- THE ALLIANCE HERALD, MAY 28, 1918 OMAHA HONOKKl) AliAIN In honorlnK W. B Taies. by an unanimous re-election t the presi dency, the National Live Stork Kx chane honored him. hut Omaha nni Js'chraska ai well. At the ttnal Reunion of 1h annual convention in New York t'lty. on tin' 18th instant, Mr Tajtn wan t9 tftCtSS1 prcaltlent ly unanimous vote. i ,i for Rattle A southern Mis niui ni:.n :i't he Inp tried on a charge of Ml tilt. The wtnte brought Into court ;ib the woap- ons Med a tail, an ax, a pair of tonus, A saw : ivl a rifle. TM defendant's fnun:1 I exhihlted as the otlier man's wt ipons a scythe Made, a pitchfork, a plptol ami a hoo. The Jury's verdict Is said to have lccn "RaaorTCdi that we. (tie Jury, -would have ulven one dollar each ti ha re seen the flciit." THK AMUtJAL AimiiKss ok PRHNDHNT W. H. Ttom (Continued from Pae Kleven) utlve committee Wfl have established n monthly bulletin, which la publish d In Chicago and edited by the sec retary of your orRanif.atlon. In It you will find mnny matters of Importance to live stock exchanges, and to the live stock Industry In general. We feel that It fills a long felt need and sk your recommendation fos the fu ture. A suggested at our last annual -meeting by ex-President McClure, I bave made every effort to get in clos er touch with other national organi tatlons lu the live stock industry. On October 8th I addressed the annual meeting of the National Swine Grow ers' association at South Omaha on the subject of the "Market End of Swine Industry." On Tuesday. Oc!o ber 16th, I made n talk at the Twelfth annual meeting of the American Meat Packers' association at Chicago, on the subject of "The Mutual Interest of the Packer and the Commission "Man." In January of this year I fit tended hut took no part In the annual meeting of the American National Live Stock association, and also the annual meeting of the Nationel Wool Growers' association, both of which were held in Salt Lake City. I think every effort should be made to enlarge our sphere of usefulness by getting in closer touch with the various interests in the live stock trade, and with this end in view I ad dressed the annual meeting of Cruop Kleven South Dakota Hankers' asso ciation, on June 18th, and the Lara mie County Cattle and Horse Men's association at their annual meeting held last June 'J 1st at Wheatland, Wyoming. At the suggestion of Mr. J. H. Mer cer, president of the National Live Stock Shipper's Protective league, Mid with the approval of the majority of our executive committee, I ap pointed aspeclal conim'ttee consist ing of K. 0. Brown, Of Chicago, L. A. Lennon, of Kansas City. A. H. Ttaker. of St. Joseph, II. O. Pierre, of Sioux City, and C. A. McCormack. of St. LoulS, to meet with a special com mittee from the league with a view to agreeing on a plan of unifying our work, this plan to be submitted to this convention for final adoption. The meeting was held in Omaha on Saturday. May 20th. I WM unfortun ately detained in the west and did not get home In time to attend. A Teport of the results of that confer ence will be made later In the session, and I sincerely hope tha tslhtw mfwy and I sincerely hope that this conven tion can arrive at some solution of this problem that will be satisfactory to us all. Iterommendnt Ions From my observations of your af fairs during the past year I would like to make the following recom mendations: That your executive committee be given authority to name a temporary chairman or a senior vice president, who would have authority to act and to sign vouchers during the absence or inability of the president During the past year I have been called away Several times and I think there ought to be someone designated who could act in case of the absence of the pres ident. That this exchange go on record as being in favor of a liberal appropri ation by congress and the various states to lie used in stamping out tu berculosis in cattle, hots and sheep. That this body go on record as be inc heartily in favor of a more uni form system of quarantine laws and hipping rules for the transportation of live stork from one state to an other. That the legislative committee be Instructed to do all in its power to get laws enacted providing for a more uniform chattel mortgage law thru out the different states. That a strong effort be made to unify the traffic work done by the Na tional Shippers' Protective league and the National Live Stock Exchange in order that the producers' interests may be better represented and dupli cation of work avoided. That teh bureau of markets be re quested to take over the wiring of market information and receipts from one market to another, which recommendation was made by the United States Live Stock industry committee at their conference in Washington last September. This work is now being done by the dif ferent live stock exchanges In elbsing. I wish to say that what ever success has been achieved by your organization during the past year, a great measure of credit is due to your worthy secretary'. 0. B. Heine mann, for his very efficient services, to the chairman and members of the special committees, and to the mem bers of your executive committee who have given your affairs many hours of valuable time and labor. I also wish to thank the members of the various exchanges for their support and their courteous treat meat during the last year. Vf eWs Bhw ' or -1 imW mmM gfgTTTTi!Y I'JJI 3 gVefM i Maine lWt I L J 3 Mm . J gWJgw!tjro'eilfJl gigrg The splendid interest shown by Conservative Farmer! Purchases of Large Bh SKINNER PACK OMAHA'S DAYLIGHT SNOW WHIT Jro of p H00sADOBKr AT THE HEADS 0F THIS C0MPANY n Morris & Company Earned over 180 Per Cent on Th 62 Per CentJ (on Preferred and 29 I The 8 per cent Guaranteed Preferred Participating Stock now offered fully PARTICIPATES IN THE ENTIRE PROFT mmmmmmmmmn 1,UUU,UUU HAS I L AlflliMIRX ga avJ,"i2 ow jggr gk.wfc M -ir' .r (iRADINtJ ANI EXCAVATING Vim THK NEW HKINNKIl IMlJKNDFyVT VM KIN,. IM,AT class of work for the new plant of the Skinner Packing Company on their thirty-three acre tract just representatives of the Union Stock Yards who came out to the mounds to see the sorting of " ua Tli W. B. Tagg, President Omaha Live Sf.,ck Exchange ami Xarjonal Live Stock Exchange A. F. Stryker, Secretary and Traffic Manager Omaha Live Stock Exchange C. C. George, President Omaha Commercial Club. ?M Buckingham, Vice President ard General Manager Union Stock Yards Company. llliam Schellburg. Superintendent Union Stock Yards Company. Arthur C. Thomas, Publicity Manager Omaha Commercial Club. John Gillan, Industrial Manager Omaha Commercial Club. Lloyd M. Skinner. President and Treasurer, Skinner Packing Company Michael Shirley. Vice President Shirley & Phelan Company. Paul F. Skinner, Chairman of the Board, Skinner Packing Company. John Fitz Roberts, Roberts Brothers & Rose. Robert Gilmore, Secretary Skinner Packing Company. The abov south and work on the e photogr west of thl new pig 1 THE SELLING OF OUR SECURITIES IS NOT tm th BY THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE A STRICTLY SANITARY PLANT THK SK1NNKR PACKING COMPANY will De known as OMAHA'S DAY LIGHT SNOW WHITK INDKPFND KNT PACKING PLANT, and the first unit of our operation is desipned and equipped to handle a daily killine capacity of 250 cattle, 1,500 hops and 500 sheep and to handle all of our by products from raw material to finished commercial product. WTe will manufacture an extensive line of Food Specialties, which will he marketed through the National Sales Organization of the Skinner Manufacturing Company. CONSIDER THESE POINTS First: The organization of this Company is not in the hands of promoters. The stock being sold hv the of Boon and director of the Company at a minimum expense. The acreage and plant will be owned by Hie Com nan v at its actual cash value and no real estate will he turned into the Company in lieu of stock In other words thi". Company is being organized on a strictly high-grade busiueaa baaia. 1 Second: The actual operating end of this business will be in charge of an ofiicial who will be vice president LLOYD M. SKINNER, President and Treasurer PAUL F. SKiTTnER Reference : Any Bank of Business1 SKINNER PA OMAHA'S DAYLIGHT SNOW WHIT 1 largest live Stock markel ; 1192,000,000 of meat products were packed here last year f the live slock shipped to this market. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT, SUITE 912, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO., OMAHA EXECUTIVE OrEiUES, SUITE 14UU r IKS J. NATIONAL BANK BLDG , OMAHA Omaha is the world's second large which represents but 00 per cent of There is a great opening for a packing plant at Omaha operated under the right management and conducted along business lines. The operation by the BK1NNEB PACKING COMPANY t' Omaha's Daylight Snow White In dependent Packing Plant, will retard the transshipment of live stock at this point, which will mean a great economic sav ing and a market for shippers and producers. THE skinnkh PACKING co.MPA.w will market its Specialty Pood Products through the present nationally organized sabs torn- of the Skinner Manufacturing Company. SEND FOR FURTHER INFORMATION eSIs dsb cf2b fL m J AW . AT J Mr ggy ggg wF Ss.1-