TH1 ALLIANCE HERALD, JUNE IS, 1918 Nt't Always Man the Telephone Operator Whan You Are Callec by Mistake Were you ever called to the telephone when another number was wanted? When this occurs, the operator, to be sure, may have humanly erred by ringing on the wrong line. More often, however, it is the fault of the person making the call. People often ask for 458, for example, when 546 is wanted and then either "hang up" when the mistake is realized or become impatient when the wrong person answers. Unfamiliarity with the work of telephone operating often prompts unjust criticism. Please don't forget the earnestness of the operator's effort when some occasional service difficulty does arise. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Hmrti food Rur War Kavlnaa lamti it a ,1 Liberty HuH Bingham News Panl Kalis? returnee from South Dakota Inst week nd entered th em ploy!' of I, Redtg. THE NATIONAL PARKS OPEN SEASON 1918 ho drove to the Market t postoflVe ami made inspection of that office On arrount of the "make-up man" tirlnc In a "hurry" to lork up the forma" hint week ho overlooked the following latereettag items, which will be printed this week Juki hh they were sent l a Mrs B, I- POwlOS, who haa DOOB III for six weeks. Is nct much Improv ed at ttils time. Mrs B. L Porter and Mrs. .i I. Qrannlng made ! trip to Alliance Sat urdnj . ret urates, on Ntoodaj a Mrs. Chat Murphy, or Ellsworth, attended the Med Cross sale and vis it id her parents for a few diiyn. o The C ii. inderaon family are at- oocted home from Callforals tbi! week. The have heen arisen) for several months. o Little Bruce ('alder made the trip alone from alliance for a visit with his grandmother on her klneald. Several hundred head of rattle be- tongtni to L Balllagor were mov i(i to the rammer range, north of town, last Friday o The sheep shearers linished work at the Klneald ranch on Monday and left for South Dakota on Tuesday. ' o Horace TakO, of Kansas City. Mis souri, is here for a visit in the home of his parents. o A number from Bingham are plan ning to attend the at HVannle beginning Juno II. Tin program promisee to be ; real treat this rear, A number of our people went to the lakes this week on a flshiim el ned it ion They reported 11 pood time and a Kood ratch. but learned to their sorrow that fish and roat ott should not mix . . ..!! tlx. ...... m i .iiihiin-h n.t.imotl hnma Mrs. K. U. Marsnan is sr'-.......-s nun. i . .... w......r. u..l.,l al Antlol ll Ti,..rl..v nn the malt stHKe. after ween win. - 1 1 ,r .i rt:ivH here with her I M-a I M IJpntfro. The family of M. K COOltOB left Siatri , ivs k. " - - - i Saturday for Wnshlnpton. wnere mey ik.n or hfrf the neonle will make their home, and the Lou ..I i n o i ii.... . . . . " " - - w - . . . .. ...... i i, infl nn 'l'uesdav' tor if MillKliam ieei wie iieeii. i a. vuaao iiun- muni NONSENSE MORAL IV A VOUng man who lived in OotogBO Once gave his pel n bone. When sonie tourist came by The dog looked With ri d eve And growled "Joel you lei me alone. Lights end the Cater Senam. tXd yon ever wish that yon could get. electric light bulbs to match the colot of your room? If so, you may M Kind to know. If you have not at ready dlseorered the trlrk for yow Self, that you may eolor them at horn to suit your own taste. It Is rery air pic. .fust buy some water color paint n soft brush, and set to work. Too May paint them any shade that yo desire, and Ret it lovely effect of soft a ned light through the painted : an For instance, if your living room it done III shades of brown and y lloW, you Can get g beautiful sunshiny light through bulbs painted a delicate yel low, Ohr'attai Manes Monitor. Expecting Too Much. The girl or boy who experts her friends to be perfect has many n dl ap pointment in store, Human nature is full of surprises, but perfection Wnnld oe the greatest surprise of all. Io not be astonished when you discover some Ml tie flaw in your friend's character. For unless love has blinded him. it Is 'very certain that your friend haa dis covered a similar flaw In yourself. Mis S M Kdmondson returned from Dallas. Illinoia. InBt Wednes day. snondent to our daily state papera u-i,..n Ihp Wor d-l erald Kave in credit of our Med roaa sale to Ells u.-ifrt h we felt like we had a bark seat. their new home at Kuirtus. Nebrasko. These two families will be greatly mossed from the community south of I Bingham. a :i o t wi rotoo to nil the Parks will soon be special .u in in, i ...mi... i.v - . ... announced. All facilities for the Summer volume of travel will be ample and as comfortable as usual. YHLLOWSTOWB NATIONAL PARK is open from June 25th to Septem k iKth- circuit tours embrace all gateways, Including the Cody sconic en trance and the Burlington's triangle circuit mountain tour from Eastern Ne- braska via Denver in one direction, mrougu icnuwoiwuo ,. " Parkefwith Rocky Mountain Natlonal-Estes Park en route three Parks on one grand circuit. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK is open from June 15th to September 16th. The same general variety of Burlington circuit routes may be used that include the entire east slope of the Rockies from the British boundary t Colorado. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATION ALBBTKH PARK is open from May 1st ... mm i i-t vt M .i,..,i v rk ha. In Iha nnnt two vearn. enioved such la nurcuiucr xai. i.v iianuuai i um., ... . a- - - - . - a wonderful increase of patronage as this Park, located Just north of Denver .. . a . n 1 1 ............ . i't,..,;..r Ii..., a tno Uurlingxon s ueiiTi'r-vasper- i eauwBiuut-ui.ici uii ih.. nnrioraiirned for Summer fares, nublica tlons; let him describe the circuit routes available that will permit you to make a most comprenensive scenic Rocky Mountain tour during the 1918 season 8. H COLE, Agent, Alliance, Nebr. L. W. WAKELET, General Passenger Agent 1004 Faroam Street Omaha, Nebr Our Med Cross sale celebrated the I . m ....... i ... i t. a . 1 ..... I n iv .. - 1 1! 1 111 I ill I 1 I I illll J ... " " d The annual scnooi iurrim t..n, ... . in ukMt I w oricanized with a membership of held Monoay uwawia t - " . i.... m,horhln house. J. M. Rentfro was the newly nu , WV , " kliBV iTl elected official on the board, taking C. of 150 and have handled $2 500. W. H. Anderson's place. nave maue up ---------- I worm m piaiiTi mm ,ia,a I a a I 1 .. t.t...l Aa Inn? HI The latest wor. maja the war ,a8ts there will be a B.ngham Quarkenbush was written the day the nrMntlMi big sprinK drive began and was re- " eolvoH over einht weeks aeo. No lit tle concern for his welfare is felt by his people and his friends. Much complaint of the workings of the Bingham postofflce have been re- Decoration day was fittingly Ob- nerved bv our neonle. Song and pray er aervires were held at the cnurcn Hnd C.eorce Dudley read Laneoin a fsttvshiirir address, after which all repaired to the cemetery ana aecor- ported this spring. Nine con inuous q. mXtfimi and of open hours being to short a time for th silent The six hour service on Keel . , old . a . v. M W1 " W (Toss sale aay. am. ; ..., ,- ,.,,,.,, handling the mails during the small-1- nox enidemic It was the latter com- bi.. noA -r,i Hale has M ar II lit' I lllli.UIIII vaw plaint that brought the inspector here history, carrying with it last week to get a statemen tor lacis rihbon. This event is. un- from the local postmaster, r ruiu un Farms Ranches Investments OLD-TIME COLD CURS DRINK HOT TKA! dnnhtedlv. the most successrui so cially that has been held In Bingham fnr manv moons The sun came out beautifully Saturday morning after! mm week of cloudy, rainy weatner. and the people came early, onnglng tut an it i i i . iaaaak. machinery fancy worn and ar- fJM a small package 01 "amuurjt - Hrtntinn. besides . . . n. n.nn.11 f.. lira m ien ui -" urease lea, or m i . . . ., wi,i,.h Wiih call it'Hamhurper Hrut Thee," at any supplies for the dinner which was pharmacy, lake a tatdenpoontiil 01 we me nrsi Dig eveui m i" i- - tea, put a cup ot tKiilirg water iih.u williania ktnaiy aonaiea imm u it, pour through a bieve and drink a ni bonding for the entire day and teacuu full at any time during the arved bv the women, day or before retiring. It is the moat banquet nt for the king effective way to break a , cow ana cur. d,nne and all for in IP, an It opens W porca ui - . ZSOJZi. r Jntian. Alo loosens (S 2 5 cents. Mr. Couraey. of Alliance. bowels, thus breaking up a cold, came on No. 44 and the .ale followed Try it the next time you suffer froai immediately. Here is where Bing a cold or the grip. I is inexpensive . nutclaaed all previous records and entirely TeseUble, therefore mm rri kUInn tar n a KrlMk and If VOU and harmless. We have opened an office on the first floor of the Alliance National bank building, on Third street, and are now doing business. We have an organisation that is complete in every detail for the sale of western Nebraska farms and ranches. Owners who wish to dispose of their properties should see us. Our list of western Nebraska farms and ranches contains some excellent money-saving and money-making bargains. We pre always glad to show prospective purchasers the properties which we have for sale. We bespeak the co-operation of those who are interested in the upbuilding of western Nebraska and invite them to call at any time on the Thomas -Bald Investment Company PHONE 209 RUB RHEUMATISM FROM SUFF. ACHING JOINTS lab Berenssa from joints and maaoLea with a small trial bottle of old St Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. ii'.. nam mi v- nnt line raaa III HIST require, internal treatment. Rub tooth- . .. V . . . i.i ' .L. ing, penetrating IH. .jacoos uii ngiiv on the "tender spot, ana Dy toe urn. you say Jack Kooinson out come. in. rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. l takes pain, soreness ana siinneas irvni aching joints, muscles and bones; stops iatica, luruhago, Dacxacne, neuralgia. Limber up! Get a 25 cent bottle of old time, honest "St Jacobs Oil from any drug store, and in a moment vou 11 be free from pains, acnes ma 'stiffness. Don't suffer I Rub rheuma tism away. The bidding wai brtsa ana u you antori an article you had to bid .mil U and hlxh. all the small .tuff bringing many time. it. actual Taiue. and many article, were recold. The u.iw anld for all It waa worth, but th rn-nrd for the day waa th sate of one lone egg which brought $157, whirh we believe is the record in hiirt. nriced eggs. Jim Wllley finally bought the egg and ate It raw. The nt oroceeds of the sale was about SI 200. Following the sale was a hurkini: broncho performance. Pat Welch and George Burton. Doin gave oxhibitions of their ability to stick to the saddle. A liberal collection was tnUa.n thnt swelled the fund In tike absence of an imported speaker, one of our community kind lv consented to talk to the peoole With due respect to his modesty we refrain from publishing his name hut wish to thank him for his part In the day's performance and to assure hi B that his talk was very much ap proclatod. BupBOr and lc cream were Mien served, nd later came the dance, which was given by Mr Wil liams for the Red Cross. This was Hi epart most enjoved by the young n nnla A free midnight lunch nded ;i happy, aaccaasful day for the neonle of Hingham and community ihaa tie. Brae. ads of the l;y imountlni to almost $l,r(00 Ifueb erodil is dtie the speaker of. the ibiy and to Mr. Coursey, who ins services free and to all of our citi zens who donated bo freety of tiieir money and time and to Mr. Williams the bull. Tile Kid (Kiss beudquarters looked its best in its fresh paint and new decorations, and the WaVOta town was decked in ild Ulory in honor of Bingham's first Red Cross sale. LLOYD C. THOMAS Residence Phone 304 F. A. BALD Residence Phone 476 1 mew Almlane Developed by War. Win it the war BOfPM the laltfhoel I tviie of alndaBS could not he depend cd apoa to do mm h inure than DO miles in h.iiir Todav the spi edn war plnRM BUlk. 110 miles au hour iii l"ii SlThta Where the liest HMCWnC. rOT metiy rarrlad two men. or their 'univa lent in weight, the larger ntjraiiMM of i he present will sati lv cany a ton or more uf cargo. 5 A Real Drink for Rial Americans rvr.l 0 will knock a Sahara Desert thirst in 30 seconds. There is nothing tsiatf like- it" or "iust as dood' Ask for and insist on getting T.t.. u.rk IT R Pai.nff It is kept on ice and helps you tackle your . . . .. . . a -. II wnrk with a umilr and StlCK It OUT an dy It's mada by "HAMM OT ST PAUL i that atui vrytai.i in dr inks. KING A CO. Baa' aaMaaBaaBaBaafltBW Order Your Coal Supply Early It is the wise thing to do You'll say so this winter, too. If we could make plate to you tho that you would put te four winter' coal .upply We .iv not trying to Mara jou, but wo are tryteaj to toll ou. The r shortage eal.U. It osay ooa to you Ilk everything la moving, but you'll appreciate what wo toll jou when winter couie and tt may be ne.t to Imposalbie to get coal- We've got coal to sell you today Wee got coal today to put Into your bin We can't promlo more. It's good 1 tool and it s fair price. We urge you to get boay thiut: ui It will iroe to your advaatage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. F. W HAROARTBN, Mgr PHONE 22 111 Laramie Ave. Stomach Trouble Mrs. Sophie Bailor, 521 Vnt Ave.. North, Faribault, Minnesota, writes: I cannot praise your wonderful medicine, Peruna, enough. It haa don. much for me during the past ten year, and I keep it In th. house continually. 1 was in bucu a couui tlon that l could eat nothing but bread and milk, and even tttat was too heavy for me at times. Now, I can .at anything. I will recommend Pe runa to all my friends." Those who objact to liquid m.di Dins, can procurs Psrun. Tabl.ta. I cannot Praise Your Wonderful Medicine Peruna Enough