HURRAH FOR WORLD'S PEACE! LIBERTY Based Upon Right, Justice and Democracy. Cool heads, constructive rebuilding and conservatism necessary. LIVE STOCK ALL NEEDED AT GOOD PRICE Don't miss the advices or fail to get the services of BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. CO. Awarded High Honor Brother of Walter Wightnan a warder Military Crna for I fad ing .niHin While Wounded Duncnn Whitman. M. C. brother of Walter Whitman of Denver, secretary-treasurer of Hit-hards & Com stock Company, owners of the big Spade ranch at Ellsworth, was re cently awarded the mllltrwy c.-oss of the KnKlinh army for n:cve;-y In action. Duncan Wlphtmnn wr.i In Canada at the time America entered the war a:ui later Joined the Canadian forc es. He was assigned to the Queens university Holland division as a lieutenant of Infantry. After some months of training he was sent in to the front line trenches and with in a few days went over the lop. During the ensuing battle he was fhot thru the leg Rnd his captain was so severely wounded that he had to be removed to a base hospi tal leaving Lieutenant Wightman charge of the company. Altho he was suffering from a gun "shot wound, the leiutenant made a suc cessful attack, capturing the enemy positions, and soon after complete ly recovered from hlR wound. It wag for this act that he was awarded the cross, which is the sec ond highest award for bravery in the British forces. Immediately af ter his first battle he was promot ed to the rank of captain and since Uhfn has been in five successive bat tles. celved a soaking rain on Saturday and Sunday, tbe rainfall In some places being two inches. The subsoil soaked to a great depth, placing It in excellent condition for the fall cropa. CHICAGO OMAHA KANSAS CITY BOWLE S LIVE STOCK MARKET T INFORMA ON Fat Cattle Strong and Higher Good to Choice Butcher St-k Finn Other Are Ijower 8torkei-N and Feeder Steady Hogs Holding Around Minimum' Sheep and I .am ts Higher (By C. A. Mallory, Mgr. Bowles Live i Stock Commission Compauy) Otnaliu. Nebraska. Union Stock Yards, Omaha Nov. 2lBt. TIM entire World is gradually adjusting itself to the new era of Peace and Liberty which is bound to result in the forthcoming Peacene gotatioim, which will be attended by our President and a suitable rcprescn ta.ion of our people. As we have often predicted during the last six months, the conditions were favorable for a continuation of good prices for live stock after Peace was declared, and we are more con fident now than ever that prices will rule higher before next year is out on practically all kinds of live stock than it did this year. We feel more confident regarding beef than any thing else, but also believe tlyu pork and mutton will come in for then aha r. Wt) continue" to advise everybody who .... is properly situated, and who understands the I us mess, to keep in the live stock "game" to the full limit of tniair ability as this country must do more than its share toward feed lag the World and supplying tbe de pleted countries of Europe with breed tag stock. The weather haa been un usually favorable this Fall for con tinued free movement of range stock of all kinds. an.t ao louj as tbe weather conditions and these prices i up we look for liberal receipts, but in any evont they cannot last many weeks. Wo look for higher prices on all desirable grades of steers and "ahe" nock just aa aoon aa the supply of range atock lets up materially. The shortage of roughneaa and the high price of hay and other feed is having a bad effect on light and com mon stock, causing heary shipments from one end and light demand from the other, and these cattle are selling at big discounts and will continue so during the balance of the, year. We continue to advise everyone who has light cattle, especially of decent or good quality, also all kinds of good breeding stock, to hang on to It as we believe it will pay them well for so doing. We also advise all who are able to handlet any kind of cattle to buy them as soon as possible as prices are bound to be higher latter on. As we have often predicted regard ing the hog situation, the Food Ad ministration was obliged to place an other embargo on shipments to the Chicago market thfs week because the shipments of hogs were excessive and beyond the capacity of the pack ing houses to handle. Prices are hold ing up above the minimum and today the good to choice aogs are selling 15 to 25c higher than the minimum , price. We still have confidence in i good prices for hogs all next year, and under existing circumstances, be- . lieve that every farmer who has the ; feed should hold his pigs and nu , mature hogs until they have more! weight and dispose of theiu gradually so as to avoid congestions and em bargoa. Our sheep and lamb trade s show- ' ing a littk' more life as the Eastern mutton market has improved, but the j wool market is in bad shape so far as the movement is concerned and considerable anxiety and curiosity ex ists relative to the future. As we have stated on several oc casions the amount of cattle, sheep and lambs on feed West of the Mis souri river and in the South-Western section of this country shows a con siderable reduction compared with laBt year, and this will make it nec essary later for the packers in Oma ha to pay closer to Eastern prices, and will therefore be a more attrac ts V market for Western Iowa and South Dakota, as well as Nebraska ; shippers. The market Is closing very strong on all kinds of desirable steers and butchers stock, and prices are about the best of the season for fat steers and for the very beat "ahe" atock. Caaners and the common to fair stock are selling at about the lowest prices of the season, causing an ex tremely wide range in prices. We still advise shipping any cattle that are ready or intended for the market aa you can get cars, and by consign ing them to the BOWLES outfit, everybody will be happy. We quote Nebraska grass cattle: Uood to choice fat steers 113.00 to $16.00 Fir to Good 11.50 to 13.00 Good to choice heavy feeders 12.00 to 15.00 Fair to good 10.50 to 12.00 Good to choice light steers and yearlings 10.00 to 11.25 fair to good 11.50 to 13.00 Good to choice fat cows and helflers 8.50 to 11 80 Fair to good 7.00 to 8.50 Canners and cutters 4.25 to 6.00 Expecting Too Much. The girl or boy who expects her friends to be perfect 1ms many n disap pointment in store. Human nature is full of surprises, but perfection would ee the grentest surprise of all. Do not te astonished when you dlscovff some little flaw In your friend's character. For unless love hns Minded him. It l very certain that your friend has dis covered n slmllur flaw In yourself. SHORTHORN CATTLE Pure Bred Shorthorn Bulls for sale. Raised in Western Nedraska and thoroughly acclimated. Eight yearlings will be sold at very reasonable prices if taken before January first. See them at the farm. J. A. KEEGAN Alliance, Nebraska V Farm LOANS Ran oh mot your ml tttate Uaa business, will make ritat sod terms to get IL can put our a loan for any amount will save yoo money on your loan, solicit thci opportunity to stow you. The WOODRUFF BALL CO. INVEST MUT IMKIRD VALENTINE, NEBRASKA Stock cows and heifers 5.50 to 7.50 Stock calves 7.00 to 10.00 Veal calves 11.00 to 13.00 ( COMMON C ATT LB AT THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GOOD TO CHOICE WYOMING AND SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLE AT USUAL PREMIUMS NOTK: As the range season is draw ing to a close, we will not send our market letters to the so-called Range trade much longer this season but if you would like some other market paper or report throughout the entire year, do not fail to write BOWLES at Omaha Just what you would like, and do not fail to write them any time you need anything in the way of live stock information or service. URIC ACID IN MEAT ' CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you- Drink . njore water. COMMUNITY PLATE Guaranteed for 50 Years All Community Plate Patterns Same Price Prices asm If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyzes the kidneys tn their ef fort to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, than you suffer with a dull misery in the kidney ration, sharp pains in the baek or sick assdsnhe, dizziness, your stomach sourr, tongue la coated and when the weather la bad you have rheumatio twinges. Tha urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, tha channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three time during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys sad flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy here; take a tableepoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then set fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids to urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful effervescent UUua-water drink. Tea Spoons $3.50 Set 6 Dessert SpoonB 6.50 " Table Spoons...... 7.00 " Iced Tea Spoons 5.00 " Soup Spoons 7.00 " Berry or Serving Spoon. 3.00 Each Olive Spoon 1.50 " Medium Forks, Flat Handle v 7.00 Set 6 Dessert Forks 6.50 " Oyster Forks 4.50 " Butter Spreaders, Flat Handle 5.25 " Table or Medium Knives, Hollow Handle 9.25 " Breakfast (Dessert) Knives Hollow Handle 9.15 " Table or Medium Knives, Modled (solid) Handle 6.00 " Large Carving Set (Knife, Fork and Steel) 13.00 Set Small Carving Set (Knife and Fork) 6.00 " Tomato Server 3.00 Each Jelly Server 150 " Set Prices 2-ps. Baby Set (Curved Spoon and Flat Fork or Pusher) $2.50 3-pc. Child's Set (Spoon, Fork and Flat Handle Knife) 3.25 ' Hollow Handle Medium Knife and Flat Fork Set 16.25 " Modeled (Solid) Handle Medium Knife and Flat Fork Set 13.00 " Hollow Handle Dessert Knife and Flat Fork Set 15.50 " Modeled (Solid) Handle Dessert or Breakfast Knife and Flat Fork Set 12.40 " DE LUXE CHESTS Seal Grain Leatherette 26-pc. Chest Contents Tea Spoons, 6 Table Spoons, 6 Medium Flat Forks, 6 Medium Hollow Handle Knives, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar, Spoon $34.00 Each e 1 PAR PLATE Guaranteed for 10 Years All Par Plate Patt Prices Tea Spoons $1.40 Set 6 Table Spoons 2.80 " Dessert Spoons 2.60 " Iced Tea or Lemonade Spoons 2.40 " Soup Spoons 2.80 " Baby Spoon, Bent Handle .50 Each Berry or Serving Spoon. 1.50 " Sugar Spoon 75 " Individual Salad dr Pas try Forks 3.60 Set 6 Coid Meat or .. Sejying Fork 100 Each Pickle or Olive Fork 90 " Oyster Forks 2.60 Set 6 Embossed Handle Me dium Knives 2.80 " 40622 Bulllion Spoons.. 3.00 " Butter Knife $ 76 Each ems Same Price Prices Individual Butter Spread ers 3.00 Set 6 Cream or Salad Dressing Ladle 75 Each Gravy Ladle 1.00 " 2- pc. Butter and Sugar Set 1.50 Set 3- pc. Child's Set (Spoon, Fork and Flat Handle Knife) 160 " Embossed Handle Knife and Flat Fork$et, Me dium No. 40803 6.95 " 12 DWT. PLAIN ROUND END KNIFE AND FORK SET No. 49758. 6 Medium Knives and 6 Medium (Jumbo) Forks. $5.00 Set 49956-BKFT. K ft F 5.60 Set 40804B Dessert K ft F. ... 5.60 Set V