EAT POTATOES AND SAVE MORE WHNAT Mis Margaret Sherwln, Home Dem , onstratlon Agent. Tells How to !ak. Pes of Pouu IK'S Contributed oi'i'uw mm rLowm beem Jacksonville, Fla.. Aril 2.r,, 1918. -Editor Alliance Herald. Alliance. Nebraska: Have you spare to allow a letter from Florimt t hr tin i 'i 1 1 ... I n m I J Margaret .snerwin) land of flowers Hut we have ha.l a We have all been conserving onjvariation this winter with a ven wheat during the past few months uran. . . wh.-n the ire king pouncd and yet we have fallen down In our down upon us so HBeSpeetedly and ahlpments. Eating potatoes will in- ooked our tender vegetation to a erease (he suply of wheat We have Unish. And what the first ft-. M millions of bushels that will not be not fret the following on. did But pood three months from now. EAT :ardens were replanted, the days are MORE POTATOES. ' warm and evervthlni? innlra tt,. t tnt l (he ri nre to r I n the hlc harrt f seed before planting Io not send any stamped envelopes. Seed may break through Also be sure you Rive a plain adress. Po not think that I am in any seed business, for I am not. Neither is this offer in any way an adv. t t isement . either now or later, but only what it reads a pass time for me. who Is trying to do my bit to brighten some hearts, and y,n o.t v .,.. . . ., , . - v - ui. ir.lFU.lfll Uini'K 31 III- The Alliance Herald fs Little Salesman Advertising under this head. flv- eents per line. Count lit word! to the line No advertisement taken for less than fifteen cents. For Sale carden spots, even If 1 am in ml 67th year, so if this sees daylight In print will come again, if I have anything of ftaeral interest to write Yours, MRS ALICE WARNER Itl East Fifth stre t FOR BALI Bakery and rafe, In LOST excellent eond'tlon with good pay ing husineso business as I am subject to draft Re- orka roosters. Mrs James Daughcrtv I rutin HUB m bankable natter. Pete From hand bag In one of the Phone 98.V rOR HALE Two line, u.nlle milk, rows, luduire of A (' Km t i . t it 21-tf-9202 i 1 2-t f-904 5 1 Manewal. Manewal's bakery and cafe, Alliance. Nobr. stores or on the street, about 14A H ive to give up the ,n bnu Finder please return and re ceive reward Mrs. Frances Wick man. 128 Platte street. 9220-l-lt-ll Vaughn & Sons- Wanted I OR sm.k Am drafted in army Will sell my drug store at 10 per Grandma Skinner d Med from this w' below invoice w ,j Lynch. it ts every true Americans duty to this state we plant for the summer life Thursdav morning. Her nnmer-, Mro" nl''"- N' 1,1 ia-2t-f-21 j ' i aiive tor our men garden in February and for the win who sro fighting and for the allies. !er garden In September a popping naked potato, a mound of; My flower garden. I always aim to creamy masked potatoes. n rich j have a nice one. Is beginning to look brown potato cake, or a well seasoned line. This year we planted an extra muneo iiii.ih) win sausiv anv norma o or v na fnr i.l-.. .inr v ous Alliance friends will mourn her loss. person. Following are some potato recipes from th" food administration: Potato Puffs Two cups mashed potatoes 1 cup grated cheese 2 eggs cup milk 1 teaspoonful salt. Add milk to potatoes, beat thor oughly until blended. Add beaten egg and salt, gradually add grated cheese. Bake in greased pans. Potato Cookies Two cups sifted flour Vi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder cup sugar 3 tablespoons shortening Leggwell beaten 1 cup mashed potatoes Mix until dough is formed enough to roll. Cut 1-8 thick. 15 minutes. Chocolate Potato Cake 14 cup fat Vt cup sugar rup dry rlced potatoes Legg 4 cup milk 4 teaspoon salt 1 square chocolate 3 teaspoons baking powder cup white flour. So eat potatoes Save wheat and redeem our obligation to the allies. cover a multitude of unsightly ob jects of Which this cold winter gave HI a good supply The Ipomea vine seed was used freely. It Is of rapid growth, dense shade and produce I such an abundance of bright red, star shaped (lowers. 1 have qutte a lot of NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County C trt of Pox Butt" County, Nebraska. in th matter of Abe estate of John J. Dean 1 floreaat i. Notice to nil persons interested in said estate. Is hereby given that Alice Mildred Dean, administratrix, of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county court room in the thick Bake Innmea seed left and anv of the Her ald readers who wish some of It I will clty of Alliance. Box BttttC county, mail it to vou if you send postage. Nebraska, on the 28th day of Sep The way I have so much, last fall 'ember, 1918, at the hour of 9 o'clock while visiting in Georgia I gathered m for the Purpose of henring ad it, as a pass time, and sure did get a ' Moments and allowances of claims lot of seed Intending to give home against said estate. All persons hav friends, but they are now supplied. i in& claims or debts against said b- Perhaps after all. the editor may! must tile same in the said court not allow this but if the offer gets a on or before September 28th, 1918. dose of the waste basket no one will r 8ad claims will be forever barred, be any the wlster. Dated at Alliance, Nebraska, this Then 1 have some other flower gar-! Hth day of April, 1918. den seeds that I will give you as long IRA B. TASH, as they last. One, the beautiful Lan-! (Seal) County Jud ge tana. I have plenty of that seed so LEE BASTS, Attorney, you can all have a few. They are a Publish Apr. 22-May 24 tnc. pot plant and produce handsome disc! 9203-899-5t-21 shaped flowers in all shades of red to yellow. The foliage is very aro- Miss Grace Carlson entertained a matic. To you to whom I send Canna1 number of the young ladles last Tues Lily seed, be sure and clip each seed day night at a change of costume before planting. No doubt many of party. The affair was quite novel and the disappointments in trying to grow entertaining to the guests present. GOVERNMENT TAKES ALL THE WOOLENS The government has taken over all available wool and has contracted for all this year's shearing. While the present stock lasts you may obtain a suit at the old prices and an addition al pair of trousers free by ordering from the Keep-U-Neat. You are cor dially invited to call in and look over our line. Let us tell you about that free trousers offer. The KEEP-U-NEAT, 207 liox Itutte avenue. For Lend Him AHanc ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy SAPOLIO For ECONOMY PATRIOTISM "Action s speak louder thart words-Act - Don't Talk - Buy Now Greater Battery Value VOI U STORAGE BATTERY will last longer if it receives proper care. Drie around and let us pive it the attention it needs regularly. No matter what make of battery you use or what car you drive you will get prompt, courteous advice, inspection and and attention to your storage battery problems here. We carry a complete stovk of battery parts repair and recharge all makes of batteries and have a service battery for you to use while we put yours in proper shape. All work handled promptly and reasonably. VULCANIZING THE continual advance in Tires makes it all the more neces sary for you to watch your tires. LET US MENU ALL TIRE BREAKS large or small AND SAVE YOU f TIRR UPKEEP. EFFICIENT AND GUARANTEED SERVICE Across From City Hall ON YOUR Schafer Bros. I 116 East Third Street FOR SAKE Strictly modern 8 room resident, located at 920 Rig Horn its Easy terms. C, B, Hennet. Phone 13. 8868-tf-U FOR sm.k H11 if Orpfn ton egn for hatching from prlie wlnnp strain. Two dollars for thirteen eggs from n Selected pen, six dollars for one hundred crub from range flock. Phone Ash S2U'. Mrs J. A. Kecfian Alliance N'r 9079-tf-14 FOR SALE OR TRADE One ton Overland truck in pood condition Harry Pennlnger. Antloch, Nebr. tf-9188-20 FOR SALE Practically new Ford tractor attachement. $150. J. M. Tucker, BdfMBOftt, 8rD. 9179-$-6t-19 FOR SALE A pood work horse. In quire of John Hill, at Vaupan'a. 4149-18-tf FOR SALE HerrlnR-Hall-MarvIn safe. Inside dimensions 14x20x45 inches Practically new and will sell cheap as must have larger one. A. T. Seyholt, Bridgeport, Nehr oi.D ( ;s WANTHD Tin odBre anis 100 HimriH of clewi, cotton rnuv Three rents er Miinid Mild. lit in- 1 lo in In. tV ANTED Noun man of good ad dress with some selling experience to lea 111 Hi, Pinna business, good op portunity for advancement. Call at Hftddorfl Music House. 9U2-tf-16 WANTED To contract with relia ble prtlea for 10 wild and wooly HWlei for Itockmetl'l convention, jQBe 1114, V. D. Fisher, Sec y, Al liance. 919!-tr-21 W ANTED AT ONCE Woman for housework for a few dayn. Mrs.. A Wayne tVlltOfl Phone r.48. 21-lt-9207 n ANTED- Odd Jobs done after noons. Phone 244. L. J. TelliB. 9217-$-lt-22 WANTED Cook for small potash plant. Man and wife preferred. Woman for cooking; man for factory. Apply L Farrell, room 9, Alliance ho tcl Miscellaneous FmFND It of L F K pin annlr 1 " jat Herald office. Pin returned on pay , nient for this ad. I FOUND One crank for either a Ford or Cheveolef Apply at Herald office Herald and get on payment for this ad Real Estate, Loans and Insnr ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-6727. The City Mission li in need of Set "iid-hand clothing, esecially men's and shoes Call phone 696 and we will call for them. The City Mis sion ESTRAV NOTICE I havetaken up on my ranch, sixteen miles north of Alliance, one two-year-old red heifer with a few wnlte spots. Tip of left horn roken. Owner may have same by paying for the cost of keep ing and for the advertising. C. C. Worley. Alliance. Nebr. 19-4t-$-917l W. A. Pollens returned thla week from a short business trip to Grand Island and other points east. NOTICE FOR SALE -ry plants. - Everbearing strawber Phone Ash 8212. MOVE KUKNITDKE HAFKLY We have equipped our dray was ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furnltur without marring or scratching or do Ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all movln lobs. JOHN R SNYDER. Phone IK 9219-lt-$ The Palace Meat Market hereby Informs their p?trons and the pub lic that on the 17th day of May, 118. we shall discontinue to give credit. On that dr.te we will go into a strictly cash and carry system. Our goods will be sold .is choap as practical, htus giving our customers the benefit of the change. Give us s trial. THE PALACE MEAT MARKET 21-4t-9208 Chester K. Snow, member of the Alaska legislature, who has been vis iting his parents and brother and sis ter on the Snow ranch, south of Alli ance, and attending to buslnes afTalrs In the states for some time. Is confin ed to St. Joseph's hospital with a se vere attack of Bright's distuse. He' was taken to the hospital on Sunday and is reported much improved today. of his appointment to the overseas force of the American Red Cross. He volunteered his services some time ago and as soon as he Is able to get about and is in good health again will undoubtedly go to France as a Red Cross worker, Dr. C. E. Slagle Is driving around in a fine, new Dodge enclosed road- On Tuesday Mr. Snow received notice ster. Ilest liemedy for Whnplng Couh "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping cough I gave him Chammberlaln's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. J. R. Roberts, East 8t. Louis, III. "It kept his cough loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It Is the only cough medicine I keep In the house because I have the most confidence In It." This remedy Is also good for colds and croup. For sale by druggists. The Great Western Potash and Refining Co. A COLORADO CORPORATION, HOLDINGS AT ELLSWORTH, NEBRASKA THIS IS THE FIRST COMPANY OPERATING IN THE NEBRASKA POTASH FIELDS THAT HAS PLACED ITS STOCK ON THE PUBLIC MARKET, THEREBY PERMITTING THE PEOPLE IN THIS VICINITY TO INVEST IN THIS GREAT, NEW AND COMING WESTERN INDUSTRY. The Great Western Potash & Refining Company has eigbl leasts in this territory, srith 'j")0 acres of water, They are now perfecting plans for the erection of a three unit plant fo .evaporating this water and securing the potash. The construction work is in charge of a fam ous engineer who has built the plants now in operation for The llonl Alkali Products Cen pany and The Standard Potaah Company, of which he is consulting engineer and genera) man aver. The Great Western Potash & Refining Company is particularly fortunate in securing the services of so eminent an engineer. THE CHEMICAL TESTS of tb- water tuken from these Inki are as follow. U.M ucres water. H leasMk Tests ure runni'i2 m r cent to 6 er cent total solids, 15 er cent to 1ft jht lent oxide. Lukes are certain in this Held, producing great profits are running p r c xr cent to It) er cent Hitasli oxide. IMMENSE DEMAND, PERMANENT MAIUiET It is Stated that the requtremtnta of th s country for potaah for various purposes ia ovi r 200,000 tons per year, of which we produce only about 60,0t)0 tons. The refined product selling at from $100 to $160 a ton; the cost of produc tion ranging from $2.r to 30 a ton. The potai ' produced in foreign countries costs $30 to $34 a ton on the Atlantic seaboard. Add to this pri -the freight rates to the interior parts of the United States and you can readily see that this industry will never be taken away from Am i ican manufacturers. .ft r ( . . I'M TED STATES UEOLOGI BULLETIN No. SIS, SEPTE.MBi STATES THAT MOKE POTASH WAS I ED IN THE FIRST 6 MONTHS OF 1917 IN THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1916, AND BR ASK A PRODUCED ONE-THIRD OF TH. ENTIRE AMOUNT. The ralus of the potaah - cured from natural .salts or brine at loint of shipment sraa $2,808,40. This estimate is his-i on material actually sold by the producers, the real amount is. therefore, much greater than rep resented by thoOS tiKurea Wi refer you to Dr. F. M. Knight, Preaidentof the Alliance, National Bank, Alliance, Nebr. OFFICERS B. C. Johnson President Emmett Powers Secretary and Treasurer Formerly Roadmaster C. B A Q President and Chemist. The Bio Pharmacy M W Reynolds Vice President Chemical Company Electrical Baglaoer, Western Electric Co. John A. Rush General Counsel We have secured a limited amount of Ibis stock to put out at lUc per share. The large petit that arc hound to be SSOOjS In this potash enterprise are very large. Send your order in at once. 1918 JOHNSON & COMPANY. 711 Interstate Trust Blag., Denver, Colorado. I hereby subscribe for snares at 10 cents per share in The tireat Western Potash ItWtiiiug Company, same beinK full paid and non-asseasable. and I herewith enclose $ as payment for saim- Name Town or City State All orders subjeet to prior sale Johnson & Co. 711 INTERSTATE TRUST BUILDING Denver, Colorado