Summer Tours, 1918 The public is advised that Colorado Summer resorts, such bn h' eky Mountain NstiOtlsl'EstGt Pftrk, Colorado Springs, M;initou and hundreds of others plans will ! opened for patronage as umihI. Accommodations in Bftttf Park arc very xlmsivc mid ran lake cart' of thousands. Tito usual resorts of the Mack Hills are open ; likewise the mucin s in the Sherniau-Hi(f Horn Mountains locality; also the ranches Blottfj the Cody Rosd in the Abssroki Mountains. The Yellowstone Park hotels will not ho opened, lui (he Park Permanent Camps will he operated via the Gardiner gateway. Ulacier National Pars will he under lull operation for tpurinta. Choosjj your locality; ask us for printed matter and covts nm! lot us otherwise serve you. S. H. COLE, Agent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent. 1004 Famam Street. Omaha, Nebraska Hit Patience Exhausted. A Mend Ntssl t hMM Max. ui lay when In- thotiRht alio hml been toe rongh with hint ho jammed his hand li pp Into his nvernll noekets unit, bark tig nwiiy from hor. nkd, "What dc you think 111 BOIPttMH 99 ir sonn-thlng went?" lluy War Savings Stamps. DELCO-UGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant The IS (SSt i suropt and most eco SUSilOSl form of ltuht and power. ACKKS H LYTLK, Alliance, Ntr. 41S riicjoone Ao. Phone 5fl DRAFTED MEN CLASS 1-A ACCEPTED BY EXAMINATION BOARD This Means That YOU Are Going Sure A photograph as a roiuoiuhranoo is unsurpassable. It will moan more to those you leave behind than anything you could ofi'cr. "She" wants a pic ture of you wants it badly, hut niayho she doesn't like to urge it. It's the least you can do. It's a little act of kindness and it's something you will never regret. There can bo only one motive that can cause you to neglect it and that is selfishness. Da it at once. Today! The Herald's Free Offer Any man who is to enter the service of the United States, who cither intends to enlist or believes he may be drafted may, by going to the Van Graven studio at Alliance; have a sitting made at no expense to himself and putting him uuder no obligations. The pictures will be turned over to The Alliance Herald to be published, in The Herald in the event that he should distinguish himself in any way or shiuld receive advancement from the government. FIVE GOOD REASONS WHY YOl SHOULD HAVE A THK U HO EKTAI NTY 1. You are subject to call any min ute; it may be this week and it may not be until next month. To delay may mean that you may be forced to leave without leaving behind the most cher ished remembrance Your Photograph. THE EXPENSE 2. The expense of a photograph is trifling; in fact its range is so wide that it will suit any pocketbook. Read The Herald's free offer in this ad. THE APPROl'MATENESS 3. There cannot and never will be a time like the present for you to have that picture taken. You know that you are going "Somewhere in France," and you each one know that you will return; but when? It may be a year or sooner and it may not be for several years. Your photograph will act as an inspira tion to those at home. How often will the wife, the sweetheart and tne mother look at It, study it, and ponder over It. If they can't have you with them the next best thing they will want is your photograph. PHOTOGRAPH MADE AT OWE THE OUIJOATION 4. You owe allegiance to two things: your home and your country. You aro now forced to neglect one for the other. It is as much your duty to leave "Her" as happy and contented as possible as it is to fight. Your picture will "Do its bit." THE OUAUITY 5. Last and most Important comes the question as to where to have the pic ture taken. (Read The Herald's free of fer). You may be able to send home snapshots of yourself after you have left but they will never take the place of the photogrph "she" wil have fram ed and keep prominently displayed while you are gone and after you come back. You will both be sorely disappointed with the quality of the photo if you wait and pay the exorbitant price a camp photographer will charge. Quotations from National Photographic Journals show the work that is done by these camp photographers is of the porrest quality, the likeness sometimes being hardly recognizable, and they strongly urge the boys to patronize a legitimate photographer before it is too late, mttnwfflttromnuututtumtmtramim niniimtmmiNiiimit All Kinds of HAYING MACHINERY Including the famous Loosbrock Stacker and the celebrated Bain Wagons De Laval Cream Separators Farm Trucks Gas Engines Dayton Airless Tires Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases The Farmers' Union Alliance, Nebraska """" 1 mm ttml Hemingford A. M Miller was In Alliance for a short time Saturday evntnj;. Miss DMt drives was an Alliance visitor during the week. o Mr a 'nl Mrs. Elinor Mot visited Willi fl lends In Alliance for n COUpli of day the llrst of the week. o i Mrs Will lltirhman returnet 10 tu t homo in Alliance Sunday after a couple ol days' visit with tier inotlu i 0 Mr. aid Mrs. A. P. Haynes spent Sunda with Mr. anil Mrs. K. L. Vauulm o Chatlis Mornvlk wns In from th ranch for an oer-ninht visit wil'i his parents Saturday night. Somewhere in the U. 5. A, 3D Gtnrrtea Hall, of ( anion, WM in town Saturday after supplies prepara tory to hayinr Mrs Melntyre returned to her hotte at Omaha Wednesday after a month's visit here with her sister. Mrs. ('. W. Graham. Mrs Margaret Greene and MrB. C. A. Shimller and son returned Friday from a rouple of days slay nt Ant loch. o Glen Pierce, who Is attending; school at Chadron, spent the Fourth with home folks and friends. Otto Uhrlg autoed over to Chadron Sunday taking his sisters, Misses Net tle and Margaret. hacK to attend school The young ladies had been home for the Fourth of July vacation. They were aceompanled over by their sister. Miss Ida Uhrlg. o Mrs I'sther Wolvertor. arrived here Friday from Cnmp Cody. N. M.. where she had been with her hus band who has been in training there. It is stated that Mr. Wolverlon has been railed to overseas duty. SOI Born on Wednesday, July 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Meeker, a son. in i Born on Thursday, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. KJner Chrlstensen. a daugh ter. 101 Rita Michael arrived the latter part o7 the week for'a visit with her moth er and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Phil Michael, Sr., visited at the ('has. Hucke home Inst week. Johnnie Jelinek and wife, of Tor rlngton, Wyo., arrived here Wednes day for a visit with Mr. Jelinek's par I ents They left here for tneir Home I Sunday, Johnnie having been called to military servlee and had to report i luinuiuu .ii oiM i- O Mrs. C. W. Graham and Vera left the latter part of the week for a cou ple of weeks' visit with friends In the eastern part of the state, Mr. and Mrs. H .L. Bushnell and little granddaughter came down from Van Tassel, Wyo.. Monday night for a visit with old friends and neigh Iwrs. Robert Ball Is back on the dray again, having returned Sunday from Missouri, where he was called a cou ple of weeks ago to see his son who was very ill. The young man Is re covered sufficiently to accompany his father home. Orville Kidwell had business In Al liance the first of the weex. H. R. Olds and family left Tues day noon for the potasn fields in northern Wyoming. They went by auto rgute and expect to te away some time. The Rebekahs met and organize! la W. S. S. society Monday evening i This society is to be the Liberty W. 8. S. society. Mrs. Luella Walker was chosen president and Mrs. Blanche Graham secretary. Any one not belonging lo any other society is invited to join hls society. o Miss F.lla Peking and John Foley -vi re gnited in t'lirriage at the St. Bridget's church In this city Mondny. Hlly 8. We extend to this couple l arty congratulations. Mrs. MeCluaV spe&l Saturday night nd Sunday in Alliance. tjta:nttmtttmnntttnttttt:tttttttttttnmttttmnmtttmtmmri Convert Your Useless Articles Into Cash for the Red Cross Have you stopped to consider the cash" possibilities of the old P metals, rubber and rags that have been thrown away around your home? Have you thought what a vast amount of money that would bring in lor Red Cross work if you were" to gather up all these articles and telephone for our motor truck to call at your door? Here Is an opportunity for you to help the Red Cross without It costing you a single cent. A little time spent in collecting the ar ticles Is all the work you will be put to. We will caH for them and pay you the highest cashprlce. WM Alii: PAVING 91.25 A Hl'NDRKi) FW OLD RAG8. The Alliance Fur, Hide & Metal Company PHOTO ummmmmmmmmmmmm$mmm mmmmmm Contributed !tl Alliance, Nebr., July 10, 1918 To the Editor of The Herald: It has been liiv Pleasure In b your growing city for two days and to ee something of Box Butte county. In the five vears since I have last seen your framing and generul build ing development there has been a marked improvement. I do not won der at the Increase in your land values and the renewed demand for , both farming and grazing acreage. It (us to me that you people do net appreciate your good land for what it is Worth. No better land In western Nebraska on certain Union Pacific points is selling for nearly double the price you are asking. i Import more farmers, stick Plow into this black ground. : break into these vast stretches grazing somewhat. I reenenizn thnt grazing is a vital Industry, but more of this fine tillable ground should be redeemed and made .o blossom as the rose. No better corn can be found for sore eyes. You have the wheat and oats and alfalfa and flax. Adver tise your county. There are a million of people In Nebraska aloue that do not know about this county. L. C. OBERUES. the and of Get All of the High Priced Butter Fat That Your Cows Produce! Make your butter fat bring you $20.00 more for every cow you own, every year. The 7 mm CREAM gets every bit of the valuable butter fat to the merest trace. Come and see it at NEWBERRY'S Hardware Co. and you will learn that the Viking is the most simply and scientifically con structed separator made. The Viking skims as close, runs as easy, is easier to clean than any separator at aty price ! See it today! We will be glad to demonstrate for you i