The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 23, 1918, Image 7

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    Btudyln aft-r dfTMamlltiK of the broader obligation close of the war we will be astonish
boys more dear to us than life Itself ':, war' conditions and arrant to ! of m ," " ZnVl.. " War .we will be astonish-) the war and no individual or com-
ncfciT I UJ oTriLiunT "This Is when- theunli system 1 meet them with tha i-a. hi.,..,k .k- v m . , .. , eu hi me capital and the labor that I munity sacrifice too great until the
UtNl J. VT. MLllinflnl ro Into piny, the individual nnl. nosHihlc. EttaMtea. A "e "ner m U8twni 8Ppk a location In this productive, victory is ours. The community splr-
that Is part Md mm to make up -Thp trilln hmll, Blnn . . JJJ KLJ I lnH 2' ul C.JT p,ro8I,ero118 "e(tion. We. the people it must plan and prepare for the
the hWf units of government and of ,., ' , th. r ?. " "7 11 ixf !" 'heir j of Nebraska, must arrange our house- period after the war. deferring along
rOMtUHMtf from N Four) !,,,, Tll(. lar,r ,,,, ,.an 1(KlBla((l from Jf? ZS?, I e n h 7 a'',iV: p,-'ho,d- we m"Bt receptive in our at- constructive lines, clewing away the
wealth as are pouring Into our state th can issue reaueatl .Hd orders! ' i ', ' ..V r . " 1 ZZ" -. rUltU,T f Ur ,itudt to ,hls """.mage so that our obl.gat ions, creatine the capital and
this tune We an- rubbing our lo . ,,,.,,. , ,,,:ls J JJJrt' B7 CMltTl "iTi '""h s ml for S.'l "and 'mTT 22 2f "n" constructive period
...yes , the Piles of MMH. us. we n,pons, y as to action. The ,- CZVSlLSi m2 f "i dv &.flttj22 KS ! "H is no, an
re nazen ai mis tireamiiKe condition eome arising as outlin.Hl lodges with n... u,.i.n... i :J TTZZi ..." ,,. : I ",lr "J'ning stales. ideal. It is business pure and simple.
" M .Ms twofold Job. are our HI SINKSS to win the war
Hints cannot take away beyond Its d.-liehted face -,nd mIMm a,i . ur aulM M! to it or is it too big for us Alien this is done it is our lusiiuis
rlghl toUl this Individual unit. The IZl the, - hn" io " ,,, ,!"' ST! 5? fr ',0n8,riM" ' s,i,n" e are equal to the task to become active as to our personal
in,.v,.!-,l uniis have .-v.rvtl.inu to , ' ! , " JSS? ,Th" WPM ,f '"m",K ,n, lmT,os'4" """nity affairs, but not until
-1- - tt., of ,he ,,,., vaon i; ;, ' "V ;"8,, t : SJJ? br::'r, of Sis; ,, 0f w... mm home
Of the feo-l-. the materials and sup- thai will ,i e thllr fySS , ! !TlS!!2 ,KU avail- W" rewMu.e and it this sense of this greater obligation to
Plies and the degree of ,. savings ..ake them pr Of their l" , , : ; 1, J" - f ' action fol- hers assembled, if they will
upon trie mini- heir o- oide that iIhv i. ..,.1,1 .... 'nmaiive ( ounts; the courage carry me message and hasten the
.V ",,ns ,,,""", ""re i" the volunteer spirit work, this meeting, the time and the
' "mmM -oa. o.ust ome to all ol us. V e must labor in connection will have been
legislature " '""", M mmmm. J mm NU out in several communities. We justified. Lei this sniri, be the sniri,
.and the danger of it all frightens
"Will thll stnam of w.-allh lead us up
to. or carry us away from this mighty
duty that Is calling to us? Money
whoul.i, be a blessing, it may be a
curse, i in- character t the people re
CetTlBH this money deciding- tins re
fill! '. arelfavored in thin respect, is dependent entirely
lir people an
Md frugal, we hare no leisure class.
no dregl of population. We are pro
ducers and this brings forth another
favorable eoadltoa our location Im
the middle west, our climate favoring
varied line of productions, a noil
rlcl) in productivity and responding
bounteously to the intelligence and
labor applied. Surely all or this will
i i v. t ,i 1 1 : . i I aa .,,.......
' "o arm dare, The payments
hi .-ii up our activities and to do-1 mil mnA mtii
energetic, industrious her -f individual units that u i this 1.1...1 r...
responsiblillty to the greatest and "Tills is wher
MioH. peril ei aegree. vnal a pre
1 rail on comes
planning and prop
in. Th
The le.irl out
lIUffllT IrVhfll 1 1 . VV .1.1 f!lirift u..lf ... i l. . . .......
donlal and aacrlflre al this time? ' h "?T , "'" ' " T W m in 81" r'fl- in 8elf,!of '""'tin, let us all dig into'
,, , preliminary details fcr statewide con- attached to this territory lying west denial in thrift and Inrfnatrv Th. .,11
W- ,.-,ve a trust fund to adminis -rm-tlve activity along t he lines f ... M mm Ml uio 1. . J ,. . WOlUtiy. The tOh biff issues involved ami surely
tOf. The Nebraska War Kndowment a.ricltu - rr SSL ., .... ' " with Iko community spirit must be firs, to win' much good to all alike will result."
liver our product Intact to our gov
eminent at this time.
Nebraska's 11M7 Income
COMldOf Nebraska's income for the
year of 1917, from the soil total pro
duction, as estimated, 667 millions,
land this figuring the corn crop of 2R9
million bushels, at 80 cents per bush
1 nd 112 million bushels or oats at
52 cents per bushel. To te exact,
thle bans of figuring should be ad
vanced and In all fairness the 1917
Income, from the soil alone, should
be placed at 800 million at least
How does this compare wltn pre-war
years? Practically douoie the In
come. Four hundred million annual
ly, the average Income from the soil
for the year 1908-9-10-11 and 12.
"Other lines of Income ti n e I n -
ln" I" r name to give to nays, of water power and other nat
this above the normal income' that ural resources that have to do with
is being paid to us from year to year the progress of the state. We must
started In the year not wait until the end of the war to
continue until the arranaa ih se l.-L-1 sla ' v 1 itnt'iilti It
close of the war. lis totals will be Will lw Inn l:ifi rwitl Onul inn dltaaa
tupendoua, it is possible to eotlmate tor win roault unless we can make
this fund at this time at close to one 'quick transfer from activities of war
Milton. Certainly before the end of to those of peace. Not only the ou
1918 it will have passed this total. 1 thority, we must also cover the fi
The assessed valuation of the state nanclal needs for this constructive
is live million, on the basis of one- work Illinois is passing upon a fund
fifth, the actual value two and a half of $60,000,000 for highway construc
bllllon. Compare this, a valuation ! tlon, the work to start at the close of
arrived at through a period of over the war.
fifty years and this endowment com- .The 00untiP8 and the toWQ8 of the
Ing to us in lean than five years. state mU8t pIan and prepare for con.
lT. S. (Yeditor Nation. structive work to be started at the
"The war has changed tne United j close of the war. The legislature
States from a debtor to a creditor should enact laws granting them the
I1'!"",, hy "ot ,hi8 our, authority necessary to develop con-
portunlty to change NeDrasxa from ... . , m
a debtor to a creditor state. Why not ! f,,rup,iv' n,i,1 to finance the
so administer this trust fund as to Be-1 same-
cure this result? In so doinK we will i Our Citizen Bod
1 ,H iri. ............
Commerce and manufacture are . . V X " "y "K the 1 "Thi8 bl b down to the citl-
peeded up and from the Incensed ,fo"n,la,lon for a caHn r,lnd available , zen body of this prosperous common
output and from Jho hlaher wnwl1 ron8,ruc,ive work infll,,, our state, wealth of ours, the active units there
raid to employes we have a mUmtZ ? T" Ur ,Urp,U truateea of the Nebraska War
increase in Income to be added t .the , LSSTS 7. 8UPP'y Kndwment fund. "What for them?'
tnain and big income S comes , S " "8 tnth everything must come
from the soil I, "afe to 1,1 i epHoa and materials and from them. They must stand for and
the state's comb ne n Zl S S 7 nitm "" 0m" legislation re
t s Z2 a nr ' ..T o'k rnlwnt- We, quired. They must willingly pay
nnnal average of DOtmotL tiSI '22Ai,ll!:?,b!Crt5e nA VPr Bub"; thpir nror"ta share to state, county
million R00 scribe for liberty bonds and still have , and town for the carrying on of the
jrunds to bother over. It is then im-1 constructive work undertaken. Dur-
poriani mat as individuals we 'get ing the period of the war they must
out of debt.' Important that we count keep out of the markets of the world
this an opportunity to retire our mu- to the greatest degree possible. They
nlclpal bonded debts to the greatest must giv our government and our al
amount possible. It is a 'snap' to re- lied countries an unobstructed right
tire a debt contracted prior to the of way to the materials, the supplies,
war from the. sale of products at war- the foods and the labor and all for
contribution to Nchr0i, r' . "I"" p""8' 11 mav l,rnvi" n!lP "1 the purpose of winning the war. they
1917 Nebraska' non.-iK - . 'TT mfolun Kln" w "nduly load up with must arrange their financial affairs
war for the umm Vo- r o ,T ? ? oWlUOM Ut VRrl"B DrtcM wl,h ,"" th will be clear of debt, to
the 1917 v,'lr-, Tt J;"rr,Uhprfrom,x'''tation of paying them off rromthe greatest degree possible, at the
noarly oao un thi w P , T"i 1 th" Hn,e vm Umo prlr"8 c,08, of lh6 war an" thus with
coming to us As - n inv'B, . I"" ' Ur Work M ,h,s ,im" a twofold available funds and a good credit, to
this fun and tr ' .T1 K'rM' Work Ut ' lh" wr. Sec- star, out in a constructive way to do
first secon i n tMr m ,hp to ,,,an P"" tr the im- the thing, required In their homes
together wl h the w r '"n8- Z" V0riO( f''Wi"g the war. and their business, and that have
win no toUl ffJi!Zlngt?irbla iS im"",,n, work. You have been deferred until the close of the
Jinn , nw Ma" I TrZ;11" th'lt lht' Mtla'' inv,"v"1 in wnr. The war has brought a new un-
v. i won, . I
"What has become of this
tain of wealth? The banks show In
crease in deposits of 110 million
What of the remaining 400 millions
ovcr and above the normal of pre
war years, when we know that we
prospered on the pre-war Income?
"Five hundred mltllnna .. ,
Spring Painting
A durable, non-porous, washable, sanitary
wall coating for interior decoration, economical
to apply and easily cleaned with soap and water.
Especially suitable for painting interior
woodwork where a flat finish is desired, also
metal ceilings, canvas, burlap, window shades,
composition board, etc.
Crescent Cottage Paint
It is very necessary to paint your house.
preserves the wood and adds attraction to the
36 Different Colors
I ' m iiiiiiiiiiMi i iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiii
For Sale
A. and allied lines, together with the
Income and excess profits tax. will
not total 50 million or tn. two will
not reach Into this excess fund of
ours to the extent of one hair of the
"Where is the balance of this
fund? Not In the banks as they show
Increase of about one hundred mil
lion, a portion may be tied up in un
sold farm products, with a liberal al
lowance to cover this Item and still
many millions unaccounted for.
" 'Business as usual. nnr even
" 'Business as usual.' Nay even
-worae. Business better than usual '
may explain away a portion of this
unaccounted amount. Are we being
carried away from our dntv hv thi.
stream of wealth? Are we selfishly1
Teaching into the world's supply of'
Toods and materials and labor and
compelling our government to take
what is left or to tak
when it requires all that remains aft
er our bare necessities are supplied
The world Is a big store, nothing
more, and in peace times the people
of the earth, the big customs r
times of war the position changes, the '
covernment becomes the big custom-'
er and the people must stand aside I
Demand and supply is a wonderful
movement and its ramifications bene
flclent. Indeed, to mankind. Supply
however, has Its limitations and with
an unusual demand or with sources
of supply checked or destroyed., the
system becomes involved to such a
degree as to bring disaster unless de
mand is regulated to secure the
proper ratio. This regulation must
come from us people here nt home. It
cannot be forced on the bovs In the
fiRhting line. 'Citizen Soldier No.
158' In his message to 'You millions
safe at home' has this to say as to
supplies and maerlals:
"We shall need clothes for our
Oodles and weapons for our
hands. We shal need terribly,
and without failure, supplies In
a stream that is constant and
never-ending. From you who
are our resource nnd reliance,
who are the heart and hope of
that humanity for which we
smite and strive, must come
these things.
'Are we going to reach into this
stream of supplies and weaken and
make uncertain Its constant and never-ending
movement, rather we
hould by denial, by substitution, by
constant effort and unceasing toil
pour into this stream our portion to
the end that it will be filled and to
-orerflowlng for the care, comfort.
Stomach Troubles
Since uld 1 fcood
PERUNA Made Me Well
I Now
The Best
Mr. Wm. W. Everly. S325 North
Hancock Street, Philadelphia. Pa..
1 have been troubled with stomach
disorders since childhood, but after
taking six bottles of your Peruna, I
now enjoy the best of health. I alao
bad catarrh In the head, which prac
tically haa dlaappeared, thanks to
the Peruna Co. for their good work."
Thoo who object to liquid medi
cine can procure Peruna Tableta,
We are now showing a few first class Stallions
All Horses Registered
Prices and terms right to quick purchasers.
JL)dIll& Truman's Pioneer Stud
a nt 9 -.t a
mance, iNenrasKa Bushneii, Illinois
Itll III! 1 1 11 tl 1 1 It II n t n 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iniiMmiinin """""MmilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUH
Our Mr. Puliver will be
show them to any interested
glad to
75 1
Ainsworth, Nebraska, Friday, May 3 1
THE CATTLE to be offered at this sale will include the entire herd
1 a. I r ie . n y .
ui seiecieu nera cows ana neners ownea oy tne Munson-Howe
Investment Co., of Ainsworth, Nebraska; a consignment of about 20 jf
cows and bulls from the Ed. Belsky herd, of Eli, Nebraska, and a choice 1
young herd bull offered by F. J. Taylor, of Harmony, Nebr. This is a 1
strictly high-class lot of splendid producing females, all strongly bred (
in the breed's must popular and valuable strains; just the kind that gives p
satisfaction and make monev for their owners vear after vear.
Many cows sell with calves at foot by and are right up to calving to the service of I
Rex Onward 4th and Duke Real 2nd, the two good tried herd bulls selling in this sale. I
There will be a nice lot of open heifers, making 50 females in all. Among the 25 bulls are
SOme VerV Oromisinp chow nnH hmri Yi(cc(r rrrznprti that will tcrtnnr hrHro
" m " V. WftlVft JVJVft AAA t'" pl llVUim AXV.VAO.
r I ' 1 Ax1 . . mm ...
i ne came are in strong breeding condition, but not over tat. Anyone wanting a
few females or a bull of extra good quality and the best of breeding should not miss this
dispersion sale. Get the catalogue and see the great amount of rich and popular blood
this offering contains. Address either
J. A. Munson, Ainsworth, Nebr. Ed. Belsky, Sale Mgr., Eli, Nebr.