Wanted WANT TO BUT Something? Hun drodM of DNfll wfkl) scan theM want nil columns looking for What vim or other Iibvc to offer. Oct quirk reHiiltH by nilvirt IhIhk In Th HriUd Want Ail department. is growing nnd a live Arm ran do '' well. A tine brlrk store building MVW used will ho ready for OCCH" j pan y about August 10. Answer , quirk us this will not remain open lOflg. Address. I'otnsh State Hunk. Antiorh, Nebrnsku. 35-4t-9372 Herald's Want Ad Page will call slon for them. The City MhV LADIM He (be local representa tive for thr Duchess line in Alli ance. Easy to sell, others making from $1T to $30 per month in spare time, Pleasant, easy work. Particu lars free. Duchess Drug Company, 117 Hromley Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 31-tf-9335 WANTKD A capable man or woman for aollcitlng. (lood pay and r.teady work. Apply Hox S4 3. care Alliance Herald, or call at The Herald offlre. WANTKD A lady with t;no child would like to get employment at cooking and housework on a farm or ranch. For information please call Phone Walnut 8162 or, address Hox T, Alliance, Nebr. 9782-tf-34 For Sale If you. have Hoinethlng thnt you Willi to alSOOSS "f that will be of ue to other people an ad un der the FOR BALK or MISCEI,- I LANBOUfl heading will do the hl. J FOU ALB We have ten special bargains in farms from 80 acres to 1.600 in Lincoln, Frostier and Dawson counties. Nebraska. Write for special price and terms. Alnlay Hros.. Farnam, Nebr. 34-2t-9784 POTASH POTASH POTASH :o: MAN WITH LONG HXPBRIENCTC HAlfOLUVa I1ITASH AN .SIX I UK t'AIMTAL, ORGAtrDSfg CWHPAJTf OH HANDLE ANYTHlNti CONNIX'T. HD WITH POTASH OH PRODUCTS. IK YOl- HAW ANVTIIIN4; WRIT! H. H. K., tWH TAKOMA AMI., Takonui Park, Washliifrton, I). 0 34-2t-9781 in L H Highland. Is plaintiff and you are defendant, an order of at tachment was Issued and levied upon your money In the possession of the (V H. & Q. R. H. Ko.. to satisfy a claim of $24.85 and Interest for goods sold and delivered. Said cause will be heard Septem ber 2. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m L. H. HIGHLAND, 9470-4r,-906-3t Plaintiff. UNCLE BAM REQUIRES YOU TO SPEAK ENGLISH Here s a Chance for You to Learn. CARPKNTKKS WANTKD for form work, reinforced concrete construc tion. 60c per hour, 10 hour day. Also helpers from IS" up. according to ability. Ixing Job. (Jood town. Ne braska Cement Co., Superior, Neb. 3f)-3t-9369 WANTKD We have a customer who desires to purchase a small cattle ranch on easy terms. Must be priced right. I lion lis I la id Investment Co., Alliance. 32-tf-9405 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTKD We have had a large number of callB within the past few days ror fur nished rooms. Make that room or ulte of rooms bring you In an Income by renting to responsible people. Phone 340, Alliance Herald office, Want Ad Department. WANTED TO BUY A good, level quarter-section of land within rour or five miles of Alliance. Berea or Hemingford. Unimproved tana want ed. Thomas-Bald Investment com pany. Alliance. 33-tf-94 27 HI'Y LAND in Llnmoln county, Colo rado, the best part of eastern Colo rado. Rich fertile soil, fine water, ulentv of rain to make good crops, good roads, healthy climate, no hot winds. It will pay you nig to nuy now before the fall rush of land buy ers come in ano wnen land win again Jump in price. No big commis sions. Good land $l.r.00 to $35.00 per acre, according to location and improvements, with good terms at six per cent. Write me about the slie and kind of place wanted. Otto Harkee, Hugo, Colorado. 35-4t-9371-$ FOR SALE 8-room house, 802 Mis souri avenue. Good condition. Three lots. Mrs. D. K. Spacht. Phone 667. 3r-tf-9370 Wt'AVKNGKR WAlrON :o: We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 575 will receive prompt and c.irerul at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do rood work. SAM SH ELTON. Phone 575. City Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tot Department of the Interior, U. S. Iand office at Alliance, Nebr. .lune 6th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that S. G. Peebles, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on October 19. 1914, made homestead entry, serial No. 016,989, for lots 6 and 7, section 6; lot 1, section 7, T. 23, N., R. 48 W. and tne NE4 of NE4 of section 12, townsntp 23 north, range 4 9 west of 6th principal meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before register and receiver of the United States land office, at Al liance. Nebraska, on the 2Zri day of July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Brolles. Ward Miles. Ceo Travis and Ben Hibbert, all of Alli- t NiMlnea 1 1 . ( ft re i.y tho );iaie night scno tl for all forcijttltTf ami oil Otaem Mil Rftctttinfr the rVgliltl language t I oh in nMV, li i y i (ii. iy to N v .i U'c Pi .'ish ia if'uagc if you i H i i tt iMbFC this jiHif hobie. Enilomed by ilie ( ouneit of Defenm Call it (lie Ciiy Minion n tl ffM all itlli rin;.tio:i n orssary. ROBKIIT GRAHAM, Chairman Con i of Defense. LIST YOUR LAND with us for quick Jince. Nebraska. salt!. We have customers for cheap Quarter sections of lr.nd. Thomas- Bald Investment company. 3 2-tf-94 0 5 J. O'KEEFE, Register. 9303-5t-28 Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-6727 MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY :o: We have equipped our dray wag ona and auto truck with the later appliances for moving furnltur without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad) will be used by ua ton all movlm Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 18 37-tf-5B0 FOR SALE or LEASE Rooming house, excellent downtown location in Alliance; 20 rooms, excellently furnished. Always well filled. Will sell or lease with or without furni ture. Address nox 9416, care Alli ance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. 33-tf-9416 All old nccounlN after thirty days will be charged with Interest, so please come and settle. W. la CAR ROLL, Blacksmith, comer Second and Laramie, Alliance. 35-tf-986:i (Joodd price on silk Maderla fancy work crotcheted yo"kes. Mrs. kimonas and and lots of R. Simmons. WANTED Income-brlng:ng resi dence property In good North Platte valley town, to exchange ror Box Butte county land. Thomas-Bala In vestment company, Alliance. 32-if-9405 MY RESIDENCE FOR SALE Strictly modern, 10 rooms with a 3 room basement with cement floors, one for wash room and a full attic; every room heated and lighted, even " to attic, and basement, house also WANT TO SELL THAT LAND piped for gas. Hot and cold water in QUICK? The Thomas- Bald In- bath and bed rooms. 1300 Cheyenne vestment company wll handle It for avenue, near High School and the 7u. Phone 209, Alliance. 32-tr-9405 Academy. Six and a half acres of 1 ground Fred Mollrlng. 33-tf-9423 POTASH LAKEH WANTEtl I am interested in securing good potash lakes on which to erect a re duction plant. If you own lakes, either large or small, which are in the potash district, or if you have options or leases on lakes, get In touch with me without delay and I will handle them for you if they have the potash. Give full description when writing. T. B. I., Box 9780. care Alliance Herald. 34-tf-9780 WANTED GOOD RANCH We have a customer for ar: nch which will care for from 1000 to 1200 head of cattle the year round. Termo must be reasonable and price right for quick deal. Give full description when writing us or call at our office. Thomas-Bald Investment company. Alliance, Neb. 35-tf-94 64 FOR SALE Quarter section improv ed land lying near town. Can be sold on easy terms. Thomas-Bald Investment company. Alliance. 32-tf-9405 WANTED 60 acres of ground in Box Butte county for fall rye. Ad dress Box 9465, care The Alliance Herald. 3R-tf-94 6 5 Lost or Found LOST Small spring, shaft and gear wheel from Bendlx drive on auto mobile starter. Parts are small but can be easily Identified. Liberal re ward for return of all or part of these missing parts to The Herald office. 33-tf- Hnve you LAND FOR BALK" Advertise u in these columns, it's the cbsapsst "hd quickest way to And a buyer. For Rent FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. Gentlemen preferred. Phone 712 or call at 506 Cheyenne avenue. 9376-tf-34 i FOR RENT or LEASE A good chance to make money. The town Strayed or Stolen STRAYED or STOLEN Two 2-year-old white faced, dehorned, left ear trimmed and Lazy L on left hip, steers. Notify R. W. Scott, Lewellen. Neb. 35-5t-9362 Miscellaneous Hundreds of people USS The Haruld'K Want Ad columns to sell or buy something:, to flnil some thing; that muy have been lost. In fact, some people have been known to secure a faithful, hard working: wife by advertising: in want ad columns. NOTICE Eatate No. 613 of Frank Mauri zlus, deceased, in the county court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, to all persons tereBted In said estate, creditors and heirs, take notice, that a petition has been filed by Carrie H. Maurltziua, widow of said deceased, and Interest ed as such, alleging that Frank Mau rltzius died InteBtate at his residence in Kansas City, Missouri, on the 7th dav of July. 1916. seized of the fol lowing described real estate to-wit: j NE1 of SW4. S of SW4 of sec- lion 17. SEVi of SEK of section 18,' township 24. N of range 52, W of the 6th P. M. That he left him sur viving, as his heirs at law, Carrie H. Mauri talttS, his widow, and Clin ton Llewellyn Maurltziua, a son; that more than two years have elap- ed sincethe date of his death and that there has been no administra tion of his estate nor application therefore in this state. That all debts against said estate are fully paid, and that he was the same person as Frank MauritiziUB, in whose name said land appears, and asking that a decree be entered de termining the date of the death of the said deceased, the heirs at law and their degree of kinship, and right of descent to said real estate belonging to said deceased, which matter has been set for hearing on the 26th day of August, 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time you may appear and object. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be published in the Alliance Herald, a legal newspaper, publish ed within Box Butte county, Nebras ka, for three weeks next preceeding the date of said hearing. Dated this 23d day of July, 1918 IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. BURTON & REDDISH. Attorneys 9469-908-35-4t OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission is in need of second-hand clothing, esecially men'a and shoes. Call phone 696 and we PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The following proposed amendment to the constitut'on of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted to the electors of .the State of Nebraska to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D. 1918: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (I) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of th. State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section One of Ar ticle Seven of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be and the same hereby Is amended by striking out the following words; "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their inten tion to become citizens comformably to the laws of the United States, on the subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." Ard inserting in the place of the words so stricken, the following; words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have become citizens of the United States by naturalization or otherwise conformably to the laws of the United States at least thirty daya prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at the general elec tion nineteen hundred and eighteen (1918) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution relat ing to the right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said proposed amendment, shall bo written or printed tne words: 'Cor proposed amend ment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suffrage." Sec. 3. If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting it suen election, said amendment nhall constitute Section One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska. . Approved, April 9, 1!18. KEITH NEVILLE, Vttest: Governor. CHARLES W POOL ...... Se"ret 'iry2f St.tA 34-14t-904-9379 NOTICE The names and addresses of the boys who are in the service have been coming in very slowly. The Itfita desires this at once and unless the people respond mora readily a lot of expense will bo gone to in Securing it directly from Lincoln. Every one is requested to send the name of a brother or any relatives that are in the service to Captaifl Roy C. strong, of the Alliance Homt? Guards. This ap plies to all in Box I UttC COUErtV. Do not put It off but do it now. ROBERT C RAH AM, Chairman Council of Defense. HBRALD WANT ADA lying results. Try one and be convinced. You'll find HBRALD WANT ADS the quickest method of advertising. Ui quirk KsaHa by adtrrtUlnit In THE HERALD WANT Ad Department. Professional Cards C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA RESIDENCE PHONE No. 52 OFFICE PHONE No. 65 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the oaly art of Abstract Rook In Hot Bnttr f'oauty. Ontrri ROOM 7 Opt'ra lloasr Blocto NOTICE. J. R. Hagood, first name unknown. non-resident defendant, will take no tice: That on July 12, 1918, in an action pending before T. D. Roberts a justice of the peace within and for Box Butte county. Nebraska, where- L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon MVS BOX BLTTE AVENUE Alllaarr, Nebraska PHONES Ofllert 362 Realdencn "Let M fry for You" HARRY P COURSEY LIVE STOCK and GENERAL SALES SPECIALIST and AUCTIONEER. Farm Sales a Specialty Trrma Rraaonablr PHONE 664 Alliance, Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat PHONE 257 i ;il l answered from Otttce day nlKbt Dr. Cameron Knight, a San Francis eo physician, had such a poor opinion of the general rua of nurses that he wrote a will bequeathing his entire es tate to any woman who might nurse him free of charge and without the ex pectation of any reward. When he died Mrs. Alice Wtdrin, a friend, pe titioned for the estate, saying that she had taken enre of the doctor in his declining years without the slightest thought of compensation. The courts declared the will void, because It had only one subscribing witness instead of two. J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. ii. JEFFREY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Block Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Interior aad Exterior Vleiva Kodak Finishing i Enlara-InK all Stylea ALLIANCE ART STUDIO M. E. OREBE, Proprietor PHONE RED 165 Harness Hand Blade From Best Material. Oatlaat Asjr Factory Made Uoods. Call aad See. Harness Hepalrlna; by Experi enced Harness Maker. J. M. COVERT At M. M. D. Nichols Stand ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys at-Law OFFICE! First National Bank Balldln- I'HONE 180 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA DR. D. E. TTLER Dentist PHONE 362 Office over First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS Anyway, Father did his best I MA - J) rZ Wi pttojr I D 1 "EMEM I snoOL-O nvi v tX&T-TEH rTf ou N. 1 1 THlfiC . YOJ VWfcKE VWHV