Locals News pcnses for the neit throe months. Then up to $80 per month above ex penses. 100 allowance will be made for Hot Mm; Uniforms will he pro vided. Applicants from this territory should apply to Judge Berry at his office In the Rumer block. Mrs. E. S. jjtyrtin. who has been 1)1 with the Flu the past week, is re covering nicely. Word has been received that Mel vtn Miller, formerly of Alliance, has arrived safely overseas. W. D. Fisher spent a few days the firs, uf the week in Anselmo, helping t the lakes to net a few 4 ticks. A. O. Isaacson, well known Alli ance business man. Is acquiring quite a reputation as a duck hunrer among the local nimrods. Wednesday Abe and a couple of the boys went out to A l '-s TIME PIECES SLOWED ONE HOUR SUNDAY "Daylight Savin IMan" IVoved Hue revwful OM Time llestored I nUl Next March with the road work down there. Mrs. W. C. Mounts and two chil dren, Olenn and Frank, are recover ing nicely from an attack of the Flu. T. J. Thompson returned Wednes day morning from Kansas City, where he had spent the pasrt week, in response to a message saying his daughter was very ill with the Flu. S. A. Carr of 713 Laramie avenue, received a message Sunday morning of the death of his daughter Mrs. t. R. Wilcox at Creston, Iowa, and left immediately for that place. Mrs Wilcox had been visiting her parents in this city but left about a ween ago for a visst at Creston. She had been residing in Oregon the pus: rew years. John Peterson and son of (Irind Btone, S. D., arrived early this morn ing to attend the funeral of the daughter and sister, Aldght Cora Pe terson, who died on Sunday at the academy. The young lady would have been seventeen years or age to day. Mrs. M. S. Peterson of Spade, Nebr., aunt of the deceased, attended her during her illness and has been In the city since. Interment will be made in the Catholic cemetery at 3 o'clock this afternoon. A. P. Stockdale, principal of the Alliance High School, has entered the service of the Ordnance depart ment. Mr. Stockdale has been on the faculty of the Alliance High School for -the past three years, and was appointed principal this last year. The school board filed exemp tion papers, without Mr. Stockdale's consent, as they considered him to be an efficient man, and one who could serve very well here. Mr. Sotckdale left last Monday for Jefferson Bar racks, Mo. o The state flsh car came through Alliance last week with Superintend ent O'Brien on board. At the re quest of Lloyd Thomas a large con- egnment of baby flsh were ier: at Al liance. F. E. Holsten and Roy Beck-' with took charge of the planting and saw that sight big cam of black bass, croppies, perch, sunltsn, bull heads and channel cattish were planted in the lake at the Ktlpatrick dam. Krause Brothers also receivqd a fine consignment of baby tlsh for planting in the fresh water lake on the Krause ranch. toi Judge L. A. Berry, United Slates commissioner at Alliance, has been notified by the United States Navy recruiting office at Omaha that they desire -to enlist the services of five lady stenographers between the ages of 18 and 4 5, as yeomanettes. The applicants must be able to take 85 words per minute In shorthand and transcribe 3 5 words per minute. They will receive $40 per month over aad above all necessary living ex- j penses for the first three months. ' Then up to $60 per month above ex- cannon kicked him very Violently on his first shot, with the result that he was "ducked" and the duck got away. He Is now having made at a local lumber yard a "leaning plat form" to place at his back when shooting. He will fasten It to his back and when ready to shoot will simply lean back brace his feet wide ly apart and when he sees the white of the duck's eyes, will fire both bar rels of the cannon at once. Try a Herald Want Ad. HELPFUL WORDS From an Alliance citizen. It- your back lame and painful? l)oes It ache especially after exer tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney region? These symptoms suggest weak kid neys. If bo there is danger in delay. Weak kidneys get fast weaker. Give your trouble prompt atten tion. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Your neighbors use and recom mend them. Read this Alliance testimony. Mrs. D. W. Ray, 414 Niobrara ave nue, says: "Several years ago I was suffering from a steady, wearing ache in my back and I was in a run down condition. I felt tired and nervous, too. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me fine relief. I have seen so much proof of their value that I recommend them as a good kidney medicine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Ray had. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. FEEL MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD? Colds and coughs arc quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Discovery Nobody should feel "perfectly mis crable" from a cold, c. or bronchial attack for very long. For it take only little while to relieve :t and get back on the road to recovery when Dr. lung's New Discovery is faithfully used. It soon loosens the phlegm, re lieves irritation, soothes the parched, sore throat, brings comfort. Half a century old and more popular today than ever. At all druggist). Make Your Bowels Behave Make them function with gratifying precision. If regulation of the diet does not relieve their torpidity Dr. King's New Life Pills will. They are perfect bowel trainers, cleanse the system surely, comfortably. ne World's Best Bever9 Sgfflgtf Try its good taste today. 1 ""nax '''ff if" Let the whole family try it. .-Tr " ' See how you will all like that good taste jlf jl- CERVA pure nutritious and non-in- fffll fHl A very remarkable soft drink. llW llBP jpf ife"" At srocew'. at druggUU', etc. l ' - r . : W in fact at ail place w here B mL. ' " "Y good drinks are old. w n iBl ' m Forty United Profit Sharing Coupon (2 coupon -each denomination. 20) are packed ia every cae. Exchangeable for valuable premium. LEMP Manufacturers ST. LOUIS EVERETT COOK Distributor Alliance, Nebraska Sunday, October 2 7, has been des ignated for the restoration of our former time, alter nearly seven months of guidance by the ' Daylight Raving Plan" with our timepieces ad vanced one hour. The plan has proved successful and unless repeal ed by an act of congress will In the future be an annual event. Clocks will be advanced one hour April 1st and retarded the san;e in October. To the most of our people the change will be bin a matter or course and will attract no more than pass ing notice. They will adjust them selves to the conditions without ma terial realisation of Hie ctiance. The railroads and telegraph companies wfll. however, be more forcibly re minded. It will mean a re-adjustment of train schedules and of the Western Union clock over the entire country, necessitating considerable expense and attention. Detailed In struction will be furnished those with the company clocks as to tne proced ure necessary to right the time and where necessary aid will be given. That longed-for additional hour for peaceful repose among the feath ers is at last at hand, but It will also mean working an hour later. If you would keep apace wKh Father Time remember that your timepiece should be stowed one hour Sunday. 4 We're observing orders J issued by City Officials g and we will co-operate in every way possible. Don't forget that we are on the job and you can phone your order or make your selection at the door of our store and same will be delivered if necessary. a Remember Our CHEERING NEWS FOR POTASH BUSINESS Amendment to Income Tax taSW Pro vide That Liberal Deduction lie Allowed for Depletion The potash interests of western Nebraska learn with interest that owners of oil and gas wells, timber lands and mines (including potash deposits) are to be allowed a Uheral deduction for the depletion of their properties, under an amendment to the income tax provisions of the rev enue bill which the senate, finance committee adopted Monday. The deduction will be determined oh the basis of the fair market value of the pioperties both as to proper tles acquired prior to March 1, 1913, and as to properties discovered by the taxpayer. Where properties are under lease, the deduction Is to be equitably apportioned be: ween the lessor and the lessee. TAKING INTEREST IN THEjANTIOCH ROAD Dr. PsfS Director of lublic Koads, Writes Senator Hitchcock llearartl Ing The Project Secretary Fisher of the Alliance Community Club las received a letter from Senator Hitchcock enclosing a letter from Dr. L. W. Page, national director of public roads. Dr. Page had the following to say regar'ing the Alliance-Antioch government aid road project : "I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter with which was enclosed letter from Mr. W. D. Fi er. Secretary, Potash Highway Assoc iation, Alliance, Nebraska, concerr ing Nebraska project No. 21. Wit I your letter was enclosed copy of pe tition for the establshment of a rural route. "The rural route petition wilch was enclosed bears the signatures of 60 heads of families, but it does not give the length of the proposed route nor the territory which it will serve. The heading of tie petition states that a map or sketch of tne proposed route is outlined on the diagram herein,' but no diagram accompanied the papers. This was taken up with your secretary by p ione yesterday and he stated that he would endeavor to obtain a copy of he sketch referr ed to. "I shall be glad to take this project op for further consideration as soon as we can round out the information 1n such form as it Is thought may warrant Its approval by the Secretary of Agriculture A letter was address ed to the District Eng'.neer of this offiire at Omaha a few days ago con--cerninj? the matter and a reply should be rceived by him In the near fu ture. I siall be glad to receive any further informantion which you may be able to obtain defining more cjear ly the proposed rural route for which petition has been submitted. WltlOLKY tJIVKK TIN FOIL IXi(JO KKX.MKNT To help meet the needs of the gov ernment, Wrigley's will discontinue the use of tin-foil as a wrapping for "Juicy Fruit" chewing gum, in order to release this valuable material to Uncle Sam. Hundreds of thousands of pounds per week of tin-foil will thus be made available to the government, it is said. "Juicy fruit" will hereafter appear in the hermetically sealed pink wrapper same as "Spearmint." "Doublemlnt" will also be wrapped in waxed pink paper, instead of green. f 4 y t y y i y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y i y y y y y y y y y y x X y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y BIG SALE 0 ', Starts just as soon as the QUARANTINE IS LIFTED and with our Itnitiense stock which we have on hand we offer on the best bargains )ou ran buy In any store In western Nebraska. Phone 137 We mention below a few articles which have just been received, these goods were ordered eight months ago today they are worth from 50 to 60 per cent more You get the benefit of our early purchase with the added saving of On Every Article 1-4 OFF In the Store COATS and DRESSES A few numbers of Ladies' Coats and Dresses were re ceived this week. All go at ONE-FOURTH OFF Ladies Dress & Street Gloves Just received a delayed ol der of Ladies' Dress and Street Gloves These go at ONE-FOURTH OFF LaCamille Corsets The La Camille Front Lace Corset is the best make on the market Remember these go at 1-4 Off Blankets These Blankets were ordered eight months ago it is impossible to buy them today at any price. You get the benefit of the early purchase besides the 1-4 Off t I y Geo. A. Mollring "The Store of Quality"