THE ALLIANCE HERALD, JULY 1 1918 FORMER MAYOR OF BIRMING HAM, ALA.. ENDORSES TANLAC Tow Will HhmII) RftOW HO Win n WV Mori Again, for I Am GMttBg Vcll," Write I'rii nd. MICK1E SAYS UCIDI M ' laiC QCOC SACK OPFEN Nfc BEFOttB the nev-t auv vajo-t TO TO AGE POTATOES. E J ANVTHIN' ELSt on vans sunscntPTvoN s ooin1 -to Oif beaneo vjvTm The. malleT.Tawe T Pftow One of the latent additions to the list of lOOdOfl of thought and action who have come forwnn? Willi their uniiali liol endorsement of Tnnlac in tin' Hon Frank V Kvnns, former mayor Of Hirmiimhiini, Ala., ix-stnte fxaininrr of public aceOMtl of Ala bnnui. ami one time editor of MM of tho MMtk'i irootool Bi oipopoii The Dirmi nulia in Ape-II era l1. Writing !o a personal rrlend In At lanta, Mr. Evans sas "Hirinlnnhnni. eb. t. " Hy tin- r. you will hnrdly know me when Wt ti i t again bOCaUM I am jotting well and BtfOUII Ogata. As I told you wmiip in At lanta last month. I liavo been stiffcr ir.n a toOl time wilh gaotritlt as the doctors call it really a disordered stomach with consequent OOMtipa tlon, polm in the shoulders, head ache. belchltiK. heartburn, Iobh of up petite, loss of sleep and fainting spells For weeks I could not sleep on my back. "One week a so, upon recommenda tion of friends, who .. tried the medicine, I purchased one bottle of Tnnlac and began taking It. Since my second dose I have suffered none of these troubles to which I refer, and really believe I am going to get per fectly well and strong again. Won't that be wonderful at my age? Well, certain It is that Tanlar Is a wonder ful medicine, and you know that 1 am not giving any puffing' mere experi ments and am rather brtOOOOO as to materia medica. "I shall continue the treatment with perfect confidence in the final results. (Signed) "FRANK V. KVANS " Commenting on thle .i.-nnld en dorsement of Ti'nlac. (J F. Willis, in ternational distrlbuator 00 iirnac. said : "Although i he' list of prominent en dorsers is a l ing ope, I recall a few loading nanu s Uintdend both dignity and credit to the entire airav. Some of them ure: "Hon. W. MnriMiin. of Atlanta. x-Bheriff of Fultoni county ; Hon Mc Kenzie Moss, Judge oj Ine Eighth dis trict of Kentucky: H.m. Moses U. ilenn. Buperintendonl or printing for the state of Kentucky; nil. Jno 15. ;ains, editor and pubhwr. Howling Green, Ky.; Mr. C. C. Cooper, presi dent tieorgia Cotton Oil VO. : Mr. H. W. Hill, br.nk president of South Pittsburg, Tenn.; Mr. j. r. Carroll, cotton mill superintendent of Chata taoochee, Ga. ; Hon. S. m. shepherd, ex-city councilman of Atlanta, and many others wh.iBe nnn. uave here tofore been given to the public." Tnnlac 1b sold Alliance by F. E. Hoist en and In Hemingrord by H. R. Olds Drug company. CHEAPER RATIONS FOR SHEEP DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD CM a .-inn II package of Hamburg Urcast Tea, or as the German folks call It. "Hsiaborgsr Brunt Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tahlcspoonful of the tin, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and -drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effect ive way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensivf nml entirely vegetable, therefore aaff and harmless. IUB BACKACH E Corn Stover and Oat Straw Form Im portant and Economical Part of Animals' Feed. (irepured by the I'liiiod States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Brooding Owoo coaowto eonporo Hot !.v largo qmintitlt - "f roughage and need but Utile grain. Of 1 1lls rou'h- nge corn stover and oat straw may well form an Important and economical I .h i, but they should be supplemented b) otbjW feeds' containing more pro tein. Sheep will SSI about 2." to 35 per cent of the total weight of the StO- r, letting the stalks. Wheat struw Is not so valuable for sheep feed ing as oat straw, while rye straw bus practically no Value In sheep ra ! imis. This type of roughage should be Used as n supplement to leguminous hay, nnd the whole ration would be im proved hy the addition of a succulent feed such ns well-kept silage or roots. If but little leguminous, hay is avail able the use of some protctn-rleli con eentrnta such as meal from cottonseed, linseed, soy beans, or velvet beans will usually be economical and proflt i able. Cottonseed meal may well be used to bnlanee up a ration lacking In i protein either for breeding ewes or for rattening lambs or wethers. It has been ! fed to breeding ewes up to one-half pound per head per day without np j parent injury, but four ounces n day ! Will usually be found sufficient. Care should be taken to see that it Is of i good quality and free from mold. The following rations, should give sod results when supplemented iy AND U UMBAGO RIGHT 001 Rob Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St. Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lame or hiinl.ii g,. sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Gil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled I This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right ut of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame hack misery so promptly 1 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Chautauqua Begins July 10; Ends July 15 The Ernest Gamble Concert Party Chautauqua Audiences Are to Hear Internationally Known Company A Company of Artists on Chautauqua Program Full Program Aftornoon of the Second Day. Short Concert in the Evening Mutton and Wool in This Flock. whatever small quantities of grain may tie Decenary Cor the health uud thrift r the Bock: Rattoa t: Corn stover 2 pounds (amount eate not amount fed). Legume hay. - punnds. Ration 2: Oat straw. 2 pounds. Legume hay, 2 pounds. Itution 3: Out ntrnw or com stover, 1 pound. .Silage, 1H: pounds. I .".! iiu hay, 2 pounds. Coffey, nt the Illinois experiment station, found that when fed to yenr llng wethers with corn and com sil age, corn stover and out straw gave practically the same dally gains per head. A third lot getting alfalfa as tho dry roughage gained slightly more. Satisfactory gains have never been, made In fattening lambs when corn stover or oat straw has formed the sole roughage. When used with legu minous hay (or leguminous hay and -Huge) nnd the usual grain ration, the gains have been slightly smaller than thoae obtained when nothing but le guminous hay was used, while the cost of the ration has been considerably decreased. SHEEP FIT IN WITH FARMING Produced More Economically Than Any Other Live Stock Graze on Noxious Weeds. Sheep, in proportion to the value of their products, are produced more eco nomically on the farm than any other live stock; the feed anil labor require ments are less. They lit in with prnc tlcally every kind of fanning: get much of their subsistence from forage, from grazing weeds and grass that would not support other stock. They eat almost no feed that has a value as huinau food, and need less grain than other animals. They an. I mate rially to the farm revenue, but add very little, relatively, to the farm expense. BEST FOR BUSINESS FARMER Fact Remain That Purebred Animal Is Best Suited for Utility Purposes on Farm. Farmers used to think that pure bred animals excelled common stock only In show qualities, and that for utility purposes they had no addi tional value. But It has been proved that every show point has u vital con nectlon with utility qualities, and after all is said about the uselessness of fancy points, the folly of tine pedi grees, and the absurdity of high priced ancestors, the fact remains that the pure bred animal is the common-sense animal for the business farmer. THTK HOt MMWIPK SHOILD RKAI IH THE VAU E OP H Kit TTMK. nMMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiittiMiiiiiiiiiiinitmmtnniitiiMiniiiiiniMitiHiiiiiiiiiiniiuKumi H Kfflclency la the watchword of the industrial world. Bery effort is gMd to make every minute count. For time represents money. This same spirit of sttcleecy is reaching into the home. The housewife is adOOcatlttg and practicing time saving ineinods. Her time is as valuable and often more valuable to herrelf, her family aid hOf community outside or trie kitch en than in it The up-to-date house wife employs up-io-date metnods. She does r given task In the best possible manner in thrshortest possible tune. She eliminates the necessity of doing th" same thing twice to gain the de slrt d reralta, Where this kitchen ef- Bcy rules yoiA usually find Calu tnet linking Towder because Calumet is efficient. It Is positive In results ll BOVOr fails. There are no rebak ings. No 1 double time" for the house wife, tta dependable action cuts bak ing time down to a minimum, Al lowing the housewife more time to herself Still there is another way In which Calumet relieves the house-1 Wife from baheT day duties. It enables her to use one batch of dough for two bakings. She can work up a pan of dough, use part of It ror a 'baking for the evening meal and set aside the balance in the Ice box for breakfast biscuits. In the morntnp sne saves the time other baking powders require- as the dough 'hey are used, in must be baked immediately. Where as, Calumet retains its leiwening strength until exposed to oven heat. The millions of housewives who use Calumet save hours of baking time, and many dollars In bake day costs as the unfailing leavening strength, of Calumet does away with all bake day waste of baking materials. ALLIANCE CANDY STORE PURE HOME MADE CANDIES Home Made Ice Cream 45c quart Pint Ice Cream 25c Completely Equipped Sanitary Service. Come in and let us serve yon w itli cooling drinks or delicious candies. FRUIT SUNDAES 1A. 1UC Any Flavor FREE city DELIVERY S. P. JACKSON, Prop. 210 Box Butte Stnnnttrmmtmnmtmrmmtnnimmttrrmn Phone 27 II Irs I I ' n I I II 1 r I I jo " Spanish Pronunciations. The Coths, nn ancient Germnnlc barbaric people, pronounced Ilk moths; Moors. Inhabitants of Moroc- j co, pronounced like boors; mnntilln, j accent on second syllable; VnlladolldJ a city of Spain, pronounced V:il-y.i do- I Iced, accent on Inst syllable; r-I vantes. Spanish novelist, author of "Don Quixote." pronounced Thayr-von- j tace, accent on second syllable. In the Spanish language hofi re e and I has ! the sound of tho English th nnd is ; pronounced thoy. : ille, city in Spain, is pronounced y-veel. I'.ur gos, a province and city of Spain, la pronounced Boor-goce, LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered greatly from nervousness anC head aches. The least excite ment gave me dreadful pain. I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine and a few days later started to take Dr. Miles' Hxart Treat ment. I soon got so much better that I was encour aged and continued taking the two remedies until I was so well that work was no bother to me at all." lens, locis blo, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Soldiers' Superstition. Cavalrymen have a superstition of heir own. a mounted man (irmly he lleves that he will come through the ieadUcot charge unscathed if he car ries on Ids person the tooth of a war horse, the only condition being that the horse itself lias, ut some time, been through n charge unhurt. ?C Y "VA H BAV INTTSf A MPS Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join NoW! noch MoacAirs ONf CO APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men who wear this emblem aro U.S. MARINES A RARE TREAT FOR GHAUTAQUA VISITORS Famous Company of Boll Ringers Will Opon Program. The feature which characterizes the program of the Dunbar Quartet, is the abholute blendinK of their programs Into the complete whole. Thera is a consistency in these programs which have distinguished them among all the Lyceum and Chautauqua at tractions of the last double decade. No feature will he remembered longer Mian the beautiful chimea and har monies which are Introduced in their sacred selections. Their original transcriptions in which are heard excerpts of beautiful scngs sung by the piayer accompailod by the hells will be counted by many the most beautiful muttc l!i.' '.:ave ever heard. The young me:: Introduce a suffn ient amount ol humor io iven the pro gram pro i I 1 Utata t he rep utation Song hi Id by the DhBhara as musi-al ehterftl i r ir excellence. Professional Cards 0. E. SLAQLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65. Res. phone, 52 Alliance, - - Nebraska J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County Office: Km. 7, Opera House Block L. W. BOWMAN PhyslcUn and Surgeon 3 02 Box Butte Phones: Office, 362; Res. 16 "Lot Me Cry For You" HARRY P. COURSEY Lire Stock and General Salea Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable Alliance, (Phone 664) Nebr. EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take a glass of Balta before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is ru-h Our blood is filled with urio acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, blXdder " lkmms and a general decline in health. iVhen your kidneys feel like lumps of i. .id: your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tables poonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been' used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a souroe of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; canuut in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flush ing any tuna. Geo. J. Hand, M. D. ASTHMA and HAY FEVER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 257 Calls answered from office day or night. Professional Photographer Quality Portraits, Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlarging all Styles M. E. UREBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 J. JEFFREY, D. O. Ph. O. A. U. JEFFREY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours. 10 A. M. to I P. M. NEW WILSON BLOCK Harness Hand Made from Best Material. Outlast any Factory Made Goods. Call and See. Harness Repairing by Experienced Harness Maker J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' Stand, Alliance BURTON & REDDISH Attonieys-at-Law Office: First National Bank BlOa PHONE lg Alliance, - . Nebraska Jf " -v DR. D. E. TYLER DENTIST PHONE 8 62 Over First National Bank ALLIANCE, NKBKABKA 0 L. A B P E Y LAWYER Phone V. Room Rumer Alliance. - Nebraska V. t