The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 11, 1918, Image 12

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i JSjf KStJSiltt
The Pot Is Boiling Over With Red Hot
Bargains for Everyone
T ed Hot Bargains in every department.
IV SVinps OvmrHs flfld Piimns Dross fronds nnH Silks Mnslin UnHprwpnr
Ladies' Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists,
cxls nd J
Hosiery, House Dresses, Aprons, Corsets and Notions.
Sale Opens Thursday Morning, July 11th
Ladies' Coats
All Wool Broadcloth, Poriet Twill, in all the new shades,
all new this season's models, $ 4 r, $47.50 and up to $60
valueB at 921. 59
All Wool Serge Gabardine, Tweed and Burella Cloth in all
new models, 30, $35 and $40 values at 916.95
All Wool Serge and Poplin Coats In all the new shades,
all new models; $20 and $25 values at 912.95
Misses Coats Sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16 in Serges and
Poplin, $12.50 and up to $18.50 values at $7.05
Middy Blouses and
Ladtet' and Misses blouses; values at $1.50 and $1.75
at 91.19
Ladies' and Misses' Blouses; values at $2.00 and $1.50,
at 91.39
Ladies' Smocks of Linen in Tan, Pink, Rose and Green;
valuts up to $5.00, at 92.95
Ladles' Smocks of Linen, in all the popular shade? and
also white; values to $3.50, at 81.95
Children's Middles, values at $1 and $1.50, at 59r and 95c
Ladies' Suits
SILK SUITS in Navy, Taupe and French Biue, $60.00
and $65.00 values at 93U.OO
All Wool Serge and Poriet Suits, $40.00 and $45.00
values at 921. 50
All Wool Suits, Serges and Poplin; $30.00 and $35.00
valueB at 916.05
All Wool Suits, Serges and Poplin, in all the leading
shades; $21.50 and $25.00 values at 912.95
With the Scarcity of All Wool Materials Thene are Heal
IadieH' High Top Colored Leather Mahog
any. Field Mouse and Silver Grey; $9.00 and
up to $12 50 values at 96.95
Indies' T -inch Boots I .ace and button in
BlMk. Drown, Tan and Grey Kid; $7 and
$8.50 values to close out at 95.00
Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps Patent Leather,
Kid, Vici Kid, White Sea Island and Canvas;
$S. SO and up to $6.00 values at 92.45
MiRses's Patent Strap Sandals and Pumps,
$4.00 values at 92.95
Children's Patent Strap Sandals and Pumps,
sizes 8 to 11, values at $3.50 92.45
Ladies' White Sea Island Shoes, White Ivory
soles and heels, $7.00 values at 94.95
Ladies' White Canvas Shoes, White Uubber
Soles, $5.00 values at 93.45
Indies' Oxfords and Pumps, one big lot of
these in Patent Calf, Kid and Tan Calf; values
un to $4.50: sizes I to 5 only, at 91. OO
Children s Sandals in Patent Colt, Kid and
White CanvaK, sizes 2 to 8, values up to $1.50
at 69c
Ladies' Silk Dresses
Taffeta. Foulard, Crepe de Chine, Sat- Dresses of Voile and Lawn in all the
ins. all new this season's models in all new shades and patterns. $12.50,
the new shades; $30.00 $35.00 and $15.00 and $20.00 values at . .97.95
$45.00 values at 917.95 ,
ok . t m . One lot of Ladies' Voile, Lawn and
Dresses of S.Ik !tans. Taffeta, Ginphanl I)re88es. up to $7.50 values.
Satin, values at $20.00 and $25.00,
iU 912.95
going at .S.4ft
Dresses of Silk Taffeta. I'oplin and ladies' Gingham House Dresses. One
Satin values at $15.00 and $18.50. big lot of these $2.50 values going
at 96.95 at 91 29
Special Bargains
Mercerized Georgette Crepes in Blue, Green,
Rose, Navy and Gray at, per yard 79c
Silk Stripe, Egyptian Zephyr Gingham in the
new large plaid patterns; values up to $4.00
at. per yard 59c 7
WASH SILKS Fancy stripes, good weight, in
all shades, $1.50 values at, per yard . . . .91.19
Silk Taffeta in black and all shades, chiffon
finish, all $2.00 values at, per yard . . . .91.59
Fancy Striped and Plaid Taffeta and Satin;
$2.50 and $2.75 values at. per yard . . . .92.19
SILK POPLIN, 40-Inch, in all shades and good 0
WPl f h t "11 vuliickQ at nor vnrrl ftl w-
' wm
Cotton Voiles in new plaid, striped and check-
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1 ' ' on
Percales Light weight, 36-inch, new plaid
patterns for summer dresses; 6 5c values at
per yard 39c
Ginghams printed patterns, in all new pat
terns 25-inch; 2 5c value at, per yard. . . 16c
Silk Georgette Crepe Waists in all the new shades; beaded
and Kmbroidered trimmed; $7.50 and $8.50 values
at ' -95
Fancy Jap Silk and Natural Shantong Waists; $3.00 and
$3.50 values at 92.45
Voile Waists in Pink, FleBh, Rose, Gray, Lavender and
Nile, also White 92.45
Voile and Batiste Waists in White only; lace and em
broidery trimmed; a special value at 96c
Of Summer Dress Goods, Votles, Lawns, Tissue, Ging
hams, Pongee, Silk Striped Ginghams, in all the newest
shades and patterns with purchase of 5 yard or over.
We will give equal yardage free.
Silk Underwear
Crepe de Chine, Envelope Chemise, in Pink and Flesh
color, at 92.95 and 93.45
Crepe de Chine Petticoats, with wide Lace Flounce 93.95
Silk Jersey Top Union Suits in Pink only, at 91-95
Muslin Combination Suits. Corset Cover and Dresses.
Muslin Envelope Chemise and Muslin Corset Covers,
values up to $2.50, at 69c
Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, also fine Nainsook and
Batiste Gowns 59c, 96c and 91.39
The Horace Bogue Store