The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 04, 1918, Image 9

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Fill out blanks and mail to Captain Strong of the
Box Butte Homo (iiiards.
At the special m ssion of the Nebraska legislature, held this spring,
a law was passed for tlx- purpose of allowing the Nebraska soldiers to
vote at general elections. This law, in part, reads as follows:
Introduced hy Crist Amid son, C. W.
Trumble. C. l'etrus Peterson, Den
nis h. Crania, lorta Fries, I, N.
Norton, .lames H CraOOocS, .1. B.
.laeobson, Hloyd Thomas, lwjht
S. Dalbey, Jacob Sass, P, B, Ncff.
J. J. Shannon, George lackson and
Senator Leasers
AN ACT to enable qualities electors
in tbe military or naval service of
the state of Nebraska or of the
United States to exercise tne right
of suffrage while absent front the
state in such military or naval
service; to regulate the exercise of
suffrage; to make an appropriation
for the purpose of carrying out
the provisions of this act; 10 pro
vide penalties, to repeal chapter
177 of the laws of 1917? to repeal
all acts or parts of acts in conflict
with the provisions of this act; and
to declare an emergency.
tie It Enacted by the People of the
People of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Elections Soldiers'
vvotes. Notwithstanding any more
general law respecting the time or
manner of voting for candidates for
office at any general or primary elec
tion, or the time or manner of vot
ing on uny question submitted to a
popular vote at a general election, or
at any primary or general election in
any city where registration of votes
is required by law, all qualified elec
tors, in war time, or after peace out
the secretary of state sha'l appoint
i wo qualified electors to assist him.
Tip se appointees shall be known as
assistant state election commission-1
era. The slate election commissioner I
and said assistant stale eleclion com
missinticrs shall comprise I body to
lie known as the stale election com
mission Hereafter, in this act, the
state election commissioner shall lie
referred to as "commissioner"; his
assistants as "assistant commission
ers", and the state election commis
sion as "commission." The two as
sistant commissioners provided for in
this section shall be appointed hy the
secretary of state from a list of
names to be recommended and sub
mitted to the secretary or siase oy the
state chairmen of the two political
parties that received the hignest per
centage of votes at the previous gen
eral election. The chairman of the
state committee of each of these par
ties shall submit a list of three per
sons in each of said parties, and from
this list 'the secretary of state shall
select one assistant commissioner
from each of said parties. Assistant
commissioners shall take the same
oath as that taken by executive state
officers, and shall civo a bond. to be
Approved by the secretary of state in
such sum as he may fix. The assist
ant commissioners provided for in
this section shall be appointed as
herein required within thirty days
after this act takes effect, and the
term of the first assistant commls-
before demobilization, in tne actual sioner that are appointed shall ex
military or naval Bervice of this state j pire on the first day of January 1919,
or of the United States, in the army j an(j the successors to the first ap
or navy thereof, and by reason there-j pointees shall thereafter be appointed
of absent from the state on any elec- j for a term of two years. Any vacan
tion day, shall be entitled to exercise j cy n the office of assistunt'enmmis-
the right of suffrage and to vote at
SUCH HwUUW 1 u in-. m ci ii n v. t . H . i
form provided for in this act.
Sec. 2. Election commission. The
sioner shall be filled in the same man
ner as that provided for in this sec
tion. The person appointed shall
serve the unexpired term. The as-
Bccretary of state is hereby made thesistant commissioners shall each re
state election commissioner. To ra- ceive a per diem of $5 and traveling
cilitate In the discharge of the duties j expenses for each and every day that
imposed by the provisions of this act, ! they are necessarily employed in dis-
charglng their duties. The commis
sion shall have general cnarge and
supervision of the administration of
the provisions of this act. and shall
impartially discharge all duties Im
posed upon them anil shall so admin
ister the provisions of this net as to
carry out its true purpose and Intent.
It shall adopt an official seal
Sec. 3 Card Index Register.
The governor shall Immediately pre
pare and make a card index. ion which
shall be entered the names of voters
of' this state who are now SMM1 or
ma hereafter be absent from their
respective election districts in time of
war. serving In the army, navy or
other part of tne military serene of
thisstateV.r of the United Stares The
index cards of the voters shall be ar
ranged in alphabetical order for each
county, and also for each city In this
'date where registration or voters Is
required by law, In counties that in
clude a city In which registration is
required, two card indexes snail tie
kept ; one containing the tinmcs or all
absent voters In the territory in said
county outside of said city; the otner
containing tbe names or all absent
voters within the Wtjf. Such index
register shall contain on each card
the name of the voter, as it appears
on the records of the war or navy de
partment, his postoffice address, the
county, precinct or city in which said
voter has a legal residence; if he re
sides in a city, his street or residence
number, or such other description as
will identify the place of his resi
dence. Said cards shall contain the
name or number or other designation
of the division, regiment, cocpany.
troop, vessel or other command m
which the absent voter Is serving at
the time of such entry, so far an the
governor can ascertain the same. If
there are military reasons why this
information should not to placed on
a card, a record of the same shall be
preserved in the office of the gover
nor. The governor shall obtain from
the proper military or naval authori
ties of the nation, or from any other
source that is available and expedi
ent, the information required to car
ryout the provsions of this net. In
the future, the governor shall keep
a complete card index in accordance
with the provisions of this section,
not only of those who are now in the
army or navy of the United States,
but also of those who may in the fu
ture enter the military service of the
state or of the United States in any
capacity. The governor snail make
I a copy of the names of the various
absent voters which shall be known
as a general register and shall be a
I public record and shall, at all seas-
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ACTUS A- M TI.K. Alliance. Nebi.
it: Cheyenne Ae. Phone BM
requested to be filled out and sent to
tne at your enrllest convenience.
"The questions are to help In al
lowing the soldiers to vote and your
early reply will insure his voting Cut
out the questions below and (111 In tbe
answers and mall to Capt. It C.
Strong, of Hox Butte Home Guards:
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ffi&s ALASKA Week at Our Store
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This register shall be a copy as near
as may be of the Information set
forth in the card Index. The name
shall appear In order
for each BOUnty, except in comities
which include a city where registra
tion is required by law, the names of
the voters inside of said city and
those outside of such city shall be at
ranged in separate lists in aipnanet
Ical order. The governor snail revise
and correct the index cards and the
register herein provided so that said
cards and the records of the gover
nor's office, will as near as may be,
correctly report tbe Information re
lating to absent voters as required by
the provisions of this act. The gover
nor Bhall tile with the commissioner
at least 30 days before a Btatewlde,
general or primary election, a copy of
the general register as shown by the
records of said office an revised and
corrected to the date of its filing. The
governor shall file with the city clerk
or other officer having charge of the
preparation of the ballots and the
conduct of an election in any city In
which registration of voters Is re
qffulred by law, at least 30 days be
fore any general or primary election
in said city, a copy of said general
register in so far as it relates to tbe
absent voters in said cities. Said
copy shall contain the information
that appears on the general register
In the governor's office, revised and
corrected up to the time of furnish
ing the same to the said city. Every
public officer and every citizen, when
requested so to do in writing by the
governor or the commission, shall
furnish to the governor such Informa
tion as he may possess relating to ab
sent voters who are in the military
service of the state or of tne United
States. Any person who shall refuse
to furnisti said information or shall
wilfully furnish false information
with reference to such absent voter,
shall be deemed guilty of a felony
and shall, on conviction tlieroor, be
punished by Imprisonment in the
state penitentiary for any period not
, more than t' ree years,
Bee. 5. I'rimary election Haiiots
The election commission, at least
2 5 days jylgr to any statewide prim
ary, and after they receive the copy
of the general register of absent vot
ers from the governor, shall fill in the
proper spaces In the blanks provided
for on the outside of the red envel
ope, the information that appears on
the general register with reference to
the name, residence, county, city,
precinct and home postoffice address
of teh ahsent voter, who at the time
is stationed within the continental
United Slates, and also the informa
tion with reference to the present ad
dress of said absent voter.
The information filled in these
blank spaces shall be substantially
what appears on the records In the
governors' office unless there is SOUtS
military rnsSOn for not giving it in
detail, bin suffic ent information shall
bs given to identify the residence of
he voter in this state and tits ap
proximate location in the army or
navy of the United States. After till
ing out these blankij on the red envel
ope teh same shall be sinned by the
election commissioner or one of his
assistants, The official seal of the:
commissioner shall be impressed on;
said envelope. i
S"c. 18 Appropriation. - There
is hereby appropriated out of the gen
sral fund f the state of Nebraska1 the
I m Of K ',000 00, or so much Hu m
Of as rra Ik necessary to defray the'
ovpenses of administering the pro-j
fit ons of this act. The election com
mission stall appoint the necessary j
clerical assistants to properly admin
ister this act in so far .a II relates
to the duties Imposed upon said elec-j
tic n commission and the election
commissioner. The governor shall j
appoint the necessary clerical assist
ants to properly administer the pro-1
visions of i his act in so far as it re
lates to the duties imposed upon the
governor. The election commissioner
and the governor shall fix the amount I
of compensation to be pan: to the
said clerks and the same shall be
p iid out of the appropriation provid
ed for in this -section.
Statement b a plain Strong.
Upon the shoulders of u. (.'. Btroas.
captain of 'the Box Butte Home
guards, has been delegated the duty
of securini this information for this
vicinity. The blank below, in Cap
tain Strom 's statement, should be
nlled out and mailed to him. Mils
statement is as follows:
"It is the wish of the governor of
thlsBtate that he has a record of each
man that has enlisted in the army or
navy from Box Butte county. This
is for all men in the army and navy
that has enlisted in the old National
guards, enlisted in the Regular army
and navy and those that have hen
I ad nc ted into the army by the draft.
"Below is a list of questions that is
mil mi its' vote COUPON
County of -
Soldier's Name -
Home Address
Date of Birth
Dale of Enlistment - - - -
Nearest Relative -
Address -
Organisation and Bank -
Present Address -
Kill ottt the above questions and cut out this coupon and mall to
CAPT R, C BTKONW. Box Butte Home Guards.
Bog 4S't Alliance, Nebraska
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