The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 18, 1918, Image 5

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LL mmmmmm v r fa i
When SnlTrrhiK From Kidney III.
NMg Milan, c people MimI TIi In
niu ia Be True.
What's bo hard n sn day's work
with an tehlfll back?
Of ohiirp "stabs" of pnln with ev
ery Mddfl twist or turn?
There. Is no pome from the dull
No rest from tho MfMIH, lamo
NM MM! WMlllMM, If the kidney
are disordered you can't reach the
cause too Boon.
faglcd Ib OflM fatal.
nk kidneys seed prompt sttea-
Begtfl using DoanV Kidney rut
at once
A tested and proven kidney rem
edy. Alii; in- ; I den ShOUld find nr-W
hope In the following ata lenient
! II. Williams, Btatlonary fireman,
421 Yellowstone, 81., Allli nee, says:
"My hark was lame ami ached atead
lly ami In my VOffe would ahout n na
me 1 1 1 Doan'a Kidney Pills relieved
and 1 ndorse them as n first class)
kidney medicine."
Price IOC, ;t nil dealers. Don't
ItBply aHk for I kidney remedy get
Dotn'l Kidney PIIIb the same that
Mr. Williams had. Foster-Milburm
CO., Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y.
WANTED:-50 or 75 head of cattle
for summer pasture. Phone Spruce
8272. C. E. Fingal. Hoffland, Nebr.
I'hc i inn sc-ldt 01 COHMI from it.'himl
his roHr ii, til the Baseball season s
over. Rlphl v. He is In the last half
of tin1 Ninth score 0 to it with ...,
men out. He It a .Newspaper Baseball
Kan and nervr saw a Bla LMnu i
his life, hlit he 18 U Itedhot Pau Jll; t
Hi' same.
Don't stay Gray! Here's an
Old-time Recipe that Any
body can Apply.
Stands first in per capita pro
duction, farm products and
live stock.
Third in combined production,
wheat, oats and corn.
Third in production of alfalfa.
Third in production of hogs.
Fourth in production of cattle.
Fourth in production of wheat.
Fourth in average value per
Fourth in value of all farm
Annual vr.lue of butter and
eggs exceeds tctal annual
value of all rjo!d and silver
mined in America.
Over 50CCC0 acres under irrl
gation; 60 (TO cf these acres
planted to riar beets.
Produced ir.cie than 55 of
nation's aupp'y of potash in
State has no bonded debt.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates hack to grandmother's time.
She used it to keep her hair beautifully
dark, flossy and attractive. Whenever
her hair took on that dull, faded or
streaked appearance, this simple mixture
was applied with wonderful effect,
i But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by askmg at
any drug store for a GO cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Suge and Sulphur Compound,"
you will get this famous old preparation,
Improved by the addition of other in
gredients, which can be depended upon to
restore natural color and beauty to the
I A well known downtown druggist says
it darkens the hair so naturallv and
evenly that nobody can tell it has been I
applied. Yon simply dampen a sponge
or soft brush with It and draw thia i
through your hair, taking one strand at
a time. By morning the gray hair dis
appears, and after another application or
two, it becomes beautifully dark and
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite for those
who desire a more youthful appearance.
It is not intended fur the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease.
Order You
Coal Supply Early
It is the wise thing to do
You'll say so this winter, too.
If we could make plain tu you the situation, we know
Unit you would put In your winter's coal supply now.
We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying to tell
you. The car shortage exists. It may iook to yon like
everything Is moving, but you'll appreciate what we tell
you when winter comes and It may be next to impossible
to get coal.
We've got coal to sell you today. We're got coal today
to put Into your bin. We can't promise more. It's good
coal and It's a fair price. We urge you to get busy
thing act. It will prove to your advantage
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
P. W. HAROARTEN, Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Laramie Art
Nebraska is one of the most won
derful states in the Union. Although
the resources Of the state have hardly
been touched it stands at the top in
bo many things that it Is already at-
tracting nation-wide attention among
those looking for opportunities.
Nebraska stands firsi in per capita
production of agricultural products
It stands Brat in the value of live
Btock. The annual value of the but
ter and eggs produced in the state of
Nebraska exceeds the total alue of
ull gold ami silver mined in America.
The state is third in the combined
production of wheat, oats and corn.
It Is third In the production of al
falfa, third in the production of hogs,
fourth in the production of cattle and
wheat and fourth in the value of all
fnrm property. In lOld more than .V
per cent of the nation's supply of
potash came from Nebraska.
Has No Funded Debt.
The state has no funded debt It
has upwards of 110,000,000 invested
In interest bearing securities in the
permanent school fund and it owns
$18,(KMI.(hki worth of school lands, tin
revenue from which goes to the up
keep anrl maintenance of Nebraska's
public schools.
Nebraska won the first pri.e at the
International Soil Products Exposi
tion at Peoria, III.. In 1017. Out of u
possible l.fiOO points Nebraska's ex
hibit of agricultural products led all
others with a total of l.'J.'Ul points.
I Nebraska Is fast becoming a large
producer of beet sugar, there being
now four sugar beet factories and
others under construction and more
than OO.Ot'iO Hcres planted to sugar
beets. There are over ."iai.000 acres
of land In Nebraska under irrigation.
All of the products for which Ne
braska la famous are shown In the
efhtblt maintained by the I'nion Pa
cific In Omaha.
Maupin Prepares Valuable Book.
Notwithstanding the front rank po
sition occupied by the state until re
cently there has not been any con
certed effort by State authorities to
bring the state's resources to the at
tention of those living In other states.
At the last session of the legislature,
however, a Department of Publicity
Ited and a small appropriation
made to sustain It. Mr. Will M.
Maupin was appointed by Coventor
Neville to take charge of this Work
and be Is rapidly gathering together
the facts ami statistics upon which
he hopes to build a more or less wide
spread publicity campaign. Mr.
ftiauptn is now at work on a compila
tion of these statistics which will Iil
printed in book form for general dis
tribution tinder the title "Nebraska
Milliono of Acres Available.
Millions of acres (,f land that hare
never known the feel of the plow are
wailing for the hoiue-seeker in the
great Kmpire States o. the Trans-Mis
sourl West, and in the states that
lace the Pacific Ocan.
Many of these acres are in the ilry
farming sections, many of them can
bi' brought under irrigation ditches.
in addition to this "wild" land.
there are many acres in these states,
now cultivated in large tracts, which,
with the ever westward pushing of
those who seek new lands will, in th
next tew years, be cut up into smaller
When the tremendous tragedy of
the world now being enacted in blood
and suffering upon the fair fields of
Prance, comes finally to an end, the
longing for the open country will take
un even greater hold upon the hearts
of mankind. Then this great country
In the West should In- in position to
respond to this longing, should be
ready to receive those who will seek
Its welcome.
Nebraska must do its part. Every
agency in the state should be direct efl
to this end. in preparation for this
day every facility should be used to
acquaint those who now are looking
for a new home In the West, and
every organisation thai is working to
Secure the upbuilding of the West
should be encouraged.
Union Pacific System On the Job.
One of the moat active organiza
tions especially maintained for work
of tins character, an organisation ad
mirably equipped with resources and
backed with a thorough knowledge
and system, is the Colonization and
Industrial Bureau of the i'nion Pa
cific System.
This P.urenii Is under the direction
of It. A. Smith, who has bad many
years" experience in such work. He
cently there has been installed on the
ground floor of the headquarters
building of the I'nion Pacific Railroad,
in Omaha, a most complete and per
manent exhibit of the agricultural
horticultural and " ve stock Interests
of the states which are served by the
Union Pacific System. Nebraska. Kan
sas, Colorado, Wyoming. I'tah, Idaho,
Washington. Oregon, California and
Nevada. This exhibit, which was pre
pared and installed through co-operation
with the public authorities in
each of these states Is to be main
tained and kept constantly renewed
by The DnlOO Pacific System as the
foundation of the work which It Cur
ries on for the purpose of bringing
new settlers and home-seekers Into
the West.
Bureau Has No Land for Sale.
The Colonization Ac Industrial Bu
reau has no land tu sell, and Its only
Interest in the sale of land by those
who do have It, Is the building up of
the territory which it serves, in
other words, Its interest Is the bring
ing together of the land and those
who would make new homes upon the
laud. For that reason expert agents
of this Bureau Investigate thoroughly
all land that Is offered for sale an I
all land agents. These experts satisfy
themselves that the land Is suitable
for fanning, that the climatic condi
tions are right and that the price at
which It Is offered is reasonable; next
they satisfy themselves that the Innd
agent Is honest and reliable. There Is
no need to fool men In order to get
them to settle In the West the truth
Is Strong enough.
Ads Carried in Eastern Papers.
A very extensive advertising cam
paign in the Eastern states, the
Southern states and the Stales of the
Mississippi Valley enables this Bu
reau to gat la touch with those
who want facts about the West, and
as soon as Its representatives learn
v bat section of the country most -a
peals to the prospect he is tumej
over to the trustworthy land agent
operating in that section.
These land agei.ts take up the work
from there on and the records of the
Bureau show that the work ha been
most successful.
I Miring the last year the advertising
by the union Pacific System reached
a Circulation of more than the million
readers u month. There were received
nearly ten thousand Inquiries and
there are records of 2,4H? carloads of
household goods moved Into nnd
through the various states listed
above, during six months of this per
iod. This does not include those who Into the West without shipping
1 their household goods, and there are
muny who sell out all such property
before moving. Neither does It In
clude those who went overland In au
tomobiles and there are many of
them, too So It would seem that here
Is proof of the effectiveness of the
plan worked out by the Union PadaYc
1ft '
: - 1
i mm ,r i
the soot
every time
Jissiyjf-eTV. 7J!FJ MVJJ JlJiJ.Lal
Trade Mark Re. V. S. Pat. Off.
EXELSO is as refreshing and healthful as the breezes of the high seas. Every drop of it is
alive with ripened juices of American harvest fields. Ask for EXELSO and get EXELSO.
Don't accept anything but EXELSO. It is kept on ice in places where drinks are found.
"Go to it" and youH "come back" because it's as good as it can be. Every bottle of
EXELSO is backed up by "HAMM OF ST. PAUL." and that means over 50 years of
knowing how to Suit the heveraiSe.laKlo ami nalali of Amonana '
KING dt CO., Distributors