DELCO-LIGHT TU pkN Electric light Powr PbM Restarting 8toJs au-tomatlcalljr. Skf slmplr a rblld ran oporato It ACKIUH LTTLB, Alliance, N lr. 418 QMfWUM Av. l'lionc 5fl SUMMER COLDS rapidly reduce fcnman ttreaitk ud illness is easily contracted, but Scoti'a Emulsion vwiU promptly re he ve the con tad upbuild your strength.! prevent sickness. con a BowNt LOOMFiri N. J. YM MOYD C. THOMAS We Are Selling Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Iiusincss is Kood und the Interest in Box Butte county farm find ninth lands continues. If you have land to sell or If you desire to pur chase land in this terri tory get in connection with us at once. THOMAS-BALD Investment Co. Alliance, - Nebraska F. A. BALD fflh - Wanted w ant T Ml v omethlafT Hut ilr'd.M of people wpckly ncari ilx-m-u ml ad column looking for dit you or o t In I'm have to offer. !et qutfh r?ult ty advertlKlnK In The Heinl'l Wimt Ad part inent. WANTKD A capable man or woman for soliciting, (rood pay and steady work Apply Box S43, care Alliance Herald, or call at The Herald office. WANTKD A capable woman for of fice. Good salary to the right party. I'hone 340. Herald office or iipply at the office. BOYS WANTKD We need the serv ices of a number of grammar school boys for permanent part-time work. The boys we select will be well paid and Riven an opportunity to earn, learn and advance. Apply to Olen Miller, Alliance, Neb. 33-31-4418 WANTED A lady with one child would like to get employment at cooking and housework on a farm or ranch. For information please call Phone Walnut K162 or addrci-s Box 2, Alliance, Nebr. 9782-tf-34 For Sale WITt call for tnat slon LADIE8 Be the local representa tive for the Duchess line In Alli ance. Easy to seU. Others making from fl! to 130 per month in spare time. Pleasant, easy work. Particu lars free. Duchess Drug Company, 117 Bromley Bid, Omaha. Neb. 31-tf-9335 POTASH POTASH POTASH :o: MAN WITH lONO RULPHMtlHVCE HANOI, IN1 POTASH "AN SFXTRK CAPITAL. OIMJAN1ZR XMIANY OB HANDLE ANYTHING IONNHT. KD WITH POTASH OB PBODtJI TS. IF fOC HAVE ANYTHING WKITK It. It. E.. 50H TAKOMA AVK., Tnkoma Pnrk, Washington, I). C. 34-2t-9781 If you have riometltlriK that von !nh to dlfpoKp of that will he of use ti other people - nn a4 un dei th nm BALK or MISC1 L LANBOtTM heading win do the hiz. CAKPKNTKRS WANTED for form work, reinforced concrete construc tion, 60c per hour, 10 hour day. Also helpers from S5c up, according to ability. Long Job. Good town. Ne braska Cement Co., Superior, Neb. 35-3t-9369 WANTKD We have u customer who desires to purchase a small cattle ranch on easy terms. Must" be priced ritiht. Thomas-Bald Investment Co., Alliance. 32-tf-940f. FURNISHED BOOMS WANTED We have had a large number of calla within the past few days Tor fur nished rooms. Make that room or suite of rooms bring you in an income by renting to responsible people. Phone 340, Alliance Herald office. Want Ad Department. FOR SALE We have ten special bargains in farms from 80 acres to 1,600 in Lincoln, Frontier and Dawson counties, Nebraska. Write for special price and terms. Ainlay Bros.. Farnam, Nebr 34-2t-9784 BUY LAND in Linmoln county, Colo rado, the best part of eastern Colo rado. Rich fertile soil, fine winter, plenty of rain, to make good crops, good roads, healthy climate, no hot winds. It will pay you big to buy now before the fall rush of land buy ers come in and when land will again jump in price. No big commis sions'. Good land $15.00 to $35.00 per acre, according to location and improvements, with good terms at six per cent. Write me about the sine and kind of place wanted. Otto Harkee, Hugo, Colorado. 35-4t-9371-$ FOR SALE: 8-room house. 802 Mis souri avenue. Good condition. Three lots. Mrs. D. K. Spacht. Phone 667. 35-tf-9370 FOR LEASE 5,000 aero Improved ranch. 600 acres farm and hay land. 4 miles of river front, plenty phelter; cash rental $1.00 per acre. Unusual opportunity for right party; do not write unless able to swing deal. For particulars write Tribune. Ogallala. Neb. 35-H-9365 SCAVENGER WAGON :o: We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 575 will receive prompt and carerul at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do good work. SAM SH ELTON, Phone.575. City Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 LIST YOUR LAND with us Tor quick sale. We have customers for cheap quarter sections of l.-.nd. Thomas Bald Investment company. 3Z-tr-9405 Real Estate, Loans and Ingur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-8727 MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY :o: We have equipped our dray was ona and auto truck with the latest I . I I - -" I VI ' - wiiDoui marring or scratching or do tng damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be need by ne en all morlns Jobs JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone II IMMIM SPECIAL NOTICE In cheking over the tickets sold at the good roads fair the committee finds not anywhere near enough tick ets have been sold on the gasoline en gine and sawing machine, so at a meeting of the board of directors held Monday it was decided to pay back the twenty-five cents for each ticket returned to the office. This offer Is good for three months. ALLIANCE COMMUNITY CLUB 32-3t-9393 W. D. Fisher, Sec'y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. o In the matter of the estate of Rich ard H. Watkins, deceased, in the county court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. The state of Nebraska, as. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited ror pre sentation and filing of claims against said estate is October 5th, 1918, and for payment of debte la April 12, 1919; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on Octo ber 5th, 1918, at 2 p. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated July 1st, 191S. (Seal) IRA E. TASH, 31-6t-9354-902 County Judge. Business Head. Cohensteln (to luwyer) "My wile umpctt in front of a railroad train ind a policeman pulled her off der Vack. Could I sue der city for dnm-tges?" BUY WAR SAVINS ? STAMPS r. oio Exta Nortec 1 THE PEU-6tt NHO OOtS ftROUN' SfcNIN' ME OONT MCl lEWB IN (VDJECt-rSlN' ' STONE S.OE C0ACK.3OCH fcb " AUTO AlN CONNS TO STAN THEHaE JET A PASSIM' FAO " f His Patience Exhausted. A friend liked to tense Max. One lay when be thought she had been too rough with him he Jammed his hands leep into bis overall pockets and, back fng away from her, asked, "What do you think' I Is something to pay wltb ir something weal?" Buy War Saving Stamps. FOR SALE or LEASE Rooming house, excellent downtown location in Alliance; 20 rooms, excellently furnished. Always well tilled. Will sell or lease with or without furni ture. Address Box 9416. care Alli ance Herald. Alliance, Nebr. 33-tf-9416 1 MY RESIDENCE FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY A good, level quarter-section of land wtnnn rour or five miles of Alliance, Berea or Hemingford. Unimproved land wlint ed. Thomas-Bald Investment com pany, Alliance. 33-tf-9427 Strictly modern. 10 rooms with a 3 room basement wl-th cement floors, one for wash room and a full attic; every room heated and lighted, even to attic, and basement, house also piped for gas. Hot and cold water in bath and bed rooms. 1300 Cheyenne avenue, near High School and. the Academy. Six and a half acres of ground. Fred Mollring. 33-tf-9423 WANTED Income-brlngtDK resi dence property in good North Platte valley town, to exchange ror Box Butte county land. Thomas-naiu In vestment company, Alliance. 32-tf-9405 WANT TO SELL THAT LAND QUICK? The Thomas- Bald In vestment company wil handle It for you. Phone 209, Alliance. S2-tr-9405 POTASH LAKES WANTED I am interested in securing good potash lakes on which to erect a re- luction plant. If you own lakes. either large or small, which tire in the potash district, or if you have options or leases on hikes, get in touch with me without delay : n ! I will handle them for you if they have the potash. Give full description when writing. T. B. I.. Box 9780, c ue Alliance Herald. :;4-tr-a7so For, Rent FOU RETTu7nTsTi rooms. Gentlemen preferred, Phone 712 or call at r 0 1 Cheyenne avenue. 9o76-tf-34 FOR KENT or LEASE A good chance to make money. The town is -rowing and a lie linn can .do erelL A line brick store building never used win 'be ready tor occu- paacy about August 10. Answer quick as this will not remain open long. Address, Potash State Bank. Antioch, Nebraska. S6-4t-93?l FOR SALE -Quarter section Improv ed land lying near town. Can be sold on easy terms. Thomas-Bald Investment company, Alliance. 32-tf-9405 Lost or Found LOST Small spring, shaft and gear wheel from Bendix drive on auto mobile starter. Parts are small but can be easily Identified. Liberal re ward for return of all or part of these missing parts to The Herald office. 33-tf- Strayed or Stolen STRAYED or STOLEN Two 2-year-old white faced, dehorned, left ear trimmed and Iizy L on left hip, steers. Notify R. W. Scott, Lowellen. Neb. 35-.r,t-9362 Miscellaneous Hundreds of people u- The 1 1 i raid's Want Ad columns to sell or buy sometblngi to find some thing that may have been lost. In fact. some people have heen known to Core a faithful, hard working wife hy advertising In want ad columns OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission Is in need of second-hand clothing, esecially men's Elm Creek Firemen's SECOND ANNUAL Round-Up ELM CREEK, NEBR. ENTRIES FREE ENTRIES FREE OPEN TO THE WORLD OPEN TO THE WORLD Entries close at 9 o'clock the First Day Entries close at 9 o'clock the First Day $1000 in Prizes $1000 in Prizes Professional Finals $300 fa?" Amateur Finals . . $50 Bulldogging . . . $225 Professional Finals $300 Cowgirls Bucking Contest $100 Amateur Finals . . $50 i Bulldogging . . . $225 $1 jS&BSm' Cowgirls BuckingContest $100 Steer Riding Surcingle Riding August 14, 15, 16, 1918 2 Balloon Ascensions Every Day 2 Steer Roping Every Day Free Street Attractions Big Bowery Dance Every Evening For Reserved Seats write Carter Pei ce, Elm Creek, Nebraska For Particulars and Fnrther Information write H. D. UPTON, Chief, or H. A. YODER, Secretary ft A 1 DOINGS OF THE VAN LCOrtS We don't exactly blame Father . J2.V Aorc- ACCOUNT ANti IN WHAT BVNk' oN OTWiA. PSOfJ TKorcRTyT ( ,N - OS5B.-J I clilESi THIS FEU-LOW VME YSAY "S OivSAU) I .'HA.T l0 0U 1M HAVR (W Wt WVTCNT Wri I WILL TAKE- THE. 'Aifc J gZlZ 1 o4J IN TmEVWI OF STOCKS. A.HO O R. VAt-UABtt CONTRACTS A t J vJ2SSt ' y