The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 11, 1918, Image 11

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    Lloyd's Column
A man sidled Into 8i' shoe parlor
the other day nnd wanted to buy a
pair fii No. 11 rubbers. SI was so
astonished that he roared out:
"You'll have to go over to the livery
barn, we don't sell elephant shoes
here." "Well," said the customer,
"where can 1 get a pair?" "You'll
have to go to a dru store, they han
dle all kinds of rubber poods."
UoytVi vIiiiihi
Miss Slieriilan went down to the
First National bank to cash her
monthly check. As it happened Mr.
Minor was in harue of the window.
He took the check and turned to the
stack of bills near the window. These
wero old and musty looking, and,
Brad, 1 now inn the young lady's aver
sion to germs, said: "Now Miss
Sheridun, I just hate to give you
these ld bills, as they may have mi
crobes on them. If you will wait
until ti morrow we can give you some
brand now ones that are coming in."
"Oh," raid the young lady, "those old
ones are all right; no microbe could
live on my salary."
Mojd's Column
The representative of the state
farm at Lincoln distribjuted some ad
vertising by the free air route last
Wednesday, when some bills he was
carrying caught by a gust of hot air
emanating from around Fifth and
Hox lUitte, were blown noisily
hrougli the crowd listening to the
patriotic address near Brennan's
corner. Everybody now knows how
to make cottage cheese.
Lloyd's Column
The Big 'un: "What have you done
to show your pc.trltlsm?"
The Little 'un: "What have I
lone? I bet I've sold more flags and
patriotic buttons than anyone in this
Lloyd's ( 'id ii mn
Camouflaging is one horror thpt
the women cant' hold the Germans
entirely responsible for.
Lloyd's Column
Wife: "I want to show you my
Economical Husband (winking one
eye): "Waste? There should be no
waste in these war times."
In the Chadron election last week
Mayor Donahue was re-elected by a
large majority. The rate increase
asked by the Inter Mountain railway,
light and power department was re
jected. The voters ruled in favor of
the Sunday picture show.
Get out that last year's spring suit
and let us make it look like new.
KKKf-i'-N EAT. Phone ISA
The county schools throughout Box
Butte county are now closing rapid
ly. Many of the schools hold only-
short terms- seven or eight months
and their time has expired.
County Attorney Lee Basye made a
trip to Rushville on Sunday, attend
ing court there Monday and return
ing to Alliance Monday night. The
case in which he was interested there
was in county court.
Fat Cattle 10-25c Higher; Top
Beeves $15.25
Modrate Run of Sheep and Lamba
Oanaral Demand Broad and Prices
Steady to Stronger All Round
Boat Lamb Bring $20.30 Feeder
Oradoa In Good Request.
Union Frock Yards. Omaha. Neb..
April 9. The week opened out with
mortarate run of cattle, about 7,900
bend, nnd a 10'25c advance In prices
all along the Hue. Choice heavy
boaves acored n new high top for the
anion. $15.2o, and hulk of the trad
lug w-ns nronnd 14.00, Cows
nnd hellers were also active at steady
to stroncer prices. Best feeders
ruled tirm with light weights weak.
Quotations on cattle: Good to
Cholee beeves, IM.OO01SJ6; fair to
good heeves, $12,000 lfltflO ; common to
fair beeves, $1 1 .00 li!.'.: ; good to
choice yearlings, $1125011.78 J fair to
good yearlings, $10.000 12.00; com
mon to fair yearlings, $!).00 10.00;
good to cholee heifers. 1000OlaQ0i
good to choice cows, sin mi a 1 ' '-'" .
fair to good cows, $8.7.".75 ; can
ners and entters, $7000000 ; real
calves, $9.000 18-00; bologna bulls,
$7.70 S.75; I f bulls. 9.250 11,78
prime feeders, $11.00013.20; good to
choice feeders, $10.0001100; fair to
good feeders. .H."()9.5) ; good to
cholee tockera, $90001100; fair to
good Mockers, 88.600928; common to
fair grades, 87.0008.28 : stock heifers,
$8.00010.00; took cows. $7JD0O900;
tuck calves, 88.80011.80.
Hogs a Shade Stronger.
Receipts of hogl were rather liberal
for a Monday, 10,000 head, and tin re
Was a vigorous demand from all
classes of buyen for thetn, Trices
ruled steady to 8 higher than Satur
day. Topi brought fMJ.90 as against
$17.10 on last Monday, nnd bulk of
the trading was ut $1000010.75 as
against $10.0001880 I week ago.
Sheep and Lambs Stronger.
A very fair run of sheep and lambs
for a Monday showed up, 10,800 head,
and under a broad demand the market
ruled active with prices steady to
stronger all around. Beat lambs,
Mexicans, brought $2000, and any
thing at all desirable In the way of
killers sold at last week's figures.
Quotations on sheep ami lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, $19.50020.65;
lambs, fair to g I. $18.50019.90
lambs, heavy weights, $182501000;
lambs, feeders. SI S.00 10.30 ; lambs.
Shorn, 810.000 10.03; spring lambs.
$20.00025.00 ; lambs, culls, $14.oo
18.00; yOrrltnga, fair to choice, $1040
17.00; wethers, fair to choice. Sl.'t.oO
14.73; ewes, fair to choice, $14.00
15.03; ewes, breeders, all ages. $14.30
020.701 ewes, culls and farmers,
$u.0o 10.50.
All Baking
comes in. all baking
troubles take quick
lpavp Ynn en ritrht
ahead and mix up bak
ing materials, for biscuits
cakes anything without fear
of uncertainty. Calumet makes
you forget failure.
is the most popular because it does give
most perject results. It nas the hiu
west because it is the must de
pendable. The fact that it is the bin
geat seller proves that it it the best.
Atrial win convince you inai mere in
nonOustasRood." Buyacan if you
are nut aatwied take it uacn ana
get your money back.
Calumet contains only auch ingre
dients as have been approved
officially by the U. S. Food
Yl UT vrbcn l.i bar it.
Yo Mf c wkta f u it,
Dave Williams and company will
present "Ota Olsen.'' comedy -drama,
in three acts to Alliance people. In j
I'helan opera house, one night only.'
Sunday, April 14 It Is the runniest .
Swedish comed ever written and we,
are sure our show will please you 1
The biggest comedy hit of the season
and don't miss seeing Ole. the funny
Sw ede.
Reserve your seats, which are on
sale at Halston's drug store. Prices
2r.c. ."..v. 1 0C, We pay the war tax
News Items
D. W Ilut'.er iraj an Alienee vla
Itor Sund.ij between trains.
Discovered Qoldflelda.
It was In the English town of dis
port on October 0, bS10, that Kdinund
Hammond Hargravao, Um discoverer
of the Australian goldllelds. was born.
He left Bnfiaaad for Australia, nnd
Australia for California. The scenery
of the American goldllelds was 80
similar to that of the Australian IHui
mountains that Hargnives argued hold
ly. "(told here, therefore, gold there."
Afommlssionership and 10,000 w as the
reward of a generous government Mar
graves hail really been anticipated by
Smith, who nbout 1849. offered the
government the secret, but It refusal
to buy In the dnrk.
Clarence I. yen wes an ist bound
Bg M nger Siitim'.r y (,n 44 for Bridge
port for met! examination
M Lag Charloite Katen in over
nicht Visitor with fr.ends Saturday,
returning to her home In Alliance
Sunt'ay on 44.
Mrs Russell Miller and little
nephew. Itoy Na itleschnel.ler, return
ed Friday from taaeo, Ntbr. , grhf
they have been for the past uu et'i
VtaltlQS relaties
Mrs. Kate lliiekman canie up from
Alliance the latter part of last week
to see her mother, who Is seriously
W. K. Walker and Luke Phillips
went to Alliance Saturday to play
with the Alliance drum corps for
their Liberty day celebration
passenger Monday morning for Ther- George Carroll has been under the
monoltt, Wfa . where he has gone to doctor's care for the paat Week Of
take treatment for rheumatism. ten days.
A. M Miller made a business trip
to Alliance Monday.
Miss Marnaret RltMofl came up
f otti Alllanre Sunday for visit
with her pnients here.
Milton DtvOborS and .lack Walker
were In Alliance Saturday between
t rains.
Mrs Prank BlltOtl and daughter,
MIim Joacla, were .vnianre iboppen
Saturday between trains
Mr;. Fred MellCtl returned Suinl i
from the e: s!irn par! if the state,1
wher she baa be- n for the paat six
wee!: visiting he.- parenls.
Mr and Mrs M Mutton were Al
liance visitors between trains SatUf"
Mr I'ruden. a brother of Will
Pru4ea, C n.e on 41 Friday I nrning
rrom Aiizonn, where he has spent the
winter He aag on his way to Phil
lip. S I)., to visit his parents, after
Alma he will Join his wife In Den
ver and go to their home In southern
Mr and Mrs. Garvey, who hare
spent the winter In Florida, return
ed to this place the tlrst of the week.
Their main friends are pleased to
have them a k imiin.
Elmer Vaughn wan a west hound
Bd wiiii y from Torrtntrton, Wo .
is lu re vlsitinn friends and attending
tii Imuln.iutj m illaro
Mr. Bowser Is mnvinir his family
from their home in the country to
their fine D9d residence In town.
Mrs Menr Rose is seriously 111
at thin writing,
Mick Be Tan, : farmer resident of
this county but for the paat two or
threo years of Colorrdo Springs. Col.,
arrived here Sunday to attend to
business matters Mick is the same
Jovial ch; p of farmer years
Mr. and Mrn Herbert C:.rter came
from Missouri tho first of the week
and intend to make this their home
Word From Brer Williama.
"Pay as, you go" Is u mighty good
principle, but deprlce has got yon
goln' so fast you des throw 'em de
money an' holler: "Keep de change f
Atlanta Constitution.
Attorney Smith, of
was in the city Monday.
The demand for houses in Chadron
bids fair to rival the demand here in
The third Liberty Loan will be suc
cessful. The reason is because it
must be.
Mrs. AJ Sieffert left for Ottawa,
Mis., Monday night. She expects to
visit with her parents and friends
at that plai a.
Take a glass of Salts before breakfast
If your Back harts or Bladder
bothers you.
The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trouble,
because we eat too much and all our food
is rich. Our blood ia filled with urio
acid which the kidneys strive to filter
out, they weaken from overwork, become
luggish; the eliminative tissues clog and
the result is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead ; your back hurls or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three times
during the night; if you eulfer with sick
headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid
stomach, or you have rheumatism when
the weather is bad, get from your phar
macist about four ounces of J ad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneya will then act line.
This famous salta is made from the acid
of (Trapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been' used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidnevs;
to neutralize the acids in the urine so it
no longer is a source of irritation, thus
ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive-, cannot in
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia water beverage, and belong in
every home, because nobody can make
a mistake by having a good kidney Hush
ing any time.
Thursday, April 18, 1918
284 Head of Stock 284
53 Head of Horses
14 Head of Brood Mares, all broke to
work, including several well match
ed, pairs.
1 Registered Grey Percheron Stallion.
1 Registered Shire Mare.
1 Standard Bred Saddle Mare.
1 Gelding, 4 years ld, 1250 lbs.
2 CJood Sgddle Horses, well broke.
14 Head of coming Three-Year-Olds.
H Head of coming Two-Year-Olds.
10 Head of coming Yearlings.
1 Registered Shire Stallion, coming 2
years old.
1 Registered Shin- Stallion, coming 1
year old.
This is an exceptionally well bred
bunch of horses, and idg'boiii i Stuff.
Buyers who have bought horse from
Mr. Overton know this grade of tr'l.
230 Head of Cattle
180 Head of Cows, ranging ffoni 2 to
7 years old.
An exceptionally pood herd of Dur
ham cows, 50 of then will have ogives
by their side.
100 coining Yearlings, vi!l fcv l ' ' i".
1 Dane Stacker, almost new.
:! Swe'-ps. 4 Mowers, 2 Rakes
2 Wagons, one a new Weber, driven
144 miles j 2 feed v Sgons.
1 new gssoline Engine, 1 34 hp.
Several sets good harness and collars
1 Cultivator, 1 Harrow. 1 food Sgddle.
1 Kerosene barrel.
1 lias. Ii irner and 2 tons of hard OOSX
1 Maj. stic Cook Stove ; 1 Oil range and
other articles too numerous to men
tion. 50 TONS OF HAY
TERMS: Sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount credit of 6 months' time will be given on bankable paper bearing
8 per cent interest. Everything to be settled for before being removed.
THE TWO HARRYS, Auctioneers
HARRY P. Coursey, Alliance
HARRY C GOLDEN, Broadwater
Alliance National Bank