The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 21, 1918, Image 4

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    PAOK 4
day nnd rour will prohnhly ndjourn
thin evening.
DIHTIUi T col h i
KI.A4 Hi;
Bride. port N. w s Hliiilr
Th district court It (jrlndlnn away
4n thr third wiek of Its Ion term.
and win probably so larougta
With this session. The raso of Wil
on Six tffttMl tb Mrldceport Irri
gation dtatrlct, which m houn I
wwk ago yesterday, was nntslied Inst
Saturday, iln Jnr rcturnlnn'a ver
dict for plaint Iff In the sum of
$532. r0 as damapos for the failure of
the district to furnish sufficient wn
tr to properly Irrigate crops of tho
The case of Lewis Inntr. against
Ralph Mlddlelon. For damages
through slanderous utterances made
by the defendant, was tried last
Monday. The defendant plend the
truth of statements made by him and
Which the plaintiff claimed were slan
derous, and the testimony described
aome revolting things It Is anld
that the Jury was not fully convinced
that the utterances made by the de
fendant were not tni", hut a rdlct
wa finally brought In for the plaln
tlft In the nominal sum of 11. on and
the costs.
On Tuesday the case of Turnbull
Against Cheney wns taken up and a
judgment In default was rnrered in
favor of the plaintiff In the sum of
The case of J. E. Trlnnier, admlna
trator, against John Boyer ot al, was
also taken up and dismissed at plaint
iff's costs.
On the same day the case of Han
nah Stlkker, against Tonyea Stlkker,
for divorce, wan disposed of by an
agreed dismissal, the defendant to
pay costs and $150 as attorney fees
On Wednesday the case or Ooorge
DeUraw against the C. B. & Q. R. R.
company was tried to the jury. This
ta a case of several years' standing
having been tried once bofore and
taken to the supreme court on ap
peal, then reversed and remanded
back to the district court for another
trial. This time the Jury brought In
a verdict for the plnlntiff amounting
. r n n or .
eo5.o8 nun cobib. ino suit was
brought for stock killed on the Bur
lington right of way three or four
years ago, and has been resisted
trongly by the railroad company nt
every step.
The case of Calkins against the
lieu wuiow nrainage district wns
ended yesterday nfternoou. It was
a case where the plaintiff had ap
pealed from the award by appraisers
of damage done to his land by run
ning the drain ditch across it. The
Jury gave Mr. Calkina si verdict for
something over $800 while the ap
praisers had allowed him $2,000.
(Jordon Journal:
l,nst evening at the City Hall oc
iiired the First Annual Firemen's
Hall ami It was attended by the larg
est crowd seen at an event of this
nature in years
The affair was given under the
auspices of the Flreinen-s Auxiliary
for the benetlt of the New Fire
Truck Fund and nearly 1200 00 was
realized as a result of this activity.
Lunch was served In the Council
roOBB from nine o'clock till the clos
ing hours and was a decided suc
cess. The hall was rather small for ttai
lane Crowd which was In attend
ance but nevertheless everyone who
wns there seemed to enjoy them
selves to 1he fullest extent.
This amount makes a handsome
showing on the new truck and it is
hoped that by spring nenrly the en
tire amount will have been realized
by events of this kind of entertain
ments. The next big event which the Fire
men will probably stage will be a
minstrel or some good comedy drama
and It will certainly be very gratify
ing to see the same progressive spir
it show that has been thus fnr.
LATER It has since been learned
that the amount taken in was $212.00
You nrobablv know very little of
the difficulties under which the lo
cal department handled tne conven
tion. The failure of York cast a
shadow of divided opinion that hung
over u threateningly tip until the
very opening of the convention, when
everything seemed to flevoioe into
a united effort and tne Nebraska
State Volunteer Firemen's Associa
tion held one of the most enthusiastic
and successful conventions ever held
With our efforts united solidly and
with plenty of publicity I have every
reason to believe that tne people of
the state of Nebraska will realize
more strongly than ever the true
value of otir association of volunteer
fire lighters and will look forward to
the 1919 convention with a feeling
of jealous envy toward the boys who
stand ready to defend the country's
reaources against the great destruc
tive element MRS.
(signed) Harry S. MOfMi ctiief.
Fremont Fire Department
(Br E. O. BF.M.ER8, Acting Director of
thp Sunday School Course of the Moody
Bible Institute, Chicago.)
(Copyright. 1117. Writern Vrwipuptr Union.)
' i in. .. i
If people past sixty years of age
could be persuaded to go to bed as
soon as they take cold and remain In
bed for one or two days, they would
ecover much more quickly, espeel
ally If they take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There would also be less
danger of thr cold being followed by
any of the more serious diseases.
ii 1 1 blbcto omcni
At the annual election of the Rush-
vllle Fire Department, the following
Officers were elected for the year
1918 : James L. Turman, ChlcT, Wm.
Wasmund, Assistant Chief, Alvin
Bresee, Fo.emnn. Wm. Chamberlain,
Assistant Foreman, Phil Or..vey, Sec
retary, Geo-ge Bennett. Ancistant
ecretaty, F. L. W"stover, Treasurer,
Chas Philllpl, ChaB. Hunt, Jesse Far
ley, Directors. Ruahville Recorder
OOLDBN TEXT The earth shall be
full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the !
waters cover the sea. Isa. 11:9.
TEACIIKR8 -Matt. 13:24-) (vv. B, 32); I
Isa. 2:3-4; Ezek. 47:1-12; Rev. 21:1-8; 22-27;
Chap 22:1-S: Rev. 21:1-8.
PRIMARY TOPIC-Jesus telling a story
about sowing.
MFMORY VERRR-Jesus advanced In
wisdom and stature and In favor with
God and man. Luke 2:62.
ance of small beginnings.
,Teuis Is now revenllng to his disci- J
I Are You A I
I 1918 Model?
Anatoly W. Lankovky. con of Sur-
peon (Jenernl Vladimir Lnnttovsky of- plea the kingdom In secret which they
the Russian Army, was accepted for
enlistment in the 30th Engineers at
San Francisco Recruiting headquar
ters, during the December drive. Lan-
kovsky has been attending the Uni
versity of California for the past four
batter From Fremont Chief
The Herald is in receipt of the fol
lowing letter:
Fremont, Nebraska. Feb. 13. 1918.
The Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nebrasku.
Kindly send me ten copies of your
issue of the 7th of February, 1918.
Your report on the convention is
very complete and covers the proceed
Ings nicely. In behalf of the com
mlttee of the local department in
charge of the convention I wish to
thank you.
It is indeed gratify'ng to feel that
the annual session went thru so sue
ceBsfully and under conditions here
tofore unknown. The power of pub
llclty is unlimited and in offering this
expression of thanks to your valuable
newspaper I wish to state that you
have given us space liberally and tin
Bake a
War Pie
You bake it with
and you use
None Such
"Likm Moth., V.,d to Maa"
And half the flour,
shortening, labor
and expense YOU
SAVE, as the
U. S. Food Ad
ministration recommends.
Also try a pie crust
with whole wheat or
rye flour.
your regular piea,
cakes, puddings, and
MarreU-Soola Company, Sjiateaa. NY
Having sold mj place and decided to retire, I will sell at public auction on the farm
known M the Joe HendHek pltee, located nine miles west of Alliance and seventeen miles
soutli of Hemingford, on
Monday, February 25, 1918
Conmiencinp immediately after free lunch at eleven o'clock, the following described property:
86 Head of Horses 86
2 hla. k Geldings, 5 yrs. old, weight, 3200; 9 gtay Geldings, 7 jro. old, weight, 2900; 2
sorrel and bay Geldings, 4 and b years old, weight, 2400; 2 bay Geldings, B vrs old, weight,
2700; -J bay Geldings, b and 7 years old, weight, 3000; 2 gray Geldings, S vrs. old, weight, 2700
2 gray Geldings, 3 yrs. old, Weight, 26(H); 2 black marcs, 4 and 5 yrs. old weight, 2600; 2 bay
marcs, 6 and S yrs. old, weight, 8000 ; 2 bay mares, 4 yrs. old, weight, 2600; 2 gray and black
mares, 4 and 6 yrs. old, Weight, 24(H); 1 buckskin marc, 4 yrs. old, weight, 1100; 1 brown
mare, 4 yrs. old, weight, 1400; 2 bay mares, 6 yrs. old, weight, 2600: I bav mare, 3 yrs. old,
weight, 12(H); 1 blaze face, 4 yrs old. welght.1450 ; 6 saddle horses, 4 to 6 "vrs. old, weight,
1000 each; ! bay mare. 6 vrs. old, weight, 1500 ; bay (h idings, smooth mouth, weight, 2400;
45 head Of mares ami (ieldings, 1 to 5 years weight, 800 to lOOOlbs. ; 1 span mules. 6 and 7 vrs.
old, weight, 2300; I Maltese Jack, weight, 950.
30 Head of Cattle 30
10 head of milk cows, 3 to 7 yrs. old. 1 cow, 8 yrs. old. calf by side, 2 yearling steers: 5
yearling heifers; 11 calves, coining 1 year old.
Farm Implements
2 Molina disc cultivators; 1 Moline corn planter; 1 16-in. John Deere sulky plow; 2 Mo
line discs, 6 and 8-ft. ; 1 John Deere cultivator; 1 7-ft. drill; 1 disc plow; 1 lister; 2 farm wag
ons; 1 hay rack and wagon.
4 Hogs; 4 Dozen Chickens; 3 Geese; 6 stacks of hay, about 50 tons; 300 bushels of Oats.
Household Goods
1 Cook Stove; 1 Heating Stove; 1 Butterfly Cream Separator.
TERMS : Suras under $25, cash ; over that amo
bankable paper, bearing 8 per cent interest. unt, a credit of 7 month's time will be given on
H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer
Alliance, Nebr.
First National Bank
were Inter to reveal In public. Noth
ing which he now reveals should be
hid, and he la also teaching that, If
WS do not use that what Is committed
to us, we lose It.
I. Hearing (vv. 21-25). It Is nn ob
ligation resting upon each of us who
tins the light of truth that he should
so set It before men thnt It can he
Men thnt men may be enlightened,
Cheered and served by It (Mntt. 5:14-
16; Phil 1:15-16). The secret things
t our lives will be brought to light
;ome day. Enrs tire given with which
ITS nre to henr, nr.d possession of henr- involves tne responsibility as to
tvhnt we hear. "The Gospel Is the
power of God unto salvation to every
one thnt belleveth" (Rom. 1:10). but
believing comes through "hearing"
(Rem. 10:17). In this there Is n mis
sionary suggestion for our teachers.
but there Is also a caution as to what
nnd how we hear. "Take heed what
we hear." Many today are being swept
Into nil kinds of damning here
sies because they do not follow this
warning (2 Tim. 3 :1-13). Not only are
we to be good listeners, but we must
be doers as well (Jns. 1:22). This
parable of the lamp follows closely
upon the parable of the sower In
our last lesson. "God, who first cre
ated light, and Christ, in whom was
life, and the life was the light of
men," both together are one3 whom
we are equally obliged to see. nnd
hear nnd obey. To Impress the duty
of this seeing, hearing nnd using of
light upon his disciples, Jesus reminds
them of some fnmlllar things. A can
dle is not placed under a bushel nor
under a bed. but on a cnndle stick.
where it may be Reen of all. If our
virtues go not forth from us, it will
be as though we had hidden them
from the world. "To him that heareth
right slmll more be given," (v. 24)
but for him that hath not and seed.
not, from him shall be taken. Ib
that hath not is he who neglects his
opportunities, and "from him shnll be
taken even that which he hath." In
this we see a spiritual multiplication.
nnd also a spiritual subtraction, de
II. Growina. (1) Secrecy vv. 26-20).
This Is n parable of faith and hope.
found only In Mark. Again the good
seed is referred to. but in this case
unseen growth receives the emphasis,
for the seed will spring and grow up,
though we know not how. It is com
forting to think that, if we sow the
it rue seed, it grows while we sleep
(v. 27.) The best selected seed (the
holy word) Is essential for results. All
of our seed must have this silent pe
riod for growth. It is the earth that
brings forth the fruit of herself
through the energies and powers with
which God endows It. These powers
are wonderful. We do not understand
them, but there is order and symmetry
in growth. First the blade, then the
ear, and after that the full corn in
the ear. Then is the harvest, the
purpose of the seed having been ac
complished. Mark alone gives us this
parable, and it is given in close rela
tion to the parable of the sower nnd
of the wheat and tares. Jesus is the
great harvester (v. 29), and knows the
right time to reap the grain, the mo
ment when it is "ripe" (v4 29 R. V.).
Then he putteth in the sickle.
(2) There is also a marvelous out
ward growth of the kingdom (vv. 30
82). There is the closest relation be
tween the parable of the mustard
seed and the two parables that pre
cede. In Matthew the parable of the
mustard seed is used in relation to the
kingdom of heaven, which Is the
soli. Te of the Christian profession.
Here it is used of the kingdom of
God, which Is spiritual. Why Is it used
of both? The explanation, according
to Doctor Scofleld, lies in the fact
that the kingdom of God In this age
and the kingdom of heaven have this
tn common, that from an Insignificant
beginning they had a rapid growth.
If the abnormal growth of this
common garden shrub illustrates di
vine increase, why is it not more glori
ous? There is not here anything
like the greatness of the Assyrian and
Babylonian empires. (Kzek. 31:3-6;
Dan. 4:20-22). Is the significance of
the birds good or evil? (ireat Baby
Ion, the figure of a professing Chits
tlsii body In guilty connection with
the kings of the earth, becomes "a
cage of every unclean and hate
ful bird" (Rev. 18:2). The "mixed"
condition of the kingdom of heaven has
brought together diverse elements of
good and bad.
IF you are a model husband 1918 model you are
equipped with all Mio modern improvements. Your
home will be lodkable and livable, with sleeping
porch, covered veranda, furnace heat, bath, light and
water fixtures, a tight roof, and ornamented with a
loving wife. All the other buildings on your place
will be substantial and storm-proof, suited to their
various uses, and fences and gates will be hog-tight
and in repair.
If you lack any of these things, see us. We can
not supply you with all maybe, but we can supply the
best, of Good Lumber Southern Pine or other sorts
exactly suited to your every building need and at
surprisingly low prices. W have valuable plans
and other buibting helps that, with our service, are
free to you.
have made over many a one-cylinder, tin wheeze of a
husband into an up-to-date, high power Super-Six.
, laaBBBBaT
Have you bought
your Thrift Stamp
We Sell Them
The Lindell Hotel
Palm and Palm, Props.
Try Our Popular Price Lunch Room and Coffee Shop
All Modern Conveniences Rooms $1.00 Up
Under New Management
Political Headquarters
PERUNA in Your Home
A housewife must give the first aid in colds, coughs and
other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often
saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led
her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should
have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs and
colds, and that it is always to her
The Family
The experience of one
woman, given herewith, is
typical of thousands of let
ters that reach the Peruna
Company from grateful
friends who have found their
homes incom
plete, and their
family safety in
danger without
Mrs Geo rg Parker,
419 Water St., Merj
ashs. Wis., writes:
We have used Pe
runa in our f.u.uly
for a number of
years, aud have
found It a perfectly
reliable mediciDe.
It soon rids the sys
tem of any traces
of a cold, and pre
vents serious con
sequences. "I began using it
for catarrh, which
I suffered with a
out naa not oeen very serious until recently.
Since I have taken Peruna the dropping in my
throat has discontinued, and my head and nose
are not so stopped up in the morning. I am
pleased with the results, and shall coiuinue to
use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh. '
'A heartily recommend it as an honest medicine."
What it does for her it is ready to do for you.
Colds and Catarrh
The great weight of testimony that has accumu
lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the
market proves it, beyond question, to be the reliable family rem
edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds.
co.ujhs, grip and derangements of the digestive organa This
proof Is published from time to time and many families have
profited by it.
I km m eu otxein PERUNA h tabU bra for ton w
The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio
Soft Drinks and Beverages
Order a case of 36 pints
sent to your home. De
livery made anywhere in
Alliance. Rebate for re
turn of cases.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Candies, Lunches.
Distributors for Bridgeport Bottling Works