M 1 I I II Kit. I.I), Till I ItSDAY, APIlll, II. I9IH notick Of nOARIIKI on ifti- TION TO DKTI IIMINK. MUM AND THE KltJIlT Of fOOCHfJOl Of IM II KNTATK. IN tmk county OOURT Of BOX BUTTK COUNTY, NKltUASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JES9E KENNEDY. DE( EASED To all person Interested hi said estate, both creditors and heirs, take notice that a petition has been Hied herein setting forth that one Jesse Kennedy, then a resident of Box Butte County, Nebraska, died In testate In Richardson County, Ne braska, on the 9th day of December, 1893, and that at the time of his death he w;ib owner In fee simple of March 7th, 1918 tho following described land In Box NOTICE Is hereby given tnat Fran Butte County, Nebraska, to-wlt. cis T. Harvey, of Alliance, Nebraska, The Southeast Quarter (SW) of j who, on August 27th, 1914, made Section numbered thirty-four (34), Homestead, No. 016921, for East in Township numbered twenty-eigni Helf Sec. 17, N NE'.-SW',; entaMish claim to the land ab)Vi (Iff i i 'hi d, before the Register an'l I;river of the l nlt States Land Office, at Alllnnre, Nebraska, on the l'.th dny of April, 1918. Cit '.mant names as witnesses. Otto Staab. of LnntMake. Nebr.. Harvey A Allison, of Moomaw. Nebr , Wilier R. Kent, of Hay Springs. Nebr . William Dllllng, of Alii m ... Nebraska. T. J. O Keefp, ReRister. 878-$-4t-15 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, sons llf Wtl in said estate take notice that a petition has been filed for probate of the last will and test ament of said deceased and for ap pointment of Charlotte Watkins as K utrix thereof, which has been set for hearing herein on April 12th, 1918 at 10 o'clock a. ni. Dated March 21st, 1918 (Seal) Ira E. Tash, "GO ON OR GO UNDER" By Rom L. Hammond (28). North of Range fifty (50), west of the 6th principal meridian, con taining about one hundred and sixty acres (160). NK ,-KW H SEli and SV4 of, actios 20, Township 25 North, Ranee 46 West of. Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention That he was seized at an estate of , to make Final Three-year Proof, to Inheritance in said lands and that ho left as his sole and only helm at law the following named persona, to-wlt: his widow, Minerva E. Kennedy, of Box Butte County, Neb.; James Peter Kennedy, a son, whose address is un known; Ebenexer Kennedy, a son, of Richardson County, Nebraska; Ursu la Tuttle, a daughter, of Box Butte County, Nebraska; William W. Ken nedy, a son, of Box Butte County, Nebraska; Edith Wells, a daughter, of Richardson County, Nebraska; John Albert Kennedy, a son of Rich ardson County, Nebraska; Cora Bole Jack, a daughter of Richardson Coun ty, Nebraska; Mary Ellen Stover, a daughter of Richardson County, Ne braska; Jesse Warner Kennedy, a son, of Box Butte County, Nebraska; Pearle Viola Ellison, a daughter, of Box Butte County, Nebraska all of whom are more than twenty one years of age, and that the above named persona were the sole and only heirs of the satd Jesse Kennedy, de ceased, and that your petitioner here in is a son of the said Jesse Konnedy, deceased, and Is the owner In fee simple of a part of the abovo describ ed lands and derives his title to the name through the Bald Jesso Ken nedy, deceased. The petitioner prays for a finding and decree of the sa d Court of the said County that tho said Jesse Ken- establish claim to the land above described, before The Register and Receiver of United States Land office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 19th day of April. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses; Claud B. Donovan. Ellsworth J. Beach, Herman Bauer, Nels Peder sen, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'Keefe, Register. 880-$-5t-15 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the Co partnership conducted under the name and style of King and Smith, has this day by mutual consent, and the same hereby Is dissolved. The said Martin J. King, member of the co-partnership takes over the busi ness and property of said Co-partnership and assumes all the debts and liabilities of said partnership. Dated this 7th day of March 1918 King & Smith, Martin J. King C. F. Smith NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, March 11th. 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Harry C. Boon, of Alliance. Nebraska, who, on April 17th. 1913. made Home- nedy died intestate, a resident of BoxlH,U(, Entry, No. 015879. for Lots 2 Butte County, Nebraska, on the 9th & s .and SE JCi 22,-Lots 1-2-3-& day of December, 1S03: that no ap- , a,,r 27 & Lotg i 2 & 3 Section 28. plleatlOB for administration upon his I To w nsh 1 p 22 North, Range 47 West, estate has been made and no probate eth Principal Meridian, has filed proceeding have been had and thatlBoUee of intention to make Final the sole and only heirs ft law of the ,ne,-y, ar Proof, to establish claim eaid dece: .ed. at the time of his to th ,and ftboV(. fttaortlMd, before death were his widow. Mlnnerva .Rsgtater and Receiver of the United Kennedy, of Box Butte County. No- states Land Office, at Alliance, Ne braska; James Peter Kennedy, a son. braska, on the 18th day of April, address unknown; Ebenczer Kennedy I igig a son; Edith Wells, a daughter; John Claimant names as witnesses: Aioeri Kennedy, a son; t orn uote-, Victor E. Covalt. James II Roe. jack, a daughter; Mary Ellen Stover, a daughter; all of Richardson Coun ty, Nebraska; and Ursula Tuttle. a daughter, William W. Kennedy, a son; Jesse Warren Kennedy, a boii; :nd Pearle Viola Ellison, a daughter; all of Box Butte County, Nebraska, all of whom are more than twenty one years of age, and that the widow was entitled to a dower Interest In said lands, and that each of the above named children w.:s entitled to an undivided one-tenth share or interest, in fee simple, subject to the dower Interest of the widow, in the estate of the said Jesse Kennedy, deceased. You are further notified that the time and place fixed for hearing on said petition has been set for the 15th day of April, 1918, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. at the County Court room. In the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. Dated this day of March, 1918. (Seal.) Ira E. Tash. County Judge. Lee Basye, Attorney. Pub. Mar. 14-Apr. 11-Inc. 88421884-5t-15 NOTIOE FOR PUBIilCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska, March 6. 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Allen L. Conklin, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on December 22, 1914, made Homestead Entry, no. 017076. for Lots 1-2-3-84 NE4-SE NWVi-SE14-E4 SW4 and SW4 SW. Section 4, Township 23 North. Range 50 West. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Henry VV. Sagemiller, James P. Murphy all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'Keefe, Register. 8843-885-4t-$-15 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Watson, deceased: To all persons interested in the estate of Sarha Watson, deceased: Y'ou will take notice that on the 16th day of March 1918. John T Watson Administrator of the estate of Sarah Watson filed in said court his final account as Administrator of said estate, and that said account will be for hearing on the 15th day of April. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Court Room in the City of Alliance, in said County; and you are required to appear at tho time and plaee above named and show cause, if any there e.b why saiO ac count should not be allowed. It is ordered that said Administra tor give notice of the time and place of said hearing, to all persons inter j ested in said estate by causing this order to be published In the Alliance I Herald a newspaper printed and cir culating in said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said hearing. Dated March, 16, 1918. (Seal) Ira E. Taoh County Judge. L. A. Berry Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Graham, deceased, in the ( M r. Hammond was a member of a party Of I i Itl.'HIl uhn UL'Ilt I.. I . . I . ill.. Ill t'l i Prnmtv T micro "'' ainl leturred about Ue'.vinbor 1. UI , county Juuge t(l(s ,iumbr fe wele mamirs of Con- 8848-890-4t-16 tfreajH The party wre guests of the Brtt I Ish. French, and KelKiun Governments I nnu'li of the time anil weie .noiti'd o , reiiroHentatives of these ( lovernments up OTI K .ml down thf battle lltifs arid were shown , i u,i . u I iu umIi h the nianv other official courtesies. Mr Ham- Sealed Mils H1 be recevea m . , BUb,tah.r , ,.. ,,..u. ,, Trl. City of Alliance Nebraska up to 8.00 weekly Tribune of Fremont, Neb., and Is p. m. April 9th Itll for the erection 1 Tnt toe') nKa,,1,nu of a eoni rets itaek for the city Light and Water plant capable of taking ;ne of from 600 to 650 horse power boilers. Plans and specifications are in the hands of J. E. Hughes Supt. of Water and Light Dept. City Hall T. P. Rolfson, City clerk (Seal) Premier Lloyd George never coined a truer epigram than that "We must go on or go under." How the war ia "going on" can be understood, even in part, only by those who have been near to it, which privilege I recently had. That it is the most colossal tragedy in human history is tiroved h a dance at anv NOTICE phase of it. ft ftled bids will be received by the' Americas part In the struggle is be- t ry of Alliance, Nebraska up to Pwihmu ramus America cn- H on m vr.ril l.h I9IK for h.. Aim. " avo"' 't- Autocracy is running 1n of a 16 inch well, approximately 200 feet deep. Plans and specifica tions are now in hands of J. E. i i m .. Glint ,.f ".ir.- nnil T itrhl urs.i- o, .JU,,. , w. U'F" ., !,, ,,, , -!,., I "ti tuc ui affH LI U ill n uiog i ova ,. Jaw a blood is dripping. We and it Rolfson City clerk .,..., Uv tn h mJVA (n-olhnP I have seen England, France and Fair Weather. "Fair today," said the morning pa per, and you started blithely on the Picnic, only to find that clouds soon overed the sky and cast a shadow ver your spirits, besides spoiling the pfMpeda for snapshots. Then pea hurled imprecations, perhaps, at the weather man. But, hold on maybe he wasn't so much at fault as you think. We learn that "fair," as Med by the veather bureau, doe not necessarily ineaO blue sky and sunshine. Strictly -peaking it is applied to "a period vlthoiit rainfall in excess of o.Ol inch." and "is used In forecasts solely to de note the expected Absence Of a measur able amount of precipitation" (say thai all in one breath!). So next time the promised fair day taflM out tO be cloudy, give the weath- r man the benefit of the doubt. lie has troubles enough ! WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE "Omaha'i Fun Centre" HQ RESTRICTION IN rtAJTHURJ FOR FALL The council of defeat at Wash ington has requested all manufactur ers of men's and boys' clothing to observe certain recommendations in making clothing for the fall season There are to be no flaps on pockets, no belts or cuffs on coats. In addi tion to this the length and size of all clothes made are to be cut down overcoats are to be knee length only, ulsters no more than four Inches over knee length, the sweep of these coats to be cut down. BIG CONFIRMATION CLAM AT HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Brand New Show Ever? Week not avoid it. amuck and we Itand in its road Either it stalks triumphant over all J that we have been taught to hold sacred and dear or we and those with Dept. City Hall T. J. (S.ai) NOTICE TO OEFKNDANT Eugene Woodruff, defendant, will take notice that on the 28th day of March. 191S, Ira E. Tash, county Judge of llox Ilutte county, Nebraska, Belgium battling th the beast. Now my own country Is sending its men into the fray and the effort and the sacrifices that are being made abroad will soon be witnessed here. We may not see here the actual fighting. Let iseuea an orner or attachment ror the UH hope not. But we cannot escape sum of 117.00 in an action pending the other appalling features. before Qim ernerelO Anna Ottaway IS England la vindicating her tradl plainttlT, and Eugene Woodruff, de- ( (j0ns and her ideals. She is not fight fendant. that property of the defend-ling for territorial expansion. This is ant. consisting Of money in posses- by no Beans as vital or essential to sion of the Chicago. Burlington & ,her as is proof of the binding nature Quincy Railroad company, has been of her compacts. The preservation attached under said order. i of Belgian neutrality drew her into Said cause has been continued to the struggle For this her soldiers the 21st day of May. 1918, at 10. are battling and her great navy is o'clock a m. Dated April 8th. 1918. ANNA OTTAWAY. Plaintiff. By S. W. HENRY. Her Attorney. 9165-895-3t-19 steamed up ready for the master stroke; for this her women are work ing in field and factory and are pour ing out their merciful ministrations lu innumerable hospitals. France is Baking the great sacri fice. Paris, which sets the styles for the world, is wearing black as a sym- Me- bol of sorrow, and the world is adopt j ing it, for all the w orld is mourning. F. I an Parle and France, though in tears. NOTICE For PUBLICATION Deaprtment of the Interior V. S. Land Office at Alliance, braska. April 4. 1918. Notice is hereby given that Wortli Jones, of AUXlliarj Remount n0. wi,hout hone. Thev are look Depot. Camp Funston, Kansas. Who, It., suerl. forward to victory, when j the invading Huns are driven from ; French soil and the lost provinces of i Alsace and Loriaine will be restored on October loth, 1914. made home stead entry, serial. No. 016,981. for west half of section It. township '.' 1 mirth Mttea 1 7 iviigt ,if . h P Vl.iriil- ian. has tiled notice of intention to 10 ,1,H,r rll,tIul wnt' lne co,n Bake final three-year proof, to estab-1 of ,he American troops has given isli claim to the land ahoy describ- them new courage, with unexampled ed. before Captain Howard C Oale. bravery they are holding the line un detaobBeni commander at Camp til the strength of America can be PUttSton, Kansas, on the l"th lay Of I burled against the foe. The republic Ma) 1!1S, ami the testlBon) Of tholatiU echoes with the wild acclaim witnesses w ill be taken before the j glven to General Pershing and his ex register and receiver of the I'nited ,.,n,l,.,,irv inr(.p it will ho a michtv mines liiiiu oiiice, .Miiauce, .NeorasKa MUSICAL FXTRAVABANZA Cltan, Clattr Entertainment. Evtrybodi Seat; Art Anitoodr. LDH DIME MATINEE DAILY DON'T GO HOME SAYING t I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY Bishop Duffy, of Grand Island, con ducted confirmation at the Holy Rosary church last Sunday. A large number of children and adults were confirmed. As the bishop conies but once in three years, there was a very large attendance at the church for every service of the day. Many church members from neighboring towns came in to he confirmed and to hear the bishop. on May 13th. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses Roy Coats, of Broadwater, Nebr. Percy Beagle, of Alliance, Nebr. Joeepb Coralt, Of Alliance. Nebr. Henry Sacemuller. of Alliance. Ne braska. T. J. O'KEEFE. 88T.0-894-r.t-19 Register. LANDS IX) tiisk for the I'nited States to measure up to French expectations. Riding as I recently did up and down the whole battle front in France and Flanders, I saw much of the suf fering France has heroically endured. Her ruined cities and towns, her de vastated territory, her dead soldiers, her outraged women, her tortured children, all cry out for vengeance. Every reported atrocity of the Ger man army is true, and very much more. I got much, evidence from eye witnesses of unspeakable barbaritiea. RESTORATION OF ENTRY To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby iriveti that ntata of the resurvey of townships 22 and A the waters of lhe 8,eV?n 8e8 can 23 north, range 46. we. of the 6th,never wash away ,ne foul staln8' P. M., approved November 14. 1917.' ln Uelglum. at a reception given by and received January 18. 1918. will ,nS m Brand WhitiocK wnat wora couia De taken back to the people of America. He said: "It ia difficult to put it in a word, but this is to be said of the be filed in this office on May 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and the lands em braced In sections 6, 7. 18. 19, 30 and 31 of each of the said townships will be relieved from suspension of May 11. 1907, and opened to entry. By T. JX. O'Keefe, register. J. C. Morrow, receiver. Failing to lend your money to the government, you will be compelled to give. Ruthless taxation will supplant feeble lending Taxation will reach you. THE AMATEUR GARDENER Final Three-year Proof, to establish ( County Court of Box Butte County, claim to the land above descried, be- i Nebraska. fore Register and Receiver of the U. j The State of Nebraska, ss: Credit S. Land Office, at Alliance Nebraska, J ors of said estate will take notice on the 15th day of April, 1918. that the time limited for presentation Claimant names as witneaces: and filing of claims against said Robert R. Roddish, George H. Haga-! estate is July 22nd, 1918, and for the man, Alex Underwaad, Herman Rehd- payment of debts is March 21st. 1919, er, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'Keere. Register. 879--4t-16 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, March 6, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Sey mour J. Van Buskirk, of Longlake, Nebraska, who, on May 14, 1914. made Homestead. No. 016733, for NWi4 NE4 and NE4 NW4 of. Section 23, Township 27 North, Range 46 West, of the 6th Principal U . .4 , n haa AIaH ,i , , X I , i . f intent 1 1 ill mri umu, uD utvu u'v " j t! make Final Three-year Proof, to ' that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on July 22nd, 1918 at 2 o'clock p. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated March 21st, 1918. (Seal) Burton & Reddish, Ira E. Tash, County Judge Attorneys. 8849-891-4M6 I- . feSSaet I Germans: they disregard every senti ment of honor and integrity, every thing we hold sacred and dear. They have violated with utter impunity every agreement I have ever made I With them." The conclusion from this and a flood of other like testi mony is that "we must go on or go under." No compromise or settlement with the Hohenzollerns will be more than "a scrap of paper." The United States has one supreme duty at this hour. That is to furnish the money and the man power to defeat the arch enemy of liberty and of the peace of the world. THE WOMAN ON THE DOLLAR. It Is generally conceded that women speak their minds freely. The woman on every American dollar that goea toward buying Liberty Bonds will be able to talk eloquently to the whole world. NOTICE OF H FAKING In the Matter of the Estate of Is the Man lost In the Jungle? Sh-h ! TL. t is no Jungle; that is the Man's Garden and he is looking for the Rad ii s. Will he find Them? No chance! SAVE Liberty irAM ERICA Richard H. Watkins, deceased, in the. The neighbors' chtekettS Dug Up the County Court of Box Butte County,' seeds Fifteen Minutes after he planted Nebraska. j them. Well, anyway, the Wejd Crop The State of Nebraska, To all per- I a Gruud Success. LIBERTY BONDS Be m. S ookkolder in Yams Own G. Try this recipe for Crullers and Doughnuts you can help save the Nation's fats when you use Mazola for deep frying MAZOLA Mazola is a vegetablt oil pressed from corn It is the ideal medium for deep frying, saureing, or shortening, because it is not only economical it gives auch splendid quality. Crullers and Dough r.uts S -i ?l? and sinter tc:pnoi nutmeg and cinn "j c ipi hrrad flour 1 cap aucar 1 cup tour milk 2 tablespoons Maznlj Hi''.' teaspoon baking soda Sift all in ingredients etrepr soda 3 times. Be- eggs, add milk, and I and Mazola. pour on dry ingredients. Mi reL. cjrn on floured board, roll or pat in inch . and let stand a lew auoutc w riae. Cut and Irr in hot Mazola. Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, quart, half gallon or gallon tins. And ask for the free Mazola Book of Recipes, cr write us direct. Your money relundcd it Mazola docs not give entire satirlactioo. Cora Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place, New York Selling IttprewaUtiret Cartan&Jefrcy Co. I Gm.-V:, Nebraska l Wrf aW Catarrh and Bronchitis and Cold in the Head Recommend PE-RU-NA Those who object to liquid medi cines can secure Peruna tablets. Mrs. Rosa A. Kiss, 318 Clinton Place, Kansas City, Missouri, writes: "I was very sick with Catarrh and Bronchitis. I also had a cold In the head. I used Peruna and am well pleased with the results. It has done me a great deal of good. I do not need any other medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one who is troubled with catching cold frequently or any one who has a chronic cough or chronic catarrh. Those wishing further particulars concerning my case may write me. Be sure to enclose a stamp and I will answer." Hotel Fontenelle OMAHA Built By Nebraskans For Nebraskans make THE FONTENELLE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN OMAHA. UNFAILING COURTESY AND SERVICE SEEM TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE 330 ROOMS-330 BATHS D A TWC I ONE F UK SON KA 1 BS TWO PERSONS $-'.00 to 14.00 S3. 00 to $6.00 Munagtrntnt H. Edgtr Gregory . . . Soft Drinks and Beverages BEVERAGES ON DRAUGHT AT ALL TIMES Order a case of 36 pints sent to your home. De livery made anywhere in Alliance. Rebate for re turn of cases. Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Lunches. KING'S CORNER JOHN HODGK1NSON, MgT. Distributors for Bridgeport Bottling Works