THE ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, November 7, 191 THE ALLIANCE HERALD Mnvin TIIOM4S. Fdllor ILYDK K. HIM JOHN W. THOMAS. I t.- Si. k L.Hfi.r ROY O. BKNTK, Manager . Clt U.illtnr THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Owners (Incorporated) RtltorH he P"" OA '' Mllsnce. Nohrmtkn. for tmnamlMlon throiiRh kl'lf cond- ln mallei luMlnhPl n Th in .h . P V H b I M M K l V R It T H D it s i A V Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance Brvry subscription I regarded-a n r will bo Instantly removed tr.Vn lli. i..,,. u-m ho inHlun v r. m.iv.-tl ..III iiihiihik iii in i'mi i i ion inn. ,,,.,! for If publishers shall he notlBrd; otherwise th" sub", i will main V i it,.. ,1. .lo ni...l KiibHOVhal I. in ni l. .- Km rv ihiIikci llier tuimt un.l.i vinn.l Hint thosr conditions are made it purl ..f tin contract 6twefl publisher anl subset the r. crlber. this Week. The seems tn be-dina nut I here ar.' only mrce or font llf raftei thin week last wen there were four deaths caused by taQWhSMl CSordon Oliver, the little three year-old mn of Mr. and Mia Oliver. died nt his home here Friday morn in - Henry s. Inn. k died at hla hon e ahout fourteen mllea northwest of here Friday afternoon. Italph Wills died at hla home bOQt seven miles southwest of her Saturday. Chester Pannee Levins, an Ind' an boy. died here Saturday. They took him to Pine Kidge aeehry for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Pierce, Mr Alice Curtis and Anna Heath wen: to Alliance Tuesday to attend the fu neral of Mrs. Ben Curtis. Buy your . Local News Notes i 1 Tractor NOW and buy a CASE before the advance CAUHHT IN THK. LANHLIDi Mthough we would llke to have had it differently, the Republican landslide on Tuesday naught the edi tor of The Herald wi;h the other Democratic candidates, local and state, and huriel us under the aval anche of straight Republican ballots which were caat In the 73rd repre sentative district. However, we are now up again and smiling and fe 1 certain that we will be able to live through the next two yaars Just al happy as though we had ridden lh political waves to success at the polls. There are no sore spots on us and we shall continue on our way cou tented. It may be necessary at times for us, In the semt-public life of a newspaper editor, to call atten toin to evils which need correcting or to criticize wrongdoers or to de fend ourselves against at'incks from others, but in doing so we shull ft ways avoid donlg It with rant Icion Intent but rather for the good of our fellow men. Our letter of congratulation was sent to our successful opponent ye terday. and read as follows: Alliance, November 6. 1918. Mr T. L. Briggs, Antloch. Nebraska. after helping take care of her sister Mr; K. L. I'inie. who had the flu. Sheriff Cox of Alliance was trans acting business here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Harvey left last week for Sinnx City, Iowa. Mr. Ha vey farmed here this year. Miss Ortrudc Delslng was an eas: bound passenger Saturday on 41 Tom Kremlin and Tom Murplr came down from Newcastle. Wyo Wednesday on 42. relurntng the next day on 43 M. C Beanmont and Jack Walkei autoed to Alliance Friday. M' Beaumont went down to look aft. : hla property in Alliance. He return od the same day. going out to Dick Kenner's place to help care for th llu patients. Mr. and Mrs K. L. Pierce an I Donald autoed to Chadron Sunday Donald remained to -take up hi school duties again. Mr. and Mr Pierce returned Monday. Oeorge Eledseeoek's garage caugh tire Silt unlay night. The tire wn started so it would have caused great loss but for the prompt wor of the tire boys little damage wi done. Walter Jones returned to Lincoln i Sunday night to start to schoi again, after a three weeks' vacation I on account of influenza. Brie Anderson had the misfoitun of having a piece of wood hit him in returns. t( PVe cutting the eyeball In three I places. He left Monday night for Omaha to consul t Dr. Clifford, an ey specialist. Mrs. Hutchison left last week for mi , il Dear Mr. Briggs: . The unofficial election from Box Butte and Sheridan coun ties, although still incomplete, indi rate your election by u substantial 1 majority. I therefore wish to offer you my hearty and sincere rongrat illations ; Chadron. where she will May and take this opportunity to wish school opens again. you a successful term In ile ohVc which I have held for the past two years. I feel certain that you will serve the people of the 73rd district to the best of your ability during the com ing term, and wish you the best of success. (Signed) Very truly yours I) LLOYD C. T THOMAS HEMINGFORD Mrs. F.linor Olds returned Thurs day from Jlreh. Wyo., where she hud been for the past two weeks visiting her daughter Mrs. Joe Kuhn. W. C Muonts came up from Alli ance Friday of last week on business. Miss Regina Detains: returned Sunday from Iowa, where she had been the past year vlBiting relatives and friends. Her many friends are glad she is home. Mrs. lora Rustin returned to Chadron the latter part of the week The latest flu victims In town ar Leslie Babbit. Albert Wells and Wil Barrett. They are getting a loir.' nicely. Mrs Mary Kinsley went to All ance last week to care for her daugll ter Mrs Frank Wolverton. who hi' the flu. C V. Lockwood is able to h around again after a siege or tiie flu Mrs. Hal-lie Kriz Fitzgerald return ed the latter part of last week from California, where she had been with her husband, who is in the service He left for New York Just before sli returned. Word has been received ihat R. C. Melick is on liU way to France. Mrs. Wilbur Melick and little son Franklyn left last week for Missouri. to an indefinite visit with Mrs. Me lick's parents Or Willianaon of Lincoln wa called here by Mr. Olivers on ncroun of the serious" Illness of his little son liordon QsarSJS Jones is moving tnio hi new house in the east part of town Miss F.dna Donovan, of Burton Reddish office, is ill with the Influ en.a J. W. Thomas was In tne city Thursday looking after business in terests. Word has been received from Bry an Kiss and Jerome t leuiing inai the ship they were on has safely ar rived overseas. ti Vollev Wright of Downs, Kans.. former Box Buite county citizen, was V in the city this week buying potatoes be shipped to his locality. SJM I 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bald, father , . .1 . . V A I'. ,1,1 nf Alii .T ,1 MM IllUlilT-1 U. - . ' w ance. are visiting wv.n tne uuier ioi a few. days. Their home is at Ail" ora, Nebr. i Mrs. Lloyd Thomas and Mrs. C. C. Smith, members of the T. M. C. A. campaign committee, spent yesterday in Hemingford on matters relating to the campaign to be started Novem ber 11. IU I James Maloae left Thursday noon for Denver, after receiving a message saying his wife and three children were seriously ill with the influenza. Mr Malone had the flu here the past week, and was quite sicki to i Word has been received that Floyd Lolspeich, Klmer Strehlow and How ard Rider, who left here Monday noon for Denver to enlist, have been accepted. Warren Iotspeich, who went with them, did not pass the ex aminations. ii i Kev a. A. Lay ton was called to Billings, Mont.. Saturday, on receipt of a telegram announcing his son-in- law's death. Mrs. Layton has been Willi naother daughter, who is 111 with the flu. Mr. Layton will n. goae about a week. A vacation meditation: "Little bank roll, 'ere we part. let me hug you to my heart. All the year I've clung to you; I've true. Little bank roll, some day 5 X i t t t ? ? t Y e We can save you $200 on a CASE TRACTOR, provid ed you buy before January 1st and guarantee delivery by March 1st. You pay no money until the tractor is delivered. Rumer Motor Co. Alliance, Nebraska i t been faitnttil. you ve nwn i a A T 11 ill ultiit u IV ii v I 1 uu it 1 1 i a it oi"i . A Ta, JkTsk aa ea dmr a It To a gay and festive spot. I'll come home, but you not." will n FALL Miss Kuuice Hutchinson, who has held the position of stenographer for the Thomas-Bald Investment Com pany for several months, left with her mother Sunday night for their former home at Des Moines. Iowa. While here they made their home with a brother and mnn. Morris Hutchinson. Word has been received that Nol Young, one of the Alliance boys in the service of t'nele Sam. is still on Qoal Island. They have not h:d any influenza there, and they select ed some of the boys to lane care of patients in the camps around there. Noel was quite disappointed as h? was not cfiosen, and the man next io him was drawn for this work. Footwear For the entire Family. Word was received that Jeroni" Fleming was not in France. He h id written to his folks that he was ready to go across, and then they di I not hear from him for about two or three weeks and supposed tie was ou his way over. But his company was merely transferred again, and he and Jessie Simpson of Alliance wen? through Sidney yesterday. Jessi-3 called up his parents, in Alliance, but Jerome didn't get a chance. One of t'nele Sam's sends in the following. You'll be delighted when you see our new ai rivals in Fall Footwear delighted at the snappy. new shapes and the hicrh aualitv of the leather. i8tl rJ mi i i l , . i , . ' had no Christmas i ne wnuie general appearance 01 uiese anoes is so Neither did Adam far above anything we ever thought we would be able to show you this fall, that we want you to see them. oldier bovs written on a Dr. A. Reed Cushion Sole for Tired, Aching Feet. Didn't have socks; Nobody had 'em. Didn't even have cards; Nobody did. So take this and have It On Adam- old kid." The Alliance Shoe Store Nebrask8 quota of the FourC Uherty Loan was $70,373,350. T. C Byrne, chairman, and K. F. Folda, secretary of the Nebraska Liberty Loan committee, reported lasj Mun day morning that Nebraska has sub scribed more than her quota, bu' Just how much more was not defi nitely known. Practically every couuiy reporting sent in the good word of oversubscriptions. Old Ne braska hasn't failed yet to "go over the top" in fine atyle on every loan, donatioa or other war arttvKy. i v i 1 t t X f t ? v x v f t 1 y ? i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y e DOE-WAH-JACK SAYS: "The Round Oak Heater Burns Cheapest Fuel Prevents Clinkers." Here's The Stove to Buy: Warm rooms warm floors an even heat 'day and night no fires to rebuild all a saving in fuel, with The Genuine Round Oak Heater WW IK) NOT HEN1TATK TO TKLL YOU FRANKLY, IF YOl AUK ;oiN; TO NKKD A STOYK, KAM.I. OR HI AIIM. !Y.STf..M. YOU WILL NOT ONLY SAYK MONKY, BUT DI8 AUItMNT.MKNT A WFXL, BY INX'KSTItiATINO AND 8E LKCTINt; THK M'KCIALTY YOU N REP IN OUK SHOWING OF HOUND OAKS V. HltKMKMIiklt, VOl II OLD WtOVfa WILL CONSUMF. NFAHI.Y IK. I ih.k 'l HK FUHL 09 A NHW HOUND OAK.