emarkatfc ScftDrink l' SxWaA Sparlli-r, bubbling absolutely pur. L Ask nnd have served at fnSK i HH rVS&SMfiA Official chemist, employed by state of mmk f PBWlQr Missouri "A wholesome pnxluct. Mm fis"a2!5iiaetl6''jl A flTO ,r,,,n preservatives nd yeast cells Lm TSTTiTlTiifflTi y'X nni) nv reason of small nmnunt of fer- Kwm wmWL fZr jL i lent :1I sirwrs present would say that Mmm . -WM XVWJ'; 'laBam ," deleterious effects would hp pro- KLW fB ''"-"""t-f'B ' slacel on processes of digestion." mumm W BCWB k ( jPfh KWKl f"r ,hlrSt "good HS n fnct.itlljilnres yHSRwT bwt LAWS REGULATING EM PLOYMENT OE WOMEN 7im f M Cap Try the good taste f CERYA ' ""'' LEMP MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS EVERETT COOK Distributor Alliance, Nebraska Forty United Profit Shnrintt Coupons (2 coupons each denom ination 20) are packed in every case. Exchangeable for valuable premiums .22 Caliber Rifles and Cartridges for Shooting Right EVERYBODY is beginnintf to see the difference between right rifle shooting and aimlos "potting around" and go-as-you-please "target shooting." The trend of the times toward efficiency is leading thousands to follow the Government's wiihes and shoot the official N. R. A. small bore courses (not military) adopted for civilian and junior marksmen. Remington UMC .52 Cilifcer Riflra and Cartridge!, mide to ihoot Mi are f irrt choiee for tti. shooting, because they measure up tn the highest etandard of accuracy required. Get in line with a Remington UMC 22 Caliher Rifle and Leiimok Cartridge and win the official Government decoration awarded for proficiency by the National Ritle Aaaociatioo, SelJ bjf Snorting CooJs Dealers in Your Community For information about the new Small-Bore Course. aaV. the Secretary of any civilian or boy rifle eluh. or address the National Rifle Aociation. 1108 Woodward U.Udins. . . .r . w, THE REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY. Inc. Luryrsi "S f J n u fa 1 1 u r ers c f J - j rtii a i J Ammunition in the VForJd WOOLWORTII BUILDING NEW YORK Hotel Fontenelle o yw h v Built By Nebraskans For Nebraskans MAKE THE FONTENELLE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN OMAHA. UNFAILING COURTESY and SERVICE SEEM TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE 330 ROOMS-330 BATHS f 2.00 W S44M bisms I ONB PERSON . TWO PERSONS . . 13.00 t. it. 00 . . . Mftsutorment H. Edgar Gregory ... mm? (aaosiis mmt The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE. FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BB REFUNDED, 2f SEVERE PAIN. "I used to Buffer a great deal with luwhago In my shoulders and back. A friend Induced ma to try Dr. MUt AnU-Paln Pills and I am ofsY too clad to be able to atteat to the relief that I got from tbeae splendid pills. They form a valuable medicine and do all tbat it la claimed they will do." LEWIS J. CCTEBR, Marietta, OLto. HuminAry of Uh Relating Hie loiiini of Women And tliild rvn In Nebraska. A 9-hour day -No woman ahall be employed in cities of over 6,000 in nny manufacturing, mechanical, or mercantile establishment, laundry, hclel or restaurant office, or by any public service corporation more than 9 hours in the day of 54 hours a week. Hours between 6 A M. and 10 P. M. T n hours of each day may be arranged to permit employment of women at any time between 6 a. m. and 10 p. m. but not between 10 p. m. m. and 6 a.m.. except In the cape of public service corporations which may employ women between 10 p. m. and 6 a. m. But such nlaht ment shall not be more than eight consecutive hours. CANDIDATES PLEDGED FOR RATIFICATION W .J. Mi win t rges Voters of Nc-bros-k In BjBMM .rin.n. NBSflBSB nni) I -l. ilc . I of ( an!lUtes Altho w. J. Hryan Is not now plannim to take part in the Nebras ka BMBpalga 1hls fall, he has called upon N liraska voters who favor pro hibition to scan closely the pledges and re i, ids of candidates for the-leg-islaturi' as to how they stnnd on tie proposit on of ratifying the nation al con.iltutional amendment. In hi statement to the public Mr. Hi miii Kiys: "Vols only for the legislative candidaies who fnvor ratification Kourtei u states hnve ratified --twen-I ty-two more are necessary. These can seats for women in his employ anil shall permit ihe use of the seats. Children under fourteen years shall not be employed. No Olild un der fourteen Bhall be employed In an occupation or buslnenn what ever during the hours that the pub lic schools are in session. Children between the EBBS of 1 ljj !Jnff WC Kk ' " bo Hl'iai fi at thn uaaaalaa &t , . employ- vmm rinnuu u Ith 'rl' ods of the amendment do II eigm I .1. ... araa. . ., ... . ii-n ui.ij, i iie seniiment in rasor of I I 1lP II 11 l , ft (1 in ..ii I la tr i a V. I aaaa haaa t a Seats must be provided for women. I " ' " ' Kvery employer in stores, factories. ' V ufM , ftt thp to offices nnd schools shall nrovlde I ihe voters should lay partisan ship amle and vote tor the dry leg islative candidate against the wet candid le regardless of party. A re publican legislator who will vote to ratify the national prohibition a mendn lent Is better than a democra tic legislator who will vote to defeat .he amendment and retnln the sa- and. 16 may be employed under cer- 'oon, And. of course the reverse is tain conditions. The employer of a,8r dry democrat is better children between -the ages of 14 and i lnan 1 wet republican. 16 must keep on file n certificate; "Vote only .for legislative candi from the school authorities attesting ' dates pledged to ratify and our fight nie ape ann pnysical ritness of such lng will be won when Ihe polls iciildren, that they can read and close next November ZS? S!S!"!f??! hg En"l "Th- ratification fight has been ss ."..s-unr, iin.i uiey nave at- won at tha nrlmnrtn. 1 . . .. "T n lor at leasr Iiiroe tended fourths of the school year previous to arriving at the age of 14, or previous to applying for such cer , tificate. Where a child under 16 vno nas no-, completed the eight grade is employed regular attend ance at a public evening sc lool for i three evenings a week and 20 weeks I In the year is required. An 8-hour day for caildren and no ! night work. Children under 16 shall not be employed for more tbB eight hours a day, nor for more tlian 48 hours in one week, nor between 8 p. m. and 6 a. m. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Election November 5, 1918 V 1BBB 1 we only need to hold what we have already secured. "If ihe nint'een dry slates ratlfy- i there is no sign of failure anywhere -we only need three wet states to om piste the twenty-two more needed. The returns from the primaries s.iow that we have won in Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, California. Vermont nnd Wyoming, with Florida, Nevada and Illinois still to hear from. In lbs legislative district compris ing It. ix Butts and Sheridan counties the candidate! srs Lloyd C. Thomas j on the Iieinocratic t icket .run ning for ' re-ele. lion, and T. L Hrlggs on the Republics II ticket. BliggS has not de- elareil himself on the question of j prohibition in feet the only thinn j on which ie has decfareil himself is "potfti h, and it is very prohable that a ni.ijority of the voters of the ilis irict will not suplport him in his ef forts to grab some of the state's re- 3O0 1.es l.ioyd Thomas is one of the three members of, the House of RepreseB tu-. iyes uien the credit for the p se ta ga of Nebrsskst's effective prohibi tion law. He is also one ol the mem bers who Introduced the resolution in the House this sprint ratlfyina t is national amendment, llis stand on Ihe prohibition question is well knows and be is basing bis campalfo on his excellent record doting the ims-t two years. m - a z&mm x m aX rKrATMrlQ mm m c v c vt vnwuiv I I i inn bk B Kept arandma waiting I Oh well It's all light. Because 1 j I I CALUMET I 1 BAKING POWDER I III wastes minutes er maiCrlaTl n:l I Inmv It'a pure nnd , ' IS aE wholesonn-, os C tlum M untnlnsonly aurh irfirt-li-rs3 I ! J ill I Yor. nvr uhrn you buy ityou when ur it. il' I JBlj mm I ' . in , I Famous Collins Saddle LLOYD C. THOMAS I alitor The Alliance llSHSld rAKDlDATfO FHHt KK-i;i.lTH. Lloyd's platform is his excellent record (iurinc the regular session of i 1917 and the spociul session ot 118. During the regular session he helped introduce and push through, among others, NKRHASKA'S PBOUIB1T- : ION LAW, the 18-miles-per-hour LIVK STOCK TRANSPORTATION LAW, the STATIC PUBUCITT LAW. twice-a-month pay for railroad m- I plorees law. the law creetina a j STATK gbUNOIL )F' DEFENSE and the joint resolution requesting the I national congress to take steps for , government ownership or manage ment of all railroads, telegraph and j telephone systems. At the special session in 19 18 be helped introduce and pass the SOL DIERS' VOTING LAWS, the MIN ERAL LEASING LAW. the SEDIT ION LAW, and the HOME GUARD LAW. He stands for ratification of the national prohibition amendment and for the passage of every law thai will assist the government in the success ful prosecution of the war. Lloyd is not backed by any ling or combination. He has no "axe to grind.' He has helped to put west ern Nebraska "on the map" and if re-elected he will help to keep it there. aSSSsnV Ba The best saddle made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Company SurceaKor to OuIUiik it Morrison 1210 Faniam St., Omaha, Neb. UMC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEY Take a glass of Salts if your Back hur or Bladder bothers yon Drink more water. WHAT CATARRH IS Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors only irritate and do little if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat its cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building tonic, free from any harmful drugs. It is helping thousands. Try IL Scott & Bourne. iavomcJ4.N.J. If von must have Your mail . eat it, but flush your kidneys with aa McaaioSBily, any a a noted authority n Bells " taw meat forma uric acid Whti Sin OSt paralyze the kidneya in their forts to expel it from the blood. 1 ! i become sluggish and weaken, then suffer with a dull misery in the ki.l'i region, akarfk pains in the back or a headache, diz.ineaa, your stomach sou tongue is coated and when the mmH is luj you have rheumatic twinges. I urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, t ehinassi often get sore and irrit'i ohliging you to seek relief two or i time during the night. Te neutralize tbeae irritating acids, i cleanse the kidneys and flush off t body's urinous waste get four ounces Jad Salts from any pharmacy h. p take a tableapoouful in a glaa water beiore breakfast for a few and vour kidneys will then act fine, famous salts is made from the as grapes and lemon juice, combined lithia, and iHJt lawn, uand for aaoiwar. to flush and stimuIatA aluinriaK kUaaa also to neutralise the acids m urn,, ao it no longer irritatea, thus en :. I. ladder weakmaaa. . Jad Baits is inexpensive; cannot b jure, and makesaa dehgbtfai eflarreace , lithia water drink. da' Tlu A wit ate The Lindell Hotel Palm and Palm, Props.' LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Try Our Popular Price Lunch Room and Codes Shop AH Modern Convenience Rooms $1.00 Up New Management Political mm . -Maaaw Order Your Co al upply Early It is the wise thing to do You'll say so this winter, too. If we could make plain to yon the situation, we know that yon would put In your winter's coal supply now. tt'e are not trying to scare yon, but we are trying to tall you. The car ahortage exist. It may tooa to you like everything la moving, but you'll appreciate what we tall you when winter cornea and It may be next to Impossible to get coal. We're got coal to sell you today. We're got coal today to put Into your bin. We can't promise more. It's good coal and lt'a a fair price. We urge you to get busy thing act. It will prove to your advantage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. P. W. HARGARTEN, Mgr. PH0NB 22 111 Laramie Are