THE ALLIANCE HERALD, JULY 4, 1918 FOR SALE 2,320 ACRE RANCH Located In Box Butte County,Nebraska Greatest Cattle Raising and Farm District in the State A section of the West noted for its farm fertility and the continued possibilities of record crops on the same acreage year after year. Today Box Butte County stands at the veary pinnacle of all the counties in the state. All grain crops are far in advance of all other sections. Rye cut on June 10 measured 5 feet and 5 inches and there are 5000 acres of similiar grain within the boundaries of the county. , The pasture lands are carpeted with beautiful green grass and everywhere the outlook for the year is far superior to any year in the history of the state. If you have been considering the purchase of a ranch home, give this place your immedi ate attention. Here you can become independent in life and leave your children a comfortable income The price of Box Butte land will more than double in the next two years. GET BUSY--INQUIRE TODAY. Description of the Land Now Offered at a Bargain For Quick Sale i. 2. 3. 4. 2,320 acres fenced and cross fenced. Fair buildings and improvements. Three good wells on the ranch with excellent water. 80 acres now planted to alfalfa and yielding a good crop annually. 5. 250 acres under cultivation at present, balance easy to break. 6. Gently rolling terrain with a black loam soil of best content. 7. Abundance of water for both summer and winter range. 8. 20 miles from the railroad station. This is one of the best ranch bargains ever offered in this section of the state Ample space for stock pasture and plenty of ground for alfalfa to supply winter feed. The nature of the improvements make it possible for the purchaser to take immediate possession. No branch of the farming industry yields the con stant and heavy returns as does an investment in cattle. They increase while you sleep and before many years elapse you find yourself independent. Hund reds have taken up the cattle business and made a success of it why not you? For Prices and Terms, See or Write E. C. BARKER Office Over First National Bank, Alliance, Nebr. Also Agent for Cheyenne and Holt County Lands