ALLIAM L lll.H4.LI. THI ItMtAY Ml(. II UM. IIMN. WRIGLEY: Six reasons & WWX J I friend: JHT 1 Steadies nerves Mm 2 Allays thirst Hf 3 Aids appetite MSf 4 Helps digestion jfiy 5 Keeps teeth clean JPjS 6 ifs economical fiSKagf 7. f .K w . 7 DESERVES PLACE IN HISTORY William Billings of Boston Head the List of American Compoaera of Music. America' first composer of nny note "lis Willlniii BUttngSi who NM liorn in Bnstnu, October 7, 174(1. In bis youth lie wits ii (miner, lull ii love for music led him to liecome a teacher of slnt; liiK and ti composer of psalm tunes, which eventually found their way Into every church rhcl r of New BnftMd and htfOH TMl favorites with the people. He puhlishcd no fewer than six col lections of tunes, all founded upon the new school of religions music then Coming In VOgttS in Rogtand. Their contrast to the dlSTOSl old turns pn vlously In use naturally gave them an Immense popularity; and, in fact, they effected n musical revolution In nil the English colonies of America. They were far from being perfect In melody am', harmony and would be considered very crude today, hut the composer displayed an originality approaching genius, nnd hail he oti.loyed the educa tional advantages' open to composers of today his compositions would doubt less have possessed a permanent value. Chew it after every meal r'T'-m easts ' ass ss as sasss fs! Seagoing Jitney. In Los Angeles an electric car met a Jitney bus with disastrous results, and among the passengers who wen' called upon to give testimony was a "Jackie" from the monitor Cheyenne. His letter to the claim agent follows: "I was staudiiig ou the starboard forecastle of the car when the gaso line cutter hove In sight off our port how. We were making IS knots, am. the cutter was coming about the same along another channel. It was clear weather und not much ground swell. "Our chief engineer blew his siren and reversed bis propellers, but he couldn't heave her to In time to keep from ramming her. There wasn't even time to get out the life preservers or found the emergency call. We smashed iu a couple of the little craft's com partments. Her captain stuck to his post. The jitney went down like a submarine. "I think the cause of the wreck was that the Jitney's binnacle light was .mt." KlectWc Hallway Journal. The Lindell Hotel Palm and Palm, Props. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Try Our Popular Price Lunch Room and Coffee Shop Ail Modern Conveniences Rooms $1.00 Up Under New Management Political Headquarters A POWERFUL AID When you feel sluggish and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declining strength and your system positively needs the special nutritive food -tonic in SCOTTS EMULSION -m& to replenish your blood power, enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity of good health. Scott' Emulsion supplies Nature with the correct liuilcling-food which is better than any drugs, pills or alcoholic mixtures. The. Norwegian cod liver oil in Scott' Emulsion is now refined in our own American laboratories wbicb makes it pure and palatable. Scutt a Bowne.Bloomfield.N J. 17-16 sm MAZOLA This pure oil from corn for shortening and all general cooking improves food quality and saves an'mal fats. IT has taken American ingenuity to solve the fat problem to find a practical, u holesomt vegetable oil for shortening, deep frying, sauteing something that will enable us to save butter, lard and suet. The result ii Mazola a pure, wholesome oil refined from golden American corn. Mazola has taken the place of the old cooking mediums because housewives find that it gives more afctisfacton results. And since Mazola is u vegetable oil it makes it easy for them to follow the plant of i'cod Administrator Hoover. Maaols If economical not one single drop is wasted it can be used over and over igain as it docs not transmit Uste or odor from one food to another. Get Mazola from your -rocer in pint, quart, half-gallon or gr.llon tins. The large sizes give greatest economy Also isk for the free Mazola Book o Recipes or write US direct. Yuir mur.ry refunded if Maz"'a duet not five entire aatis'lrtion. Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place New York I Seae laUbrsa Cartsn&Jeffrey Co. 0aa, Nafcratka IffrT' m. J I onepinF1 mpiTk,eW K3 WM atW aatP'H IrlGy-f BjB 1 Hw 12lillLa4ssBWsMls3 INPIOVED UNIPOIM INTERNATIONAL StmSQWOL Lesson (By B. O. SRLI.EftR. Acting Mrsctor of the Sunday School Course of the Moody Bible Institute, t hlcsiro ) Copyrlht, ?!. Western Nrwapaprr fnlnn 1 LESSON FOR MARCH 31 JESUS OUR EXAMPLE IN SERVICE GOLDEN TKXT- Let this mind be In you, which was also In Christ Jesus rhll. ::5 PRIMARY TOPIC JeettS our example In hPlplnu Othei I MKMOltY VERtB Follow tne.-Matt. :. KASTKR I.KSRON. I.KHHON TRXT 1 Cor. lR:rV-58. OOLDRN tkxt -Thanks ho unto nod who (rtveth uk the Victory tlirouKh our Lord Jesus Christ I Cor. 15:56 (Bead Phil 1:111.) A gront nuitiy Stititliiy schools will probably ootlt the review lesson nnd devote Ike day to sons special Bsstei f ISTCleeg, This practice we ennnot wholly condemn, bat We would urge every school to devote some time to n consideration of the lesson text. Review Sunday In dreiided by ninny superintendents, but It Is n test of knowIoilRo nnd skill In teaching, ns well ns the character, of work done dur ing the past three months. Some Oedema Blble-scbool tenchlng by eesjparlnf it dispnrngingiy with Hint of the dny school without tnklng Into conslderntlon the difference be tween paid nnd volunteer teexhera, the limited time devoted to study, disci pline and other (MlaTM, It I" mani festly Hnfalr to JodfS the Sunday school by the some pedaflOfllcal stiind nrds an nre applied to our public schools. The Sundny school donls wth splrittiul realities nnd not nlone with niornl Issues. It Is ii wonderful tes timony to the blessing of (lod thnt With such mentrcr equipment, trnlnlnv nnd time nt our disposal, the results of Hie Sundny school nre so wonderfully effec tive in the Christian development of our country. With religions eduention legislated out of our public-school sye tern, almost entirely neirlected In our homes, nnd not one family In five or rIx connected with the Christian church, this sunirests condition snvor ItiK of cultured paganism. This otiKht not to discourage the Sunday-school worker, but rather challenge him to greater concentration nnd more val iant endeavor. If n review Is desired, summnrlzo the lessOM by Sllowlng twelve classes or twelve persons to ench bring In a brief digest. Lesson 1 gives us the testimony of John the Baptist concerning the one "mightier" than himself, "whose shoes he wns not worthy to unloose." Les son 2 shows the Impeccability of ,ie mis. In thnt he was "tempted In nil points like as wo are, yet without sin." Lesson 3 reveals him as the holy one of Ood. with power over undent) spir its nnd other sicknesses. Lesson 4 snows US Jesus ns Savior who hoi power on earth to forgive sins. If he be not the Son of Qod the worship of Jesus is nothing less than paganism or idolatry. Lesson 5 shows us Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath. Lesson 6 as the Son of God. nut only in liis healing power but In Ills authority over un clean spirits with power to delegate that authority to others. Lesson 7 shows Jesus as the great teacher who will bring forth abundant fruit and eternnl life. Lesson 8 shows the mar velotis germinal power of the divine seed. Lesson 9 shows Jesus ns the Son of fiod, whom even the winds ami the sen must obey. Lesson 10 show-; us YeeiM as the Son of Qod with power over death. Lesson 11 shows us Jesus ns not only hnvlng authority over un- tiean spirits, but possessing power to Imparl that authority to others, while Lesson 12 shows us his compassion upon the Washepherded multitude, ami the exercise of his divine creative power In feeding litem. Of course such a review will be rapid ami perhaps Incomplete, but it will BhOW Hint Jesus mceU every sltu lltlotl and that his grace Is sutticlent f"r all the conditions of life. It will also show that his words communicate vitality to socletv hut that their ef fectiveness depends upon the response which is accorded to them. If a test Is required of the pupils, n set of questions covering the work of the quarter should be prepared and given to them a week in advance, from which a half dozen might be se lected for written review during the Class hour. This Is no theoretical plan. The writer knows of many San day schools where written reviews nre being successfully conducted. The Holy Land where Christ lived, suffered, died nnd rose again, has re cently been captured from the control of the Ottoman empire, und current history Indicates the probable early establishment of a Jewish stute In this land of prophecy. LOOKING FOR A VICTIM gsMssf A Christian on his knees can get a clearer vision of lo-uven than a sin ner can with a telescope. The first law that God gave unto man was th? law of pure obedience for as much as to obey Is the proper office of a rutlonal soul. Montaigne. "It U only when tomorrow's bur den Is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than we can bear." An Inconsistent Chrlstluu Is no evi dence that the Bible is not true. lie w ho keeps close to God will not be close with God. The .l"Hy Auto AgeOl Is looking for ii Victim. If you want a nice, long .loy Rlde, ask him what kind of a Car he Is selling. When you get back from the Hide, you will own the Car. The Auto Agent Is a Public Henefuctor because lie Makes people spend their Money to jhow them Selves a Good Time. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a gnus of Baits to Bosh Kidneye if Bladder bothers you - Drink lots of water. Eatina meat rpffularlv Tentuallv ducoR ki'lary trouble in some form other, arty a a well known authority, be cause tlio uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they bscoaBs over worked i get Slnegish) clog up and mime all aorta of ilinlir. pnrtiruhrly backache nnl mis ery in the kidney region; rketinStls twin ges, M'M-re headaches, acid .! ai.ici., eon Stipe ilea, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bin Ider and tirinnry irritation, Hie moment your back hurts or kid' BSTI aren't noting right, or If bladder trotliera you, get about four ounces of .Tad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tahleHpoonftd in a glass of water In-fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This farnoua salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with li'hia, and hns lieen used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so It no longer irri ' tes, thus ending bladder disorders, id Salts cannot injure anyone; kes a delightful effervescent. UthiaV " ucr drink whieh millions of men and) women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney discs . FOR SALE-Triumph Seed potatoes, all have been sorted once and a part recently. Also some flax seed, 50 bu. white navy beans, stack of wheat grass hay. LIVE STOCK-A Registered Hoi sten Bull and some Holsten cows that are coming fresh soon. 480 acre im proved farm. Write or see Eugene Rosenberger, Hemingford, Nebr. sBesa " " .... Dray Phone 64 Dye & Owens Transfer Line 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS I) moved promptly and ?,Vy TRANSFER WORK a nl 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 Residence Phone 636 and Blue 674 ' Professional Cards i j C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Hurgeon Office phone, 66. Res. phone, 62 Alliance, - - Nebraska L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Hurgeon 302 V Box Butte Phones: Office, 362; Res 16 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County Office: Kin. 7, Opera House Block "lt Me Ojf For You" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock und (ieiiral Sales Specialist und Auctioneer FARM SAI.KS A SPFt IALTY Terms Beanotinblc Alliance, (Phone 664) Nebr. Geo. J. hand, M. D. ASTHMA and HAY FEVER F)-e, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 267 Calls answered from office day or night. Professional Photographer (jualit) Portraits, Intorlor and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlarging all Styles M. B. (iREBK, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 I. JEFFREY, D. O. Ph. O. A. O. JEFFREY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours, 10 A. If. to 8 P. M NEW WILSON BLOCK Harness Hand Made from Best Material. Outlast any Factory Made Goods. Call and See. Harness Repairing by Experienced Harness Maker i. M. OOVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand, Alliance BURTON ft REDDISH Attorneya-at-La w Office: First National Bank BUg. PHONE 180 Alliance. - Nebraaka DR. D. E. TYLER DENTIST PHONE l3 Over First Nation) Bank ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA L A. B1PET LAWYER Phone 9. Room ti Rumer Ailiaaee. - - Nebraaka