The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 15, 1918, Image 14

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constructing a plant, nnd that he has
made Rood prop:-ess In ihe construe
tlon work The foundation for the
it Tftllk AF MFDDIMAN I',,nt iR practically completed and
Al IUtTIi Ul It1LIiIItIAPI of lu wnwtnictir it aow be-
I In built. In many places difficulty
Is experienced in the purrhnso and
Siflte Dlrett,r of roiiHcnaMon atMl dellverv of tho various klnda of
sdi snrve Visited NrrHnaii toaipmeat aeeeeeary for potass
I AM Week. plants. All t'.iese have hcon over-
I come at Merriman. BTM .lie orders
Fioni Merriman Maverick. Aug. 2) for fue) ol) ,.cnl n.,vo t,een pluc
LiiM Friday -.-veiling we had a visit ,,,, S(vno of lhr m!Xterinls of con
wttB Dr. Q. K. Com'r: . director of the .,.,..; nH Rome nf tha m i l-.ln. rv
Omaha Woman Sas She t'anivH
Kind words to i;n-. Her
Gratitude for Inula.
Nebraska consei vation :nd SOll sur
vey, who litis in ejiatpe pr.'.ct'.eally all
of the state's investigations of the
potash resources and who war. In
Mtrnuiiui last Thursday and Friday,
lookiai over ili" lakes and the pot
ash plant now building nt this pliiec.
Dr. Condra is favorably Impressed,
with the pYt sh possibilities of this
part of the state. He- Vlsiteu1 n.any of
the lfikes and tiilk-rt n detail w., h
Mr Kreiss re: -dinn the plant. The,
State niaps vlvie.h were made a tew i
years ; po were used ih I lie Held 1 1 Us.
Mr. lirown and Mr. WHllamSOB, of i
the survey de. artnient of the potash
company, accompanied Dr. Condra IB
the field, and the company's maps
were used SlSO in showing the loca
tion and area of th. lakes. Dr. COB
dra arranged v'.iile here to complete I
a detailed m. p of the M-N-rininn re
gion, the work to be done in co-oper-ction
with the engineers of the com-
When asked in repaid to the pot- j
ash resources of NcbfTJlka, the doctor
explained them In detail. He dis
cussed the origin of potash, the
methods of prospecting, of pipe lin
lag, of production, etc. He was very j
ravnr.ih v imnrMiM witn Htuionu
lakes and the smaller 1 -kB which lie
immediately to the ea3t and south
east of this and stated ihat there are
sufficient potash resou-ce i here to
warrant the erection of a plant. He
said also that each of the many othor
lakeo held under lease by the com
pany should be prospected by wells
as soon as pc.slble, and that this
prospecting should show additional
potash, probably enough to insure
the erection of another plant.
Mrs. Llllie O'Kiley. who resides nt I
4723 South Twenty-four, h street.)
OmaBa, is still another whose dOB
sense of gratitude and desire to bem
lit others will not permit iter to re
have been received.
m:-i illsnl regarding the remarkabU
M- lilt' I 111 111 I 111 I III , 'I ' ' I I
Of Nebraska, the doctor cue inform
ation in regard to the amovM of pot-
ash used in the United S4 tes, and
the extent of prodarttoS in Nebrn ika.
, Nebraska is s.i-id to produce more
I than fO per cent of the total output
i in our country. The ftuure of the
iin.Hi.ti;i-' i- i 1 1 lw li.i.'til dlnn
! for few Man after the close of tho really fe. 1 for what Teniae has don"
1 results she has obtained from the use
Of Tanlac Mrs. O'RIley is the wife
1 nf V 73 D'tttlav muinr for the
Adams Express In South Omah:i. and J
their many friends will be jilud to j
learn of her recov.y
"1 cannot Bad WOT da," sail Mis.
O'RIley, "to exuress the urtttltud I i
Indiana Experiment Station Conducted !
Experiment to Test Value Va
rious Rations Given.
European war. The transportation I
for me. 1 had been a'tuost an I in -
(I'rcpnrii! Iv the t'n 'i-d Htntcg Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
in an inerlBMBi condBcte! nt the
Tndlnnn expel imeiit station to test the
feeding value of out straw It was found
that n nit imi of corn silage, corn, and
cottonseed local wus Just as Valuable
Home Made Ice Cream 45c quart Pint Ice Cream 25c
Completely Kuippcd Sanitary Service. Come in and
let iis servo you with moling drinks or delicious candies.
- Any Flavor 1UC
S. P. JACKSON, Prop.
210 Box Butte
Phone 27
facilities of nir county will be used,"" ,nr ,m,K 1 """m
niii,. ,,.., i ,, I hopes of e ver petting well. Mv Mow-
ach was IB such a bad condition that
and I
tinn of romsh for S few VASra nfter
thf Mr Thi will mrv.n :hnt dr.-. I I could hardly sal SBgthtBI
Mtaat. ...,,... i. t.. ' suffered from indiuistton and Berv-
i ' 1 1 mii nr.i 1 1 1 1 ' - 1 fx t:t I'm ;t'i a'i
h long time after the war. The de- "tisncss till the time M fe-l were
maad is much greater than con be "o affected with re bu matt sot, th.u i
met by domestic production, hence couldn't walk for a long t ime I BMO
the price will remain high. The pro- . had it Ifl both elbows so had I could
dnction of potash from sllicnte rocks j scarcely lMnd over. I was confined
and from olher aivnilnble sources. IT to the house nearly all the lime and
increased, will not seriouslv interfere j while 1 tried everything 1 could 'hink
with the price of the Nebraska pro
duct. The Nebraska potash s said to be
more ropular than the German pro
duct, and Is now held in high favor
in the southern and southeastern
states, where much of It is shipped
for use in agricultural production.
This potash is absolutely necessary
for agricultural development in those
states, and is therefore a factor in
winning the war.
The director of the survey said
that the prospects at Merriman are
very good; that he wn surprised to
see the progress which has been
made here.
the management, tdpecia'.lv
of nothing seemed to do me any
"That Tanlac has relieved me of
all these troubles, tells the whole
story of what a wonderful thing It
has been for me. In fact. It has
made me feel Ike a new woman. I
(ion t have auy more pains of any
kind, and am fellng Just fine. My
appetite picked up almost as soon ns
I began taking it, and now it seems
I just can't eat enough without mak
ing a pig of myself, and everything 1
eat agrees with me perfectly. I can
Ket about splendidly and my strength
has increased until I can do all my
n uii:ii iini ir-tMi i . . 4
He spok- favorably of I housework. I can lay down early at
lint , i,.(.i.1;iv in i t'n ' night and sleep like a log until morn-
The waters fr-.m the lakes to be ability to secure the equipment for a an.d my nerves are as steady as j
used by the company have In ccany I large plant, and to do so at this time I a i omr ieu lu.-
caees been analyzed at the state unl-1 when some of the plants building are I bottles of Tanlac so far, but I have
versity undr the direction of the! hine held back on account of -the in- j Rained several pounds in weight al
state conservation and coil survey. ability to m-Uesials rnd ma- r and,,j feeJ tha 1 n?re npw
4& i-'e'3BbbBb
WANTED 400 Head of Cattle to
Pasture in the Sand Hills.
Inquire Herald Office, Box No. 9826
Thev show well in solids and notash. ! Another
Estimates have been made of the ! chlnery.
favorable condition at
amount of potash available in "akesj
tested by wells and by chemical tinal-j
ysis. The state has found the field i
work to have been done Tfith a high
diOgree of accuracy and does not
deem it necessary to carry on a idi-
Merriman wrs mentioned In the dis
tribution of lakes, and in the fact
that most of the pipe lines to -these
lakes can he laid along valleys down
grade to the plant.
The potash plant at Merriman will
lease on life. I will praise Tanlac
the longest day I live, and I'm more
than glad to tell anyone how It j
broueht me out and restored my
Tanlac is sold In Alliance by F. E. i
Holsten and in Hemingford by OldB
Drug company.
tional test investigations to check the i bp of pjrat noflt to thp fown nm, to
work of the potash company. - : the surrounding country. It will call
The potash res-.urces at Merriman for tnp PrPcnon of a numhpr of miild.
lie in several district.-. Th.'re Is a,lnr!, nnn thp ntinn nf th .
4. . i. .. . . 1 . . r
;riiuj oi i.i kvs io in "sum u n um ui
town and a larger group ' the north
west, lying to the north of Irwin, ano
several lakes to the northeast of
Merriman- numb"iinp in all about
seventy. Only a small paid cf these
have been fully investigated as to the
brines which are ; bought -to occur in
the lake beds.
Dr. Condra was favorably impress
ed with the progress made in '.he
construction of the plant. He saw
the contracts which have been let for
pipe line materials, 'he laying of
pip lines, for pumps, well machinery
and for the evr.por 'tor,:. driers and
other equipment in tho plant proper.
He stitted that Mr. Kreiss, the man
ager, has shown moe tht'n usual
ability in the preliminary work of
is sure to increase. As an example,
the director of survey said that he
Been Lakeside grow from three
houses to a town, and that AnMorh
arear within two years from nothine
to S town of nearly four hundred
houses: that (foflsnd grew un on o
Nebraska women need but to take
their men folks into the domestic
products building at the state fair to j
find the most direct route to their;
hearts which route some well in-
formed lady has stated la by way of
the f.omaeh. Likewise, it may be
stated, to take k man to this exhibit
Will, in some cases, be running a
s'.'ind hill iind thnf tho no ";h rtitrint
-long the Burlington has been a ! po"1 chance of losing him to a more
rreat simulus to the business of Al-S c,ever a, tincer-
lianre No place are better eats to be
found than are on display at the ise-
The s-tate's photographer accom
panied Dr. Condra on h's trip to Mer
riman and took views of the plant in
itr. present stage of erection. Views
will be taken later to show the stages
in the erection of the plant to com
pletion and the growth of the town.
Alliance Cleaning
rapidly reduce human strength
and Qmeu is easily contracted,
bat Scoff's Emulsion .will
promptly relieve the cold and
upbuild your ttreagth' to
prevent sickness.
scon a bownk
braska state fair. The BaeST products
of the best cooks In Nebnvska com
pose an exhibit that strikes at "mere
man's" most vulnerable spot Ueally.
it Isn't fair to hit below the waist
line but they do i-t. Before the do
mestic products exhibit the average
man stands helpless. Achilles and
his pet heel had nothing on Mr. Av-
lllllllllltt parage Man's pet Stomaeh as regards
i vulnerability. The state fair extends
all Nebraska wives an invitation to
, visit the domestic products exhibit
and there learn the most up-to-date
i and approved methods of retaining
I the affections of husbands or. If not
' vet to that stage, of making an ac
' tual husband out of a procpect.
Old prices
are continued
All other prices in proportion
The Nebraska state fai stands
! without a competitor in its hog ex
; hlbit and with the added encournge
I ment this year of a new $100,000
, barn In which to show the hogs at
I the fair, this Interesting exhibit
should out-do itself.
on rarm
It won't cost you a penny more to put up genuine CAN'T SAG pates on
your ranch or farm than to build the clumsy, short-lived all-wood gates you
have used for years. That's why tho farmers are putting up thousands of
these pates every year. They have found that here is the first practical farm
gate one that will really stand the hardest knocks, outlast the all-wood or
wire and gas-pipe gates three to one, and yet actually costs them no more than
the cheapest home-made gates they can build.
CAN'T-SAG gates are not only stronger and cheaper, but they are also
tlx1 finest looking gates you can own. They swing both ways easily, and are
guaranteed never to sag or drag.
Buy them complete or build them just as you prefer. We furnish the
pate steels which includes angle steeples, hinges, braces, lag screws every
thing including the lumber. We furnish them so that you can build them any
length or height.
The sample gate now on demonstration at our yard will show you just
how they ar made and how they look when hung. The price is low.
Alliance, Nebraska
Superior Beef Type.
for economy nnd extent of gains when
used with oat straw as when fed with
clover buy. As such a ration la exten
sively used In various parts of the
United States Its practical value can
reBdily be seen. Straw and stover are
especially valuable for the wintering
of breeding herds of beef cattle, and
should form a large part of their feed.
Itations suliable for different classes
of beef cattle ure us follows:
Rations for Breeding Cows.
Ration 1:
8tr, to pounds.
811a : M pounds. ,
Cottomiod or 11ns "kiI meal,, 1 pound
Ration 2:
Straw. 20 pounds.
Cottonseed or oil cake, 2 pounds.
Ration .1:
Straw, 10 pounds.
Shock corn, 10 pounds.
Cottonseed mal or linseed meal, 1
Ration 4:
Stover, H." pounds
Cottonseed or linseed oil menl. 1
Rations for Feedinq 1,000-Pound Fat
tening Steers.
r.ifon l:
Straw, B pounds.
r;iaKe. IS pounds.
t'orn, 12 pounds.
Ration 2:
Straw, 8 pounds.
I.efrume hay. B pounds.
C'ottonsied cake or linseed cake, I
Ratlin : '
EtuVSf, 10 pounds.
Sllaira, IS pounds.
Corn, 12 pounds.
Ration 4:
Straw, 6 pounds.
Stover, 18 pounds.
Corn, 6 pounds.
Cottonseed meal, S pounds.
In these rations various other feed
may be substituted. In the rations
given for wintering breeding cows defi
nite quantities of straw and stover
nre given. In actual feeding such fig
ures should be somewhat disregarded
nnd the cattle given as much roughage
ns Hwy will consume.
Yearlings mny be fed three-fourth
the ration for breeding cows and may
be expected to come through the win
ter In fair to good condition.
For fattening animals straw should
always be within reach so that the anl
nial may eat nt will. They will usually
eat from three to five pounds dally.
Soft Drinks and Beverages
Order a case of 36 pints
sent to your home. De
livery made any where in
Alliance. Rebate for re
turn of cases.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Candies, Lunches.
John hodgkinson. Mgr.
Distributors for Bridgeport Bottling Works
ularity as an attractive totirist locality. Colorado resorts are
quioklv hikI economically reached.
THE CODY GATEWAY OPENED : Yellowstone Park tourist will
lie pleased to know that the Cody scenic automobile road to
Ycllowtono Park is in Operation. Autos, in connection with the
'''Permanent Camp Way," leave Cody every morning at eight
k o'clock for the Canyon.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, scenically famous, the climax of
Rooky Mountain grandeur, will be open throughout the Summer.
The usual resorts and ranches in the llig Horn Mountains, the
Black Hills and along the Cody Road through the Ahsaroka Moun
tain are all open and will give you a most hos
pitable welcome.
Choose your locality and let us assist you.
B v ent v a ,,..,,
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska
IIKHALIJ WANT ADS bring resulto. Try one anri- convinced.
You'll find HEHAI.lJ WANT ADS the quickest method r advrtl.iinir.
0( uuiek rrauHa k) advrrtUlnft- In Tlftt IIKBAI.I) W ANT Ad Department.
Examine Them Carefully Whether on
Pasture or In Barn Keep Toea
Properly Trimmed.
Look frequently at the feet of the
colts, whetfier on the pasture or Id
the hum. and remedy things before
they get bad. Keep the toes trimmed
down to the proper length and do not
allow the heels to run over and get
rouml. If the feet are kept rounded
on the toe and of the proper length,
the tendency to split and crack will be
redueed to a minimum. In the stable
tbe feet should be frequently cleaned
nnd trimmed and the frog kept la Its
proper shape.
If Carefully Fed and Pastured Alfalfa
Is Excellent for All Classaa
of Live Stock.
Alfalfa, If carefully fed and pas
tured. Is one of the best roughages
for sheep. The rapid Increase In the
production of alfalfa In the United
States during recent years has resufted
In a more careful study of Its possi
bilities as a food for all classes of live
stock. Formerly It was used primarily
as a cattle feed, bat now It la used aj
a feed for horses, swine and absaav
Order Your
Coal Supply Early
It is the wise thing to do
You'll say so this winter, too.
If we could make plain to yon tbe situation, we know
that you would put In your winter's coal supply now.
We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying to toll
ou. The car shortage exists. It may toon to you like
everything Is moving, but you'll appreciate what we toll
you when winter comes and It may be next to ImpoaalhU
to get coal.
We've got coal to sell you today. We've got eoal today
. t
to pat Into your bin. We can't promise more. It'a good
eoal and lt'a a fair price. We urge you to get busy
thing act. It will prove to your advantage.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
P. W. HARGARTEN. Mgr. PHONE 98 111 Laramie Aft.