THE ALLIANCE HERALD OOTOHHU 10, 1918. m A. f Y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y 1 y i y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 1 i 4 OVER THE TOP" LIVE STOK ME L I I TRIOTI Record-breaking- receipts. No limit to demand or to the facilities and ability of BOWLES LIVE STOCK COM. GO. to handle all kinds of Cattle, Sheep and Lambs. Not overcrowded; skilled men everywhere. Send for and read "BOWLES special advices." C. A. MALLORY, Omaha Manager. CHICAGO OMAHA KANSAS CITY y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 1 y SHEEP REQUIRE LITTLE CARE Big Value of Wool and Mutton Give Boost to Industry Business Now In New Light. (Treps,r.I by the T'nltert Ptntrs Dopart ItMRI of Agriculture.) Tho development of tin- sheep Indus try will eontrlhute materially to the nation'-, i and elothlnir supply. War Conditions have brought nhotit a (s newed interest In sheep growing In the United States and tho hi'h value of both wool and mutton will plaeo tho farm sheep business In a new tlcht. Tho mutton sheep Is n necessary In strument In highly Intensive nnd self supporting agriculture. The still more Intensive use of hind In farms, nn ef fort to secure the more eeonomlcnl use of every acre, every facility, and avall uhle labor, all of which are necessary under the present conditions, necessi tate the general Inclusion of sheep Id I -.a .a aa. aa aaVa AA AaV AVes4 eVdeBV4sBB-eVeeVe4AA ASt-ASt Afc AA-SkeVAA S 4Ai AaVAA-AA-AVAA lOWlf S LIVE STOCK MARKET INFORMATION pects later. r-HAt'K TAIjK HOTS OATTLK ARB ON IH- I, INI. HVHRY WHlfiRH No one should allow t hem selves to j become panicy under any circum I stances. War prices can't be expect I ed to last indefinitely. Supply the de 1 mand will, and should, ultimately j govern all markets and the lire stock ! producers, shippers and feeders will continue to show their loyalty and , patriotism by continuing tnetr busl- ....... . . .... . f . . 1 1 .. ............... ..u.. WHAKKNS MAR-; l"ro"u"' auu iif imwv. We quote Nebraska grass cattle: Good to choice fat steers $12.50415. 50 Fair to good 10. 50& 12.50 Good to choice heavy feeders 11.S0614.04 Fair to good S.50& 1 1 . 50 Good to hocice stock O. A. MAMXJKY. Mgr. 1"""' 1 ' , 7 50&10'50 lM.WI.Ks LIVK STOCK OOMNB- Good to choice yea rl. . MISSION t'OMFANY r,DRS S.50&1.50 Hugs Still on Toboggan Sheep and lAmbs Holding Beat Krerything j Will Be Wanted It HA I i KSTATH TRANSFF'KS Omaha, Nebraska. Union Stockyards, Omaha, Oct. lOn. Many important things have happened since our last letter, but Um United States are still on Top, ant! the American Military and the Auuerican People are "over the top" everywhere and everything. The peace 1alk and prositects of Good to choice fat cows & leifers S.OOiill.OO Fair to good .... 7.00& 8.25 Ci nners and eilttoi i 5.7&& 7.25 S ock cows and he.t'r;f3 6.00& 8 Stock calves 7.50&10.00 Veal calves 10.00&13.00 Common cattle M the usual d1s- Real estate transfers for week end ing Otober 5th, 1918, reported by J. D. Emerick, bonded abstracter. Ella S. Oilman to Liszie D. Coker. lot 1, blocks, town, now city of Al liance, $5,000.00. Mrs. Hattie Blake and Husband to Elmer L. Lawraace, lot 12 block 5. In Hitchcock Hills an I Snederkers addition to Alliance. $600.00. Frank Brennan anJ wifo to Mar garet E. Mann, lot 7,block "E" Sheridan addition in Alliance 500.00. Christian F Matz and! wife to Thos. L. Miskimen, lots 1, 2, ,3, 4, 5 6 in Walnut Hill addition to AIMatic?, ,ebraka, 3,200.00. Ph'Mp Nohe and wife Ul Ernest Becker, lot 14 block 7 original town now city of Alliance. 4,"i0.'!0. Daniel H. Fishburn to Kred Berg field, NE1-4 of 8ec.29, twp.27 rge 48 4.000.00. Nebraska State Building and Ioan Association to Dwight L. Sturgeon and A. Bliss Sturgeon, lot 6. block 8 first addion to Alliance, 525.00. tL beginning of the end of the j counts and the good to choice Wyom Wfcrld's troubles have given BXCIUM I i&l and South Dakota cittle at the for breaking the markets everywhere but they are still high by compari son very unusual to happen. All lasses of cattle show u fair usual premiums. Much will depend upon the a niount of liquidation either fcrced or otherwise of younpr cattle and decline in all markets and the ab- j breeding stock, as to the course of beuce of stocker and feeder buyers ' t he market the balance of the season, arly in the week caused the greatest We still btrfieve all of these grades duline to occur on t aese grades. J should be held over whenever condi Tae Administiaiion has modified itsjtions will peimit as we believe pi ices order again regarding tn WVighl of will he high enoug.i io warrant beef it will purchase; there are just i slicking to the business, at. many months to feed as ever, and j (Ju. reudeiB 8hould keep in close w.. don't look for much further per .,,,.,, wM Ih(. BOWLES outfit at m.iBtnt decline in toe near future. No one can tell just what affect this Few Non-Italian Popes. A no tjority of the popes nova beet i Italian-, hut ther;- is no national Hot j Ration. Pope Clenx i : t II, for example, was a Baxon German, whose family I natne -a S iil r r; Cletuenl IV was a i French nan named Lea Qroe; clement IV was i I reiichniiin named d'Agoust ; , 'lei. lent VI was nnotbof Frenclunan I named 1'ierrt' Uoger; Alexander VI , was a Spaniard, named Borgia ; Cnlix I tux II was a Fivnchman and Cnlixtux . Ill was a Spaniard named Borgia and ' was uncle to Alexander VI. These are a few examples ul non-Italian popes. Judging a Weil-Bred Sheep. our system of mixed farming and live stock production. Thla gives the rais ing of sheep a new appeal In older fanning ureas. The muln factor In determining the cost of other animal products la the value of grain and mill feeds; pastur age and roughage are Important, but both beef and pork require a consider able use of concentrated feeds. The production of Iambs and mutton re quire a very much smaller proportion of fat and therefore a smaller use of grain than Is required In these other meat animals. Sheep are able to get a good portion of their feed from rough, permanent grass pasture and at the aame time keep It clean of weeds. This Increases rather than depresses the cattle-carrying capacity of the pas tore. As sheep require comparative ly little of the owner's labor, the labor cost per dollar's worth of wobl or lambs Is lower than In any other farm animal product. While the labor re quired In raising sheep Is not heavy It is continuous and somewhat differ ent from that required in the csre of other stock. Many of the ohstscles thst have hindered the progress of sheep rais ing in Intensive farming districts have been or are being overcome. The com petition given sheep growing on farms by the production of sheep on lower priced range land Is being removed. A second but only temporary obstacle to a quick Increase In sheep produc tion lies In the fact that comparative ly few farmers are as well quulificd to care for sheep as for other classes of stock. The needs and huhlts of sheep differ from those of horses, and swine, but present no problems thst will not be met by Interested study and observations supported by satis factory returns. GOOD TEAMS ARE VALUABLE Mean More to Up to Date Farmer Than Is Generally Believed Plan to Raise Colts. or any other changes in the World's affairs may have on prices, but sjra still advise shipping anything that is ready or that you intend to dispose 0j whenever cars can be secured as j prioea are -tin good for all kinds.! Nebraska grass sleers still sell well but heavy receipts are liable to cause j lilt, ii, ,i d...' Hi. I r u tin. ri 'in, I a tun in i . i ' i i ..II.- ini'in i i ' iii a ext. The hog trade has felt the pres sure more than anything as the Food Administration and packers failed to South Omaha for the latest reliable "dope" and when shipping, consign to them and .' -t the benefit of thei; expert and expeiienccd lervice. From our latest advie ; we under hand that the "run" of Wes ern li ass cattle will continue liberal for MVOfaJ weeks, tut frcm .lome sec tions we learn shipments will be lighter the balance of t ie teason ami with the zr. in pi ices so much lower the demand for sto kers and feeders should improve. Germany's Oldest Railroad. The oldest railroad to Germany Is one of the shortest In the world. The Lodfrlf railway, doooeetlng the cities of Furth and Nurenburg, is Josl three und three -quarters miles long, and has never been extended. It was conceived by Johannes Bcharrefi wealthy hop merchant, tb Philadelphia Inquirer teils us. The plan was first puMishe., in 1V!J, ami M King Ludwtg iavond IU construction it was named after him. There are about iM employees. The railroad carries about 4,U0U.0O0 passengers a year. Good teams mean more to the up-to-date farmer than Is generally be lieved. Without Rood teams It Is a very difficult matter to do good farm ing. But at present prices farmers may hesitate to buy heavy draft horses and mules, notwithstanding the fact that they are after all economical. It would he a good plan to get some heavy mares und raise colts for sale ir to take the place of lighter animals and old teams on the farm. CARE FOR FARROWING SOWS No Feed Should Be Given for Twenty Four Hours She Must Have Wa ter at Frequent Periods. Art Note. There appears to he a agree and prices have declined al- itnt daily, reaching the low spot on iuere HPP'nrs 'o oe a sang of sculp- tb. crop this week. The bulk selling ' " ",UKIK near .talesmen in atflT.SO to 17.75 with prospects fav- I """"'"Kton. Sculping near-statesmen still lower prices this month. " g ! f Tfllm Buch Sheep and lamb market seems to nUa;hHl;,Uhg", V'T U,,t" B . . nan shall have been dead ten years laae struck a snap, and prices have th)n , UTZ reached 25 to 50 cents from the BOt-L IIla(ie.OUKtOD JJ n?ed t0 tis with a rather favorable pros-1 Seemed Personal. Mrs. Broun weighs over 2.ri0. Not long ago she went into a store to pur chase a waist. After telling toe sale, girl what she wanted she saw her walk over to a speaking tube. To Mrs. Brown'a chagrin this is what aba heard : "Say. Malzie. semt .low 1 1 i ii i ii 4i, .. 1.. . 14 . " J I. ..IMF. Judge. The sow should have no feed what ever for '24 hours after farrowing. She must have water at frequent Inter vals; that drawn directly from the well Is about the right temperuture. Increase the feed gradually for ten days, when she may 1m got onto full feed. Breeding Draft Horses. Itemeniher, If you are breeding draft horses, that the market buyer Insists on soundness, weight, type, substance, bone, feet, pssterns, clean hocka, qual ity and a lion. CHEVROLET HUmiimuinnMiiiimitMmtrmttttmt.tHmMM! WHttmillllimmtlMrtm. We have just received two car loads of CHEVROLET cars this will be the last shipment we will be able to get this year. If you are in need of a car you had better GET ONE NOW niiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimi i "MimnmiiniiniiH We have also just received a shipment of three Ford Trucks M 1 ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u I ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ril 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 ts-tt-aa SAFETY FIRST Place your order now for one of these Trucks and avoid being dis appointed later. Coursey & Miller ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Phelan Theatre ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 THE SEASONS'S GRAND OPENING 4HI IftP E O P L E 4090 SMASHIN GA w Mostly Girls LV Son Hits M Brilliant Cast and Wonderful Chorus The Big Beauty Show of 101 Wonders. BEWILDERING IN ITS SPLENDOR. PRETTIEST GIRLS CATCHIEST MUSIC CLEANEST COMEDY ON TOUR YOU'LL BE SORRY IF YOU MISS IT War SKAT SAI.H MOW Prices 50c. 75c. .Sl.OO. SI. 50. Added HoUtein Drug Store