THE ALLIANCE HERALD, MAY 2, 1918 STPREME COURT UP HOLDS DRY LAW I ir-( Attmk Again) ( .iivitu(lKml Jty of NrhrnnkH'n Prohibition Valla ths Information UM court sayt: authority, tinlertake to suppress "KppptflK fn mln'l tht purpon of what it Is fro to rKrfi nil a public the conntltutionnl prohibition against . vil, it may adopt such im i.-nns hav- UM liquor traffic. Wt may well MMMM Ine masonablp relation to that end, that It wan the Intention of the icgls- as It may deem neeensary in order to, latnre to absolutely prohibit the traf- make its action effective. It doen not tic in whiskey and to limit the traf- follow that, because a transaction tic in Intoxicat.nK liquors even ror separately considered is inocuoua. it j med'elnal purposes to pure ethyl al- may not be included in prohibition cohol and alcohol treated according th scope of which Is reRarded as es I to some formula permitted by the sential. in the legislative judgment I i'nited States commissioner of inter- to accomplish a purpose within the I nal revenue so as to render it unlit to admitted power of the government, use as a beveraae, with suitable pro- With the wisdom of the exercise of The supreme court of I slate of vision to enable church societies to that Judgment the oourt has no con- Mftbraika, in an opinion written by I procure, k. ep and use w ine for sac- cern; and ItalSSS n olMUi appears Chlf JUStlCS llorrltMJTi lianded t - n mtit 1 1 purposes. Where the wor.ln that the indictment has no subs' an tfTI'K POK VI Itl.K ATION Deaprtment of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, April 4. 1918. Notice is hereby civen that F. Wortli Jones, of Auxiliary Kemount Depot, Camp Funston, Kansas, who, M October 10th, 1914, made home stead entry, serial, No. 016.981, for west half of section 14, township 21 north, range 4 7 west of 6th P. Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to lake final three-year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above describ ed, before Captain Howard C. Gale, detachment commander at Camp I unston, Kanaas. on the 13th lay of May 1918. and the testimony of the witnesses will be taken before the reeister and receiver of the United States land office. Alliance, Nebraska, on May 13th. 1918 1 laimant names as witnesses: R y Coats, of Broadwater, Nebr. Percy Ben ale, of Alliance, Nebr. Joseph Coval'. of All.ance. Nebr. Henry Bag . :. of Al'ian-e. Ne braska. T. I, o kki:fe. 8830-894--19 Register. I HEAD STUFFED FROM LA I Annn UK A tULU cently. from which Justices Sedwick nd Cornish djsentsd, upheld th "possession of liluot" clause of tilt atate prohibll iM law. The attack up in it was made in tin 'intoxicating liquors 'are used they t in I relation to a proper purpose itipear to he employed so as to In clude wine fOf sacramental purposes as well as pure ethyl alcohol and al eohol treated according to some for- eannot bo SSld that the limit of leg islative power has been transcended, following the decision of the supreme ourt of the united States in I'uritv appeal of Paul H. Fl itch, an Omaha I mula permitted by the United States Kxtract Tonic company vs. LffBCn drupuist. who v.i: arrested the flay after prohibition cn into effect last May. charged with haviin' whiskey in till poMeefltOB in hi:- sine. He was convicted oa the theory that the only place a man may ' ave intoxicanls Is in his dwelling hous Rod that R drug gist cannot lawfully pes , Under the prohibitory law, any llqaoil save ethyl sicohol and alcohol o treated as to be unlit fo- bevenme pmpowR The majority Opinion says that the state hnelni adopted prohibition, it was left to the leglalatnre to devise a plan to succe. fully put that policy into operat'on. II says it Is idle to forbid the t.i tilc and yet to fail to provide an adequate met hail of en forcing the prohibition. It wag, there fore, proper for the legislature to rec ognize the dtfflCUltlM of enforcement and the enactment complained of is a proper and reasonable exercise of legislative pover. Justice Sedgwick, who wrote the dissenting opinlonin which Justice Cornish concurred, holds that the pur pose of the amendment was to do away with the saloon and drunken- i iMMMnnnMFMi in . n M ini.- .ir. i w i( s proper lor itie legislature a beeemje, but it eannoi be said that to bene! the administration of the new it was ever contemplated that whis- prohibitory law. and the enactment key might be sold under any pretense complained of is a proper and reason-' whalsoever. able exercise of legislative power. The It is further argued that the stat ute is beyond the legislative power Judgment U affirmed " The dissenting opinion warm in and violates the constitution; that pal the state may not legislate against "Under this decision, if physicians! pnmHvn ... i ii i ha n hi ...!" , an get any liquors for medicinal pur whore It Is not shown that the liquor ,,,. tt ,m f..,n ony f.()I1 d is kept for unlawful purposes; that KlBt8 wltu p,PmU wd ,,. ony it is an unwarranted Interference nature.) or ethyl alcohol There with property rtfhts and Is not ', to ,H m.(ny ,,,,. sjmil.n. vj(( within the reasonable exercise of the ,at,0M of ,ututf jn )hjR (1(.,.jsl((n police power. This contention is not sppms ,.,,... tha, ,,, ,.. ((f ,,. without respectable authority to rap- constitutional amendmeni and of the port it. but there is also res table statuu. wa8 fn y w,h IU authority for a contrary holding. "Intoxicating liquor is universally regarded as a proper subject of appli- loon and drunkenness, and to that end to prohibit the manufacture and sale of any intoxicating liquor to be cation f the police power Its power usod u a 1)(.v, tnd not t0 p "'" c, ' 1 J ' vent the manufacture and sale of in- rm mica o, uer anu uie w e.ia r or ine toxlcmt,ng lqnon for medicinal. community, is now universally admit ted. and the power of the state to prohibit its manufacture or sale Is no longer open to question. The general purpose of all of our laws on the sub- sci- or sacramental ness, and that under the holding of ject la to promote temperance and the majority that only alcohol can In used for medicinal purposes practi cally prohibits the use of all liquors for that purpose. Ho says that the construction given Is u forced one of a statute intended to abolish the open entitle, mechanical purposes only. "The details of this lengthy stat ute are for the purpose of making sure of that result. How unfortunate it is that the statute is so construed as to hamner mill a ttl Ha ta mm ft... nn- pose has found expression in our or- foPcemMt of the will of the people of prevent drunkenness, and this pur- ganlc law. Tusk for Legislators "The state having adopted a con stitutional amendment forbidding the saloon and prevent drunkenness and traffic in liquor, it was left to the leg islature to devise a plan to success fully put that policy into operation. In forbidding the keeping Of Intoxi cating liquors at any other place than a private dwelling house, the lawmak ers were not attempting to make class distinctions and, inasmuch as no per son Is forbidden by the law to own or occupy a private dwelling house, It crime, and the whole legislation is thrown Into confusion and the real purpose of the people largely thwarted. "In a prosecution under chapter 187, lnws of 1917, for having posses sion of intoxicating liquor, the infor mation need not negative the excep tions under Its possession may be lawful, but these are available in de fense. "Under chapter 187, laws of 1917. the sale of intoxicating liquors Is ab solutely prohibited within this stat. except as they may he sold tinder per mit issued by the governor to those bringing themselves within the terms of the act. "Section 11, chapter 187. laws of 1917, bears a reasonable relation to the pence and order of the state and to the enforcement of the law design ed to prohibit traffic In intoxicating liquors and is. therefore, a constitu tional enactment." After discussing the first point, a I the state so plainly expressed in their amendment to the Constitution and in subsequent legislation. "If it was intended that all these formalities related only to the sale of ethyl alcohol, why not say so at once? Before selling or keeping ethyl alco hol, as herein provided, he shall se cure a permit, etc. But the permit is ! to sell, not one particular liquor. It is intoxicating liquors generally. I "To provide, therefore, that only alcohol shall be used for medicinal aider whether the possession tliis limitation upon i of liquor, even when 1 III, tuii;.ij , -i , . t i , .i I 1 f np..ti . I, .11. 1 ... I.. ... 11' 1 i ,.....wovo i J ... i it 1 i j,, it in ,ji in nit" use did not do so. VV e have only to con- . , . , , . ., ' of all liquor for such purposes." The liquors found in Fitch's pos- OkCtJIltTt U'lll'.i uiiliiil .... ! , - ft t. . . . . 'l nrn- OVI,rxl Jti 41 At . . lilt not held for an unlawful purpose. ia , , ,, ..... , ' , ' ... 1 ' ' . . day after the prohibitory law took et- ;a leasonanie one. IT is Kilo io forbid , ., .... ... ., . .. the traffic in intoxicants and vet fall h V ZZ.T ' , . : ithat such possession was lawful up to to provide an adequate method of en-1 .v. ,,, , , , . '""' lu i.j uuir n .!!.. i. li (lOlIUS Mill Miai forcing the prohibition. It Is com mon knowledge that officers of the law find It difficult to enforce prohib itory measures. If parties are free to he promptly applied for a permit, but under the terms of the statute could not obtain one until after the lapse . , f t ....... . .. .1 T . I , keep quantities of Intoxicating liquor 7 . " lue '"n"" nt ...... . had made no sales. AWFUL SUFFERING. "I suffered untold agony with neuralgia. I thought I would go mud with pain. A friend of mine advl-.d me to tako Ir. Mile' Anti-Pain mil. I did o and tl.o pain topped almost at once. Then I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine and be fore long I bo that I did not have thee pqlrt any more." A J. WW 661 E. PUUte Ave.. Colorado Springs, Colo. Close attention to work is the cause of much-Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two 1 DR. MILLS' ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles' Restorative NervifK IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX. TAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUR MCNE . V L BE REFUNDED. in rooms, offices and buildings other than private dwelling houses, the "His violation of law consists n work of the police officers Is that not "Hvinc disposed of it before the much more difficult. ! a"t took effect." declares Judge Qpd "It is also well established that. I wi(,k. "As a retail drusrgist he was technical one relating to the form of when a state, exerting its recognized not authorised to sell at wholesale. so that there was nothing left for him to do but to destroy the goods before the law took effect. Such legislation would be of the nature of an ex post facto law, and under such construe tion the statute Itself destroyed de fendant's property, and violates both sections 3 and Id of the bill of rights "It is inconceivable that the peo ple of this state, either by their votes upon the adoption of the constitu tional amendment or thru the iction I of the legislature, intended such a rc suit." Di.-cussing the language of 'he pro viso in the !a-v wh oh allows liquor for beverage un to be kept only in private dwellings, the dissenting opinion Buds that this was tha essea tial .dement of the druggist's offense and yet it was not pleaded .n tha com plaint. The failure n to specify is held to be clearly insufficient It con eludes as follows: uy me forced construci ;on now given, to a statute which w i Inti nd ed to abolish the open saloon anri pre vent drunkenness and crime, the whole legislation is thrown Into con fusion and the real turpoe of the f eople largely thwarted." As Section II Head- l'ossession of linuor Any pel son may purchase and keep in b' i possession ethyl alcohol treated as re quired by this act so as to be. un"f forj use as a beverage. I shall he unlaw ful for any person to have, possess or i permit any intoxicating liquor to be j in, upon or about any room office.; building or in any other place except in such ierson's private dwelling house, and except when and wher" and in the manner especially author ized as herein otherwise provide 1 And no person shall keep or MSS I intoxicating liquor in his private dwelling house in an amount more than is, reasonably sufficient for his personal use end needs; provided, however, that in any action brought under the provisions of this act. or based upon complaint of any violation thereof, or in any civil action grow ing out of any such actions, the pos session, in and of itself, of any intoxi cating liquor in a private dwelling house by the person against whom the violation of the act is charged, shall constitute prima facie tirtdoaOS that such liquor was kept by such aetOOa with the purpose of unlv,ul sale, use or disposition in violation of the law. i t 15 II uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiHMMi:iiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitar, ALLIANCE CANDY STORE PURE HOME MADE CANDIES SODA FOUNTAIN Quart Ice Cream 45c Pint Ice Cream 25c Completely equipped Sanitary Service COME IN nt any time iu let us serve with tiat cooling rlrii or delicious Suiulae 1 AC with wafers. 10' We deliver goods to any part of city or out of town S. P. JACKSON, Prop. 210 Box Butte Phoue 27 fnmmmtmmxmtmtmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passagea Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air parage of vour head clear and you can breaths freely. No more hawking, muf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. net a small bottle of Ely's Cream l'alm from your druggist now. Apply n little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen trates through every air pagsage of the head, soothe the inflamed or swollen raucous membrane and relief comes in vitntly. It' just fine. Don't stay stuffed up h a cold or nasty catarrh. Farm LOANS Ranoh wart your real estate loan business, will make rates and terms to get it. oan put over a loan for any amount, will save you money on your loan, solicit the opportunity to show you. The WOODRUFF BALL CO INVKbTMSNT BANKBRU VALENTINE, - NEBRASKA THE CALL TO TOUR calls for Polarine in the motor. When you want speed the Polarine lubricated cylinder lets the piston slide rapidly up and down without friction. And if you need power that same thin film of Polarine seals the gas above the piston makes a giant out of your motor. You can get Polarine wherever you go a thousand miles from here. It's the safe oil to start with. Look for the sign it identifies a good dealer and a depend able oil Red Crown Gasoline is best for the long run speedy, powerful, economical STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA polarine, "More Tread on the Road" HERE is the Ajax Road King master mile maker of them all. The tire for endurance and abuse on all roads in any weather. Made doubly strong where the road strain comes. It has more tread on the road more rubber where it should be more grip to grip with because of the special patented feature Ajax Shoulders of Strength These rugged supporting shoulders of the tread mean longer wear. They cushion against shocks. Shoulders of Strength distribute road wear evenly. It cannot come in one spot and quickly grind through to the fabri" 97 Owners' Choice This big percontag3 of all Ajax Tires goes to individual motorists who select them to take the place of tires that came with their cars. See them here at the Ajax Tire Supply Depot, headquarters for Ajax Tires and Tubes. ROAD KING MARTIN KING Al 1 iance, Nebraska "While Other. An CUiminf Qssdity, W Am GtttMBtssttf tt m. u