AI.MAC t: HKRAliD, TmjRMA. FKBRl'ARY 21. 1918 a a, w WHAT ( AN I IM? TKXT 1 Cnr 9 lit And Mrorj niHn tliHt BtrlMtli Tor tlM mtmtery In temperate In nil thin ThU ! DO time for Meepern. The tinn imp rome v. hen oot koverBtnaat Is flndinK out who nre loynl to Ameri i run prim Ip.ils of cittMBChlp. There In no room In our vast territory for those who lire ftldlng or annlatiiiK our common enemy Knlneristn ." The sn enllerl irtix' Americans nri' no i more. All nre Vuurie.ins The Kreiit I question is "what ran 1 rto?" Our i nlenileri American officiary n'i;; the COopr I mi of im i v nmn. wmii.'in mi'l child in the I'nitrd stiiti rn u n -hen. cluhs, MMttltl ;ind in fuel, nil oritiin' Mllons ;!- enoperiit Inc with uovern ment orfirlals In (he world wide ntniiiple w h,irh is to donidc whether the lileals of n progressive civilization shall nrevale or not The wheels of progress must not and can not move backward Th price for the arl vanci'ini nt of llherty hna cost rivers of blood during the lest live hundred yenrn. The victors In this struggle will be those who characterize the words of Paul "Kvery man that atriveth for the mastery is temperate in all thlnga." We must be tempi rate an onr eat ing nnd drinking. Temperance In ent Ing or Food Conservation will Have millions of pounds of fltour and meat nnd the snved portion enn he utilized by our ullles. While we nre cooperat ing with our government In Food Conservation we are nlro lining other foods which not only take the place of the divided portions btit we also will have a more balanced ration for our selves Temperance or total nbtnnce in drinks which are alcoholic will save millions of bushels of grain for home consumption and tor our al lies All business Interests are cal llnc for total ahstaniners to manage their affairs In high license states, even for a saloon-keeper, must be a pretty respectable man The govern ment recognized that the soldier who Bxhtl the best Is the one who has the clearest brain Hence the ban has been placed on the sale of liquor to our soldiers. The best men are those who nre masters of their morntR. K. Tlen Jamln Andrews one of America's greatest educators, who recently de ceased made thin statement in my harlng. The richest moral blood comes from the farm." If thia Is true why in It true? The only answer la this. The farmer is farther from the temptations which test htfl ffiornll. He has plenty of room to n-eathe and he works out his own salvation morally. aat ... iww r in one of our btjnl citizens and stands for the advancement of every fcoort inter est In his community The Church Is the (treat Institu tion which teaches man to conquer self In the sermon on the mount are such doctrines The Apostles teach the same in their epistles The church the gtwit (earlier of man's mastery over self has certain recogni tion In most communities which should he unlversnl It especially claims the one day out or trie seven to present the teachincs of 'he Christ This day the 'First Pny or the Week" should he held sacred by all We often wonder what we can do to advance the cause of righteous ness We can cooperate in every w.n A Washington from I he ranks of the rich, a Lincoln from fhe ranks nl i he poor, a Wilson from the home of culture were u ed to ndvnnie the principle of liberty nnd freedom. Christ used the humble fisherman and they became the world's great evangelists. He can use you. .lust rMnetnbOf that "every mnn that atri veth for the mastery Is temperate In all things. " Stephen .1 Fpler Minister Church of Christ In vne spring tie- young mini's fancy Turns to love thoughts we're nwure; But the maiden's loes It likewise Turn? Nay, uay I It's always there, Origin of Moon In Doubt. Many theories of tbe origin of the moon have been advanced, but all seem to present some difficulties, our satellite furnishes us ninny un solved problems. A belief In the meteoric origin of the moon Is now unite general. According to this be lief the earth was surrounded In the early stages of Its existence by a ring nt meteoric matter. The notorial forming the ring gradually gnthered Into one mass, our present moon, whose pitted face gives evidence of the bombardment It received from me teoric masses within the ring. Accord ing to this theory our satellite has al ways been a dead world, a cold and lifeless mass of meteoric rock. It has never felt the pulse of life or under gone the mighty changes that have passed over Its ruling planet. It has remained n cold and silent witness to vast evolutionary processes golnu on upon u neighboring world such as It could never experience for It self. Credit Given to China. The Bofftlah walnut first blossomer" In the interior of China, and the chest nut, so plentifully produced in th( Atlantic states, made Its first appear ance from the lower plains of Tibet Peaches and persimmons were tlrsl known and appreciated in Mongolia, China and Tibet, but through (hell common use for hundreds of year their origin has been lost and their dlff covery credited to lands better known World Outlook. Compresaed-AIr 8ervice In Paris. Few visitors to Paris realize that the French capital has nu expensive compressed-air service analogous to the ordinary gas or municipal water Bervlce. There nre several hundred miles of compressed-air piping under lying the Paris afreets. The air Is supplied to atores and cafes and is used in cooling rooms and as a means of furnishing power to fans, sewing machines und even a few elevators. The air is metered like gas. COIHSKY s A Li DATKS Charles Bauer Jr. Tuesday, Feb. 19th. r. 0 head of horses general Farm sale. Wednesday, Feb 20th. Ed. Kerlg. 5 miles east of Alliance, 125 head of cattle, general farm sale Monday, Feb. 25th. Mrs. John Vo gel, 9 milea wsi, head of horses, 40 head cattle, general fnrm sale. WfflH TOO IIAVF A COM) It is when you have a r.evcre cold that you appreciate the rood qualities of Chamberlain's Coy. Keniody. Mrs. Frank Crocker Pana, 111., writes: "Our five-year-old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter that settled on his lungs and he had ter rible caughing spells. We were greatly worried about him as the medicine we gave him did not help him in the least. A neighbor spoke so highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of it. The first dose benefited him so much that I continued giving it to him until he was cured." BELGIUM Under the German Heel by Brand Whitlock United States Minister to Belgium The Biggest Newspaper Sensation-T he Supreme Story of the War, Will Appear in THE SUNDAY JOURNAL Starting Sunday, Feb. 17th Brand Whitlock This momentous, vital and wonderfully written record of actual events is the result of a combination of circumstances which might never happen again the appointing of Brand Whitlock, former mayor of Toledo, a fine states man, a natural diplomat, an experienced writer (author of a number of novel and a life of Abraham Lincoln), as United States Minister to a country whose part in the world war represents a heroism and a martyrdom that has neveY been equalled in the realms of fact or fiction. So delightfully does Mr. Whitlock tell his story, written from records kept day by day as the incidents actually happened, that everything that has been written before on the subject seems but as a snapshot compared with a great painting by a master artist. This Is the Complete, the Finished, the Supreme Story of Belgium perhaps the greatest document the world war will produce. Not a single in. ttalment but will be Infinitely well worth reading by itself. The Sunday Journal has arranged for the publication of this absorbing book exclusively in our territory. Beginning Sunday, February 17 The State Journal MORNING EVENING SUNDAY MAIL SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Dally and Sunday. Daily only. One year $0.00 fi.OO , Six mouths 3.00 2.00 Three mouths 1.50 1.00 Sunday only. $2.50 1.25 .75 WALLIS TRACTOR Power The Wnllis Tractor is today conceded to be years ahead of its time. This shows in its wonderful design and construction and, most of all the actual results which it is producing for the farm ers. Wallis efficiency is due to many new features of which sim plitied design is the keynote. These features mark a new epoch in tractor construction. This is proved by the service which Wallis users are now enjoying to the extent of thousands of dollars due to increased work done. In this advanced type of tractor, power, light-weight, speed, durability, and economy, have been successfully combined for the first time. This is one of the great accomplishments of the Wallis idea. Simplified design, excellence of materials and most expert workmanship, are responsible for this light-weight which pro duces remarkable durability and power. As one indication of where we save a lot of unnecessary weight, look at our exclusive Wnllis frame design. This member is made of boiler plate rolled into a "U" Rhape. It serves the fourfold purpose of frame, bottom of crank case, transmission case, and rear axle housing. This method of build ing eliminates all heavy "I" beams, braces and counter-braees ami with them a tnemendous lot of useless weight. This"U" shape construction is the lightest and strongest known to me chanics. It is typical of Wallis simplicity and strength On pages 24 and 25 of our new catalog, this advanced type of construc tion is clearly illustrated and explained. It will pay you well to read it. Speed Durability The advanced type Wallis, because of its simplified design, weighs just 3000 pounds. It saves, according to a recently publi shed reliable tractor directory, from 1000 to 5000 pounds of weight as compared with other tractors designed to do the same work. Experts know that in the average tractor 40 per cent to 50 per cent of the power generated by the motor is required to pro pel its own weight. Plainly, every added pound of unnecessary weight is paid for in loss of draw bar power. In the Wallis, due to light weight, the power usually required by the average tractor to move this extra weight, is turned into draw bar pull, increased speed and more work done. The Hya alt Roller Bearing Company's tests in Texas proved that the Wallis delivers to the draw bar ready for work 74 per cent of the power developed by the motor. This means that from every gallon of fuel the Wallis user gets practically 50 per cent more power. In the Wallis all gears are drop forged, cut and hardened. The materials are the finest. Besides being carefully finished, they are enclosed in dust-proof cases and move in a continual bath of clean oil furnished by our positive oiling svstem. Rough ast gears, according to experts, absorb 25 per cent to 30 per tent of the engine's power. A Tractor should be judged not only by how many plows it pulls, but by how fast it pulls them day after day. Tt is just as wasteful to plow too slowly and wast time as it is to plow too last and rack the tractor and plows to pieces. This new type Wallis pulls three 14-inch bottoms 6 to8 inches deep at the rate of 2V- miles per hour. This means 10 3-6 acres per 10 hour day which is equal to the work of ten good horses. The average- tractor is designed to pull the same load at the rate of miles per hour'or 7 2-5 acres per day. Thus the Wrallis does practically 50 per cent more work in the same time. This is a factor of vital importance especially when plowing season is cut short by weather conditions. The amount of .work a tractor will do for you determines its economy. Purchase price alone bears no direct relation to the cost. True value can only be determined by work done over a period of years. The Wallis Tractor will give you the greatest return for your money because, with reasonable care, it will do the greatest amount of work in the shortest time and will last the longest. This service comes from the advanced type of Wallis design which combines Power, Speed, Light-Weight and Durability for the first time. Today the Wallis Tractor is the most advanced type of trac tor offered the American farmers. The efficiency of the excel lent design and construction of this machine has been proved by the service which Wallis Tractors are today giving their owners, in the United States, Mexico, England and France. Years from now other tractors will follow our lead, but right now Wallis owners are reaping wonderful rewards from this tractor years ahead of its time. KING & SMITH, Agents Ask for a Demonstration 2 1 6 West Third Street Phone 24 Alliance, Nebraska