THE ALLIANCE HERALD, MAY 30, 1918 t o 7 P b c it b li 0 n ti A tl ai M T C HI ot THE ALLIANCE HERALD WANT ADS l,MYI C. THOMAS, Rdltnf mi'l Manager JOHN W. THOMAS. I0AH1 HAHTMAN. folate ami I.Uet..,k Editor '" 1 ,,",,r Wanted THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Owners (lncorporateaj Entered at the M oSW n' Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through , uS mill M l.M-n.l-rlMmatlr. Published every Thursday. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable In Advance -a... nn mmi nrronnt. The names or k IU bVlSui tly HMnoved from our mailing list at expiration Ta d'or.U SfKS! he notified otherwu. subBcrlptJon trtii remain In force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher r.nd subscriber. UN nil The Churches Bingham News FlltST HA1TIST (IH IW'H fevnday school at 10 a Preaching at 1 1 ; ta. and S p Young Pvf ' s IMK'S ;n I t' a Hearty Welo.'UVw to nil V Ix: ton, pas- . 0BUM .1 OF HIMKf j Ira Cotton has moved to the Ed mondtOD ranch, north of Bingham. in. in A. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley and daughter. Margaret, will leave the last of the Wek for a summer's outing In Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa, and other parts of the state. WANTED A girl for general house work. Phone 173 or call at fi07. Toluca. 9254-tf-24 OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED IMN'T MATTER IE ItltOKEN We pay up to 5 dollars per set. Also rush for Old Gold, Silver and broken Jewelry. Check sent by return mail. Goods held 10 days for sender's ap proval of our offer. Mater's Tooth Specialty. Dept. A, 2007 S. 5th St., Philadelphia. Pa. nd-9229-6t WANTED To contract with relia ble parties for 20 wild and wooly mules for stockmen s convention. June 11-14. W. D. Fisher, Sec'y, Al liance. 9199-tf-21 OLD RAGS are worth SEVEN (7) CENTS a pound, clean, of course, at THE HERALD office. WANTED To correspond with a miilit or widow between 4 0 to 50 vf:ira of nee. hv well known man with references, 60 years of age. Good health and In business. No chil dren. Object matrimony. Address P. O. box 21, Spearfish, S. D. SALESMAN WANTED Lubricat ing oil, grease, specialties-, paint, pari of whole time. Commission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. River side Refining company, Cleveland, O. 9258-$-lt-25 lrlne Help" Is the subject for the morning sermon next Lord's day. This is the beginning of our sec ond year'B work in Aliancle. The minister will give a report of tjhejmst year's work. We have much to be thankful tor, but another year should bring larger results. Tho hlltrfl'4 day progiam WlU bfl given at th3 evening ho if. This w ill ... iur,ir:ii'.iti.ii and edifying. ThiJ offering is Uil in tin. foreign mission work. The C. E. invites the young ?e'.;e tn attend their prayer meetings. The Bible school still continues to KTOW a class suitable to your age. Come to the church with a message and welcome. Stephen J. Epler. minister. Mr. Rice took a day off from shear ing sheep at the Kincaid ranch and painted the Red Cross room for the ladies. They now have a nice place n which to work. Helen Hallard had the misfortune to cut an artery in her wrist, which causes her much inconvenience. For Sale Mr. and Mrs. James Burton are the parents of a baby daughter born Sat urday, May 25. Memorial day will be observed at the church by singing, prayer and the readine of Lincoln's Gettysburg ad- wod hv decorating of the When you come you will find ' . uravt.9 al the cemetery. At the Methodist church Sunday morning there wilt be holy commu nion and reception of members. Br. Morris will speak in the evening on "The Prophets of Baal." Mrs. Belle Rent fro was quite sick Prirfa- nlrht as a result of tasting arbolle acid water, which contained more of the acid than was really p.-l- liahle. MARRIED Glen B. Runyan. of V.roHen Row Nebr.. and Kimn.i K. Stewart, of An tioch, Nebr., were united in marriagt Monday by Judge Tash. i o Joe R. Brown and Dora Taifgaii ....I. ,.t Ui nilnira welt' united 111 IMI'tll Ul M'l,I M," I i ... l.'ri.lnv nf last week liv Judge Tash. Miss Lena May Atl and Fores K 1 nno w.i,' II 11 itpd in murriUr-'' last Mondiiv evening at the home of Re a. l i'nlr Miss At, is the i "i daughter of Mr. and Mi;- .lulian Atz of Alliance, and lias been employed la ttenographlc work. Mr. tape hi!; been employed at the Burlington as a switchman until recently, when h Tba couple will I linn ' " ' .- make b short trip to Sewar.l, Nehi to vint Mr. Lane's mother. Mr Lape will probably make her home in Alliance Fred Pace received the sad news in Sunday or me oe.mi oi n laughter In council Biunri, lowa. eft the following morning to tie pies en! at the funeral. viin at.n mt TRADE One ton Overland truck In good condition Harry Penninger, Antloch, Nebr. tf-9188-20 mn Sii.K Home grown alfalfa bopH I. A. Keegan. 9256-tf-24 cno BAi.i.- One almost new J Vll i Scripps-Boothe chummy roadster 8-ovlinder. This car is like new, both in apoearnce and mechanically . Call 860. Terms will be given on this car if desired. E. K. Beauciiamp. 92Rl-tf-26 SACRIFICE" Must sacrifice 10,000 Lone Star Oil ,...1 i a nnn i.iwkv lin. Best offer 1 1 1 . . -. v " " - - tak- s either. L. AI1ISO.-N, iMOgewu Iter, Coin, IMbMIl! Miscellaneous The Misses Opal and Mabel Sellers i. ... 1 . I. I 1. .ti r ire BPenaing Hie ween wnu ...... grandpa rent! on the ranch. Bingham is expecting big things next Saturday when the whole town will be turned over to the Red Cross. ,Ve expect you in Bingham Saturday. Mrs P. Bhafenberg returned from a visit to Beaver City. Nebr.. on Tuesday. Tim nranmore and Ross Shafen- berg went to Oshkosh Monday where tbey donned the badge of honor ana left for Fort Dodge, Iowa, the same evening. ALFALFA SEED Northwest Nebraska dryland seed lVi.ii i fro and free lOmple. BTHWABE BROS , Chadrdn, Neb. 261-4tf-tS There Is a Right and a Wrong Way to Use the Telephone The wrong way to get a telephone number is to call from memory to "take a chance" to trust to luck that our memory doesn't play a trick on you with the ftckle figures of a telephone number. The right way Is to look In the telephone directory, make sure you have the right number and hen nve it to the operator slowly and distinctly. The right way saves annoyance to you and helps build up a higher grade of telephone service for everyone. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Bar War SbvIukb Stamp aaa Liberty Boada (HANDLER SIX $1595 i it Unusual Economy Without Sacrifice THE Chandler Six has always been famous for its economy of operation economy without the sacrifice of reserve power, without the sacrifice of readability, without the sacrifice of beauty of design. Thousands of Chandler owners all over America tell of gasoline mileage of fifteen to seventeen miles per gallon. Tire mileage of seven thousand to nine thousand miles per set of tir ?s is commonplace among Chandler owners. Chandler owners and Chandler dealers say that the service upkeep of the Chandler car is much less than that of other good cars which they have owned or sold. In the ownership of a Chandler Six you will possess a really great automobile -great not merely from the standpoint of economy of operation and maintenance, but, even more important, from the standpoint of mechanical excellence and daily performance. The Chandler motor, designed and built in our own factory, distinguishes the Chandler chassis, marked throughout by its simplicity and its sturdiness. The life, pick-up, get-away and endurance cf this motor will astonish .you quite as much as it pleases you. Bodies of most attractive design and of unusual comfort are mounted on the Chandler chassis. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car. 57595 Four-Passenger Roadster. S1S9S Four-Passenger Dispatch Car. 5675 Convertible Sedan. $2298 Convertible Coupe, S219S Limousine. S2895 All prices f. o. b. Cleveland) COME CHOOSE YOUR CHANDLER NOW Chandler Hupmobile Agency M. E. Halloway. Mgr 114 West Third CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO FOlt TRADE Have good renidence lot near high school, will trade this lot for a second hand car. Address K O COOL, North Platte, Neb. 92--4t-23 OLD tXHlVANTKir' The City Mission is in need oi second-hand clothing, esecially men u mil ati nnu rail nhone ti 9 b and W . ii'i .-!! . . . a - will call for them. Ine city mis sion KOU KENT Hoonis in modern home PhOM Red 524. 9266-tf-25 Real Estate, Loans and Insur mm rii t t it ,1 .1 . .. i ance. r . Ksuuion, iveumau Block. 15-tf-6727. "move FUfurrruRB safkia We have equipped our dray wai. ons and auto trucK wuu m mn dppliaucee for moving furnitur- without marring or scraicuing or u. ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad. will be used by us on all movin jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone If 37-tf-595u FOR RENT Furnished room in modern house. Call :?04. 25-tf-9265 FOUND HeadllgM for rora, Be tween town and Fouth Alliance. Loser Inquire al this office. 9259-25-tf FARM HI KKAl NOTKS ti, ...... innH in lie nn shortage of Blp mong the farm re of Box Butte county. During tno past w.'.-k i.'i- men were placed on fauns through It.. ....IllltV . t-ll! oftii-o and more lilt WVMt -' m would have been placed had the work been available waaes in ine couau .... r...... tin ti i'.n iier month. . I V ' 1 1 1 . " . " " " I - . V-. : I : . . . . lepeiutinn upon a man s auimj farm work. termers who are in need of help nr thus.- who know they will be short- Khnnld notify the county ageni Those livinK in the northern half of the county may notify Hutton & t'litrk. who are assisting the farm bu reau in supplying help. Ahout one-third of the farmers of the county have taken out books. with Which to keep ;i record of tn farm business for 1918. Durim theee busy times care should be taken not to let the accounts run too far be hind. The DOlleetOf of internal revenue lias ruled that the income tax may be u li red from these books, showiim the Ineone aeeraed instead of figur ine the income on a cash basis, as has be. n previously done. However, if this is to be done it will be neces sary to keep the books up to date. OBOROI N E US W ANGER, County Agricultural Agent. A-r' MEREST IN THE LONG RUN ;1rM irVNATT x , jtj a :mmim i mi I THE trench, which always encircled the Roman cas tra, or camp, was brought to France by Julius Caesar a-d used by him on the very battlefield where to-day the Allies and the Huns have 25,000 miles of trenches. With rings of trenches, gradually drawn smaller, probably the first modern trench warfare, the Turks in iv.7 took Candia. Vuuban, builder of Verdun, in 1673 employed the first parallel trenches, the system of the present war. Defeat, not foresight, turned the Germans to trench warfare. But Goodrich never had to dig in. Since twenty-two years ago the first American pneumatic automobile tire, Goodrich has driven ahead to the big, graceful, masterful rfev?i 7f"' . nfe-m M . ' 1 Ira GOODRICH SiEHSKD. TIRES a tirr manu- DUI WDCIUCr VJUUUI ni i w t ..m facture by bringing forth the first American chncnertire Or originating the one practical non-skid, the crogg bar, safety-tread, or tough black tread rubber , 1 lL U..M. 4 r Pml-SI'K V1CR VALUB -what they are worth to the motorist on his car and on the road in COMFORT of an easier riding car EGONOMY in gasoline saved,-and LONG MILEAGR. Small difference whether you buy GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORDS, or BLACK SAFETY TREADS, you get sravlCB value tirf.s. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO. Denver Branch: 1122 Court PI., Denver, Colo. . t t. f..L "5 .