THB ALUAH OB HBRALD, MAY 28, 1118 THE KITC 1EN CABINET arsj i MICKIE SAYS On. of th ChM MMM of financing I prMaurn In modern life Is the failure of some rlrln nnd women to rmltitp J that money doe not fall like tha dew. vantly from heaven. SfcV. FOLKS! wmcn you want pieces F6ft -fne PAPE-a, re a ths covt op iwe, SN VOUB NANNfc TO ErA SO The 0S5 wont Thoovn "enn on the floor rea NN TO PlCU OP SANS VN OHSVONEO Ct 1TEP. AIN'T fcNV SOME GOOD DISHES. Limn honns, frrnh or lrttI. m.Rk hmost suhslnntlnl dlalMi sorvpd In vn- rlnm wiiy. Lima Beans a la Poulette. H h 1 1 ratndmt y o ii n it limn limns to make n pint. ovpr with bolting wilted wn tor nnd conk until tender. Pour olT nil but n half nip fill of the Walter mill mill MM COpfnl of rich milk. Mis a little cold milk 'with a t:il'lt'inoftil of (lour and atlT Into the milk; cook live minutes, ndd alt and pejiper to tnste. n few dfOpfl of onion snuce, two heutep ckrh, one tcnapoonful of hutter and the mum ii mou nt of chopped parsley. Vegetable 8oup. Cut into hnlf-incii dice sufficient carrot nnd turnip to measure one-third of a cupful each; cut one-half cupful of celery Into pieces, dice one and a half cupfuls of potato, and slice one-half of an on ion. Put three tahlexpoonfuls of but ter In a stewpan. add the vegetable, cover and cook in minutes. Add u quart of water and cook for an hour. Season with salt and pepper and nerve with a garnish of parsley. Veat Hash. Chop a piece of cooked veal fine. To a pint of the chopped meat allow a teaspoonful of onion Juice, a teaspoonful of salL one third of a teaspoonful of paprika, one teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, and a tablespoonful of tomato cat sup. Melt a tnblespoonful of dripping In a frying pan, moisten the meat with gravy, add sensonings and spread In the pan. Spread over the top one teaspoonfdl of the drippings and cook lowly for IS minutes; It should be moist. Heap the hash on buttered toast nnd place a poached egg on each. Peach Trifle. Boll together for Ave minutes a cupful of sugar and one cupful of water with the stones from a quart of peaches. Allow the stones to stand In the sirup for ten minutes. Skim them out and lay In the peeled peaches, stewing until tender. Line a dish with cake soaked In any fruit, add the peaches and cover with whipped crenm sweetened and fla vored with almond. ) It is not what we wear that makes us what we are. A curate of an Epis copal church in New York was riding across on the ferry cne morning when two Irishmen came ;ilong the deck and one ralBed his hat, M: "Good morning, father." Whereupon the other turned to his friend, who had upoken ahd said: "Ah, a dlvil a bit is he a Father, Pat, he's mr.rried and got three children." Clarence Schafer drove RoottbiuS last Sunday. over to W&ml f J breath. VqimBmJI appetite. digestion. I "HMvt N to me. 3 to enjoy longer!" I no argument with J WRIGLEYS BKr fifter eVerV mean!pafr I HUSBAND SWALLOWS HER SILVER SPOONS Disordered Nerves Held Respon sible for Philadelphia Man's Peculiar Appetite. Philadelphia, Pa. For several weeks Mrs. Joseph Qulnlan had been mystified hy the disappearance of numerous articles from her household. She changed servants half a dozen times, but the articles. Mich as silver spoons and pieces of household hard ware, continued to he missed. Re cently her husband became 111 and was avttl to the Philadelphia hospital, and Unable to Overcome His Appetite When Tempted. there the surgeons cut open his stom ach nnd removM the following arti cles : Thirty-four silver teaspoons. One alcohol cigar lighter and chain One padlock. Twelve screen door hooks. One glass medicine dropper. Six ten-penny nails. Thirty-six carpet tacks. Thirteen metal buttons. Six safety pins. Forty pieces printers' type. Thirty-two coins. Four souvenir medals. Nineteen screws (assorted sizes). Two hundred and forty-seven (Mb Mm, Disordered nerves were responsible Mr. Qulnlan confessed he was unable ho overcome bis appetite when tempted, for Instance, by a nice nickel-plated screen-door hook. SHIPWRECK COMRADE LEAVES HIM FORTUNE San Francisco. An acquaint ance formed In a boat full of castaways half a century ago bore tangible fruit for Frederick ('lough of San Francisco, who b is been notified that through the will of Henry Ferguson of Hartford, Conn., he is left a be quest of $100 a month for the rest of his life. Clough is now seventy-one years of age. When he met Ferguson, Clough was a sailor on the old clipper ship Hornet ami Ferguson was a passenger. The ship caught fire In the South Pacific and the two es caped in a boat with 13 members of the crew. After 44 days of extreme hardship, during which they ran short of both food and water, the party finally made one of the Hawaiian Islands. Theirs was the only boat saved. Clough and Ferguson both came to San Francisco, the former re maining here and the latter re t tuning to his home in Hartford. PACKS LOVE MISGIVE IN ICE Ardent Message on Cantaloupe Wrap, per Finds Way to Heart of Illinois Woman. Calexlco. Cut. Despite the fact that it was sent halfway across the con tinent packed in ice. an urdent love message OB a cantaloupe wrapper found Its way Into the heart of Miss Itosetta Sajlor of Mali ion. 111. It was sent by Hugh W. 'Willis of CalntCO. Recently they Mere Issued a marriage license by County Clerk CooU, and It is understood the nup tials tonk place. Willis was engaged in the canta loupe business at Ileb.'r last year. A Midden Impulse drove him to write on the inslile of one of the wrappers: "To the girl who gets this- write to lonely Hugh Whit Willis. Calexlco OAL" Not two weeks elapsed before Wil lis got a letter from his bride-to-be. NOTICK TO CIlKmrOKM In the County Court of Box Hint- County, Nebraska. In the- matter of the estate of John J. Dean, deceased. Notice to all persons interested In said estate, Is hereby given that Alice Mildred Dean, administratrix, of said estate, will meet the creditors of said uate at the county court room in the city of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, on the 28th day of Sep tember, 1918, at the hour of 9 o'clock a m., for the purpose of hearing ad justments and allowances of claims against said estate. All persons hav ing claims or debts against aald es tate must file same in the said court on or before September 28th, 1918, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Alliance, Nebraska, this 11th day of April, 1918. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County LEE BASYE, Attorney. Publish Apr. 22-May 24 inc. 9203-899-5t-21 Beats Dog Catcher. Llvermore. Me. A water spaniel numed Toto, belonging to Dr. George Johnson, escaped from the dog catch- er by leaping Into the storm water sewer. The uext day, after a heavy rain, the dog stole up behind the dog catcher in the other end of the town and bit him. Then he returned home In aafety through the sewer. The dog aow Uvea on aewer rats. Grand Friday, Stockmen Attention! If You Want CATTLE f Be at our Auction at Island, Nebraska, May 24th. June 7th. and 21st. We always have from 1,200 to 2,000 head of the different kinds of Stock Cattle. If you have Cattle for sale, consign them to us. For particulars write or wire, Blain Horse, Mule and Cattle Comm. Co. Grand Island, Nebr. Horse Auction Every Tueshay the They Make a Gallon of Gas Work Overtime Chalmers Hot Spot and Ram's-Horn Manifold You don't have to fill up the gas tank in a Chalmers every time you take the car out. You have two little Scotch sentinels up in your engine that watch the gas for you. Both are stingy. One is the great Chalmers Hot Spot device, which isn't much to look at because it s so simple. It performs an operation on gas very much like a coffee grinder does on coffee. Only it also warms up the gas and puts it in 100 condition lor power results. The other is the Ram's- Horn Manifold, which took 90 days to design once the vhalmers engineers round their idea was right. This device carries the gas vapor from the Ho! Spot to the cylin ders with almost hospital tenr1 rness, so that when the explosions come there's not a thiiiM left except the power Ami all of M goes to the rear wheels, and such Mowing supernatural. 1 1 7 - a magnificent, soft. ii i .1 r 9 easy flowing Kind ol power that you are tempted to be neve it a most 1 . SL v f W&r-MP. ill IS 41 r TOl KINf. CAK.7-PSSI .! K IM TOURING SEDAN tttaj TOWN CAK IANUM I I I $. loi KINC. CAHPAJkSlNCI B IIMI CABRIOLET. J-PASS.NGER $177J UMOUUNt. t-PASSENGCR $--' (TANUARU ROADSTER fISti TOWN CAK.J-PASiENCERIfllt UMOl'SINE LANDAllLkT $4. AU PRICES O B DETROIT SUBJECT TO CHANCE WITHOUT NOTICE LOWRY & HENRY J