WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from 12.00 to $5.00 per et (broken or not). VW rIm j' actual value for Diamonds, old Qotd, Sliver and Bridge-work. Bend at ore by parcel post and receive caali by return m. il MA KICK'S TOOTH SPECIALTY IVpf X, 2007 Ho. mi, .St. I'll Mm. I.. I phi, Pa. A dollar la worth leaa th;n nothing to you If you apend It for something you do not really need. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Wiser FTVM" CiMfi. ciatif EsUftslsmsnt. f no 1 Qms: Ass arbod. LADIM DIME HATINEE DAILY DON'T QO HOME BAYING : I DIDN'T VISIT THE OAYETY RED CROSS HAS 3.000 WORKERS IN FRANCE Mure Tlinn 70,tKM,tKM) Hient In I'imihc Alone Hy Hie American K(mI ( 'niHs IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I """ it Mil alW H Just ask Dad to stay at home one day and do the family wash. m a Dad won't do it. He'll say there ought not to be a wash day at all that the home isn't the place to do the wash. Dad will say to send all the wash to the laun dry. And Dad will be right. All things considered it costs less to have us do the washing than to do it at home. MAKE US PROVE IT! ALLIANCE STEAM LAUNDRY mmm$mmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm mnnmmntmn RHEIN-ROUSEY CO. Save on Fuel and Buy Bonds The Improved King Bee HEATER is Air Tight - "has Large ash pan and base Anti-buckling ring Heavy fire pot Hot blast. Therefore: Holds fire Controls heat Warms the house Burns all smoke and gas. You May Pay More Money, but Cannot Buy a Better Heater WE CHEERFULLY SHOW GOODS Rhein-RouseyCo. Opera House Block. llv !!- been Tlie end of llila year will see more ihsm $70,000,000 apent in France m lone by the American Red Cross since the beginning of tie war This la revealed In a statement Just Issued by the Red Cross War Coun cil. Nearly hnlf of all this money $34. ,r83, 827.57 to be exact has been appropriated for the hist half of 1918. This was made necessary by the Nfti (ierman attack of last spring which drove so many poor French families from their homes. The Items of civilian relief and reconstruction of ruined villages alone have called for $S, 557, 605. 75 and the end is not in sight. The Red Cross is having to face the terrible task of combating tuber culosis among the women, children and old men of France, especial mong the thousand:, who have in the hands of the bun. They pour hack in a steady stream, those too old, too worn out or too diseased to be longer useful to the Germans, and the Red Cross immediately takes them In charge. Tjere are now 76 tuberculosis hospitals completed In France, and requisitions for goods fo 96 provis ional hospitals have been approved and they will be in operation in a few weeks. These provisional nospltals have rf.610 beds. The Red C'oss has now in France about 3,000 workers, mnny of whom work for nothing and pay tieir own vices free but part or all of their? ( expenses. Many others give their services free but part of all their ex penses are borne by the Red Cross. It is this care of taeir wives and French soldiers to fight to the last, and makes them such cheerful and fearless comrads of our own boys. Four years a so the Germans were ;.t MM Marne. Tne allies dTove them hack in n hurry, hut th1 via' they were back again, hitting harder than ever. Again they irve driven them back- a little way towards Perlin. But let us not b" elated Let us loan the government every cent we en. N tha' we ran hold what we 1 m. taken, fl 'd go ahead and rrk more and more WATTLEH KHyi'KSTH FARM Kits TO ASSIST STM'K S1RVKYS Buy your Liberty Bonds without being asked. That will give the sol icitors more time to round up the slackers. More War News First in the JOURNAL Th State Journal receives its war news from the Associated and the. United Press, the two largest news layering organisation In the world. In addition it receives tha t o; ipUte wiie and cable service f tha Chicago Tribune, and the a hie serv ice of the New York Times. No other Nebraska newt paper. receives this war news serv ice. T io Journal is represented by t went j -three exclusive corre spondents alone the battle fronts In Europe as well as many others scattered nil over tha world. Tie sg twenty-three men devote their en ergies to covering every phase of war activity, battles, big move, everything, and cable i; to the Journal every night. You gel it tha next morning, if you send dt 1 AA,or a tin V J- UU ,riai w, three months ibscriotlon to the Daily Journal or $1 50 with the big Sunday paper. Keep up with the war not n lap behind. 'Hie Nebraska hovs ar fighting voir are helping. Sand ti e ! onejr to nil. WAT .lot hnal Morning T.vcning Sunday Lincoln, Nebraska. 4 Bless i Omaha. Neb., Oat. 3 The hog and cattle survey of Nebraska, which will be made on October II under the direction of the Federal Food Ad ministration for Nebraska, will be complete in every detail. It will show the number of animals on the farms of the state and the number that will be slaughtered for meat purposes at home. October 15. It wiM give us much de been sesured of the cooperation of the schools of the state by Superin tendent ClemmonB. School children will make the survey while compil ations will be made by the teachers. " I trust every farmer in Nebraska will cooperate to the last ditch with us in this survey," says Wattles. " By having the information ready when the children ask for it, Ue work can be hastened and we can complete the taking of the census Food Administration Wattles has sin d information as it will show the food strength of the state in meats I urge every farmer to assists us in this work." DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light mad Power Plant Bringrs city conveniences and modern benefits to the farm homo. ACERS ft LYTLE, Alliance, Nehr. 418 Cheyenne Ave. Phone 051 rasRiS Brag CONGRESSMAN M. P. KINKA1D Republican Candidate for Ke-Klec-tlon. By voice and vote has given his un qualified support t oevery war meas ure and urges vigorous, speedy prosecution of the war until the enemy is forced to an unconditional surrender. Weighed SO Pounds Before T PERUNA Receucads it ta Ber Friends "1 don't need Peruna any more. I am aU well. 1 have taken six bottle, f nrlchrd nln- j pound before I started with Peruna. I was Just aa poor sad mo weakly. I had alvrn up hope of ever - w'Ui such a cona-h and iplt- past ana coma not eat aaytalaa-. Now since taking Peruna I weigh one htlndrrri and thtrtT-flve l All my friends said I woaia never nt well. I was Just a shadow. 1 nave surely recom mended your Peruna to many of nay friends, and they are using it. I will mnmmrii Peraaa, for I am so thankful for what it has Sold Kverywhe Now Weigh Pounds king I Mlo' MJaa Qsia Ukb N. Gold St, Grand Rapids. In her letter opposite Miss Lohr xeus in oanvmcnnsr woras oi tne benefits aha received from Pa run a. 1 1 SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In it, before breakfast. Tn foot na flno ns iha nrnverlila fidrtlo a.a must keen the liver washed clean,' almost every morning, to pre vent its sponge-UKe pores irom clog ging With, indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. , If you get headaches, It's your liver. If you catch cold easily, it's your liver. If you wake up within had taste, furred tongue, nasty hreafh or stomach be comes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy completion, watery eyes Si denote liver uncleanllness. Your liver Is the most important, also the must abused and neglected organ of tlio tinilv Kpw know its function or , how to release the dammed-up body waste, bile anu loxms. .mosi ioiks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous, salivating chemical which can only be used occasionally because it accumulates In tue tissues, also attacks the bones. V.v..rv Trinn nrwl wnmfin filrlc OP well, should drink each morning be fore breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate in it, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, the poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting moro food into the stomach. Limestone phosphate docs not re strict the diet like calomel, because it can not salivate, for it is harmless and i-nn pan oAt. fin vthine afterwards. It, Is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and nv nharmaeiat will sell you a quarter pound, which is sufficient for a dem onstration of how not water ana lime stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling fit day in and day nut. ATLAS REDWOOD TANKS Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other material, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATL S TANK MFG. COMPANY Fred Boisen, Manager 1102 W. 0. W. BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 4- SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. Due to the volume of our business and the co-operation of our customers, we have been able to reduce the cost of production of Original Kansas Germ Free Fluid Vaccine made by Dr. 0. M Franklin, and are, therefore, giving the consumer the benefit of that reduction. EIEREAFTEB the regular price of this vaccine will be 40 Cents per dose. To those who arc not familiar with our product and to show t hat we have every confidence in our vaccine, wc will give a written guarantee that it will save every calf from Blackleg. The price with this written guarantee is 50c per dose. WE MAKE ONE QUALITY OF VACCINE ONLY THE KANSAS BLACKLEG SERUM CO. E. A. HALL & SON, Alliance, Nebraska. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of thia old famous Sage Tea Racipe, im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly thai no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applica tions the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beau tiful. Tin is the ape of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Ssge and Sul- fihur Compound to-night and you'll be de ighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearanoe within a few days. This preparation is a toilet reauitit aad is not intended for the cure, mitiga tiojt or prevention of aineax. I Know the Voice WHICH THIX8 THE SUFFERINGS FROM A SORE TOOTH I have to see or re-! for the first time the works of any noted writer of the middle ages, anything chat pertains to Dentistry. There could not have been the demand upon them then as in being made today. ' THE St 1ENCE.OF MEDICINE AND DENTAL SURGERY Which has shown such wonderful progress in such a comparatively short time, has been compulsory bo to speak. Again NECESSITY WAS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION For twenty years every hour of every day, I'have heard some one say "Why does not some one invent something to relieve pain in a safe and easy manner?" The cry for this great necessity has dwelt on my mind so long, that I finally solved the problem and have put it into use. Through Sturgis & Sturgis, Attorneys, I filed for a patent on this most wonderful method to relieve pain. I KNOW THE VOICE OF THE SUFFERER; I ALSO KNOW HOW TO ANSWER in a manner that should immensely please. It's here for you to take advantage of. I will gladly show you. For Out-of-Town Patrons Appointments Made to Rest Salt Their Conveni ence. PHONE TODAY DR. G. W. TODD 4U3 HRANDE1S RUU.D1NG OAMHA, NEBRASKA N