Til ALLIANCE HERALD, AUGUST 8, 1918 Ineffective Surface Drainage KXCWTIONAIi MACHINKKY IHH PLAYH AT THH HTATK KAIIl. GENERALLY IS DUE TO FAILURE TO KEEP DITCHES AND CULVERTS OPEN THAN IT IS TO LACK OF DITCHES AND CULVERTS, Says Good Roads. The success of all road work, whether construction or mainten ance, depends in so small measure upon the efficiency of the drainage. Getting water off the road surface and getting and keeping it out of and away from the roadbed are essential. While then is nothing new in thews principles, nor in the manner of statin them tlir whole ntbjeel of 'nl drainage is one that needs in be kept constantly before Urate who bnlld roads or keep them in repair. Pew of tip essential of highway engineering have been sin gled out for emphesis in textbooks. In articles, in papers and in ai 1ivns s oflenef than lias tliis one. Ind y't it remains one of the most neglected in practice. Ineffective surface drainage is probably due to the failure to keep ditches ami culverts open ol'tcncr than it is to a lack of ditches and culverts, though for design and improper const ruct ion arc all loo Common, Ditches tilled wfth leaves, small stones and other debris from the road itself or from the adjacent land are common in most parts of the country. Culverts choked with mud or with ends hidden and obstructed by heavy growths of ratw, weeds and bushes ;u. equally common. Another prevailing fault in the drainage provisions on country roads is the absence of outlet to carry the water away from the right of way. It is of little advantage to get the water off the surface of the road if it is to he allowed to soak into the roadbed from the side ditches. Surface drainage, as has been Naid so often, consists of Ket tiiiR the water off, out of, and way from the road, and no scheme of drainage can be successful unless it takes caro of all these. Until the time when all roads can be provided with hard surfaces, there will be a period between winter and summer during which travel will be impossible or difficult. The length of that period can be reduced to the. minimum by the installation of adequate drainage and by its careful maintenace. Clood Koads. It Is announced by the Nebraska Mate hoard Af aurirultur that ov r 100 per rent more flrmi maniifart ,ir Irtfc aKrftiiltural machinery have se cured space for exhibiting at the 191K atate fair than waa true at tin ,mie last yerf. This will be of RTMl iBtetSSt to the f irmera of the BLAtC v im more and more are being com pelled to replare ahortened man pow er with machinery. The state fair, which openR Sep tembsf 1st, is this year dedicated to a policy of "helping win the war by products more food." It Is very much in keeping that an unusual ex hibit of agricultural machinery should be shown. If ever there were seed of Improved and efficient ms (hinety with which to do the work of the boys who have been tattSB from the fields It is this ye;ir BOd it should be the duty of every farmer wherever possible to see the State fair machinery exhibit, talk with the rcprescnattives and secure full infor mation regarding the possibilities of the various kinds of machines and implements. There ure further drafts to come and lator will ttp even shorter than at present. The wise farmer will be looking ahead and planning to BMOl th estuation. He should by no means fall to not only see, but study carefully the exhibits to be found on the machinery grounds at the state fair. To do so will be an education in itself. FARM ANIMALS PREVENT DISEASES OF HOGS Most Important Way to Conserve and Increase Pork Production Elim inate Mud Holes. (Preparrd hv the fnltnd ftnten Depart ment of Agriculture.) In the problem of (unserving and Increasing pork production. It must be remembered thnt one of the chief fac tors la the prevention of disease. Swine, particularly younj? animals, are Hundreds of people ue THE HERALD'S want an columns to sell or buy something, to find something that may have been lout. Intact some people have been known to secure a faithful, hardworking wlf by advertising In want ad columns. I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimttmt Daily Thought We reap what we bow; but nature oas love over und ahove thut Justice, tnd gives us aliadow and blossom and I 'rult that spring from no pluntiug of i ours. George Eliot. A3AX Shoulders of Strength built into Ajax Tires support , the entire width of the tread brace against sudden shocks give "more tread on the road." Brute bulwarks of battle add strength where needed where strain is greatest. A3AX ROAD KING "More Tread on th Road" Here's the matchless mile-makerdesigned, built and guar anteed for service and endurance under maximum road stress, on any road AJAX ROAD KING will prove ita superiority. A monarch in quality, a democrat in service. 97 Owner' (Choice Tbls tremendous percentage of Ajax production is singled oat bjr motorists to take the ;lce of other tires that came with their cars. An over whelming endorsement of Ajax quality. Cutse in lot's talk Ajax. Walter Overton's Garage "WhiU Othan Af Claiming Qaatity, We Are Guaranteeing ft 1 tttmttttstt All Kinds of TCKHs HAYING MACHINERY Including; the famous Loosbrock Stacker and the celebrated Bain Wagons De Laval Cream Separators Farm Trucks Gas Engines Dayton Airless Tires Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases The Farmers' Union Alliance, Nebraska ;tmnmwnmwmm Terms Strictly Cash uumiiiiuiimmtmmr FROM NOW ON munmiiiiiniiiiiiinc Those indebted to mc please call, settle'and start over on a cash basis W. L. Carroll, : : Blacksmith CORNER SECOND AND LARAMIE, ALLIANCE mmmtmmmmmmmmmmtamt 1 Healthy Pigs Kept Under Sanitary Conditions Are Better Able to With stand Diseases. susceptible or subject to allmenta which. If not remedied, checked, or pre vented, will result In the curtullmcnt of production, despite all efforts thut may be made. Diseases of swine mnv be classed in two groups: (a) Ailments which are not highly destructive and can be treated ns a rule by the fanner; (b) highly destructive diseases particu larly of Infections origin, which spread rapidly and kill quickly, and to handle them properly requires the co-operation of not only the fanners and stock rolSSrS, but federal and state officials. In the first group which is not high ly destructive may be mentioned such ailments and Conditions as parasites. both internal and external (worms and lice) ; BBUBge and other skin diseases; tumors and abscesses; poisoning by agents ns caustic potash and mold in garbage, cockleburr, cottonseed, etc.; pneumonia; thumps, or other dlgestlv disorders. These ailments as a rule can be readily treated by efforts of the farmer himself, and the applica tion of home remedies Often proves ef fective in their core. Preventive meas ures at till rimes 'should be observed, such as proper ' housing and feeding, sanitary conditions of yards and shel ter, good clean drinking water, and aiov ail the elimination of filtliy mudhotes. FEEDING THE SUCKLING PIG' 3 Shelled Corn Is Particularly Good When They Benin to Nose Around for Food. (From the United Stutes Department of Afrrlculture.) When the pigs are about three weeks old, sometimes less, they will begin to nose around for something to eat. If they nr.- owing to do as they should thl something must be supplied. One of the best feeds nt this particular time Is shelled corn. It should be in a self feeder In a pen where the pigs Can go to It and will not be bothered by any of the rest of the hogs. This can be arranged by a creep Just large enough to admit the plirs handily. Don't forget thnt these little fellows jrrow quite rapidly and from time to time the creep must be mnde larger. After the pigs are 4 or 5 weeks old, especially If they do not have good trass pasture, the addition of some shorts, tankage, or oil meal Is advisnble. Nothing WOOld be better, however, thnn skim milk. The self-feeder In which Is kept corn and other feeds should be maintained right along up until wean ing time, and after that if the pig Is Intended for market purposes. IMgs to be used foe breeding purposes may be kept on n self-feeder all the time with splendid results, but in some eases they get too fat and logy and do not take the proper exercise. The mirst profitable pig Is the one that ucver quits growltvg from farrowing time until be Is driven over the scales. PRODUCTION OF LIVE STOCK Good Permanent Pastures, Leguminous Crops, Silo and Purebreds Are Essential. (From the United States Department of , Agriculture.) Where live stock is a factor on the 1 farm, make every field hog-tight and 1 sheep-tight ; have thoroughly good per- i manent pastures; grow leguminous1 crops; build a silo; and keep only pure- bred males. These five things are ah- I solutely essential In the economical production of live stock. Of course, this program calls for some lubor and expense, but the permanent conultlon of prosperity in the sections devoted to live stock production Is proof of the good profit derived therefrom. ATTENTION GIVEN BABY BEEF Industry Increasing In Importance on Account of the Scarcity of Feeder Cattle. With the growing scarcity of feed er cattle und the -advance In value of farm lauds, the baby-bee' industry is of increasing lnnTortunce and is receiving the attention of fan ! In all live stock sectlous of the ....-try. FISKcoj?) TIRES You want size strength, safety, beauty and mileage in a tire. That's what you get in the Fisk Cord. All that, plus most unusual re siliency ,speed,comfortand luxury Made in Ribbed Tread and the famous Fisk Nan-Skid. Tun- la H-tmf Sold by all Dealers Farm LOANS Ranoh want your real estate lean business, will make rates and terns to get it oan put oter a loen for any amount will save yon money on your loan, solicit thci opportunity to stow you. The WOODRUFF BALL CO. VALENTIftE, NEBRASKA is - m mm mm? The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE. FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BB RBFUKOC3. Is SEVERS PAIN. "I used to suffer a crest deal wtirt lumbago In my shoulders and back. A friend Induced roe to try Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills and I am only too (lad to be able to attest to the relief that I trot from these splendid pills. They form a YsiuabU medicine and do all that It la claimed they will do." LKU'18 J. CUTTER, Marietta, Ohio.