The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 18, 1918, Image 7

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News Items
Miss Klla Moravck came up from
IfOMb PttttS), Nebr., Tuesday.
Mrs. C. R. Mellck was an Alliance
shopper between trains Tuesday.
Miss Grace Speilninn left the latter
part of the week for a two weeks'
visit with friends at Fullerton. Neb.,
and other towns in the eastern part
of the state.
Miss Helen Greene was In Alliance
the first of the week.
hie fight In France soon The Rood
wishes and respect cf all the people
ko with him in the noble cause.
That Hingham Is M last to have a
bank is (almost) an assured fact.
This Is welcome news to the people death."
1 Ide from Go.l. The same was trite
with Jonah. So today the unrepent
ant desires to net away from God. He
does not want to be told of the pen
alty. He desires sermons to tickle
his ears. But "the wanes of sin is
in this part of the hills.
The Churches
Dr. McKwen was called to Mars
land professionally Friday.
J. E). Crist was up from Alliance
Born, on Saturday, April 13, 1918,
to Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Barrett, a five
and ont'-hnlf pound son. All concern
ed doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Shepherd and
Mrs. McClung visited with friends 'n
Sioux county Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Green and little
daughter and Mrs. Best visited at th3
George Baker home a couple of days
the latter part of the week.
Rev. Burleigh spent a couple of
days In our town during the week.
F. B. Davison autoed In from the
ranch and spent Tuesday night at the
parental home.
Rev. Brown, who was reported ill
a couple of weeks ago, is very much
better at this writing, a fact we are
pleased to Btate.
Mrs. Margaret Green went to Alli
ance Wednesday, returning Thursday
Mrs. C. T. Davison spent a couple
of days in Alliance the latter part of
the week.
Miss Jessie Ellott departed for Sau
Francisco last week. She was accom
panied as far as Denver by her moth
er, the latter returning Thursday.
Mrs. K. L. Pierce was an Alliance
visitor Friday between trains.
Beginning Thursday, April 18, at
the Baptist church, evening at N p.
m., revival MFVlCM will be conducted
by Dr. W. T. Sherrod. the noted evan
gelist from the south i n sti ff of evan-(
eelists, Ft. Worth, Texas. He brings
with him a special singer to direct
the song service.
Everybody invited to Join in this
campaign to save the lost and to
build up Christian character.
Si unbelief leads to disobedience.
This bring on guilt whi h ex, les one
from God with the ;esult:n. death
As the scriptures te.wh. Heb 10:27
For if we sin wilfully after that we
h; f received the knowledge of the
truth, theer renialneth no more sac
rilices for sin. but a certain fearful
looking for of judgment and fiery in
dignation which shall devour the ad-M-rsaiy
While the wages cf sin Is
tleath there is a way of esc:-pe. The
free gift of Ood Is etern; l life thru
.lesus Christ our Iord.
Stephen .1. Eplcr, minister Church
of Christ.
The Alliance Herald's Little Salesman
Advertising under this head, five cents per line Count ill words
to the line No advertisement taken for loss than fifteen cent.
For Sale
I'romlent Angora itizen Died in Al
liance on Frlda Remain In
terred at Osceola
Third in the course of special talks
on prophecy. Mr. Morris will speak
next Sunday morning on "Prophecy
and the Kaiser." Is there a plan in
the whole system of prophecy? Has
God a plan for the liberation of hu
manity? Has (Jod a plan for the gov
ernment of nations? Will the divine i Andrew Grant Stoner was born
plan succeed at last or with the near Osceola, Nebraska, on December
Kaiser? 7. 1874. He died at St. Joseph hos-
There will be a vesper service at ; pital at Alliance on Friday. April 12,
8 p. m. given by the Juniors. Some
thing novel and highly entertaining.
Donft miss this service.
War Is the greatest, the most se
vere, the most awful, the direct tem
poral curse and judgment of God up
on men. This history of all past wars,
the biographies and autobiographies
of generals, officers, soldiers and pri- of Bruce E
vate citizens who have passed thru Kenneth C. Stoner, of Angora,
the times of war, all testify to thlsj After experiencing the hardship of
sad truth. This dread monster is now early pioneer life in Cheyenne ?oun
stalking among us in its second year, ty, he became engaged in stock rals
But the hour of need is also the housing. He has but recently completed
of opportunity. Every faithful and a fine modern home on gm eanch near
patriotic citizen will iu those times ' Angora.
rOR SALE Full blooded black Mln
orka roosters Mrs. James Daughertv
Phone 98S. 12-tf-9045
FOR BALE Oood bed, spring and
mattress, $10 Phone 863. f27 W 3rd
FOB SALE Strictly modern 8 room
resident, located at 920 Big Horn ave
Kasy terms c. E. Bonnet. Phone
FOB SALE Buff Orpington eggs for
hatching from prize wlnng strain.
Two dollars for thirteen eggs from
a selected pen, six dollars for one
hundred eggs from range flock. Phone
Ash 8212 Mrs. J. A. Kecgnn Alliance
Nebr. 9079-tf-14
Overland truck In good condition.
Harry Penninger. Antloch, Nebr.
FOR SALE Practically new Ford
tractor attachement. $lf0. J. M.
Tucker, Edgeniont, SrD. 9179-$-6t-19
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. F. E REDDISH, Reddish
old RACM WANTED The iieni.i ! 22; SSt!!?!:
omYe Wants Itt pOMii of rlen, "7TDCUm
cotton rax. Three cent per pound j The City Mission is In need of
paid. Id inu them In. second-hand clothing, esecially men'
. vnn lin,l 'hoes Call phone 696 and wa
WANTED-Young man of good ad- m caU for them The C,ty Mlt
dress with some selling experience!"
to learn the I'liinn hualnima c ..... I
i '""J km o v ti ureuie ll l , vail 111
llltllilol'fr Mlluln limine Olio , ifi
I of Alliance, one two-year-old red
v--- I heifer with a few wnlte spots. Tip
WANTED Three furnished rooms of left horn roken. owner may hare
for light housekeeping Call Her-1 same by paying for the cost of keep
Kld ofllt e 9 l87-$-lt-20 1 ing and for the advertising. C. C.
I have taken up
on my ranch, sixteen miles north
FOR SALE A good work horse. In
quire of John Hill, at Vaughn's.
at 6:15 p. m., having underwent an
operation for appendicitis on Monday,
April 1.
He was engaged in farming in
Polk county, Nebr., until the spring
of 1904, when he look up a home
stead near Angora.
He was married to Abble B. Car-
nine at Osceola on September 23, Mrs. C. O. Davenport and daughter,
1899. Two children were born to Cynthia, spent the last week-end In
this home Mildred C. Mar bell, wife .sterling Colo.
Maybell, of Angora, and
We hate equipped our dray wag
ons and auto truck with tbe latest
appliances for moving furniture
without marring or scratching or do
ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad.
will be used by us on all movlnr
FOUND B of Lr F & E. pin apply
at Herald office. Pin returned on pay
ment for this ad.
FOUND One crank for either a Ford
or Cheveolet. Apply at Herald office
and get on payment for this ad.
Worley, Alliance, Nebr. 19-4t-$-917S
The loss of a position
has no terrors to tha
efficient workman who
has learned the use of
classified advertising.
IWant ads are "Job
insurance at a
low rate.
enter the sanctum of his heart and
pledge his individual and unstinted
loyalty in words and deeds to this'
our blessed native land. Every faith-'
ful Christian will also turn to the
Lord with his whole heart and lav
He was a public spirited citizen,
honest, honorable and upright in all
his dealings.
His relatives were notified on
Thursday that he would no- et well.
His wife, son, daughter and her hus-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pruden and Mrs.
Elmer Schneider and little son autoed
to Alliance Thursday.
Mrs. B. F. Oilman and daughter!
came up from Alliance Saturday for
a short visit with friends.
One case of small pox reported in
The high school pup' is are busy at
present practicing a play which they
will put on at the opera house Friday
evening, April 19.
A. M. Miller has the new movie
machine all installed and gava the
first show last Saturday evening. For
the past two months we have been
without a picture show and with .he I
opening of the new picture theater!
we once more feel up-to-date.
hold or his promises. They will lift j band and his mother. Mrs. Alice E.
up hands and hearts pleasing to the Stoner, of Osceola, and his brother.
Arbiter of Battles and the King ofiS. C. Stoner and Andrew Stoner, of
kings, and will implore him to have Lincoln, and his two nephews, Wal
mercy upon our people. For these! lace D. Stoner and Andrew Stouer,
ideals of true patriotism and Chris- and his brother-in-law. Leo Carnine
tianity the Lutheran church stands, and wife, were all at his bedside
Rev. F. Worthman next Sunday will when he passed away .
preach a patriotic sermon along Just He left to mourn his loss .his 1m
these lines. Services commence at 2 , mediate family, his mother, tine--p.
m. Everybody welcome. : brothers and two sisters and a host of
, friends and neighbors.
See Us, And See Best
Glasses Accurately Fitted
We Can Duplicate Any Broken
813 Box Butte Ave Phone 121
To the residents, freeholders and
voters of the city of Alliance, Box
Hutte county, Nebraska: You are
hereby notified that at a special elec
tion held within the city of Alliance
on the 2nd day of April, 1918, the
i following proposition was submitted
I to the voters of said city:
"Shall the city of Alliance issue
bonds in the sum of $7,000.00, In de
nominations of $1,000.00 each, draw
ing interest at five per cent per an
num, maturing in twenty years from
date, and optional at any time after
live years from date, dated May 1st,
1918, payable at the Nebraska FIs
' cal Agency, New York City, N. Y., for
i the purpose of paying the costs of al
tering and repairing the septic tank
i used In connection with tho sewer
! age system of said elty and construct
an addition to said septic tank, and
pledge the credit and property of said
city for the payment of said bonds,
and levy and assess a tax each year,
for the payment of the Interest upon
said bonds as it shall become due,
and create a Blnking fund for the
payment of the principal sums of said
bonds." That at said election 121
votes were cast upon said proposition,
of which 105 of those voting voted
for the Issuance of said bonds and 21
voted against the Issuance of said
bonds. That more than a three
fifths majority of those voting at
said election, voted for the Issuance
of said bonds by said city.
That pursuant to Bald election the
mayor and council of said city, on
April 8, 1918. adopted a resolution to
the effect that said bonds be issued
in the sum of $7,000.00.
T. P. ROLFSON, City Clerk.
Bingham News
R. R. Kincaid and L. E. Ballingei
returned from Denver last Thursday.
Owing to sickness in Bingham
there were no services at the church
last Sunday.
A number of our young people at
tended the dance held at Ashby Fri
day night.
E. R. Marshall is working at the
potash plant in Antioch. Mr. Mar
shall remained on the homestead.
W W. and F. M. Gilbaughs and
Miss Gregory were in Bingham Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shafenberg have
started a restaurant at the old stand
in the Williams building.
L. E. Ballingers 'new home is near
ing completion and soon the family
will be enjoying Its comforts.
Among the many cases of sickness
are M. L. and R. E. Kincaid and their
mother. Mrs. R. R. Kincaid. All are
reported better.
A case of sickness in almost every
family is the record of our town for
the past two weeks.
.' iohn Gilbaugh and his two sons.
Ivan and Bert, with their families,
have moved to Fort Collins, Colorado,
where they will farm the coming sea
son. J. T. Burton and family returned
from their winter's stay in Lincoln.
We are glad to have them at home
once more.
W. E. Yake. who has enlisted in
the couast artillery, is visiting his
parents before leaving for Fort Lo
gan, Colo. He hopes to get in the
Text: Romans 6-23, For the wages
of sin is death, but the free gift of,
God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our
"There are but two religions
Christianity and Paganism the wor
ship of God and idolatry. A third
between these is not possible. Where
Idolatry ends, there Christianity be
gins and where idolatry begins there
Christianity ends." Jacobi.
"A religion that never suffices to
govern a man will never suffice to
save him. Th: t which do s not dis
tinguish him from a sinful world,
will never distinguinh him fcm a
perishing world." John Howe.
"No man can serve two masters;
for either he will hate the one and
love the other; or else he will hold to
one and despise the other."
"He that is not with me is against
me; and he that gathereth not with
me scattereth." Jesus. He who
makes no progress, degenerates.
While bathing in a certain stream I
attempted to stand still but the,
strong current carried me downward.'
So it is with him who tries to remain
neutral in the work of the Lord. De
generation weakens a man, his pos
terity and his country. There are
five steps in regeneration which lead
us to say, "the wages of sin is death."
The first step in degeneration is
unbelief. "In a.11 unbelief there are
these two things a good opinion of
one's self and a bad opinion of God."
H. Bonar.
Here are several positive state
ments of the Scriptures concerning
belief. "He that conieth to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them ' that oeea after
him." "I am the way. the truth and
the life; no man conieth unto the
Father but by me." "And in none
other is there Balvation: for neither is
there any other name under heaven
that is given among men. wnerein
we must be saved."
Unbelief of the eternal gospel truth
leads to disobedience. Israel's unbe-;
lief led to disobedience and their
bones bleached In the wilderness. Un-
belief leads to all kinds of disobe-(
dience and then man is full of guilt, j
If one permits his conscience to be i
seared or branded as with a hot iron, I
the guilt is there Just the Byj
doubling and redoubling disobedience
the burden of guilt becomes heavier
and heavier. A certain unfortunate!
mortgaged his home. Unable to lift
the debt he bore his burden to tbe .
grave. Some mortgage their souls to
the Devil and bear the burden of
guilt to the gn ve. By'their own acts
of disobedience they are exiled from
When Adam disobeyed ho tried to
Mrs. Alice E. Stoner, of Oiceola.(
his mother; Mrs. Alma A. Dolan. of
Osceola, his slater; Miss Lillian U.
Stoner, from Seattl- Wash., his sis-
ter; L. L. Stoner, of Angora, his (
brother; C. A. Stoner, of Oseeola, tit ,
brother; S. C. Stoner, of Lincoln, his
brother; his father, C. D. Stoner, I
having pre-deceased him about one
year ago.
Short funeral services were had at
the chapel of Darling's undertaking
apartments at Alliance on Sunday,
April 14, at 11 a. m. Rev. E. L. Case,
of Angora, conducted the services.
Among the many friends and rela
tives who attended the services at Al
liance were the following:
Miss Lillian U. Stoner from Seat
tle. Wash.; Clifton Stoner. of Con
cordia. Kans.: Andrew Seger and
Bert J. Seger, of Scottsbluff. and A.
B. Carnine and wife of Scottsbluff;
Fred Heisner. of Concordia, Kans ;
S. C. Stoner, of Lincoln, and the fol
lowing from Angora:
Abbie B. Stoner, Kenneth C. Ston
er, Mildred C. Maybell, Bruce E
Maybell, Leo Carnine. Twila B. Car
nine, W. D. Stoner. Rev. E. L. Case
and wife, Herman Case, R. T. Ely. H.
A. Glau and fanly. John Berry. Mr
Boodry. Lyle Glau and wife. A. H. A
well and wife, James Perkins and
wife. Mrs. Crawford. Floyd Friend
and wife, Alva Gillespie, A. L. Ship
ley, W. N. Thompson and wife W.
G. Gentle and wife, Miss BmBM Gen
tle, Neil Norris, Agnes. Lila and Fern
Miller. W. E. Po,well and family,
Bert Hutchison, Harry Fetters, Geo.
Micek, F. A. Hughee.
The remains wore taken to Osceola
for interment in the Osceola cein -tery
( Further funeral services were
held at the M. E. church at Osceola
at 10 a. m. Tuesday and were con
ducted by the pastor.
Having sold my ranch on Whistle Creek, and wishing to have a clean up sale, I will
offer at Public Auction on said ranch, 15 miles west of Marsland, about 25 miles south of
Crawford, and 30 miles southeast of Harrison, Nebraska, on
Monday, April 29, 1918
Notice of Annual Meeting '
Stockholder of the (Jriflllli Oil
The annual meting of the stock
holders of the Griffith Oil company
will be held at the office of said cor-'
poration. in the city of Deadwood.'
So. Dak , on the 25th day of April.
A. D., 1918, at 2:30 o'clock p. m ,
for the purpose of electing directors
and for the purpose of hear ng the
report of the president of the com
pany and the report of the board of
directors and of taking action upon
the matters therein contained, and
for the transaction of such other
business as may be brought before
said meeting.
Hated this 1st day of April. A. D..
125 Head of Cattle 125
Consisting of about 53 head of cows and heifers, head of Meets ami 90 head of
coming- yearlings.
Ten Head of Horses and Mules
Consisting of two 5-year-old mares, with foal; one hay mare in colt with jack; one hay
mare, 4 years old, weU broke; one brown 6-year-old saddle horse; one coming 2-year-old geld
ing; three yearling mules and one jack.
A credit of six months will be given, by purchaser giving a note with bankable secur
ity, bearing 8 per cent interest.
COL. H. P. COORSEY, of Alliance, Auctioneer
BURT FURMAN, of Marsland, Clerk