep and lambs are in a little bet ter demand, although prices are not very satisfactory -to the ones who 1 j have been feeding Krain. We expect to see prices considerably higher during tbe next four or five months. As this will be our laBt special let ter published in the Herald this sea son, we take this opportunity of tbp.nklng our many 'rionds and pat rons for ther very generous patron age and good will, and assure the as well s the .readers of this good paper, that we will be very glad to hear from anyone Interested In lire stock in auy way, and will also be pleased to continue sending this paper, or any other good paper that the stockman may wish. All we ask in the opportunity to get acquainted with anyone Interested In live stock, and with our double salesmen system and special arrangements for getting the latest and beat market Informa tion, we feel justified In asking the support and patronage of ul who may read these lines. . .Write IU l.l.s at South Omalia If your. Herald utops, and you want it, or for any Information regarding live fttock. Union Stockyards. Omaha, Nebr., Dec. 6. The Thanksgiving holiday this year foun dmore people genuine ly thankful throughout the world than ever before in its history, an I we congratulate all of the good, loyal and well-meaning people on tbe great success that right has accomplished Our predictions of the past few months have proven correct, and the market for all kinds of fat cattle, good to choice feeders closing strong at about the best prices of the en tire season. The iglht and common stock, especially the canners and fan to medium "she" stock that have sold comparatively low for some weeks are also showing improvement and In our Judgement, will Bell high er during the next two or three months; in fact, we look for a con siderable advance in these grades during the next three months. The demand is very strong for all kinds of beef cattle, and as the num ber of cattle on feed west of the Mis sourl river are showing a consider able decrease compared with las year, we look for even higher price during the next six months than we have had recently. We are glad that range conditions are favorable thru out the western country and congr ulate everyone who has young stock of good quality, and s- ill advise them to go the limit in this business. We will not use any quotations in this letter, but will simply say that all of tbe desirable grades of cattle of every kind and description are se' ing at about the best prices of the season with food prospects for the future; other grades are selling 60c to 11.00 higher than the low time with favorable prospects for a . further advanle. x We continue to suggest shipping Dally Though. It Is to hope, though hj arre lost -Mrs. I' triMMild. TRY THE SCALES The scales seldom fail to revea! the truth, they are a fair gauge of health- If you are losing weight and are ct feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re place the loss and build up the powers of resistance. 5 m 40 fill unique co ubinatton of tonic and nourishment, having a -finite reconstructive properties, enriches the blood, restores weight and imparts vigor and tone to (he whole system. If you feel yourself losing ground, try 5 sett's Emulsion the Strength-Builder. Scott a Ds woe . Sloomttcld. H. J. U-f AW The Linden Hotel mm - IT! U1T1I Palm and Palm, hop. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Tit Oar Popular Price Lunch Room and Coffee Step S) AD Modern Convenience -Rooom $1.00 Up f Management - Political