AMIANCR HKRALD, THTIWDAY, FHniU'ART 14, 191ft PAOB $ FRANK STOCKDALE HEREIN MARCH l,1ve Wire Authority Of Modem Mer chandising Methods Will he Here On March 11th, 12th, and 13th. Alliance business and professional inon will soon have the great privil ege of hearing tho receiving live wire pointer from America's fore most business producer, FranK Stock- dale. Mr. Stockdale will engender Ideas of Merchandising., Window Trimming, Salesmanship, tho beBt methods to be used In s;ock arrange ment, how to mako your goods appsnl to the customer, and In fact every thing of modern advance in business methods valuable to the storekeeper. Mr. Stockdale has talked In prac.i cally every city of tho Union, his in struction has been recetvefl wltn the greatest enthusiasm everywhere. Here is what a few think of the value of Stockdale to the commercial world. From Richmond, Va; M. J. Cohen, of the Cohen Co. says "I haro learned from Mr. Stockdale many "business points" which I am sure will be bene ficial to the firm I represent. Those who miss the lectures that are to come will looe an opportunity to "bet ter their business results." Atlanta, (Jr. : Annual report. Pres. of the Ad club. "The enthusiasm shown demonlstralec the wisdom of those who were responsible for its Inauguration, and the desire of Atlan ta business men to secure larger re wards by better r.nd more efficient service." Guthrie, Okla; Nov. 27th 1917. It is no misnomer to oay that Siockdale is an expert. Ho han analyzed con ditions and knows what he talks. He is the last word in wholecatc advice to wholesale and retail merchants. He reaches the prectlcal nub in a Jef fy. His talk last night wns along the line of methods, buying, manage ment, cooperation, etc. Hh lecture was illuminated with chalk demon strations, and In brief, ne outlined the method to be used in today's com petition." Stockdale has spoken return en gagements with the National Cash Register Co. at their convert ions. He also has, addressed the "Coco Cola" convention. In Nebraska he has talked in Superior, Aurora, Lincoln, Omaha, and Beatrice. All merch ants that have heard him pronounce obtaining his services the Best "com munity lnvestmen's". The Merchants Federation of Al liance is handling the course here. Mr. Stockdale has been obtained for three days and five talks, on March 11th, 12th and 13th. Two noonday talks will be given at Luncheons at the Alliance Hotel. Three evening talks will be given at the Court House All merchants interested In the pro gress of the city are donating toward the expense In procuring M. Stockdale Each Merchant contributing $10.00 will be given a personal Interview by Mr. Stockdale, this talk r.ione is In valuable to the merchant outside of the mass gathering: Wednesday eve ning Secretary Fisher needed tout two more men to fill out his list. If their is any merchant who wants to take advantage of his opportunity he had best see Floher at once. One merch ant In town gave Fisher a cheque for fifty dollars with the Instructions to come back If he couldn't raise the $200 The firm donating the $60 Is up-to-date, progressive rnd always ready to learn something better, to this they owe their success. The meet ings under Stockdale will with out any question be of lasting benefit to every man attending Mr. Stockdale had open dr.tes for three days in February but before Secretary Fisher could get word to him of the acceptance of those dates a wire came Wednesday nlgnt stating that Hutchinson, Kansas, hsd beat Alliance to It Therefore the days March 11, 12 and 13th were rsBlgnod to Alliance. Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, KAY LYMAN WILBUR Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford University, is one of Mr. Hoover's chief aids in the work of the Food administration at Washington. Dr. Wilbur has an unusual equipment for effective service In this work, hav ing studied not only in some of the leading universities of America but also at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Mun ich and London. He had served with distinction as proffeesor of medicine in Cooper Medical College and as dean of the Medical Department of Stanford before being called to the presidency of that institution. Dr. Wilbur is one of the mc3t distin guished leaders of the medical pro fession in this country, and served with honor as president of the Ameri can Academy, 1912,-1913, He is a clear thinker and grfted teacher and his addresses are always lucid and in tensely Interesting. To the world food problem he brings the analytical power of a trained scientist and the human sympathy of a physician. He will speak In Alliance the week of February 25th. STATE TOJELEBRATE Our State to Complete the Celebration of Its Golden Anniversary. The Capital City will be hosts to the State and the Nation on June 12. 13 and 14. the occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of the entrance of Nebraska into the Union. No celebration in our history will be as memorable as this ur Oolden Anniversary. PPM lag as it does who. the entire world is engaged in a gigantic strug gle to ascertain whether ihe spirit of democracy or the spirit of nbsciutini shall be supreme, when our own com monwealth will be called upon to fio more than any like area in the wot Id to feed the people of the natioi s, It Is especially fitting that we should emphasize our national responsibility and awaken a pride in our resource ful stats. ' This is perhaps the last great an niversary when we can pay tribute to the makers of the State. Before an other decade the territorial pioneers will have gone. It will probably be the last great parade of the veterans of the civil war who have had so great a part in the upbuilding of our commonwealth. It will be the last time when the State will have the opportunity to pay homage to those heroic pioneer mothers who braved the vicissitudes of the border life and brought forth the flower of the world's manhood and womanhood. Special Bargains in. Laces, Embroi deries and Hnndkerchelfs at the White Goods Sales all next week at the. National 5-10-35ct. store Good Work Done by Amateurs. Do not leave experiments with plants io professionals. Much of th best work in the improvement Of plana and flowers has come through the work of amuteurs. The lutter class traveling abroad have also been first to send valuable plant Introduction t he home land. Coal Fields of United States. The United States has an area of more than 440,000 square miles of coal fields, enough fuel to make a ring around the earth 5 feet thick and SVs feet wide. mffliiiinmiinitiiiii'ii immrnm,mmr,r, 'usmintL1 wwiioMiiiswwiisi. rniimwint Build Now Historic Curios Wanted The largest, best arranged, most in teresting, historical exhibit depicting the life and habitations of Nebraska aborigines, early Nebraska of the whitman, his implements, home and ways of life, will be displayed at the Nebraska Semi centennial Celebration In Lincoln June 12, 13, and 14, under the superintendence of the Nebraska State Historical Society. Most every femi'y lias preserved come priceless curios of former days which would be of a general Interest to other citizens of the State. Pri vate collection.- from almost every ( ounty will be bhawn to the public for the first time. Mr. A. E. Sheldon, Secretary of the State Historical Society wishes to get into communication with all Ne braskaas having collections so that they may be added to the wonderful collections of the society which will be on exhibit. Such articles as In dian relics, which include stone axes, spear beads, weapons, bead work, buckskin dresses and buffalo robes, early newspapers and books, photo graphs of early scenes and persons, evidences of the early white settle ments, manuscripts of all kinds which will throw light upon the early set tlers and settlements, are among the many priceless things that will afford genuip entertainment. Private owners of valuable historic relics will receive full credit for their exhibits. The Semicentennial com mittee will pay ell expenses connected with their safe transfer to Lincoln and their return to the owners. The historical exhibits will receive careful guarding during the celebration. Where possible, the owners will be asked to come to Lincoln and help to install the exhibits. County associations will be asked to take up this work which will be so valuable for the future of our State In the way of preserving historic traditions. B U I SPEEDERS AT SEMI-CENTENNIAL Some of America's Most Well Known Auto Drivers to Compete at Lincoln D N O W uying lumber at this time is tho best investment you ever made. There are several very good reasons. nusual conditions make it possible to get twice as much lumber as you did in 1914 for the same amount of farm produce. nvestmeut in lumber and the placing of new build ings on your property will increase its value out of all proportion to the lumber's cost. umber the world's greatest building material ' has advanced much less than any other material used for building. ouble value can be had without sacrificing quality and the lumber of today is better than ever before. othing is more important than conservation at this time, and all grain, stock and implements must be properly sheltered. pportunity such as you have NOW may never come again. After the war, lumber prices may be higher. e are giving you this information in the right spirit with a desire to see you buy when you can get more for your farm produce. The Alliance Herald's Little Salesman Advertising under this head, five cents per line. Count six words to the line. No advertisement taken for less than fifteen cents. For Sale For Quick .Sale We will take 91 3 for I "t 1, Ulock 4, South Al liance. It has a It-room house and other improvements. See S. P. Ttst tle, of Alliance, for conveyance. J. 1. Hazard, Uoodine, Idaho. 5-tf-WMM) IMA NO POM SALK .We have a new high grade piano located nt Alliance, which, for tm idlate sale will he sold nt n very Htih StUUal reduction in price. Quality ahsoliitcly guarantee!. Liberal terms to a 'responsible wrt. For particu lars write THK DKNVBR Mi's; COMPANY, Denver, Colo, at once. 9-3 "himothIesvatfj Tho City Mission is in need of second-hand clothing, eBeclally men's and shoes. Call phone 696 and we will call for them. The City Mis sion oiaIhihkiaista These Tablets are intended especi ally for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Wanted WANTED TO RENT Furnished house; must be modern, with five or six rooms. Call 340. 63-tf-8707 WANTED Girl for house work. Phone 610. 6-tf-9367 WANTED 3 nicely furnished mod ern rooms for light housekeeping. Call The Herald office. F. H Mitchell 9027-1-21-11 WANTED A teacher for School District No 60. Send your npplccatlon 'to Anton Ustohnl. Hemingford, Nebr 903Z-2tl$-ll FOR RENT furnished rooms. Phone 594 9 9039-tf-ll Bring in your fat hens to the A. D. Rodgers market, the hlgest prices paid. 6-tf-:.80 Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddish mock. W-tf-4y727. WANTED An intelligent, ener getic young lady for work in the newspaper office. Prefer one with fair education. Call at The Herald office. Miscellaneous MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wa ons and auto truck with the latee appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all movlaff Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phono If. 137-tf-5960 J Don't exaggerate of misrepresent an article advertised in this page. Q It will certainly prove a boomerang and besides we do not want that kind of advertising. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreciation for the sympathy and aid furnished me by my friends in Alliance during the late sickness and death of my be loved wife. Am very grateful to the school teachers and the mm at the round house for their beautiful floral offerings, also to the boardors at Mrs; Wlker's for the respecto paid to my departed wife. W. J. BRANDON Have you bought your Thrift Stamp yet? We Sell Them ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Made possible through the holding of big races in the large cities of the midwest, Lincoln is to be host to some of the toremost automobile racers in the game, Tuesday, June 12. the opening day of the Semi-Cen-tennial Celebration. A big purse will be offered and the races will be held on the track at the Nebraska State fair grounds. The automobile races are sure to attract additional thousands of peo ple to Lincoln and will materially aid In making the Seml-Centennial a big success. Nebraskans are strong fur gas grinds and this state and Lincoln, especially, has always been heavily represented at the speedway races. As the date selected for the Semi Centennial race is between the cham pionship events at Detroit, St. Louis and St. Paul, It will be possible to secure an entry list containing the names of the prominent drivers of the day. Detroit will put over a 115,0 0 race Decoration Day, while St. Louis has a $10,000 prize as a lure to the speed merchants, June 15. The "kings" will be able to ship their cars from Detroit to Lincoln, compete here for the prize money and then hasten In the direction of the Mound (?lty, without losing out on the heavy cash. The keen appetites of the speed "bugs" of this territory wUl be sat lsfted when they glance over the en try list, which closes June 1. Entry blanks have already been mailed out, but the majority will be signed at Detroit, as Lincoln will have a repre sentative at the Decoration Day races. Some of the drivers coming to Lin coin bare seldom competed on dust and dirt ovals, and two or perhaps more foreign racers, who start their initial campaign of this country la the east this mouth are among those In correspondence with tho local pro-scoters. CARD OF THANKS To our many friends of. Alliance and vicinity we wish to extend our sincere thanks for their kindnesB in the hour of our bereavement In the death of our son, Georgo Arthur Feagins and Family. Don't Lose Your Temper. He who loses his temper, loses much besides. He loses his self-respect ; he loses the respect of others ;' he loses an element out of his chnrncter nnd repu tation which he eannor regain; In loses vital force, nnd stamps an im pression on his wtiolo being which time cannot efface. About Constipation Certain articles of diet tend to check movements i f the bowels. The most common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk. On tho other hand raw fruits, especially apples and bananas, also graham bread and whole wheat bread promote a-move-ment of the bowels. When the bow els are badly constipated, however, the sure way is to take on or two of Chambertaln's Tablets Immediately after supper. Most Dangerous Poisons. The most dangerous of all poison ore the toxins of Infectious disease; the next most dangerous are the toxins of fatigue. Work, whether of mux cles or nerves, produces waste prod ucts, "nshes" which are poisonous, the so-called fntlgue toxins. When these toxins have piled up In our blood to a certain pitch we feel tired, so that fatigue is a form of self-polsonlng. When we quit work or sleep or take food these poisons are neutralized or burnt up In the system or washed and breathed out of it. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Marios B. Hutchinson, deceased. In tho County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the State of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said e-tate will tako notice, that the time limited for pre sentation and filing of claims against said estate Is May 20, 1918, and for payment of debts January 11. 1919: I that I will sit at the county court room in SRid county, on Febrrary lg, 1918, nt 10 o'clock A. M , and on May 20, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m.. to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated at Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, this llth day of January, 1918. (Seal) IRA E. TASH, County Judge. BURTON & REDDISH, Attorneys. 7-5-872.8830 Of course you needn't take onr ad vice If you don't want to, but if yon live in a glass bouse you ought to build a high board fence around It Dallas News. Public Sale follotinlT !SS 800n !r Nrbr ' t0 e8tablih Permanent residence. 1 will Hell the SSTSS deacribed property at Pubhc sale, oathe Ok Bauer place, located 3 miles north and 4 miles east of Alliance, on Tuesday, Feb., 19, 18 Commencing Immediately after Free Lunch at 11 :00 O'clock 49 Head of Cattle 49 6" Cows, with calves by side 1 Cow, fresh soon ' 2 2-yr-old lleifers, fresh soon 4 Milk Cows, all fresh 5 Yearling Heifers 4 Bucket Calves 20 Head of Steers and Heifers coming yearlings 1 Hereford Bull coming 2-yr-old 6 Head o Horses and Mules 6 1 Black Jack Mule, coming'4, well broke 1 Black Jennie Mule, coming 3-yr-old 1 Brown Jack Mule, coming 2-yr-old 1 Jennie Mule, coming yearling 1 Bay Mare, coming 3-yr-old 1 Bay Colt, coming yearling 3 Poland China Brood Sows 3 IMPLEMENTS 1 12-ft. McCormick Rake 1 Hay Rack 1 Potato Sorter 1 Disc 1 Set of Harness 1 Hog Shute 1 Spring Wagon 1 Buggy 1 Engagate Seeder s 15 Tons Prairie Hay 25 Bushels Ohio Seed Potaoes About 75 bu. Bliss Triumph Seed Potatoes TERMS: $25 and under cash ; over that amount a credit of six months time will be rivenon bankable paper bearing 6 per cent interest. CHARLES BAUER Jr. Owner H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer FRANK AEBOO, Clerk