WANTED Uoyd ( Thomas. Alliance, Neb. IMMIlO. WANT To ni'Y something? Hun 4rd of people, weekly scan these want 'l columns looking for what you or other have to offer. Oct jui. k result by advertising tn The Hernia want n i.pan- QIRL. WANTED for sen!-. 1 house work. Small family. Good wages. Fhene 173. 37-tr-9434 WANTED A lady with one child weuld like to Ret employment at cooking and housework on a farm or ranch. For information please call Phone Walnut 8162 or addreas Box it, Alliance, Nebr. 9782-tf-34 WANTED TO RENT Furnished room at once. Addreas The Her ald offlce or phone 340. FOK SALE One good. 490 model, Cheverolet touring car; good con dition; cheHp. 409 Sweetwater after 6 o'clock. 43-2t-962f FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 224 West Third, two 2-rbom suites. Wanted 2f copies of the Alliance Herald of September 12th. Five cants each will be paid for copies of this Issue brought to The Herald of fice. WANTED About three or four fur ntahed rooms for light house keeping; prefer them on ground floor CaU at Herald office. 44-2t-MS1 $ FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED We have bad a large number of calls within the past few days for fin tttabed rooms. Make that room or nlte of rooms bring you in an Income by renting to responsible people. Phone 340, Alliance Herald offlce, Want Ad Department. WANTED Three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mir t be modern. No children. Call at Brennan's drug store. Phone 87. 44-2t-9486 WANTED In this county, hustler with conveyance to represent wholesale grocery house Ht-lling di rect to consumers. Experience un necessary. Big money for live wires. Attractive work for Bttlddli aged men. Write Consolidated Grocery Co.. Sioux Crty, Iowa. 42-2t-95fi3 POTASH LAMP WANTED x 1 am interested in securing pood potash lakes on which to Srecl n re duction plant. IT you own lakes, either large or small, which arc In the potato district, or if you have options or li ases on li kes, get in teuch ,with me without, delay and I will handle them lor you If they have the potash. Give full description when writing. T. n 1 . Box !7S0, care Alliance Herald 34-tf-97sn FOR RENT- One large sleeping room furnished, lage enough for two beds; has outside door. Gentle men preferred. 504 Sweetwater or phone 1024. lu-tf9434 LOST OR FOUND LOST Saturday night, a brown overcoat, with belt. Lost between Box Butte and Emerson, on Fifth street. Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. 43-2t-9624. ST BAY ED -From Randall's ranch, red roan horse, no brand, left hip down. Wm. Reuben, Miatare, Neh. Route 2. 42-4t-9f60-$ FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at this offlce and paying for this ad. 40-tf-9488 ISCELLANEOU OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission Is In need or second-hand clothing, eseclally men and shoes. Call phone 696 and we will call for them. The City Mis jlon LADIES Be the local representa tive for the Duchess line in Alli ance. Easy to sell. Others making from $15 to $30 per month in spare time. Pleasant, easy work. Particu lars free. Duchess Drug Company. 117 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 31-tf-9335 SCAVENGER WAtJON We now have on regular routes Mid lor special calls our city scaven ger wagon, ah calls to telephone 575 will receive prompt and earefUl at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do good work. SAM S1IKLTON, Phone r.75. city Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 Real Estate, Loans and In sin ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddisl Block. 15-tf-6727 FOR SALE If you haVO something that you wish to dlapoaa of that will he of use to other people iui ml un der the FOB SAM', or MISCEL LANEOUS heading will do the hlz. LOTS FOR SALE Call phone 930. 42-2t-9561- MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY :o: We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the later appliances for moving furniturt without marring or scratching or do Ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad. will be used by us on all movln Jobs. JOHN B. SNYDER. Phone If 37-tf-5950 FOR SALE Chevrolet car. in good condition: summer and winter tops. May be seen at Weaver's garage; W. Second street. 4 l-tf-9465 FOR SALE CHEAP- Wicker baby buggy in good condition. Also man's bicycle In fine shnp. W. A. Bennett. 13 Reddish block. Alliance. 40-tf-9499 FOR SALE or LEASE Rooming! house, excellent downtown location) In Alliance; 20 rooms, excellently! furnished. Always well tilled. Will ell or lease with or without furni ture. Address Box 9416. care Alii-; 33-tf-9416 FOR SALE Two used autoa la good condition. One Ford touring car and one standard make touring car of another make. Both cars are equipped with new tires and 'n tue j beet of shape. Prices reasonable. Inquire at The Herald office. Lots for sale. Call phone 930. 42-2t-9561- FOR SALE Roadster, six thousand miles, ply Sturgeon Garage. driven only Cheap. Ap-43-tf. FOR SALE Two good residence properties in good residence dis trict of Alliance. Close to business district. One nine room, completely modern house, two blocks from post office, price low, easy terms. One Ave room, modern except furnace, three blocks from post off ice; price iew, easy terms, furniture if desired. NOTICE FOR PI BMCATIO.V ISO LATED TRACT Public Lund Sale. Department of the interior. U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nel.r.ibka, September 28th. 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the Q antral Land Office, under provis ions of Acts of Congress approved JUBS 1", 1906 (34 Stats., f, 1 7 j . an! March , 1907 CM Stats.. 1224). iur Miant to the application of Edwin R. Fewer. Serial No. 018 1S5, we will offer at public sale, to the highest Udder, bill at not hws than IS.Vfi per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the 12th day of November next, ,u this office, the following tract of land: SE, si:4 of Section 31; and SW'4, VW of Section 32. Townsiip ?r.. North of RaagS tf , West of the Mil P. M. Any pei son claiming adversely the above-described land ar advised to file their claim, or objection, on or before the time designated for sale. T. J. O'KBBFB, 4"-5t-9i7-9838 Receiver. HEAL ESTATE LOANS Farms ami Ranches I desire to place during the months of October and November $250,000 00 on the best farms and ranches, five years time, with option al payments. Applications must be conservative In amount, not to exceed 40 per cent of the actual value of the security. The prepayment option will please 'borrowers, and where titles are correct the loans can be closed promptly. Write or pione me. K. I Pierce. Hemlngford, Nebr. 45-4t-9837 Herald's Want Ad Page PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hei iaafter set forth In full, Is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D. 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the Stat of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section One of Ar ticle Seven of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska he and the same hereby is amended by striking out the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their Inten tion to become citizens comformably to the laws of the United Statea. on the subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." And Inserting in the place of the words so stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall hare become citizens of the United States by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the lawa of the United States at least thirty days prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at the general elec tion nineteen hundred and eighteen (1918) there shall he submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relat ing to the right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said proposed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amend ment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage." and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suffrage." Sec. 3. If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting tit sucn election, said amendment sIihII constitute Section One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska. Approved, April 9. 1!18. KEITH NEVILLE, attest: Governc CHARLES W, POOL .. , Secretary of Btate, ,i 34-14t-904-9379 IHILITIOAL ADVERTISING CANDIDAT FOR THE STATE SENATE. 28TN DISTRICT ARTH LES OF IN( ORIMIRATION nf the ASSOCIATED POTASH PLANTS. Wk, the undersigned incorpora tors, do hereby, in pursuance of the laws of the State of Nebraska in such cases made and provided, associate ourselves as a body politic and cor porate in the name and for the pur poses hereinafter mentioned. ARTICLE L The said corporation shall be named and known as THE ASSOCI ATED POTASH PLANTS. ARTICLE II. The principal place of transact ing the business of the corporation shall be In -the city of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska. ARTICLE III. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to buy, lease or otherwise acquire lands and waters containing, or be lieved to contain, potash, alkaline products or ot.ier minerals. To purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, build, construct, operate, and maintain refineries, mill works, lab oratories, pipe lines, rights of way for pipe lines, side tracts, telephones, storage tanks, dwelling houses for workmen and1 others in connection with the purposes in this article set forth. To carry on the business of produc ing, refining, storing, supplying and tiniil their successors s.iall have been elected and have qualified. Any two of the said offices may be held by one and the same person. In the event of the absence of the president, the vice-president shall have full power to perform all the duties of the president and to sign, execute, and deliver any and all In struments, and to do each and every act with full power and authority as the president could perform If pres ent. ARTICLE XI. Tae Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to make all rules and by-laws for the proper gov ernment, management and control of the business affairs of the corpora tion and they may alter and amend the same'at pleasure. ARTICLE XII Vacancies aeciiring In the Board of Directors shall be filled by the stock holders, and all other vacan cies in office from whatever cause, shall be filled by the Board of Direc tors. A majority of the Board of Directors shall be and constitute a quorum for the transaction of bus iness. ARTICLE XIII. Theae articles of Incorporation may be amended at any time. Every proposed amendment shall be first approved by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors and upon STATE of NEBRASKA BOX BUTTK COUNTY On this 24th day of August, A. D., 1918, before me. M. S. Hargraves, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting in and for Boa Butte County, Nebraska, personally appeared before me Lloyd C. Thomas, B. M. Thomas, F. A. Bald, E. K. Bald, to me known to be the identical persons waose names are affixed to the foregoing artlclea ef incorporation and tbey severally acknowledged the ecexution of the same to be their voluntary act s deed for the purposes in said articles expressed. In teatLnony whereof I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal the day and year 1st above written. M. S. HARORAVES, (SEAL) Notary Public My commission expires January 2f. 1923. , 44-4t-916-95S. umrinuai poiasn, alkaline pro-, being so approved saall be entered ducts or other minerals of nil fIoduh i i .. m j- ,i. - i m iniKc upon inn mum ui we Board. A draft of the proposed and descriptions. To contract for water or the use of water or lands containing or believed to contain potash, potash deposits, alkaline products or minerals; to ac quire by purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise lands and waters contain ing or believed to contain potash. products i other Ohadron Nebraska Republican I did not solicit this office but was urged to run by my friends who sir gested I was the man for the place. I come to you through the newspaper as it will be impossible for me to see you and solicit vour votes 1 am well known in the western part of the dis-1 pald up an'' non-assessable. to others, mineral leases of lands or potash 'Kdline u'in"Kiaa I The corporation may buy, hold or disp se of Mien real an ', personal ' property as the board of directors I may deem proper for the promotion ! of its business, or that may be iftces- 1 sury In the proper conducting of It's! said business. ARTICLE IV. ine autnorized capital atOCg of CIO corporation shall be Fiv.' Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, di vided Into Five Thousand (5,000) hares of One Hundred ($l0o.00i Dollars each. The said stock may be paid for in ash or its equivalent in property of Other things of value necessary and useful to the corporation in the transaction of its business and when said stock is issued it shall be fully amendment or amendments, as the case may be, shall then be submitted to each stock holder with a notice of the meeting so called for the purpose of voting on the same, which notice shall be given ten (10) days at least, prior to the date fixed for said meet- or amend shall then lease on royal- be approved by tae holder, or hold- sell or dispose of i erSi of a majority of the capital stock i..,f ... 1, i i ,..md1. wywii, aiaanne products or j inK. if HUoh amendment other minerals. ; ,npnf or R,thpr of thpm io con-iraci, lease ties, or otherwise. lands or waters. I nt tva rnrnnrnflnn annh and evi r v waters containing ; amendment so annroved shall be con- Buy as many Liberty Bonds as yen can, but do not stop at that. Urge others to buy. You have many frlende who can buy more. If you help tl to see things in the right light. FOR SUPREME JUDGE sidered adopted and be made a part of the articles of Incorporation and the Board of Directors shall there after, subscribe, acknowledge, record and publish the same as by law required. In testimony whereof we have I hereunto set our hands this 24th day Of August, 1918. LLOYD C. THOMAS, B. M. THOMAS, F. A. BALD, E. K. BALD. JUfcfeL ERNEST B. PERRY OF CAMBRIDGE fearless.--Omaha Bee. fit timber. Lincoln Witness: M. S. Hargraves. Clean, able. Remarkably tare ifonrnal. The wesi ihreVfourths of the state !r entitled In at least one judge. World Herald. trlct but a meat many of the voters in the eastern part of the district never heard of J. W. Good, so it will lie necessary for me to tell you who I am. and where I came from. I was born and raised in Hopkins ville, Kentucky. My parents died when 1 was a small boy and 1 was bound out to work foe a bom . I bridle and a saddle until I was 1 1 years old. I came to Nebraska in 1883 came to Dawes county in 1886. took Up a homestead and tree claim, and proved up on them. Have added to them until 1 have two ranches among the best in the district. I do not speak of this boastingly, but to show you that I have made a success of my own business why I solicit your vote, or why you should vote for me. I was raised on a farm and have farmed all my life and am one of the largest farmers In this district. My sympathy naturally would be with the needs for the betterment of the farmer. As to the stockmen, I am known all over the state as being one of the largest hog men in the str.te. also raising cat tle extensively and my sympathy would Do with anything that might help the stockmen. I was in the clothing and shoe business for 2 5 years so I have had 25 years of business experience and feel I am broad and fair enough with the farmers, the stockmen, the busi ness men to see the needs of nil as a whole The greut que-.tion before the peo ple today is to do the things that will help win this war. I am trying to do my bit by working a little harder to raise and produce a little more, by being a little more active In soliciting and taking liberty bonds, war sav ings stamps, helping the Red Cross and also helping the Y. M. C. A. drive. Some other things I stand for is better roads, better schorls, better churches, better cattle, hotter hogs and better people and to do all we can to win this war as quickly as possible without sacrificing too n any of our boys. As I said before I did not solicit this office but was asked by your friends to make this run. I am will ing to sacrifice my time for my coun try at this time at any cost. I will appreciate your vote Novem ber 5, 1918, also anything you may do or say in my behalf. Respectfully, J W. Good for State Senate 28 th District, Nebraska. ARTICLE v The highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to whHh i in corpor ation may subject itself shall not ex ceed an amount equal to two-thirds (2-3) of its paid-up capital stock. ARTICLE VI. The porporatlon shall date from and Commence on the 19th day of September. 1918, and shall termin ate on the 19th day of September, 1968. However, this corporation may be dissolved at any time prior to its own limitations, by consent of two thirds (2-3) of the paid-up and out standing capital stock of said corpor ation by a resolution dissolving the corporation spread upon its records and certified to the Secretary of State. ARTICLE VII. The business affairs of the corpor ation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than taree (3) nor more than five (5), and the officers by them to be elected, as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE VIII. The voting power of the capital stock of the corporation shall be, one vote for each share of capital stock issued by the corporation. ARTICLE IX. The first annual meeting of the stock holders of the corporation shall be held in the City of Alliance, Ne braska, on the first Monday in January. 1919, and the regular an nual meeting of tie stock holders shall be held In the City of Alliance, Nebraska, on the first Monday in January of each succeeding year. At said first meeting, and at the annual meetings thereafter the Board of Directors shall be elected by the stock holders from their own number, to hold office until the an nual meeting next after their election and until their successors shall have been elected and have qualified. The undersigned incorporators saall be and constitute a provisional Board of Directors, who shall con duct the affairs and business of said corporation until the first nnnual meeting on the first Monday In January, 1919. and until tneir suc cessors shall have been elected and ! have qualified. ARTICLE X. The Directors shall, In each In-: etance as soon as convenient after they have been elected and have qualified, elect from their number a 1 president, vice-president, secretary, I and treasurer, who shall hold office Professional Cards C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon am.ianci:. mBBRABKA RBglDR&CH PHONH No. 62 OFFICE! l'HONE No. 65 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 218 1-2 Box Butte Mllnnrr. lirnkn PHONES Offlret IlenMrnrei IS GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Bye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat I'lliiM: 257 al In animered from Offire day or night J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I lm- thr only Nrt of Atmtmrt Hook In II ox Bnttr County. Oilier l IIOOM 7 Onrra Hoiim- Illork "Let Mr t ry for You" HARRY P. COURSEY MVH STOCK and BnggRAIi SALEM SPECIALIST and AUCTIONEER, Farm Sales a Specialty TrrniM Itranonnlilr I'll ONE eC,1 Alliance, Nrhraaka J. JEFFHEY, D. C. Ph. C. A. Qa JEFFHEY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Blocjt Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Interior nnd Exterior Ylewa Kodak Flnlnhina; Enlars-lng ,.M Styles ALLIANCE ART STUDIO M. E. . It ! ii I ;. Proprietor PHONE RED 165 Harness Hand Made From II. . i Material. Outlaat Any Factory Made ..,. tin. Call and See. HarneMM lit 'pairing by Exprrl encrd llarnraa Maker. J. M. COVERT At M. M. U. Nlchola' Stand ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys at Law OlFICKs , Flrat National Rank Rulldlnic PHONE 180 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA V. J t r- a L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 AI.l.l A N i.e. NKBRASKA