THE ARMY and THE NAVY Communications will be answered ing news each week. promptly. Interest CATHOLIC GIRL WRITES FROM THE ERONT Rm1 CrOM NVN located nt hVMM in n Bwillllflll Portion of KhUICP. The following interesting letter was received by II. E. Halloway last Saturday from his counstn. Mary Mr Cormark, sister of the famous sinper. Miss Comtek is located near the front and describes with vividness the environment that she is now in: "My Dear Cousin: "Since I last wrote you 1 believe it i was n week yesterday, five of us who! were nt base No. 18, have been trans ferred back to our own base. This, week has been broken up with travel-j Ing and getting settled, so I have been i too busy to write. "All the men proceeded us here so j everything is In readiness except our parmanent quarters. llower, our present home is very comfortable, a fact most appreciated by us. who have been living in barracks the past three weeks, with thirty other nurses. My roommate and I have a delightful room, with two French windows and and presented us with a beautiful bouquet of lilacs, etc. This morning ' went to Mass in the village We wen- driven in one of the cars and we certainly were a curiosity. The priest gave a Wonderful sermon in French Yesterday was Faster and it was an awful day rained continually, as it has been doing that for the past thfl e lays. Saturday evening I went with some of the other girls to confession to the church in the village, and such a night it whs so dark we couldn't see where we were stepping and mud! Well, I have read about mud in France, but this was lierce. I really have never seen a more inspiring sight than the long lines of soldier !iys going to confession. Am sure their mothers would be happy and without worry if they could know ! how faithful these men are to their religious duties. It is wonderful. We have a Catholic priest Connected With 'the Red Cross and he is a line man ! You can imagine what it means to j have a priest when end is near. And he is always at the bedside when the J time come. And sad to say It is nec essary occasionally, for some of the poor fellows have to give in to this awful gas. llnttie Putin, tons; nomoen. nap- pnug, IfiOO tons; Fdwnrd H. Cole, 1791 tons; Isabel Wiley. 776 tons; Jacob Haskell, 1778 tons; Kdwnrd Beard, 2000 tons. Steamships, Winneeone, 186ft tons; Carolina, 4T.O0 tons; Herberl S Pratt 7200 tons; Texel. Or in all about 26, 000 tons of shipping. Army aa4 Nay Department Alliance Horrid. HoW are relatives of soldiers .ip pearing on the casuality lifts noii fled? B. F.. Alliance Ans. Retail! or soldW i named in the casualitv lir a r irv.vr led from Frame by General Pershlii an gen ratty notified by 1 ilegMph Tl'.hln 14 hours. Delays .'re itCCMMOnn 1 by clerical errors. Incorrect addresses or removal of families from resident listed by the soldier. The adjutant general's oflce allows ample time for the relatives to re-1 reive the telegram before the list is given to the press for publication. This is done out of consideration for the relatives. Fditor A. i N. Dept. Details of the sinking Of the trans port "President Lincoln." The ship was struck simultaneously by three torpedoes on May L' 1 and sank in 18 minutes. Three other vessels were in company with her when she was struck. All passengers, including the, sick were saved. The small loss of life beinu dtte to the discipline exhib ited by the crew and mnnnconieiit of Commander 1. w. Foote. Destroyers coming to the assistance quickly avoided any other trouble with the ub. An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Say a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps Illness away. This excellent, common-sense health measure being adopted by millions. "There are many Catholic boys in the phesent number. You cannot imagine the wonderful good both the Knights of Columbus and the Y. M. C. A. are doing for the soldier boys in France. These institutions are al- ev- a fireplace. And one thing which we .ways opened to the boys in khaki..and particularly notice is the cleanliness, everything is spic and span and the whole place looks like 'spotless town.' "You need not worry any about me as we are far from the maddening crowd, and shot and shell. We could not be farther away and still he in France, and that is all I can tell you. In one way I am sorry we had to leave the other place so soon, because it did. promise to b" rf we were there the work was most in teresting. However, I suppose we must be thankful that we are here in safety. I must tell you about our new home. It is, without doubt, the most beautiful spot I have seen in France. My power of description fails me when I begin to write about it. For many, many years', I suppose cen turies, it was a monastary Some of the altars are still here and in fact many other old relics. After the monks were driven out about fifteen years ago, more or less, there were more buildings added and the whole institution was to be used for insane patients. However, the project was they are treated as knights of old ery on the same level. The other day on fhe ward I saw a patient who came from Gouverneur. He was the firtt one I have met from our section. He is no one we ever knew. The weather is very pleasant except for an occasional rainy or cold morning. However, I am ashamed to 0,111 plain, knowing what the girls went through in the winter. Conse quently am thankful we arrived at this late date. It is a privilege, I feel to be here, because under ordinary circumstances we would never have gotten so near the front and even now we-re not as near the lines as I would 1 like to be. It would seem a long way ; to you, it really is, in fact it is not j within walking distance, I can assure you. You know how far I was from j home last Easter Sunday. Well it's j about the same distance here. So I you have no need to worry. If mother j and youu all realized the comforts jthes epoor fellows get by having j American nurses caring for them. I I have heard lately that Ruth Williams, who left with the Massachusetts gen- Gamen Hose R-eatores Visi in. Qarden hose, at full pressure, re Ktored B man's slghl at S;m Rafael Cal., recently. The man, Charles Brown fell H fet from the roof of his home. Neighbors turned the gar den hose on his head as a first aid measure and after an examination Brown was found to be the better in stead of the worse for his tumble. Ills vision was completely cured. He Is wondering whether it wns the fall or the garden hose that was responsible. Fhyslclnns the world over recom mend the Inside hath, claiming this Is of vastly more importance than out side cleanliness, because tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, causing 111 health, while the pores In the ton yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible material, poisons, sour bllo and toxins: thuB cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stom ach. Just as soap and hot water cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the ellm Inative organs. Those w ho w ake up with bad breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or hare a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks or constipation, should obtnin a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate at tho drug store. This will cost very little but Is suffi cient to demonstrate the value of In side bathing. Those who continue It each morning are aBBiired of pro- 1 nounced results, both In regard to j health and appearance. Soft Drinks and Beverages BKVKRAGES ON DRAUGHT AT ALL TIMES Order a case of 36 pints sent to your home. De livery made anywhere in - Alliance. Rehate for re t turn of cases. Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Lunches. KING'S CORNER S-kaaiiPL-- JOHN IIODGKINNON. Mgr. Distributors for Bridgeport Bottling Works I TIME JO ACT Don't Wait for the Fatal Stages of Kidney Illness. Profit by Alli ance People's Experiences never accomplished because of the ! iHH, alinimPr is located war, no doubt, and that is why we are ' . ... J. ,.. v. noor suppose. The location is ideal, j n..w however, for me to see her. Sincerely, here I I cannot imagine a more beautiful setting. The grounds are beautiful, the men are still working on them particularly in the truck gardens. One of the buildings encloses a court beautifully laid out with walks and hedges and a circular fountain basin, also trees of several varieties, fig, pears, etc. Must say a few words about our own quarters. Our dining room or 'mess hall,' as it called in the army, is where the monks used to eat. The walls are high, and white j add vaulted roof looks as though it might reach the sky. There are all sorts of wonderful wild flowers in the I woods behind the building, so we i gathered a huge bouquet of yellow HoVers and placed them in a large 1 Jar, which some one found in one of j the wine cellars. It was a wine cask used by the monks. Guess they1 haven't found any wine yet. Our new j quarters are going to be fine, the j rooms are high and all have one large window at least. We expect to have two nurses in a room, which will be lost comfortable. Also we will have running water and toilets on each floor, and I might add that these con veniences are luxuries in this coun try. There are only fifteen of our nurses here at present, but we have no patients. However, we expect aome in the next day or so and they will be welcome as the time hangs heavy on idle hands especially when we are two miles from the nearest town. It surely will be a great life, the only excitement is walking and it also is the chief outdoor sport. "The night we arrived it was fol lowing a Journey of a day and night, the villagers turned out to meet us. COUSIN MARY McCORMICK, U. S. A. N. C. Base Hospital 3. American Expeditionary Force. France." The recruiting station has been au thorized by the war department to ac cept eligible and qualified white ap plicants presenting certificates from i officers connected with stevedore or i ganizatlons, for enlistment at pri j vates in the quartermaster corps, na tional army, for the white enlisted I staff stevedore regiment, located at ! Newport News, Virginia. . The air service is now overstrength so no men will be accepted. This does not apply to certain students who failed to qualify for a commission. Occasional attacks of backache, ir regular urination, headaches and diz zy spellB are frequent symptoms of kidney disorders. It's an error to neglect these ills. The attackB may pass off for a time but generally ra turn with greater intensity. Don't de lay a minute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their use until the desired results are obtained. Good work in Alliance proves thu ef fectiveness of this great kidney rem edy. Mrs. Thomas Ackerman, C21 West Second street. Alliance, says: "I know Doan s Kidney Pills are a won derful medicine, as they have always relieved any kidney disorders 1 have had. When my kidneys have besn disordered, I have suffered from a dull, heavy pain across my back that seemed to pull me down. At night I couldn't rest because of the steady aching and during the day I would feel tired and worn out. My kidneys acted irregularly, too. Doan's Kid- i ney Pills hav j been the means of re lieving all this trouble, so I am glad I to recommend them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy -go , Doan's Kidney Pills tne same tnat ! Mrs Ackerman had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mmgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. See Us, And See Best DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lens. 313 Box Butte Are Phone 121 ASK US TO Sweat FOR YOU THIS Summer For Your Information Iti making your purchases of Shirts, Soft Dollars, etc., be sure and get oversize. Do this, beoatUM poods are not being shrunk at the pres ent time before being placed on the market. Observe this precaution and your laundered goods will not come back undersizc. UP-TO-DATE DELIVERY SERVICE Alliance Steam Laundry 127ast Third Street Phone 160 Try Our Quick, Neat Job Printing v. r ""miiiiiiiiim KiiiiiBiiiiiE Sergeant Gibbs, who came here last j week to take charge of the recruiting -station, has been transferred to the station at Grand Island. Sergeant Reubin Tramel, from the Omaha sta tion, has arrived to take charge of the recruiting service for the next three PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head -Colds. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in hesd or catarrh will be none. months. Corporal Jones, who has j Your clogged nostrils will open. The sir I r. on u re the peo- been out for the past week cruiting tour, reports that pie all over this end of the state are co-operating with him in putting the various openings in the service before the young men eligible for the army. The latest reports received by the navy department, indicate that the following vessels have been sunk as the result of enemy submarine activ ity off the east coast: Schooners Edna 325 tons; bombed. p mars of your head will rlcar and yon can breath freely. No more dull ness, headache; do hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug gling tor breath at night Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through very air passage of the head; soothe aad heal tne swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Don t stay stuffed up and miserable. THE dependability of Red Crown Gasoline means quick starting and plenty of power. Its dependability is largely due to its uniformity. Red Crown is obtainable everywhere now. Red Crown is spoken of as, "The Quality Gasoline,chief ly because it gives"more miles per gallon and more comfort per mile. Keep your car in the pink of condition with Red Crown. PolarineOil lessens engine wear. Look for the Red Crown sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA LOOK FOR j j THIS Q InlliHttKllllH Read Lieut. Pat O'Brien's Remarkable Story of His Escape While a Prisoner in Germany Which We Have Secured for Our Nest Serial OUTWITTING THE HUN Lieut. O'Brien, a brave young Irish-American was wounded in an air battle with enemy fliers. He was captured but made his escape and in this great story he tells in his own way his remarkable experiences in making his way to Holland and thence to the United States. His narrative is without a parallel in the annals of the war. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT STORY! OUR NEW SERIAL I BEGINNING SOON IN THIS PAPER