The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 05, 1918, LOCAL EDITION, Image 5

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    Thursday, December 5, 1918
Local News Notes
Mrs. Simmon of (he Oriental
Store has been confined to her room
or the past week with sickness.
Anotnr record has been establi
shed In Nebraska by the present hlRh
price of sixty nine rerrts for churning
Scottsbluff is Boon to have a fine
new modern hotel. Formal opening !
will be made about the 18th of the
George Darling returned Friday
from Oniuhii, where he had been in
attendance at the Good Roads Asso
ciation. Mr. Darling, since his return
in a stronger supporter of the good
road cause than ever.
Mayor W. E. Rousey and family
were favored with a visit the last of
the week form H. B. Rousey of Oral
Island, brother of the mayor H
Rousey is grand recorder of the A. O.
V W. and was here on business.
W D. Fisher of the Community
Club attended the Good Roads eonren
tion In Omaha Last week. Mr. Fisher
is to be counted on when there Is any
thing going on that promises to help
in the deveopment of western Nebra
ska. o
The Herald has Just received a
sample line of engraved QurlftnUM
ITMttBg cards. Among these you will
find some very pretty and appropri
ate designs We are aquipped also to
print anything that you might wish
in this line.
Dr. Walter A. st:iteP ..f Blair v...
ki-..l... .. '. ...
D. E.Vandcrlas has started mm- I rww imer
struction of a new, modern home on T' w h V f iES
Toluca street. When completed the - -.k. charge of the office and
modern bungalow will furnish a verv J"" f A"n'1 (;rikh""'
comfortable home for the. Vanderlas f v B
.family ' to Casper, Wyoming, to help care for
,OJ the practice of her husband, Dr.
George Darling'and family spent JoROnh Jpffr('- IC States comes well
part of last week in Omaha, where ' recommended and will without doubt
Mr. Darling purchased an automobile ) cnJoy 11 8Plenled practice.
ambulance for use in Alliance. There i o
freight conductor Roberts of the
Alliance division opened his hear4
is no doubt but that an auto ambu
lance, had been badly needed and
it will be much appreciated In the t
Charles E. Martin, formerly em
ployed by the Dierks Lumber Com.,
of Alliance, and now in service in
France, was severely wounded on
November 3rd. Mrs. Martin received
word the first of the week telling of
the fact that he was wounded in ac
ton, Mr. Martin is in the 355th dlvi
Attorney George W. Berge of Lin
coln was transcting business in Alii
Thanksgiving day to his two "brakles
and took them home for a fine turkev
dinner. They didn's disapoint Roberts
in the least but modestly and deter
minedly made it a "sixteen hour limit
Job and slowed away everything in
sight. Their gladsome smiles the next
few days proved that as a host Mr.
Roberts was distinctly IT with them,
The Alliance Volunteer tire depart
ment is drawln'g constantly lncrea3
ing crowds to the dances which are
given regularly at the armory. The
annual Thanksgiving dance last
anee Tuesdny. In the last election Mr. I Thursday evening was a success from
Berge was the Democratic candidate
for the office of attorney general and
like the other nominees of his ticket
was caught in the landslide. Mr.
Berge is one of the most prominent
lawyers of the state.
The Woman's Club of Alliance will
meet Friday afternoon at the home
Mrs. Joe Bogan, 612 Laramie Ave.
The program subject will be as fol
lows: Roll call literary program -Alaska
and its Resources, Mrs. Lay
rton; Natives of Alaska, Mrs. HAinter;
Dogs in Alaska, Mrs. Mote. A report
of the convention held in Lincoln of
the State Federation of Woman's
Clubs will be given by Mrs. Zella
- to
Mrs. Georse Heilman leaves to
night for Galena. Missouri, where .she
epxecls to meet Mr. Heilman on Sat
urday or Sunday. He has been at the
officers' training camp for infantry
men at damp Zachary Taylor, Ky.,
since the last of October and expects
to receive discharge today. They
promise to pay Alliance a visit before
settling down again in business life.
;. orge was superintendent of -the Al
iance yard of the Forest Lumber Co.,
for several years and they botii
hrve a host of friends in this vicinity.
George Reed, Alliance traveling
man and member of Post M, T P A,
Teturned Tuesday morning from the
officer's training camp at Zachary
Taylor, Kentucky, where he had been
in training since early in October.
He' had practically completed the
sources and successfully passed the
examinations. Had he desired to stay
a short time longer he could hav
secured a commission but this woul
have required that he pledge himself
to devote a month's time each year
to drills and maneuvers. On his way
back to Alliance he stopped over n
Omaha and was given his old posi
tion with the well known wholesale
furniture firm of Beebe-Runyan Co.,
and is now again a full fledged
traveling man.
lO I
Mrs. F. W. Hayes is assisting at
the First State Bank this week on
account of the rush of clerical work.
Th'rty-seren Alliance citizens Join
en the Nebraska Good Roads associa
tion at the Community Club meeting
Tuesday evening. The nan es of those
joining were: K. R. Hamilton, F. W.
arris, Frank Aberg, P. S. Mallev, c.
C. Moore, E. Pibel L. E. PUkington,
W. R. Metz, W. R. Harper, Jas P.
Maxfleld, H. D. Shellenberger, A. T.
Lunn, W. E. Spencer, C E. Clough,
t a i.i i ii u F. F. Stephens. A. .G.
Isaacson, W. D. Fisher, Glen Miller,
George Snyder, W. C. Mounts, L. H.
Mosher, J. H. Carlson, Geo. A. Hills,
H. M. Buckley, J. B. Miller. B. J. Sal
lows, W. W. Norton, F. A. Bald, M. D.
Healy, Chas. Brittan. F. W. Hayes.
The annual dues are five dollars. The
money raised is used in the promo
tiom of good roads in th estate.
Two sons of a well known box i
Butte county family are making good I
In Uncle Sam's service. Milton Kee
gan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A Keegan. who left with the Alliance
boys about a year ago and who was
stationed at Funston for several
months, is now an instrumental ser
geant in the field artillery at Camp
Knox, in Kentucky. J- J- Keegan,
elder son oi Mr. and Mrs. Keegan,
who Is a surgeon, and on entrance in
to the navy was commissioned a Jun
ior lieutenant. On the day that peace
declared he received a prom
tion to the office of lieutenant
is the navy is the same grade as cap
tain in the army. Lieut. Keegan it
lacated in the naval hospital at Cbel
near Boston.
every angle and more than 150
tickets were sold. The music at these
dances Is the best and under the man
agement of the live wire flreboys
these entertainments will continue to
grow in favor during the coming winter.
Mrs Fred Helpbrlnger left Wed
nesday for lxs Angles where she will
spend She winter
W. M. Jones af Antioch who Is em
ployed by the American Potash Com
pany, was an Alliance visitor today,
Mvmg np with his family In their
Ford car.
Prominent Wyoming Mvn (Tatrh In
fluenza While on Way to Omaha
With Train of Llvo HUh k
Wright & Wright. The Guardian
Trust Company, are lookng forward
to the completion of their new busi
ness home on Ilox Butte avenue about
i he middle of January.
The body of the late John Dunbar
former Alliance man, who has been
living at Sheridan. Wyoming, was
brought to Alliance today for Inter
ttfftt Mr. Dunbar died from the in
fluenza. to i
A special meeting of the city
council was held Wednesday evening
M the city hall to take up iii cumlated
business Routine businern was tran
sacted. The regular meeting wll be.
held next Tuesday night for the
month of December.
Lilly May Daniels, colored,
iM iity-one years, daug' ter of
and Mrs. Win. Reed, died In Alabama j Clucas,
the first of the week. The body will I Olan V
arrive Friday morning and Interment
will be made in Greenwood cemetery.
Miss Daniels went to Montgomery,
Alabnma, a month ago on a visit.
If you have enjoyed rtading this
issue of The Alliance Herald tell
your friends. It Is our constant aim
to give you all the news and to give
the news accurately and in an inter
esting manner. And that is why tty
clrculatlon of The Herald is more
than double that of any other paper
in its territory.
FURTHHfc notice
Twenty-neven Wyoming stockmen,
with total aggregate welth of aever
al million dollars and including a
pfOttinent politician, landed In Al
their number sick with the Span'
influenza and with the balance expect
lag to lx taken down with the plaetie
Several of the nient were stricken
while enrytite to Alliance from the
West. Al wire traveling in a stock
Main ratxtose and on llielr arrival In
the city they all went to the AlltM
hotel where they registered, those
who were suffering being taken to
I he hospital where they are now be
ing oared for
The politician was State Senator
S. Seougard of Basin. The others
from Basin were E. J. Jones, F. L.
Perkins, and W. K. Tolman. Those
,.'. from Ureybull were T. W. Olney, J.
Mr i W. rotornpld, L R. Emery. J. T.
H, Thotna. Thales Bttltfc,
Kinder", W, W. Kheu and F.
W Kwcn. J. H. Doorti and 11, E. i
Cheeseman were fronl klovtee(e ,
Fred Herron, Albert Herron and 11. L
Austin were from Shell; R. M. Shep
ard and John P. Perkins wore from
Otto; R. D. Perkins and J. O. Neff
from Burlington; F. E. Reed, Round
In: W. Guffney, Billings; R. Harp,
Worland; J. C. Prison, Ten Sleep;
anil W. W. Hanson, Sheridan; Com
prised the balance of the party.
Several of the men n the party, al
though suffering somewhat, accom
panied their cattle on through to
market. Others went to the hospital
In Alliance and others returned to
their homes In Wyoming.
The City Board of Health orders
the Suspension of the holding of pub
11c dances until further notice on ac
count of the prevalent epidemic of
nfluenza. CKlzens will govern them
selves accordingly. The Board of
Notlco to Red fos Workers
The Red Cross work rooms have
again been opened and there Is much
to be done. It la hoped that the
ladles of Alliance will respond now
as they have so generously done before.
Nature Intended Ihgt eioh humgn bodjf when in normal con
dition should ttwayi be healthy, Weakness nnl disease are
therefore t lie results of deranftd function in gome part, of the
body due to nu interference with Nature's wny.
Through Chiropraetie method, every part of the horly can
he brought to normal and made strong and healthy because the
forces of Nature hate been permitted to resume their work of
nourishing, strengthening "1 impairing worn out, weak tis
sues and organs,
Chiropractic helps Nature to restore and rejuvenate run
down bodies. It can make the system tingle with vigorous life
energy ami do it easily, simply and naturally. While this new
science will nt oo the impossible, it will benefit even after all
other methods have proved incapable of reaching the trouble.
Thousands have found full restoration to natural health thru
because it removes the cause of the interference with Nature
without the use of drugs or surgery. Have a competent Chiro
practor give you a free Chiropractic (KI-RO-PRAK-TIC) an
alysis and sec wherein this science can help you tc health and
Dr. Anna Graham Jeffery
Dr. Walter A. States
Graduates of Palmer School
We have a complete line
of Christmas Goods
Come in and give
them an
Remember we carry women's and children's underwear,
excellent quality, good prices
Space will not allow us to list our complete line, but following
are a few of the many:-
Dolls (unbreakable)
Tree ornaments
Aluminum Dishes
Holly Boxes
We are bark of the movement for
Mi. day roadu fur Western Nebraska
if any body can ahow where the $200
OOO spent by oar County the b
20 years liaa done any good we would
like to hear from them.
In a recent letter from Ed Keardoit
to ack Miller Ed has this to say about
the roads hi Prance. They sure have
good road in France and If you waa
here and had the Jitney It would be
great, this ia the only place when
France la ahead of the state for they
certainly have good roads oidy they
are too narrow, only room for one
Think this over talk it among your
friend and leta pull Nebraska out of
the mud.
ALLIANCE, Look for the red front