The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 30, 1918, Image 11

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I.. 'I. Cooper, Noted PliiliintlifnpM.
Gives I . 1 1 s- Part of liuomc
t. flinrit
Not in recent fears, prrhnpp, has
the coming of any public character
urousccl Bttcb Widespread interest
it b h;.s the proposed visit to
Omaha and other western cities of L
T. Cooper, the millionaire philan
thropist. Mr. Cooper is describe.! as one of
America's foremost loader of ad
vanced thought, and sprang into
fame and fortune through his new
health theories based on what is
known as the Tanlac treatment. He
never ceases to surprise you with
the inflinite variety of his knowledge
and its absolute correctness and thor
oughness In several of the larger
cities. h has done a great deal of re
lief work among the poor.
Mr. Cooper is a firm believer in
practical philanthropy and his relief
work is familiar to charity workers
over the country. His southern rep
resentative while in Houston, lexas.
recently distributed, under the per
sonal direction of lending charity
workers, one thousand dresses of ex
cellent quality to the poor women and
children. In San Antonio the follow
ing week, he donated another thou
sand dresses to the poor of that city
and a few days later four hundred
of the garments were provided by
him for the poor women and children
of Galveston. Ladies promient in so
cial life and many promient citizens
of these places assisted and co-operated
with Dr. Cooper's representa
tives in this worthy cause.
Jives 50.04M) I oaves of I trend
Similar service was also performed
by Mr. CoopeV in Memphis, Birming
ham, Atlanta, Little Hock, Shreve
port, Vicksburg, Jackson, Nashivlle,
KnoZTille, Chattanooga. Macon, Sa
vannah. Montgomery. Mobile and
Augusta, and his establishment of I
The famous free bread line at Louis
ville, where he distributed tifty thou
sand loaves of bread absolutely free
and without question to those in :
want, proved a revelation to charity
workers there. In fact, in practicall
ly every city Mr. Cooper has Visited
lie has always shown his great sym
pathy for the poor and unfortunate
by performing some unique act of
Mr, Cooper contends thai nine
tenths of the diseases and ill health
of the pre sent day American is due to
faulty digestion and improper assim
ilation in the food, which finally pro
duces a Stuffed up condition of the vi
tal organs.
It has been said that Tanlac, his
celebrated medicine which is now ac
complishing such remarkable results
throughout the country, not only
quickly overcomes all catarrhal intla
mations of the mucous membrane,
but acts directly in the correction
of stomach, liver, kidney and intes
tinal disorders.
Tanlac as h::s been so convincing
ly proven by the thousands upon
thousands whet have endorsed it, is
also a reconstructive tonic of great
power, and has been known to entire
ly relieve the most obstinate cases of
rheumatism and blood disorders in a
very short time.
Tanlac Sales Phenomenal
it is, indeed, doubtful if anything
ever placed on the market in the way
of a medicine has sprung into such
popular favor in so short a time
People everywhere have been quirk
to recognise its wonderful merit. Tin
demand for it has been OOthlO ! short
of phenomenal.
In Dallas, Texas, over 120,000 bot
tles were sold in twelve months
time, which according t druggists of
that city, has established ;i new rec
ord, and is unprecedented in the h:s
tory of the drug business in Denver
over 16,006 bottles were sold in six
months, in I't. Worth, Texas. 12 2.204
bottles were sold in twelve months,
in Atalanta, Georgia, over 166,000
bottles were sold in twelve months'
time, in Knoxville, Tenn., the Kuhl-man-ChambllSS
Co., sold and distrib
uted 48,326 bottles in nine months,
in Louisville, Ky., the Taylor-Isaacs
company, who operate eight retail
stores in that city, sold 3 2,000 bottles
in less than 90 days. In fact every
where Tanlac has been introduced its
sale has likewise been phenomenal
and the demand for it is continually
in creasing. A total of more than two
and a half million bottles of the med
icine has been sold through the At
lanta oflic ealone during the past 18
months, and it is without doubt the
most widely talked of medicine in tLe
WorU . Hay.
When asked to explain this rec
ord breaking demand, G K Willis.
International distributor of Tanlac.
said "There can be only one pos
sible explanation, and It can be told
in one word, 'merit ' That tells the
whole story. No p re pe ration, no mat
ter how ex tensive! jf advertised, can
possibly meet with such phenomenal
success unless It possesses exti. or
dinary curative power."
Thousands upon thousands are tes
tifying daily that they have been re
lieved of disease after years of suf
fering by its use.
Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. K.
Holsten, and in Hemtngford by H
It. Olds Drug company.
Mors Sunday.
Will Pri del and son, Kenneth, au
toed to Hay Springs Sunday.
Mi Zimmerman is building an ad
dition to his house in the western
part of tow n
If you shiver in frosty j
weather, if you have cold hands
and feet, if colds are stubborn
and frequent, then your blood
may be thin and impoverished.
has been correcting this condi
tion for nearly fifty years. It
possesses rare powers for
creating natural body warmth,
for charging summer blood
with winter richness and
strengthening both throat
and lungs.
The Norwrtrlun cod Mrrr oil in
Scott's Emubion i- now refined in our
own American laboratories which
makes it pure and palatable.
Scott & Bowne. Rloomfield.N.J. 17-12
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemke from
Lush, WjTO.i came Tuesday for a visit
10 Mr. Klemke's parents, before h
leaves for military service.
H B, Johnson shipped a carload of
stock to the Omaha markets TOCf lay
Quite a crowd from this place was
in Alliance Saturday to take In the
Red ross parade, which opened the
MR drive in this county for the week
. B, ("lark and sons of Gordon,
formerly of this place, came Sunday
for a visit with relatives and friends
A M. Miller returned the latter
part of the week from San Antonio.
Texas, where he has been visiting his
grandson, ROSeel Miller, who is serv
ing in the aviation corps there.
Mrs. Dan O'Keefe was in Alliance
Tuesday between trains.
Miss Nettle Uhrig closed her sc hool
in district 80 with a special program
the best ever known in that district
After the program an excellent lunch
consisting of ice cream and cake was
served. The service Miss I'hiit; has
given in her district lias been most
satisfactory and is liked by all the
patrons of the school district. She
was asked to take the school for next
year, but did not give any definite acceptance.
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
In It before breakfast.
Headache of any kind. Is caused by
autointoxication which means self
poisoning. LIvel and bowel poisons
called toxins. sucKed Into the blood,
through the lymph ducts, excite the
heart which pumps the blood so fast
that It congests In the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producliiR vio
lent, throbbing pain and dlstross, called
headache You become nervous, de
spondent, sick, feverish nnd miserable,
your meals sour and almost nauseate
you. Then yon resort to acctanllldo,
aspirin or the bromides which tempor
arily relieve hut do not rid tho blood of
these Irritating toxins.
A glass of hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phosphate In It, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys
tem and cure you of headache but will
cleanse, purify and freshen the entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It Ib In
expensive, harmless as sugar, and al
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which is not unpleasant.
If you aren't feeling your best, If
tongue is coated or you wake up with
bad taste, foul breath or have colds,
indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin tho phos
phated hot water cure to rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and It Is claimed
that those who continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headacho or
know a miserable moment
ASk us
For Your Information
In making your purchases; of SliirlH, Soft Collars, etc., be
sure ami pet oversize.
Do tliis, because pootls nre not boinp biting at the pres
ent time before being placed on the market.
Observe tliis precaution ami your laundered poods will not
come back iinderaixo.
Alliance Steam Laundry
127 East Third Street
Phone 160
Try Our Quick, Neat Job Printing
News Items
The following interesting iter
were received last WOOk, but through
the ".':?:?:??:?!:::? latent
genes of our ' non-comp" operator,
they were unintentionally not set up:
.Mr. and Mrs. Sari Bpacht were is-
Iting friends in Alliance Sunday be-!
tween trains.
Mrs. Frank Elliott and daughtor.l
Lelis, were shopping in Alliance Fri
day. Mis; Bernice Brosstry, of ciarks,
Nebr.. came Monday morning for an
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
II. K. OldS.
Mr. ; nd Mrs. II. I!, olds autoed to
Alliance Tuesday on business, return-1
inr the same day.
a YlstalisfhisTmiic tTAimitiiT 6no lrlimgr Milt onfi UArtc
JTII WIaa iLllVlUII M. U 1111111 . k?CU Illlll if ACtll OlIU IlVJIkJ
Alvin Nicholson and family came
down from Marsland the lirst of the
week for a short visit with friends
and relatives here.
Clarence Kosenbcrjror returned
Montlay night from Boulder, Colo.,
where he was called on account of the
serious illness of his wife. He re
ports Mr. Uosenberjior much better.
Mis3es Pauline Dowd and Nona
O'Neil autoed over to Chadron Friday
afternoon for an over Sunday visit
with their parents.
James Best went to Van Tassel,
Why.. Monday for a visit with his
son, Hugh, who is on a homestead
Grandpa Hucke is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Sampy returned
to their home at Cnrley, Nebr., Mon
day after a few days' visit at the
Shepherd home here.
I). W. Butler and H. A. Krutzer
Were attending to business matters in
Alliance Tuesday.
Mrs. Will Johnson is able to be out
aain after a week's illness.
Mrs. Will Saline was in Alliance
Monday having dental work done.
Mrs. Elmer Schneider was an Alli
ance visitor Tuesday.
Miss Helen Greene came in Monday
from the ranch and remained over
i until Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John MoraveV moved
i into their new home in the western
Ipart of the city the first of the week.
Earl Anderson, Clive Erskine, Leo
jand John Walker were Allialnce vis-
Make It In Your Own Home
In a Few Minutes, From a
Pure Malt and Extract
These are the clays of temperance drinks.
Although non-alcoholic malt beverages, "near
beers,' etc., are now being sold in bottles every
where, they all lack, a certain indescribable snap
and flavor. But you don't need to miss these de
sirable qualities. You don't need to put up with
those flat, tasteless, lifeless substitutes.
It is not generally known that a genuine mait
and hops brew non-intoxicating, but with all the
cheer arid invigoration can be easily made at home.
Most people think that such a' brew can be made
only by a brewer. But a wonderful new process
enables you to make, at small expense, as palatable
and satisfying a drink as you could wish for. Just
get a package of
Peerless Malt and Hops Extract
from any druggist and foliow the easy directions which
accompany it. You mix the Extract with 7 gallons of
water and you produce, at small expense, a most
delicious, sparkling, temperance lager, entirely unlike
the usual insipid substitutes.
It satisfies the palate perfectly). You will like it bet
ter than you did the old saloon beverage and it will
be far better for you. Malt and hops make the most
healthful drink. Your homemade temperance lager
will be rich in nutritious properties, and you will lile
it better than anything you ever drank.
You can keep it in bottles to be used freely by
your family and friends whenever you like. And
think how cheap it is! You can make this tasty,
"tang-y," foamy, invigorating temperance lager for
About 22 Cents Per Gallon!
A package of Peerless Matt and Hops Extract enough to like it better than injurious alcoholic saloon stuff. Yes, you
make a brew of 7 gallons will cost you but $1.50. Where will like it better. YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTER I
could you ever get a perfect beverage as cheap as that? Call on your druggist today. If he is sold out he can
Try it now I You will be delighted. Remember, you will quickly get more for you from his wholesaler.
Read Lieut. Pat O'Brien's Remarkable
Story of His Escape While a Prisoner in Germany
Which We Have Secured for Our Next Serial
Lieut. O'Brien, a brave young Irish-American was wounded in an air battle with enemy fliers. He was captured
but made his escape and in this great story he tells in his own way his remarkable experiences in making his way
to Holland and thence to the United States. His narrative is without a parallel in the annals of the war.