The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 21, 1918, Image 9

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    Q i l 1 1 Ml I'M III Mil NlimmifMMMHpHP
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Railroad Notes
F. B. Thomas of the Burlington
wifcty Brat department came to Alli
ance from t'hienco Friday. At 11: a.
ni. In Hpokr to employes of the iu' -lianical
department in the "hmk
shop." More than tWO hundere frOBB
the shops, round house and repair
tracks wer; present to hear hJm. His
address was on the subject of "Safety
First," combined with a strong pat
riotic appeal to stand by Uucle Sam
In these troublous times, by sticking
faithfully at the ta3k of Keeping the
condition of railroad equipment up to I
the highest point of efficiency. The j
large audience showed its approval of
his remarks by giving him generous !
applause at the conclusion of the
(From Last Week)
Foreman Stearns of the bridge and
building department now has a feme
f men working on the coal shed ai
ding new bins, this is something tha'
has long been needed aa Alliance
trains going outturn three grades of
coal according to the type or engine.
A new sand house will be built south
of the coal shed with tracks leading
up to it,, this will avoid the outgoing
trains being delayed by cars dried at
Alliance and shipped to outside divi
sion points
The new lockers have all been In
stalled in the engine mens rooms and
lockers are now being assigned by the
engine dispatcher. The lockers add
a great deal of convenience to the
storing of the mens clothes and tools
while out on their runs.
Fireman Joe Hooper returned
Tuesday from a trip to St. Louis.
Ezngineer G. W. Johnson laid off
one trip. Pat Laochi took his turn.
Fireman A. A. Huntley has resign
ed at the Burlington. He left for
Grand Island to enlist In the navy.
Fireman shoafstell who has been
on the switch engine at Kdgemont bid
in a pool tur with Ed Lawrence and
is now back in Alliance.
Chas. Rennau is now day call-boy
;y the round house.
Geo. Dletlein, head clerk in the
master mechanics office Is out on his
ranch at present. His place is being
filed by Wm. La Mon.
The sleeping quarters at tue Fire
Department have all been repainted
and put into tip top condition.
We stated last week that the Had
dorff Music House sold tue "Colum
bia," this was a mistake as they
handle the Aeolian Vocalion. T. M.
Hampe is arranging for another high
grade machine to offer his customers.
The fire department lost a good
member last week when Charley
Weaver, employed at tne 'Q" as a
pipe fitter, enlisted in the aviation
corps; but to the contrary TJncIe Sam
gained a good soldier.
the army.
Maurice Nelson, who has been em
ployed at the soda fountain at Bren
nan's, enlisted last week in the avia
tion corps.
J(M Williams, printer employed at
the times, has enlisted in the avia
tion corps.
Marvin Dickinson, has enlisted as
a welder in the aviation corps.
A complete list of the boys who
have answered the country's' Call by
enlisting at Alliance, is given in this
weeks issue of the Herald.
Lent for Portraits.
Anyone who Intends to do muct
portrnltnre will find It a great help to
get some simple form of stand camera
for the purpose, and fit It with one of
the old-fashioned portrait lenses, which
can usually be picked up second hand
very cheaply. A half-plate lens should
be got for quarter-plate or smaller
work, as this allows one to be further
from the sitter, and so avoids all risk
of wide-angle effects, besides covering
the plate better. In such n case, one
Oi'ght to get definition over the small
plate as good as with a first-rate an
astigmat, extreme rapidity, and at a
very moderate cost. Exchange.
See if Your Diamond is Genuine.
Here Is a test that can be made
when n diamond Is quite clean and dry.
Place on the surface of a diamond n
tiny drop of water. Now take a needlft
or pin nnd try to move the drop about.
If the diamond Is genuine, experts say,
the drop can be rolled Intact. On the
other hand when the gem is an imita
tion the water spreads directly It Is
touched with the needle point.
His Dearest Wish.
The neighbor children were all In
Vited to Hoy's birthday party. As
enoi. child lit a candle on the cake he
Wna to wish for something. Charley
said : "I wish my mother would for
get to tell me I dasn't have two pieces
of cake when I come to your party
"It's difference of
opinion said Mark
Twain'that makes a
horse race."
J It s difference of opin
ion and taste and
condition that
makes the classified
page a most effective
solution of most hu
man perplexities.
J Try a want ad for
your trouble.
Fal Cattle Steady to Strongei
Than Last Week
Sheep and Lambs In Rather Liberal
Supply and Only Fair Demand
Market Slow to 1625c Lower
Feeders Also In Slack Requeat and
Unevenly Lower.
I nion Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb.,
Feb. IP. A fair Monday's run of cat
tie showed up, 8.400 head, and qual
ity was pretty 00d as a rule. DHMUd
from both packers and shippers was
fairly broad, and both beef steers and
cow stuff sold freely at full last
week's stronger prices. Demand for
stockers and feeders was also active
and somewhat higher all around.
Quotations on cattle: Good to
choice boevea, $1L'.(K l.'t.OO ; fair to
good beeves, $10.7.rl 1.75 ; common
to fair beeves, $&809MMK) ; 0Od to
choice yearlings, $ 10.50 11. 75 ; fair
to good yearlings, $11.00 10.00 : com
mon to fair yearlings, $7 .00 11.00;
good to choice grass beeves. Slum,,
11.50; fair to Rood grass steers, $8 JSC
0.50; common to fair grass steers,
$7.50 8.50; good to choice heifers,
$0.00 10.00, good to choice cows. $8.7
9.75; fair to good cows. $7.7508.75;
canners and i;tters, $U.507.50; veal
calves. $0.00 IS 00; beef bulls, $8.5l
10.00; bologna bulls. $7.008.50 1
prime feeders, $10.00911.40; good tn
choice feeders. $0.75 10.25 ; fair to
good feeders. $8.750.50 j good to
choice stockers, $0.50 10.50; fair to
good stockers, $8.0O0.00 ; common to
fair grades. $(1.50 7.50; stock heifers,
$7.500.00; stock cows. $0.5O8.5O;
tock calves. $7.000.50.
A 2025c Advance in Hogs.
Hog receipts were rather liberal.
13,000 head, but demand was keen and
both shippers and packers took hold
freely at prices 20O&0C higher than
last Saturday. Tops brought $1(1.55,
and the bulk qf the trading was at
$10.:i0 10.45, about 70c higher than a
week ago.
Lamba Show More Decline.
There was a liberal run of sheep
and lambs, 17. (MM) head, and demand
was rather Indifferent. Trade ruled
slow and bids and sales ranged from
weak to J5c lower than last week.
Best lambs brought $10.00.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, hundy weight. $165916.60;
Untlbt. heavy weight. $15.50 10.00;
tonka, feeders. $15.00 16.80; iambs;
shorn, $11.50i:L50; lambs, culls
i 10.0O14.00; yearlings, fair to choice.
I $11. 50 14.50; yearlings, feeders
I $12.0001445; wethers, fair to choice
H1.00O18.00; ewes, fair to choice
I 1 1.00 12.00; ewes, breeders, alt ages
$10.50016.50; ewes, feeders. $7.50
i 1U.."; ewes, culls and canners. $5.0C
! 7.25.
want your real estate loan business,
will make rates and terms to get it.
oan put over a loan for any amount
will save you money on your loan,
solicit the opportunity to show you.
Would 8eem Destined to Have Place
In the Equipment of All Auto
mobile Drivers.
An automobile tire tool which Is so
designed as not to demage the inner
i t u 1 e when re
' 1 moving a
C Tax fJa? 444b4s1$1 of twn
AMf n - n parts: a
nRJ straight, i i
kTS able handle, ami
1 an Irregularly
' " shaped bar hav
lug n double curve In Its center. From
one side of this curve extends n large
Irregular hook frotS the opposite side
n small hook. To remove a tire, the
wheel Is Jacked up about two Inches
nnd with the aid of the handle as a
pry, the large hook is worked under
the tire mil II it engages the rim. The
handle Is then Inserted In Its socket
nt the end of the tool and pressed over
against the hub. Ity turning the wheel
back and forth the lower end of the
tool la made to strike the earth repeat
edly, gradually forcing the tire off. To
replace the tire it Is deflated and part
ly put on by hnnd. Then the small
hook on the tool Is Inserted to engage
the wheel rim. By turning the wheel
back and forth as before, the tire la
gradually forced Into position. Popu
lar Mechanics Magazine.
Sir Oliver Lodge's Faith.
" 1 will not believe thai it is given
to man to havl thoughts higher and
nobler than the real truth of things."
No matter what make of battery you use or what car you
drive you will pet prompt, courteous advice, inspection
and attention to your storage battery problems here.
We carry a complete stock of batteries and battery parts
for every car.
Don't Delay Bring 4n your battery today.
W ret road and vulcanize your tires by steam. Makes
them last twice as long. Your tire expense cut to the
All workGuaranteed to be done Right
To Be Correct In Every Respect.
Opposite The City Hall
113 East Third Ft0M 63
m NHB ; IW
Writer Thinks Crowds Are Drawn to
Them in the Hope of Seeing
a Smashup.
How fnr wrong was the autolst who
once remarked that most folk are
drawn to automobile speedway races
by the hope of seeing someone killed?
It Is the thrills It generates; the
science it cnlls Into play or the pleas
ure It affords that usually draw
crowds to athletic contests. But long
distance speedway racing is the one so
called sport that Is almost devoid of
sensations; it is a contest where the
spirit of contest seems almost totally
absent ; a spectacle that provokes no
real excitement after the first few min
utes. It becomes a monotonous thing
to watch long before the end has beeu
And yet year after year thousands
of persons attend these speedway
races. True the major portion of each
crowd witnesses such races for the
first and last time. It comes to see
what can be seen and it never comes
back. Its place is taken the next year
by another "once-but-no-more" crowd.
But there are "repeaters;" some per
sons do go back year after year to seu
l the speed demons in their races against
time ami against death.
Automobile road racing has its
I thrills. Dash races on a speedway
create some real shivery feelings
along the spinal column. Both are
i real contests where the man element
' actually enters; where a race Is a
race. But those 100 or 200 or 300 mile
races around a speedway are nothing
but processions; little more than testa
' of motors and tires; u boresome exhi
bition to an extreme.
And yet there are some people who
attend all the big speedway events.
What draws them there? Was the
man right? Is it thut the morbid hope
of seeing a frightful sinashup urges
them through the gates and Into the
stands? Kxeliange.
By a Whirling Motion Carbon Par
ticles Are at Once Removed
From the Electrodes.
i I altering from an oilier spara plugs,
this new 'device relies on the whirling
motion of the ex
haust gases to re
move carbon par
ticles from the
electrodes as soon
as formed. One
of the electrodes
is shaped like u
propeller, lying
horizontal. The other electrode Is a
round rod in the center of the propeller-disk
elctrode. The guses are ex
hausted from the spark-plug fSCSf
with such force as to whirl them
around and between the two cjer
trodes, carrying ull carbon particles
with them. Popular Science Monthly.
Copper rry
Transfer Line
jMKiBHKBlaBBBBHV V-vv ' --p- -
!) moved promptly and
& solicited.
Dray Phone 54
Residence Phone 630 and Blue 574
This delicious cooking and salad oil
from corn is wonderfully economical
Muzola is a pure oil, pressed from American
corn, for deep frying, sauteing, shortening
and salad dressings.
Mazola (an be used over and over again
it does not transmit taste or odor from one
food to another.
Since Mazola is a vegetable oil it enables
you to follow the plans of the Food Adminis
tration for saving butter, lard and suet. More
economical than the old cooking mediums, too.
Get Mazola from your grocer in
quart, half-gallon or gallon tins the
far pre
sizes are the most economical. Also ask for
the free Mazola Book of Recipes, or write
us direct.
Y"i" motif r 'rlundtd II Maiula 4ni not f itt adr Mtii'tctkm,
Corn Products Refining Co.
New York
f'f" nfl
IftW Vlad BP saaaaaaaaaaaaaS
WavffawS lIBBMBraaaaaMlriHt-
Oauaa, Nebraska
Order Your
Coal Supply Early
It is the wise thing to do
You'll say so this winter, too.
If we could make plain to you the situation, we know
that you would put In your winter' coal supply now.
We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying to tell
you. The car shortage exlata. It way iook to you Uke
everything Is moving, but you'll appreciate what we tell
you when winter comes nnd It may be next to Impossible
to get coal.
We've got coal to sell you today. We've got coal today
to put Into your bin. We can't promise more. It's good
coal and It's a fair price. We urge you to get busy
thing act. It will prove to your advantage.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
P. W. HARGARTEN. Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Laramie Ave.
Anxious to do her bit and make it
the most valuable deed she is capable
of rendering the nation, Miss Lucille
Patterson, a twenty three year-old ar
tist of prominence, is devoting her ar
tietic talent to war work. She ie
shown at work on a gigantic service
potter for the National League for
Women's Service.
Four Pecks of Oats and Four Pounds
of Rape to Acre Will Furnish
Ample Supply of Grass.
Tor hop pasture sow on eucti acre a
mixture of four perks of oats mid four
pounds of rape. Broadcast or drill.
1'he mixture '.s ordinarily ready for
pasture about eifc'ht week after seeding.
Flushing Does Not Remove Scale.
Flushing a radiator and cooling sys
tem docs not remove the Bcale and
slime left there by the water. Tuke
two pouuds of washing soda, dissolve
with hot water and pour Into raduUor
through strainer as It dissolves. When
this is done run the car three or four
hours aud then druiu cooling system.
Do not allow It to cool in radiator.
Theu till with fresh water. If the en
gine has just been overhauled the
pump Is probably in good condition.
This will be shown by heat descending
In radiator. If bottom is cool while
top is hot the pump bus fuiled.
Hissing Valves.
Of COUTM when you hear hissing
that comes from escaping compres
sion you naturally think of valve grind
lug. ftut It does uot alwuys follow.
A small piece of grit may become fas
tened to a valve head surface and pre
vent the vulve from seating tightly,
or a variation stem adjustment by vi
bration may cnuae the valve to seat
Imperfectly, nnd In either cast' there
will be a hissing souud.
The New Government-Irrigated Farms
In the Big Horn Basin, Near Deaver,
Wyoming, are Going Very Rapidly!
Only a few Rood fauns of the Deaver Unit are left. If vou act
quickly you can get hold of one of these for a 1918 crop that will bring
you the highest possible prices.
Excellent Government water right, with water all ready for you.
It is merely up to you to take hold and get under way. The Big Horn
Basin is established; it is on its way towards a rich commonwealth,
with a solid basis of oil, irrigation, alfalfa, live stock and sugar beet
industries. Our advertising matter will show you that we foretold all
this over ten years ago. Government-irrigated farms around Powell,
nearby, are si lling at over 200 an acre.
Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado lands: These are being
sold out from larpe holdings alongside Burlington main lines. Thie
procett is going on steadily through the year. They are excellent for
dairying, wheat-raising, live stock and general
farming and arc the best lauds ot their kind in
the West. Secure my services; they are free.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent,
C. B. & Q. R. R.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska
mmm mam
Try Our Quick Job Printing