THB ALLIAWCB HERALD Tanmday, WorembeT 14 lilt HURRAH FOR WORLD'S P E A C E! LIBERTY Based Upon Right, Justice and Democracy. Cool heads, constructive rebuilding and conservatism necessary. LIVE STOCK ALL NEEDED AT GOOD PRICE Don't miss the advices or fail to get the services of BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. CO. Card of We Mother, farther, wife, slater and brothers wiah to thank the kind frlenda for their thourhfulneea and help during the lllneaa and deafh of our beloTed husband aon and bro ther; Floyd Kugene Walbridge. Mra. Marsh Walbridge, Mr. and Mra. T. M. Lawlei, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walbridge, Mr and Mrs. Fred Walbridge, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hill, Mr. Will Walbridge, Mr. John Hill, Mra. It. M. Stelner, Mrs. Minnie Lewis. CARD OF TIIANKH We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt feeling of fraUtMOS to the, many friends who so kindly .-Msisted us in the hour bereivemont at the denth of our loved one. The many beautiful flowers ant ly krVlAf friends were to us the toke i of iheir loving sympathy. Mrs. Glen Russell and FtVlftetS. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. RusseP Clay, Ben Marvin and Opel Russell The city schools will open Monday for the first time in over a month due to the Flu epidemic. NOTICK Estate No. 578 of Ferdlnind Trenkle, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska The State of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested in said estate, take notice, that the Executrix has filed a final account and report of her ad- j ministration and pettion for tinal set tlement and discharge as such which has been set for hearing before said court on December 5th, 1918 at 10 o'clock a. m. When you may appear and contest the same. .Dated November 14th., 1918. i (Seal) Ira E. Tash. County Judg. Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. 50-37-9770 Northeastern COLORADO Southwestern has la a wonderful wheat country, nod a big naccraa with Beans, Hugar Heets and Potato. Corn, Alfalfa and na tive graaaes enrich the dairy or Uve ntork man. ranches mean more than a grazing place for cattle. rn, Oata, Rye, Hurley and Alfalfa are grown to fin ish for "topping" I ho marketa. unexcelled deeded irrigated laitdH, at. no Irrigated homesteads under . ernnient ditch 20 years to pay wa ter right, no interest. Ten thousand free 640-acre homesteads. Take some of this excellent land and keep your profits instead of turning them over la a landlord. I t me help you locate. 8. B. HOWARD Burlington Route, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. FOR SALE Buff Orphtngton cock erals first of April hatch, 300 an-!. $2.00 each if taken soon. Mrs. J. A. Keegan Alliance Nebr. Phone Ash 8212. 50-2t-9767 CHICAGO OMAHA KANSAS CfTY FURNISHED Room Lady or man ; and wife wanted. Inquire 613 Yellow- j atone. 50-lt- 9771$ Regular -teachers' examination will be held at the court house Novem ber 16th. Opal Russell, County Su perintendent. 49-2t-9692 Just received: A big line of lunch eon sets, napkins, and centerpieces in all sizes. I have the most com plete line of fancy kimonas in the city. Call and see them.' Mrs. 11. Simmons. 49tf9679 REPORT OF CONDITION OF . THE FIRST STATE BANK Alliance Nebraska. Charter No. 1229 In the State of Nebraska at the close of business Nov. 1st 1918. RESOURCE Loans and Discounts 570,008.65 Overdrafts 11,948.65 Bonds, Securities, judgements, claims, etc 2,266.23 other assets Liberty Bonds 6,127.17 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 10,195.00 Due from National and State hunks 141,357.70 CheckB and items of exchange 13,533.53 Currency 8,985.00 Gold Coin : 4,100.00 Silver nickles and cents 4,079.83 172,056.00 Total ' 771.S01.7fl " LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .' 35,000.00 Surplus fund 30,000.00 Undivided profits 1,987.82 Individual deposits subject to check 393,544.45 Time certilcates of deposits 203,884.74 Savings Acct 13,719.14 Cashier's checks outstanding 8,303.11 Due to National and State Banks 83,413.74 702,265.18 Depositor's guaranty fund 2,348.76 State of Nebraska, County of Box Butte as: I. Jay O. Walker Cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that tin- above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board. Jay O. Walker Cashier. Attest: George A. Mollring Director. Chas. BrHtan Director. (Seal) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of November 1918. J. D. Emerick, Notary Public. BOWLE S LIVE STOCK MARKET INFORMATION CATTLE MARKET IIKJIIEIt DfcV ANDS STRONG: OUTLOOK PAYOR Alil.E.HOGK STEADY SHEEP AND LAM Its LOWER (My C. A Mallory. Mgr. Howies Live Stock Commission Company) t Omaha. Nebraska. mi Un on Stockyards. Omaha, NoV. 14th The gruelest war of all time is over, so far as shooting is concerned but there in much to be dune be fore the world will reap fie full benefit of the greatest vIctOT ev r gained for humanity. All of the outbursts of joy and gratitude that have been QaiUffStad by various kinds of .-l. bra' ions throughout the world, together wit li the prayers of thankfulness have been fully justified and Reaping with (he greatest event of all time, and November 11th shout I be Blade an International as well as a Nat ional Thanksgiving holiday. We must not allow tICs suen.-.s or anything else to pre:iit us to lose our he. ids. become arrogant or less charitable with any one, neither should we overlook the fact that we, as a country, have even more re ponsihili' and need for all of our faculties, calm and impartial judg ment, courage and all that goes with the highest older or recon struction, making practical all of the many high sounding and wonder ful ideals and promises. We do not expect much progress toward the return of our Boys or to the revision of the map and Govern ments of the World for some months, and it will probably be an other year before much can be done In growing crops or in live stock production in Europe, and there fore, feel more convinced than ever that there will be an even greater demand for our meat and fats dur ing the coming year than ever be fore. We are not unmindful, howe that prices for nearly everything are high; that the cost of living must decrease; that the prices of labor will fall gradually with the lower prices for all commodities, but if everyone mill "stick to the text"; keep in the "game" to their full limit, and no' allow anything to stampede them or detract from the wonderful loyality and patrio tism that has won the farmers and live stock men the highest honors, each Individual will be happier and more successful and the entire World will be saved from famine and pestilence. The labor proposition In Its re lation to an readjustment with capi tal and so-called "big" interests, will require the highest and best untied efforts of all concerned, in cluding the active heads of our Governmental departments, In order to minimize d. lays and friction, and strike a happy medium where all have fair play and are at least rea sonably well satisfied. We believe the laboring classes, including their organizations, will continue to nian ifCdt and practice patriotism and be reasonable in all things and that more than half way until labor troubles can be called "things of the past." The cattle trade has been active this week and prices ate the best of the month for nearly all grades. All kinds of beef steers are selling best while I lie food tO choice feeders air! butchers stock are holding up well Light and common to fair cattle gro still draguy" and owing to the bull prices and scarcity of rough ness, will not be in any great de mand. We advise ull who can to hold over all liyht and breedinu slock they possibly can handle. Ship anything you intend io run this year whenever you can get the cars and remember that there are loss cattle on feed than last year and many more are wanted. He BOW I. EN cattle business continue to grow and with their wide-awake experienced salesmen the patron' Interested are fully pro tected and they become Bowels Boosters. We look for a good mar ket the balance of the month, al though we will always have natural reactions we look for still better prices before the month is out. We quote Nebraska grass rattle as follows: Good to choice fat steers $13.00 to 16.00. Fair to good $11.50 to 13.00 tiood to choice heavy feeders $11.00 tol3.00 Fair to good $9.00 to 11.00 Good to Choice yearlings $10.00 Good to choice stock steers $8.50 to 11.00 iood to choice fat cows and heifers $8.50 to 11.00 Fair to good $7.50 to 8.50 Canners and cutters--$6.00 to 7.25. Stock cows and heifers $6.00 to 8.60 Veal calves $10.00 to 13.00 Common cattle at usual discounts and the good to coice Wyoming and South Dakota and selected cattle at the usual premimums. The hog trade has behaved very well although prices show a futher decline. Owing to embargoes placed upon shipments to Chicago and Kansas City the supply since Mon day has been lighter and the mar kt ; reacted 10 to 25c, closing steady with only fair prospects next weeV. The bulk selling from $17.00 to $17.50. Sheep and lambs have been work ing lower, although a good share of the Bupply has been cornfield stock, which is nearly all losing money. Looks like a higher market after the holidays. Mote Any time your Alliance Her ald or your Daily market paper fails to reach you regularly don't forget to write BOWLES as it is u pleasure for them to Keep you pro perty advised as well as to give you the iK-st of service. . . . DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Will give your family all of the Ix'iiefits of a cheerful, modern home. ACKR8 & LYTLE, Alliance, Nebr. 418 Cheyenne Ave. Phone 05 WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without rubbing, w31 penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in r aying external pains, strains, bruises, hi -1, fetitf joints, sore muscles, lumba go, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges' Keep e big bottle always on hand for family use. Druggists everywhere. CATTLE SALE At the Northwestern Stock Yards in Chadron. Nebraska, on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1918 At 1:00 P. M. 1056 Head of Cattle 1056 800 Yearling and Two-year-old Steers 200 Three and Four-year-old Breeding Cows. 50 Calves. 6 Registered Hereford Bulls. These are all white faced cattle of the right kind. Cars will be on hand for outside buyers and your cattle will be cared for and loaded. TERMS A credit of six months will be given on approved security, notes bearing ten per cent interest. RAY TIERNEY, Owner COLS. T. D. PREECE AND W. H. WOLVINGTON, AUCT.