ALLIAWK HERALD. TH I'KmDAV, A PHIL II. I01H THE ARMY and THE NAVY Communications will be answered promptly, ing news each week. Interest Army Rid Navy Department, Alliance Herald Can an enlitded man, who has minor children, whoso custody has beB awarded to their mother, but to whose support tie is paying B part of his pay. take out war ksk insurance In favi r of other creditors, or will it In cas. of his death, be paid to the children? C. M., Kushville, Nebr. A. Payable only to a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother, or lls ter, an 1 not assignable or subject to claims f creditors or insured or bene ficiary. Editor. A. & N. Dept. a - ..! Vmrtf 1 L i i , Li i i i . n I I MIS .11111 . 1 V I ' , ' I i ' i i ' i I ' . Alliance Herald. Would you please Rive me a record of the time the 22nd U. S. infantry put in foreign service. H. A. B., Antioch, Nebr. A. Write to the adjutant general, Washington. D. C, for the foreign service of the 22nd infantry. Ed lor A. & N. Dept. Army and Navy Department, Alliance Herald. Has Sergeant Frank Scctt, at Al- j liance, Nebraska, authority to send letters to American citizens which! read as follows: Your name hr.s been given us as a young man, single, without dependents and no excuse for not being a soldier. Will you be kind enough to advise this office by return mail whether this is the case or not, so that our rec ords in your case may bo com pleted, and a notation made that you are a soldier or a man who declines to fight for what is right and his country. H. M. If., Crawford, Nebr. A. Sergeant Frank SoV is doing his duty as a soldier should and his authority in sending out circulr.r let ten furnished him for that purpose by the United Strtes pove nment is beyond question. Editor A. & N. Dept. Army and Navy Department, AAltance Herald. My son enlisted April 7, 1917. when will he be discharged? Mrs G. H. D., Mullen, Nebr. A. Your son will be discharged April 6. 1924. but he may be p'.aced on reserve after three years service, if the country is not at war. Editor .A. & N. Dept. o Army and Navy Department, Alliance Herrld. My son enlisted in the Third U. S. Infantry June 29, 1917. Hov7 long must he serve? G. M. Hemlngford, Nebr. A. All men enlisting after May, 1917, wore enlisted for the period of the war. All men enlisting now can not enlist for any longer period than the war. Editor A. & N. Dept. Army and Navy Department, Alllanc II raid. Tiascongi M passed a law un nting ..Houghs to enlisted men to work on arms. D. u. B. Minatude. Nebr. A. Congr ss has not yet passed I aw granting furloughs to enlisted it-n for fan work, although such a 11 bus beer introduced. Editor A. & N. Dept. ARMY AND NAVY NEWS NOTES The soldiers and s iiors Insurance law provides for the re-education of disabled tiehters; the government recognizes that If a man is so wound ed as to Impair or destny his earn ing power it Is the duty of the gov productive place in society, 0 A solder holding, a $10,000 gov ernment insurance policy will re ceive, if disabled. $87.50 per month for life, and more than this if he has any dependent relatives. o An enlisted man in active service has no necessary personal expenses except for barbt-r and laundry. Uniforms underclothing, shoes, hats, quarters, medical attention and subsistence are supplied them at gov ernment expense. Such material as tobacco, postage, confections and incidentals of indi vidual taste may be purchased at the post exchange at cost. Six hundred and seventy-two men in the Omaha district between the ages of 18 and 21 and 31 and 41 volunteered their services and were accepted for enlistment in the vari ous branches of the army during the month of March. This is 130 men more than were accented during the month of February. Tlir latest amendment to the se lective draft law will require all youner men who have reached their twenty-first year since last registra t!on for the draft to register on June f next. After registering these men are no longer eligible for voluntary enlistment. o The different colors of hat cords worn y soldiers on their campaign hats designates the branch of the ser vice to which the man belongs. Here they are: Infantry, blue hat cord Cavalry, yellow. Field artillery, red Coast artillery, red. Quartermaster corps, huff. Engineer corps, red and white. Medical department, maroon and white. Signal corps, orange and white. Ordnance corps, black and white. Commissioned officers in every branch of the army are. distinguished by a black and gold braid worn on the campaign hat. New York, April 3 The govern ment has taken over the entire out put of the "Bull Durham" cigarette tobacco manufactured by the Amer ican Tobacco company at the com pany's factories at Durham, N. C, and will dolTOtS it to the needs of the American troops abroad, it was an .. tunned here today It was stated the government will pay the same price for the goods as domestic Job ben have been paying o Washington. April 3. Henry Ford of Detroit, came here today for con ferences with officials of the war and navj departments with the report thai his plant now Is turning out Something like 2.000 Liberty motor cylinders a day. Ambassador Sharp at Paris de scribes the havoc wrought by the FridayGei man long range gun on Oood Friday, in a crowded church in Paris: "At no oilier time could the destruction hive been SO great, the Brent church was crowded with wor shippers, the shell struck the ma sonry of the church, the large boa? stones falling inward and crushing out a hundred lives, besides WOUnd' inu thai many more. The SCene was thai of some horrible shambles and it was not until well into the night thai all the bodies were recovered. Among those killed was the secretary of Switzerland, who was Just leav ing the church when the shell struck, ten minutes more and the shell would have only damaged 'the church as the services were just over." The appalling destruction wrought by this shell, has not in all probabil ity, been equalled by any single dis charge of a hostile gun in the cruelty and horror of the results. The quick er that a nation that employs such tactics is mercilessly ground into the dust the better it will be. All airplanes manufactured in the United States for the army and navy will bear a red white and blue bull's eye of three concentric rings, similar to the insignia on the allied planes, on the wings and vertical red, white iind blue stripes on the rud ders. The first Henry Ford submarine chaser, the Eagle class, will be launched at Detroit in June. The Ford plant will turn out one chaser per day for a few months. Increas ing the capacity to three a day be fore July. At our present rate of expenditure it will take us eight years to get as badly in debt as Germany Is right now. o Three Americans were overpow ered by twelve Germans in No-Man's land last week the Germans cut their throats from ear to ear. This act was witnessed by a wounded sergeant who was thought dead. The Ameri cans of that section have put a razor edge on their bayonets and swear to avenge the dead. Rheumatic Achet Drive them out with Sloan's Liniment, the quick-acting, sooth ing liniment that penetrates with out rubbing and relieves the pain. Always have a buttle in the house for the" actus and pains of rheuma tism, gout, lumbago, strains .sprains, stiff joints and all muscle soreness. Gcneroui lUed bottles. ZSc. 50i-., 'J. One Policy of "THE HOME OF NEW YORK" recommends another "The Largest Fire Insurance Company in America The Home gs New York home Office: No. 56 Cedar Street ELSRIDGE G. SNOW, President RESOTfES INVESTED IN AMERICAN SEri-RITIES One Hundred and T weuly-Ninth Semi-Annual Statement Januarv, 191$ CASH ASSETS $14,0 4 8,65 1.58 CASH CAPITAL 6,000,000. Jir LIABILITIES 25.04.401.00 NET SURPLUS OVER LIABILITIES IMMtSS&SP Surplus as regards Policyholders, $19,001,250.58 FIRE AND ALLIED BRANCHES OF INSURANCE Fire, Lightning, Automobile, Explosion, Hail, Marine (Inland and Ocean), Parrel Post, Profits and Commissions, Registered Mail, Rents, Sprinkler Leakage, Tourists' Baggage, Use md Occupancy .Windstorm, Full War Cover FARM PROPERTY AND CROP DAMAGE INSURANCE A SPECIALTY WESTERN FARM DEPARTMENT: Lesch & Cornell, Managers Chicago, I1L ACE NTS IN CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND ITS POSSESSIONS AND IN CANADA STRENGTH REPUTATION SERVICE SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF FAIR DEALING WITH POLICYHOLDERS LOSSES PAID SINCE ORGANIZATION OVER $187,000,000 PROMPT ADJUSTMENT AND PAYMENT OF LOSSES rMnom imfoim internationaIi SUNMrSuTOOL Lesson (Hjr RKV, V li tl I'SWATMll, D. D., Tesi-hsr ol l.n .! Kittle In tin Moody BJIbtt Institute of rhlt'Hgu.) (l opyrldht, 11I. WsStvrn N wipapor t'nlon I LESSON F0o APRIL 14 JESUS REQUIRES CONFESSION AND LOYALTY. LM0ON TEXT Mark 1:1MB, OOLDBN TBXTWhoaoever will oom after mt, hri hhu dun hlnwelt, mid tk up his oroSS, mi. I follow me Murk 8:S4. DEVOTIONAL It KADI NO! -Itomani 10:8-10; Hebrews Itll II II ADDITIONAL !v tTRRIAL FOB TEACHERS ! IS-f?; f,, a l'UIMAKV AND .11 NIOIt TOIMC- Jesus mid tlir mind Man, LEMON MATERIA I, M.irk a KM. PRIMARY MEMORY VERSE n, hath done all thltiKn well Mart 7 37. TBS ttflM him n. corns fr Ji'KUl to take account of his ministry, Hav ing bees, rejected i the rulers, lit pjossj lota retirenieni with his dtsctptssj His primary object in his tcmhiin (luring this tlnM Is prepare the .11 olplt's for the trai. .! of the cross, which In know v. so in nr. Ills leeching lathers m mnd Un greet cardinal doctrines 1 the Christina faith. He Instruct hem touching his person, atoning death, resurrection mill glorious cousins sgaln. lie knew thai in the measure that they Intollk gnrtly apprehended these things tin- would he sbls to pass through the ordeals before them, The smut' is true today. Mho clcaflx appro hcini the Divine Person, the vicarious atonement, the glorious resurrection, himI second coming of Christ, are an disturbed bjr the world tragedies of the present hour. I. Peter'e Confession of Christ (vv. 27-M. Two question! Ol Christ provoked this confession : 1. "Whom do men say that I am?" (vv. U7, -2H). This question referred to the opin ions of the people regarding Jesus. Some believed hlin to be John the BaptlSL some Klljuh, and some one of the prophets. They all recognized him to he a teacher or prophet with more than human authority and power. To day, as then, there is a diversity of opinion m mug people os to Jesus Christ. Some thluk that BO was only a man, others that he was a great teacher, hut nothing more. Jesus was not content with this DcknowlodgmenL Had he been sutlsli. d with this, he would not have been molested in Jeruselemt for the i mu willingly ac knowledged him as much more than a human teacher. 2. "Whom suy ye that 1 am?" (vv, 29, 30). II. Jesus Tesching Concerning the Crosi (vv. 81-88), Christ charged the disciples not to make pnblic his M -inhship, as that would precipitate 1 1 j - crisis. The dis ciples needed much instruction yet to prepare them for the crucial hour of 1 he cross. as . 1. What he tuughi (v. 81). (1) "The Son ol Had must suffer many things." lie suffered physical weariness and hunger, ridicule and contempt, ami even mis understand I ng ami lack of ap preciation on the pint of his friends and disciples. (2) "He rejected of the elders, chief priests and scribes." These were the nation's official rep resentatives, the very ones who should have known anil received Christ and recommended his reception n the part of the nation. Truly, he came to his own, and his own received him not John 1 :11. To be rejected by one's own friends and relatives Is doubly painful. (8) "Be killed." This announcement was startling to the disciples. The; had not yet come to realise that red. iptlon was to be accomplished through the pa salon ami the cross. Jesus now Mates with deflnlteness ami certainty thai lie must die mi the cro - This uecoaslty was due primarily to the fact that it was the divine purpose to make the death of Christ the hear! and or,- of the atonement ; ami also, to human hatred mid opposition (4) "Rise again. " ThougltthU was utterly liicninpj . hetisible to the di-cipcs. be BUOW8 them that this would lie the glorious Issue of his death. III. The Coet of Disciplethip (v. 14). The law of th Christian life i Mlffeilig. To folio . CbrlSl means to turn one's hack Bpou the vorlil. To repudiate the worM means to Incur flic hatred of the World To be t'liris UanS, therefore, means to share Christ's sufferings. 1. There must be denial of s. If (. ). This means the sufferings and lhatns which lie in the path of loyaltj to !oii. To live the godly life mtsitl suffering (2 Tim. 3:11'). 3. Christ must be followed (v. 34). This means to have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5y and to perform the service of Christ. IV. The Issue of Diecipleehlp (vv. Bvat), The Messed issue of following Christ Is a life of freedom lu re ami now, and eternal life hereafter. Such sacrlrice enriches the life that now is, and pre pares for the enjoyment of the life which la to come. To harter the fu ture life for present enjoyment Is most f'Millsh, for the of life are fraught with eternal leasee. Those who refuse to follow In Christ's foot steps shall be separated from hlin at his glorious appearing (v. 38; compare 2 The. 1:7-10). Are you prepared when the call shall cornel Put on the Bevo Glasses when you set the table for the bite you've prepared for the gueste of the evening. As a suggestion for a dainty lunch: Crrnm rhrese nnd chopped olive sandwiches (on brown , Dill pickles, Shrimp salad. Ice cold Itself a nutritive drink. P'vn m ikes nn appetizing nn.l 8ehghtfUl addition to any meal- hot or cold, lijjht or heavy. B(vu the all-year-'rovind soft drink. So. in fcnfftoi only mn1 SSWJSel mrtuiivtj- by ANHFUSFR DltSCH ST. LOUIS KING'S CORNER Alliance Distributors for Bevo Ml The Linden Hotel Palm and Palm, Props. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Try Our Popular Price Lunch Room and Coffee Shop All Modern Conveniences Rooms $1.00 Up Under New Mnnngement -j- Political Headquarters Dray Phone 54 Dye & Owens Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly end -1 - a . n i i sit rt w 1 ltAINor JcirX W U U & solicited. Residence Phone 636 and Blue 574 Professional Cards C. E SLAOLE, M D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65. Res. phone, 52 Alliance, - - Nebraska J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books In Box Butte County Office: Km 7, U(tera House Block V ' ' f r L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 302 V Box Butte Phones: Office, 362; Res. 16 "Let Me Cry For You" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and (General .Sale SMtlalUl and Auctioneer FA1LM SALKS A SPKl IALTY I nn- lteaaonuble Alliance. t l'.-.on.- 664) Nebr. Geo. J. Hand, M. D ASTHMA and HAY FEVER Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat PHONE 257 Calls answered from office day or night. Professional Photographer (JSjaHt Portrait!, Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlarging all Styles M. E. tillKBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE AHT STUDIO Phone Red 16 5 J. JEFFREY, D. O. Ph. O. A. O. JEFFREY. D. O. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours. 10 A M to 8 P. M NEW WILSON BLOCK Harness Hand Made from Beat Material. Outlast any Factory Made Goods. Can and 8ee. Harness Repairing by Experienced Harness Maker i. M. COVERT At M D. Nichols' Stand, Alliance DR. D. B TYLER DENTIST PHONE 161 Over First National ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attoraeyst-Lw Office: First National Bank BUg. PHONE 18 Alliance. - - Nsbraak L. A. BUST LAWYER Pbooe S. Boons 0 Ruine Nabraaka