ALLIANCE HERALD, THl'llNDAY. FKBIM'ARY 21, 101ft YOUNG BLOOD OF WEST NEBRASKA PATRIOTIC IN ANSWERING THE CALL MANY OP THE YOUNG MEN Of BOX BUTTE AMONG THE LIST Sergeant Frank Scott, In charge of the recruiting station at Alliance for enlistments into the National Army, haB furnished the Herald with a com plete list of the men who have enlisted at Alliance since the opening of the station here on Dec. 1, 1916, up to February 18, 1918. Quite a num ber of the boys enlisted in the last week and are leaving town to-day. This list, with the addresses and branch poind, is as follows: Alliance, NAMES Branch Of Service William H. Hammond Aviation Section George E. Ormsby Coast Artillery Jerry J. Callahan Coast Artillery Jesse D. Rockwell Aviation Section Guy F. Lane Quartermaster Department Elijah L. Lang QuartermasterDepartment Maurice A. Nelson Aviation Section Joseph D. Williams Aviation Section Marvin A. Dickinson . Aviation Section John J. McKemra Infantry Charles E. Cuzick Infantry James W. Arnett '. Coast Artillery Edward P. Ingram Infantry Clifford R. Miller Infantry Merion F. Edmonds Infantry Edward A. Jackson Coast Artillery Harry Paugh Coast Artillery Walter A- O. Hanning Infantry Frank B. Monnon Infant ry Joseph E. Gernhauser Infantry William J. Kohl Infantry Jack E. Wilson Infantry John D. Fitzgerald Infantry Arthur Smith Infantry Alfred F. Simpson Infantry Walter Curtis Infantry Harry E. Killburn Signal Corps Leo M. Schimacher Signal Corps Jesse E. Simpson Coast Artillery Charley Kelly Coast Artillery Harry C. Clark Signal Corps Darrell F. Mahoney Coast Artillery Charles Conway Quartermaster Department John PriesB Field Artillery Tom Johns Cavalry Murl C. Nichols Infantry Clarence E. Marble Infantry ..Ambrose C. Carper Qunrtermaster Department Louis Rlnehart Medical Department Uylesses E. Wilson Quartermaster Department Henry McGuert Quartermaster Department Robert Hensly Aviation Section Henry Barent Infantry John Braxton Engineers Ellis Stanchill Quartermaster Department August Appelby Cavalry Louis Kruse Cavalry ..Xerxes J. Livingston QuartermasterDepartment John O. Larsen Infantry Aubrey C. Young Aviation Section James L. Williams Aviation Section Charles A. Weaver Aviation Seetion Carl H. Killian Cavalry Wllliard L. Myers Aviation Section Glenn D. Locke Field Artillery Albert P. Martin Engineers Conrad B. Blume Coast Artillery Matison P. Gastineau Coast Artillery John N. King Aviation Section Charles F. Schafer Aviation Section Thomas E. Katen Jr Aviation Section Erwin J. Macken Quartermaster Department Fred R. Donovan Engineers Roy Cutright Coast Artillery Leo M. Nicolai Aviation Section George R. Nation Aviation Section Frank A. Rumer Aviation Section Hugh L. Hawkins Quartermaster Department Archie Todolini Field Artillery Fred B. Preach Field Artillery Louis Slgnorelll Engineers Lester C. Robinson Infantry mamiGFORO, Nebraska. Name Itrancli of Sen Ice Rufsell C. Miller Aviation Section Bennie H. Humphreys Aviation Section Walter A. Lyon Aviation Section Anthony If. Kuhn Aviation Section Leo R. May AvJatlon Section Leslie B. Bobbitt Aviation Section Harry If. Waddell Aviation Section HAWFORD, NEBRASKA. Names Branch Of Service Roy S. Moss Aviation Section Walter J. Muzzey Aviation Section Edward A. Jones Aviation Section George Barnum Aviation Section Archie E. Nickerson Aviation Section William M. Taylor Jr Aviation Section Joe H. Price Aviation Section Lewis A. Saxton Coa3t Artillery Arthur E. Saxton Coast Artillery Aaron O. Eberle Aviation Section John C. Rincker Aviation Section George E. Lindeman Aviation Section Grover L. Gilson Aviation Section Helmer H. Haglund Engineers George F. Todd Aviation Section Lewis J. Meitner Aviation Section Bernhard Aaseng Aviation Section Frank O. Foster Aviation Section Charles F. Lenehan Aviation Section Ralph E. Beaman Engineers Earl E. Tuttle . . ., Coast Artillery BAYARD, NEBRASKA. Names Braiieli Of Service Vernon P. Askine , Medical Department Allen S. Chambers Infantry William L. Devault Signal Corps Roy D. McCarter ." Infantry Roy D Floyd . Aviation Section John O. Robertson Aviation Section George M. Harris . . Aviation Section Charles O Walters t Aviation Section ' Frank E. Reid Aviation Section ! Andrew Huff Aviation Section Frank Mruce Aviation Section WltllAtn II. Le Ia Chcur Aviation Section Herbert N, Harris Aviation Section Zcpha V. h I .a hi lil i n Aviation Section Harry L. Decker Aviation Section Andrew Harrington Quartermaster IVpari im in Willie Jordon Medical Department 1 Ralph L Fish Infantry 1 (ieorge A. Cotter Signal Cortfl Charles L. Klnsey . Quartermaster Department Lee R. Robinson Infantry Herbert Casper Infantry W.OKA. NEBRASKA. Names Branch Of Service Floyd M. Miller Quartermaster Impart ment Alva L. (illlespi Field Artillery Russell R. Stone Infantry Stanley H. C.uszak Engineers Mark King Toast Artillery MAKSEAND, NEBRASKA Roy W. Robinson Aviation Section William Andrews Engineers William T. Gregg Aviation Section GORDON NEBRASKA. Names Branch Of Service Bernie D. Berkhelmer Coast Artillery Ralph A. Baker COMt Artillery James King Infantry Hi; 1 1 x. I mi; I NEBRASKA. N,unes Branch Of Service Philip Hcdinger Const Artillery Tommcy E. Lynch Cavalry Roseoe Wright Infantry Samuel E. Light Medical Department James S. Iee Aviation Section Jack ('. Todd , Aviation Section Kichard L. Nicholson Aviation Section Lloyd D. Herman Aviation Section HAY SPBINGS, NEBRASKA. Xa,ll(,s Branch Of Service Frank J. Overton Infantry Francis J. Anderson Avlntion Section Joe L. Jiraseck Aviation Section Joe E. Malin Medical Department MITCHELL, NEBRASKA. Vmie- Branch Of Service Carlton B. Senseney Field Artillery Othniel W. Riley Infantry William W. Schuck Engineers Mike M. Cross Quartermaster Department Rollie H. Miller Cavalry MIXLEN, NEBRASKA Names Branch Of Service John H. Vanderheit Infantry Ray A. Hemstart Infantry Rollo F. Brannan Infantry Harold W. Wylie Infantry John H. Hall Quartermaster Department DEATN OF MRS. CARRIE CRAWFORD YotM Woman Born And llnim-il In Box Millie ( oiinty Untied Al Hem oi :! a! Sunday Afternoon Mrs. CarrlC BVIDMH I'antlelil, daughter r Mr and Mrs H. l. iiush- nell, was burled Sunday atteinoon at lleiiiineford, the funeral services be ing conducted by Hcv. W. S. York, pastor of the Methodist cliureh at that place Mrs. Canfleld was born on June 3rd. 1890, at Hemlngford. where she lived with her parents during bet girlhood. On August 18th. 1911, she was united in marriage to Clar enee tJ CB field at Hemlngford. One child, Gwendoia Elaln. was born of this union and survives her mother. Four years from 1907 to 1911, were Hpent in California with her sister. Mrs H Worn In 1912 she moved with her husband to Fremont. Nebraska. In 1!14 she removed with her parents to Van Tassel. Wyoming. While in recent years she had had imitiont until the lnnt hour and never much of suffering to hear, she still ! complained although he suffered In tensely. OBITI ABY (From Ilrldgeport Herald) List Frldry at 2:37 lltllo George? Feagln son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eeagln died after a brief Illness Hr was taken sick six days nefore his den ih with measles and last Wed in lay it was found naoeMary to operate on him for ppendlclt Is but his condition was so scrlou.i that Ira spite of all that could be done by tneJ very best of doctors, he passed away. lieorge Hernard Feag!n was born In Morrill county near the old Cle man pbst-offlre Sept. inner 29th 180S and died February 8th. at Bridgeport. He lived, with his pnrenfs, two year at Alliance where he pnssed through the 4th and r.lh grades of cchool and? came with his parents lo Bridgeport last September and entered the 6th grade In the Bridgeport schools. He leaves besides hie sorrowing parents and grandparents, runts and? uncles, one brother, Arthur 14 yearn of age, two sisters, Esther 12 year and Helen 8 years, and a host of play mates and friends. He wns much he loved by his playmates and all who knew him because of his winning wnvs and cheerful splrtr. TTe was found time and strength to be of much help and comfort to her family and neighbors. For some weeks past her health failed rapidly. Thinking to save for her more years of life, she was taken to Lincoln on February 7, for medical treatment. She died at Lincoln on February 11th. Mrs. Canfleld leaves her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bushnell of Van Tassel, Wyoming; her daught er; three brothers Ira Bushnell of Van Tassel and Charles and Bert of Keeling. Wyoming; a sister Mrs. C. W. Brown of San Dlago. California. and a host of neighbors and friends o mourn her loss. She was a good hearted, good nat- ured girl. Her loss Is bourned by a host of friends. The funeral was at tended by many and the floral offer ings were beautiful. Although she has passed to the great beyond she Ib not forgotten. Name Willliam M Name Elmer B. LAKESIDE, NEBRASKA Bra nch Of Service Taylor Signal Corps .... ASHBY, NEBRASKA Branch Of Service Benston Infantry ANTIOCH, NEBBASKA. Branch Of Service Rogers Aviation Section Riddle Aviation Section 7ekial Harris Quartermaster Department (Jilbert Little Infantry 1 Name Carlos A. Edgar V. MINATABE, NEBBASKA. Xan. Branch Of Service Orlando R. McNutt Engineers Fred W. Harshman Infantry Enoch W. Bowman Infantry Cecil Bowman Infantry John Beitz Aviation Section Harry A. Leafgreen Aviation Section BUSHVILLK, NEBRASKA. Names Bi-anch Of Service Lloyd C. Fry Coa8t Artillery John Dykes Infantry Lea Gray Quartermaster Department Ieonard Van Ryt Medical Department Solomon L. Wood Infantry James Jamsen Engineers Winston W. Randall Engineers HYANNIS, NEBRASKA. HgOM Branch Of Serv ice Leslie H. Glass Aviation Section John F. Ellison Aviation Section John A. Bell Cavalry MORRILL, NEBRASKA. Xiune Branch Of Service John A. Barnard Iowa National Guard Frank C. Hettle Iowa National Guard Earl R. Winchell Field Artillery CHADRON, NEBRASKA Vim. Branch Of Service Sanford L. Clements Aviation Section Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Sundc;- morning: at 8:45, Rev. Geo. F. McDougall preached n brief r.ermon nftor which the body wan taken to the train andl t h remains shipped to Alllnnce where burial took place. CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so graciously assisted us during the hour of sorrow In the death of our daughter and sister, Mrs. Carrie Canfleld. Mr. and Mtb. H. L. Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. Ira BuBhnell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushnell Mrs. C. W. Brown Mr. Bert Bushnell. valuable Tip. Sometimes a fellow enn be a rei flelp to others by taking care of him elf. Columbus ((la.) EiHiulrer-Sun Legend of Hangmen's Stone. Numerous lnrge bowlders In. Kng land as well ns In this country have received the name of the hangman' stone, as a result of a legend which nttnehes much the same story to each. There were two fiends In the parish ot Foremark. In Derbyshire, called the Great and the Little Hangman's Stone, from !he boulders which they con tained. The former was five or six feet high, with an Indentation running, across the top. This peculiar mark xvas explained by tradition, as follows: Once npon a time a thief, having stolen a sheep, plnced his booty on the top of the stone while he rested, but It slipped off and strangled the man with the rope which tied the sheep to his back, the Indentation being made by the friction of the rope passing hack and forth In the struggles of the dying man to extricate himself. Daniel Webster's Warning. The last hopes of manklml, therefor-, rest with ns ; and If It should be proclaimed that our example had he rons" nn ungurjient against the experi ment, the knell of popular liberty would be sounded throughout the earth Dnnlel Webster. 26 men from Kansas 81 men from Illinois 14 men from Iowa 11 men from New York 52 men from So. Dakota 3 men from Utah 5 men from So. Carolina 13 men from Kentucky 31 men from Virginia 19 men from Missouri 1 man from Vermont 4 men from Tenn. 1 man from Indiana 7 men from Michigan 15 men from Washington Save American Blood Buy More War Stamps The government must have money now. The de cision is soon lo be made for or against America. Which way it will go depends upon the money loan ed the government to carry on the war. The more money loaned our government the sooner the wnr will end ihe lew American blood will be shed. The government has issued two billion dollars in war securities in the form of 25-cent "Thrift Stamps" and $5 "War Savings Slamps." The $5 "War Savings Stumps are little govern ment bonds, hearing 4 per cent compound interest. They cost 4.13 now. The 25 cent Thrift Stamps do not bear interest, bill sixteen of them are worth 4 in payment 0,1 a 15 stamp which doeR. These "baby bonds" are intended for investors who are not able to loan the government more than ''." cents or $5 at a time, but they can be bought in a inounts up to $1,000. We sell both kinds of stamps for the Govern ment. Let us tell you about them. FIRST NATIONA LBANK Alliance, Nebraska Clifford A Robertson Field Artillery Harold J Schwab Aviation Section Stephen F Smith Aviation Section KVKBKTT COIJiY Everett Colby of Orange, New Jer sey, member of the U. S. Food Ad ministration's Commission to France arrived in England with tno Commis sion December 4. The Commission's investigations of the food situation started at once. Every day, until early In January when the tour was concluded in France, every member of the commis sion made the most of every moment to find how urgent is Europe's need of American food. London and Paris were visited. The training farm, where English women are learning to become agriculturist:?, of Representatives and of the New Jersey State Senate, and of the New Jersey State Board of Education. He also served as adjutant of the New Jersey National Guard. He will speak in Alliance the week of Feb ruary 25th. GERINO, NEBRASKA. Names Branch Of Service Don M Snook Coast Artillery Lee A. Steele Sign-d Corps Balyn Horit Infamry Klmer E. Hotchkiss Aviation Section si OTTSBI.CFF. NEBRASKA. was inspected, and in France Mr Colby wit1 other members of the Commission visited many of the farming centers. The 'om m ission has been able to form an accurate resume of the slt iai ion , both from Informal observa tion 'ours, and trips made in company with British and French officials. The actual situation will be present- Name Branch Of Service ed by Mr. Colby, In vivid, Impressive Fred Beniel Quartermaster Department fashon. Russell O Finch Aviation Section ! Mr Colby is an attorney, has been John N. Forsythe Aviation Section a member of the New Jer.,- y Houae Air Resistance In Tunnels. When a train goes through a tun nel the resistance of the air Is an Im portant factor, experiments having demonstrated that It measures 13 HO pounds per tea of train weight In thft Simplon tunnel, us against only 8.8 pounds In the upea cir. difference of over B0 per cent. This is wlen the train is running at 37 miles an hour In the direc tion of the ventilating ait current ; when running in Ihe opposite direction the resistance iucreuses U 20.4 pounds. Attar of Roses. Attar of roses, which is an oil. is obtained from three species of wlid roses: Rose ccntifolia. R. niosehata, and R. d'imiiscciia. The rose- garden at G haz i pur, India, have long h. . u fumous for their output of oil of roses. All these roses thrive with little cure la California. PATRIOTIC PROGRAM AND WAR PICTURES At Christian Church, Friday, February 22nd Three Hundred pictures from American History and present war. See submarines air craft mortar guns trench activities navy views training camp activ ities. See pictures and hear sketches of lives of Wash ington, Lincoln and (Jrant. A great program. All illustrated. Doors open at 7 :30. Program starts at 8:00 p. m. 35c and 25c. All proceeds go to church.