The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 21, 1918, Image 2

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    AI.I.IAN4 K HI i: li ii. Till IIMDAY MAIU M 91, IfflR.
Notice in hereby jtlvon thai hy vir
tu of n chattell inoitpapt1 dnted June
tth, 1917 and duly fil.-it in the office
of Count) ( Ink. Bo Butte County.
Nebraska, on the 16th day of June,
1917. executed hy C HlumTKtiiff and
Wife, Mm C. Blfgorstaf, to V K
Roberts, and Riven to seur- the i:i
ment of one. promissory note for the
uni of Btva htnxlr. il MVeat) live dol
lars ($675.00), ;ind Interest thoivon
t the rate of ten per cent, and due
Mix montliH after date of .liine Klh,
1917. and upon which there ia now
la Tnttle. a dauKhter, of Box Butte
County, Nebraska; William V. Ken
nedy, a son. of Box Butte County,
Nebraska; Kdlth Wells, n datiehter,
of Hlchardson County. Nebraska;
John Albert Kontn'iy.'ii son of Hlrh
ardson County, Nebranka; Cora Bole
Jack, a daughter of RlCbkrdMIl Coun
ty, Nebraska; Mary Kllen Stover, n
daughter tf Hlchardson County, Ne
iir.iska: Jesse Warner Kennedy, a
son. Of Box Butte County. Nebraska;
Pcarle Viola Ellison, a daughter, of
Boa BtlttO County, Nebraska all
of whom are more than tweiit
one years of age, and that the above
due the mii in of five hundred and MflUfd persons weir the sole and only
eventy-llve dollars ( S 7 r. .00). and In-1 heirs of the said JOOM Kennedy, de
terest at the rate ;it ten per rent, per CeiMd, and that your petitioner here
unnuin. from DecembeT, 1317, de- in is a sop of the mtd J mm Kennedy,
fault h.-vinu been made in the pay- I dOCOMOd, and Is the owner in fee
ment of said sum and no stilt or oilier i simple of a part of the above dOtcTlb
prot eedingn at law having been insti- ed lands and derives his title to the
tuted to recover said debt or any part
thereof. I will sell that part of the
property therein described follows;
1 Evans Player I'iano (Arllats
model )
2 1'lnno Benrhea
61 Plnyer Piano Records
1 Ashland Talking machine
7 RecordG for same
1 Library table
1 Standard Sewing Machine
8 Rocking chairs
1 High chair
6 Dining Room chairs
1 Marion Oak Heater
2 Large rugs
6 Small rugs
1 Carpet
1 Sideboard
2 Bedsteads Complete
2 Dressers
Personal Clothes
Lace Curtains
1 Empire Kitchen Range
1 Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet
2 Mattresses
1 Kitchen Table
1 Dining Room table, extra leaves.
2 Tubs of dishes
1 Boiler of dishes
1 Baby rocker
1 Oil Stove
Table Linen
Bed Qullta
1 Small Stand
1 Electric Iron
1 Ironing Board
1 Carpet Sweeper,
being the household goods of the said
C. Blggerstaff and wife Mrs. Blgger
stftff, located at 619 Toluca Ave., Al
liance, Nebraska on the 6th dny of
April, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. at the Ware House of the
Snyder Transfer & Storage Co. locat
ed at 205 Box Butte Ave., Alliance,
Dated this day 13th day of March,
F. K. Roberts.
Lee Basye, Attorney.
' 8841-883-4t-15
To Charles W. Sanger, Defendant):
You are hereby notified that on
the 6th day of September 1917, Min
nie A Sanger filed her petition a
gatnst you in the District Court of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to ob
tain an absolute divorce from you,
and for the care, custody control, and
education of her minor child, Eva L.
Sanger, on the grounds of desertion
and non-support. Plaintiff does not
know the residence or address of De
fendant, and has been unable to as
certain either after reasonable and
due inquiry and search continued for
three months since the filing of Bald
petition. The District Court of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, has ordered
notice by publication herein.
You are required to answer said
pettltion on or before the 8th day of
April 1918, or your default will be
taken and the cause proceed to trial.
Dated February 19, 1918
Minnie A. Sanger,
By Burton & Reddish,
Her Attorneys.
To all persons interested in said
estate, both creditors and heirs, take
notice that a petition has been filed
herein setting forth that one Jesse
Kennedy, then a resident of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, died in
testate in Richardson County. Ne
braska, on the 9th day of December,
1893, and that at the time of his
death he wus owner in fee Bimple of
the following described land in Box
Butte County, Nebraska, to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter (8W4) of
Section numbered thirty-four (34),
in Township numbered twenty-eight
(28), North of Runge fifty (SO), west
of the 6th principul meridian, con
taining about one hundred and sixty
acres (160).
same through the said Jesse Ken
nedy, deceased.
The petitioner prays for a finding
and decree of the sad Court of the
Kaid County that the said Jesae Ken
nedy died intestate, u resident of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, on the 9th
day of December. 1893: thut no ap
plication for administration upon his
estate has been made and no probate
proceedings have been had and that
the sole and only licit M law of the
said decensed, at the time of his
death were his widow, Mlnnerva E.
Kennedy, of Box BlUte County, Ne
braska; James Peter Kennedy, a son,
address unknown; Ebenexer Kennedy
a son; Edith Wells, a daughter; John
Albert Kennedy, a son; Cora Bole
Jack, a daughter; Mary Ellen Stover,
a daughter; all of Richardson Coun-
.i i . mm . ...
i, ineu.usKa; ami Ursula 1 little, a
daughter, William W. Kennedy, a
son; Jesse Warren Kennedy, a aon;
and Pearle Viola Ellison, n daughter;
all of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
all of whom are more than twenty
one years of age, and that the widow
was entitled to a dower interest in
said lands, and that each of the above
named children w.n entitled to an
undivided one-tenth share or interest.
In fee simple, subject to (he dower
interest of the widow, In the estate of
the said Jesse Kennedy, deceased.
You are further notified that the
time and place fixed for hearing on
said petition has been set for the 15th
day or April. 1918, at the hour of 9
o'clock a. in. at the County Court
room, in the city of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska.
Dated this day of March, 1918.
(Seal.) Ira E. Tash.
County Judge.
Lee Basye. Attorney,
Pub. Mar. 14-Apr. 11-Inc.
Department of the Interior. U. S
Land Office at Allience, Nebraska
March 6, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that Allen
L. Conklin, of Alliance. Nebraska
who, on December 22, 1914. made
Homestead Entry, no. 017076, for
Lots 1-2-3-S NE,i-SEV4 NW'4
SE4-EMi SW4 and SW SWVi.
Section 4, Township 23 North. Range
50 West, 6th Principal Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final Three-year Proof, to establish
claim to the (and above descried, be
fore Register and Receiver of the U.
S. Land Office, at Alliance Nebraska,
on the 15th day of April, 1918.
Claimant names as
Robert R. Reddish, George H. Haga
man. Alex Underwaad. Herman Rehd
er, all of Alliance. Nebraska.
T. J. O'Keere,
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Offleo at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 6. 1918.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Sey
mour J. Van Buskirk. of Longlake.
Nebraska, who, on May 14. 1914.
made Homestead. No. 016733. for
NW4 NEV4 and NE4 NW4 of,
Section 23, Township 27 North,
Range 46 West, of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three-year Proof, to
StabUah claim to the land above
described, berore the Register and
Receiver of the United States Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
l'th day of April, 1918.
i. mant names as witnesses:
Otto Staab, of Longlake, Nebr.,
Harvey A Allison, of Moomaw. Nebr.,
Walter R. Kent, of Hay Springs,
Nebr., William Billing, of Alliance,
T. J. O'Keefe,
Beach. Herman Bauer. Nels Peder
sen, all of Alliance. Nebraska.
T. J. O'Keefe.
- Register.
An Ordinance to regulate, restrict
and prohibit the manufacture, sale,
glvlai away, barter, carriage, posses
ion and use of malt, spirituous, vin
ous, ali Moiii and intoxicating liquors;
ftXlaf penalties for ciolations and re
pealing of ardinancea of the City of
Alliance, in conflict, herewith.
Be It ordained by the Mayor and
Council or the City of Alliance, Nebraska
See. i The words, "intoxicating
IquOra" as used in this ordinance,
shall be construed to embrace all
aalti fermented, vinous or spiritous
Iqoore, wine, porter, boor, ale or any
D toxica ting drink, mixture or prepar-
ktlOfl of like nature and all malt, or
brewed drinks, and all mixtures, or
reparations. Whether patented or not
which will produce intoxication, and
n addition thereto, such liquaia of
a different character and not herein
before enumerated capable of use as a
beverage containing over one-half
percentum of alcohol. Natural per
sons, unincorporated associations of
persons, partnerships and corpora
tions shall be deemed persons. All
forms of the pronoun "He" shall be
held to stand for persons as herein
lefined irrespective of gender.
Sec. 2. The term "private dwelling
house" shall mean a seperate dwel
ling with a separate door for ingress
and egress excluxive of outbuildings,
and use exclusively as a private resi
dence and not connected by doors or
otherwise with any place of business
except doctors', Dentists' and veterin
ary Burgeons' offices and not connect
ed with any factory, shop, warehouse.
dub. or other place or building. The
term shall include a room or a suite
of rooms actually used as a residence
in an itppartment house or block sep
arated by walls from all other rooms
in such building and without any
door or other opening whereby a
communication may be had with
other rooms except doors entering
into the main hallway.
Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any
person to manufacture, sell, keep for
sale or barter, give away, barter, ex
change, transport, purchase, or to sell
or barter under any pretext, any
complied with the laws of the state
of Nebrafka, governing the posses
sion and sale of liquors
shall have compiled with the laws of
the state of Nebraska, goverlng the
possession and sale of liquors.
Sec. 8. Any person, who shall by
himseir or through his agent violate
any or the provisions or this act, shall
except where another penalty Is
otherwise expressly provided, be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall, for the
first offense be fined the sum of not
less than one dollar and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars and shall
pay the costs of prosecution, or shall
be committed to the City Jail until !
such tine and costs ot prosecution are
paid, but not ror a period exceeding
thirty days.
Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of
ordinances, of the City of Alliance,
Nebraska, In conflict herewith, are
hereby repealed.
Passed and approved this 12th day
of March 1918.
Passed 1st reading 12th day March
1918 Passed 2nd reading 12th dny
March 1918. Passed 3rd reading 12th
day March 1918.
W. E. ROUSEY, Mayor.
T. P. Rolpson, City Clerk.
To Virginia A. Davis, Elizabeth
Beck, Noah Davis, Frank Davis,
Grayce Davis, Kish Davis, to the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, and
to the personal representatives of Wll
liam R. Davis, deceased, and to all
other persons Interested in the es
tate of William R. Davis, deceased,
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 13th day of Feb
ruary, 1918, the plaintiff, Occidental
Building & Loan Association of Oma
ha, Nebraska, filed Its petition in the
District Court of Box Butte County,
Nebraska, against the above named
defendants, for the purpose of fore
closing a mortage executed by I. S.
Glidden and Susan E. Glidden in fa
vor of the Occidental Building &
Loan Association of Omaha, Nebras
ka, dated January 9, 1912, convey
ing Lot One Hundred Thirty-Beven
(137) in Belmont Addition to Alli
ance, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, with all the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, as security for
Tlie Pneumonia Season.
The cold, damp weather of March
seems to be the most favorable for
the pneumonia germs. Nov is the
time to be careful Penumonla often
results from a cold. The quicker a
cold Is gotten rid or the less the dan
ger. As soon as the first indication
or a cold appears take Chamberlain's
Coueh Remedy. As to the value of
this preparation, ;.sk rnyone who has
used it.
Tells How To Get Quick Relief
from Bead-Colds. It's Splendid 1
Tongue Ti for Diamonds.
Many diamond experts claim that
they nre able to teU n raise from a
real gem by simply touching the arti
cle with Die ii,, ril lnnm it
Is said that a genulie diamond ulways
eels noticeably (older than a paste
malt- spirituous, vinous and intoxi- th Payment of a promissory note in
I t li., oiim ,,f !.',,-., II,,., 1 1 Ik .1 i . .
eating liquors, except only certain ,u;u'" "u"u" u myumtm,
medicinal, mechanical, I " " wa8 nieu ,or re"
cora in me urnee or tne Kegister of
Deeds of Box Butte County, Nebraska
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 7th, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that Fran
cis T. Harvey, of Alliance. Nehraska
who, on August 27th, 1914, made
Homestead, No. 016921, Tor East
Half Sec. 17. N NE4.-SW4
NEi4.-NWi SEU and SW4 of,
Section 20, Township 2 5 North.
Range 46 West of, Sixth Principal
Thut he was seized af an estate of i Meridian, has filed notice of intention
inheritance in said lands and that he to make Final Three-year Proor, to
left as his sole and only heirs at law establish claim to the land above
the following named persona, to-wlt: described, before The Register and
liquors, for
scientitls or sacramental purposes by
persons specially authorized In the
manner and to the extent only as
hereinafter provided. It shall be law
ful, however, for any person to make,
keep, or sell sweet cider, unrerment
ed wine, wood alcohol, and denatured
alcohol, and nothing herein contained
shall be constructed to prevent the
bonaflde manufacture and sale ot
Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful ror any
person to, In any manner, knowingly
carry, transport or deliver any intox
icating liquor to or for any person to
be kept, stored, sold, rurnlshed,
given, traded or otherwise disposed
or in violation of law.
Sec. 5. If any person shall be found
in a state of intoxication, he shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
any Police officer shall without a
warrant take such person into cus
tody and detain him until a complaint
can be filed berore a magistrate and
a warrant be issued Tor his arrest;
upon arrest If found guilty he shall
for the first offense pay a fine or not
less than ten not more than fifty dol
lars and costs of prosecution, or shall
be imprisoned in the City Jail not
less than titteen days nor more than
thirty days; for a second or any sub
sequent offense shall be imprisoned
In the City Jail not less than thirty
days nor more than sixty days; pro
vided, the judge or magistrate before
whom such person was convicted may
remit all or any portion of such pen
alty and order the prisoner discharg
ed on his giving information under
oath, stating when, where, and of
whom he purchased or received the
liquor which produced or contributed
to his intoxication, and give bond in
the sum of not less than fifty dollars
to appear and testify against the
party selling, giving or furnishing
the liquor which caused or contribut
ed to his intoxication.
Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any
person to have, possess, or ptermlt any
intoxicating liquor to be in, upon or
about any room, office, building or
in any other place except In such per
son's private dwelling house, and ex
cept when and where and in the man
ner expecially authorized as herein
otherwise provided; and no person
shall keep or possess intoxicating
liquor in his private dwelling house
in an amount more than is reason
ably sufficient for his personal use
and needs; Provided, however, that
in any action brought under the pro
visions or this ordinance, or based
upon complaint of any violation there
of, the possession, in and of itself, of
any intoxicating liquor in a private
dwelling house by the person against
whom the violation of the act is
charged, shall constitute prima facie
evidence that such liquor was kept
by such person with the purpose of
unlawful sale, use or disposition in
violation of law.
Sec. 7 Hot tors, dentists, churches
his widow, Minerva E. Kennedy, or ; Re. eiver of United States Land office, and host.itals shall be allowed to have I
Box Butte County, Neb.; James Peter
Kennedy, a son, whose address is un
known; Ebenezer Kennedy, a son, of
Knhardson County, Nebraska; Ursu-
;it Alliance, Nebraska, on the 19th
day of April, 1918.
Claimunt names as witnesses:
Claud B. Donovan, Ellsworth J.
in their possession a reasonable
amount of liquor to be used only for
medicinal or sacramental purposes,
and then only when they shall have
on the 18th day of January, 1912,
and recorded in Book 27 of Mortga
ges, at Page 208.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, 8th,
day or April, 1918.
Occidental Building & Loan Associa
tion of Omaha, Nebraska, Plaintiff
By E. H. Westerfleld
Burton and Reddish Its Attornevs.
8833 5t-875-12
Sealed bids will be received up to
6:00 p. m. March 25, 1918 for One
(1) 250 horsepower water tube boil
er and one (1) two-stroke Single
acting deep well pump, 200 ft head.
Specifiications are on file in the
Office or the City Light and Water
Bids must be accompanied by a
certified check or $100.00.
The city has the right to accept or
reject any of all bids.
T. P. RoHson. City Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the Co
partnership conducted under the
name and style or King and Smith,
has this day by mutual consent, and
the same hereby is dissolved. The
said Martin J. King, member of the
co-partnership takes over the busi
ness and property or said Co-partnership
and assumes all the debts and
liabilities or said partnership.
Dated this 7th day of March 1918.
King & Smith,
Martin J. King
C. F. Smith
Department of Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 11th, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that Harry
C. Boon, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on April 17th, 1913, made Home
stead Entry, No. 015879, for Lots 2
& 3, -and SEVi Sec. 2 2. -Lots 1-2-3-&
4 Sec. 27 & Lots. 1- 2 & 3 Section 28.
Township 22 North, Range 47 West,
6th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, berore
Register and Receiver of the United
States Land Office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 18th day or April,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Victor E. Covalt, James H. Roe,
Henry W. Sagemiller, Junies P.
Murphy all or Alliance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'Keere, Register.
Ordinance No. 219, Section 21.
calling for the tubercular test or all
I milk cows, of which thir milk is sold
n Alliance, must be complied with
In one minute your clogged nostrils
' will open, the air pannages of your head
I will clear and you can breathe freely,
j No more hawking, snuffling, blowing,
i keadach, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing ercam in your nostril. It jwmi
etrfiteg through evcrv air passage of flirt
j head, soothes the inflamed or swollen
: mucous membrane and relief conies in
stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
j with a cold or ua.sty catarrh Relief
comeg 8o quickly.
jSMfi Catarrh and Bronchitis
IT atirl fVllrl Mrs Rosa A K,88 31& Clinton
jf 11U Place, Kansas City, Missouri, writes:
PlMft WUjm iL,, "I was very sick with Catarrh
L iff Wm UlG and Bronchitis. I also had a cold
9,4fcJ3H ln he head. I nsed Peruna and am
WhIHyI HfftJir wel1 Plea8ed wita the results. It
f I ACV1 na8 done ma a great deal of good.
wtl'Vy In I do not need any other medicine. I
I BiflSlpF KeCOIIiniend can cheerfully recommend it to any
"-aT one who is troubled with catching
rfc- fJPa W Hfc.T a cold fre(luently or any one who has
mr W i I I mm IXI V a chronic, cough or chronic catarrh.
Mmmf M.Tk. twS A JCmm Those wishing further particulars
concerning my case may write me.
Those who object to liquid medi- Be sure to enclose a stamp and 1
elnes can secure Peruna tablets. will answer."
Hotel Fontenelle
O J hi j
Built By Nebraskans
For Nebraskans
B a tm I ONH PERSON . 12.00 to $4.00
IvA 1 CO I TWO PERSONS . $3.00 106.00
... Management H. Edgar Gregory ...
wiot your real estate loan business,
will make rates and terms to get it.
can put over a loan for any amount
will save you money on your loan,
solicit the opportunity to show you.
Mountain Tours Summer of 1918
The tourist season of 1917 brought more patronage for the Bur
lington's Scenic Summer Tour of the Rockies, Three-Parks-()n-ONE-Tieket,
than ever before.
Glacier, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain-Estes National Parks and
Scenic Colorado are all embraced enroute via The RnHinrtnn'c Tkno
Main Lines.
1 BURLINGTON, Omaha to Denver and Colorado Springs.
2 BURLINGTON, Denver to Yellowstone and Glacier Parks, via the
Cody Scenic Way, with 700 miles of mountain Panorama from
Colorado to the Yellowstone.
3 BURLINGTON, Omaha, Through the Northwest, to Billings, Yel
lowstone and Glacier.
Ask for the Burlington map. Note the geography of its Three
Main Lines, and how these may be utilized for
a summer tour that includes the Eastern slope
of the Rockies, from Colorado to the British
L. W. WAKELEY, General Paasenger Agent
1004 Farnara St. Omaha, Nebraska.
at onco or such action as necessary
will be taken.
Deputy Milk Inspector.
Soft Drinks and Beverages
Order a case of 36 pints
sent to your home. De
livery made anywhere in
Alliance. Rebate for re
turn of cases.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Candies, Lunches.
JOHN HODGKINSON, Mgr. Diitribulors for BridKepore Bollling Works