The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 03, 1918, Image 4

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Clipped From Our Exchanges
(Continued from page 1).
Bcottfblnff Star-HM-nld:
Seme amnrunian. without the fear
of th Lord in hit heart or no re
spect for the feeling of State. Land
CommlMloner O. I Shumway, took
adrantaice of the latter'a absence on
his Chrlatniaa vacation to thla city
to turn In a wild call to the commis
sioner's office to the effect that pot
ash had been discovered within the
acred precincts of Lancaster coun
ty. It was known that salt and politi
cians, corn and congressmen and
new capital building agitations have
been found In Lancaster county, tout
the bringing of the potash woes from
Che northwestern part of the state
to a point almost under the drip
pings of the sanctuary, one might
ay, Is startling. When Interviewed
on the subject by a Star-Herald re
porter, Commissioner Shumway
stated that he had not been notified
of this rather surprising event, but
that if it was so all the necessary
legal steis to protect the statu would
be forthcoming.
acres of potatoes alone more than
paid first cost of land. Mr. Roher-
baugh saya, "The three crops will
pay for the land four times. '
HI Ml . I i:i HOMH Jl'AHIS
Hemlngforrl Ledger:
There has been considerable agita
tion for some time for a contingent
of home guards for Hemlngford.
Following the recent call for home
guards, some of the men talked the
matter over and a meeting of clti
sena was cnllod In the Community
Club rooms Wednesday evening and
the matter talked over.
Although there has been much
written on the subject, no one
seemed to have more than a general
Ides of the requirements and duties
of tuch an organization. However,
the crowd was an enthualastlc one
nnd thirty men signified their wll
llngnes sto help so far as their pres
ent knowledge goes.
A temporary organization was
effected with K. L. Pierce as chair
man and A. M. Vance for secretary.
It was decided to meet next Thurs
day evening at which time every man
In the community Is Invited to be
present, for n further discussion of
this project. In the meantime the
secretary was Instructed to get all
the Information possible on the sub
ject from Lincoln nnd members of
the Alliance guards will be Invlled to
be present and give Information.
This is a move that Is patriotic
and should have the support of
every true citizen. Let every one
come out next Thursday evening and
help start this move. Remember the
time and place and tell all your
friends. Thursday, January 3, at the
Community Club rooms.
Omaha Bee:
Is somebody asleep at the switch?
Notice has Just been brought to the
attention of the State Board of Edu
cational Lands, which has charge of
the school land leases to potash
rights, that the American Potash
company, which has a lease on a
lake on the John Krause farm about
ten miles north of Antloch, and of
which one-half Is located on school
land of the state, has In eight months
pumped from the lake at least 150,-
000 worth of potash.
The board has held that when any
part of a lake lies on school land
that the state has an Interest In the
waters In the lake, but so far no
action has been taken. In the case
of the American Potash Company,
the section line dividing the land
owned by Krause and leased to the
company, runs almost directly across
the center of the lake.
The Churches
Bridgeport News-Blade:
8. C. Cheney, who lives at Llsco
had a bad accident yesterday morn
ing when he started to come to
Bridgeport. He was In an automo
bile In company with Clarence Rose
and Just as they were crossing the
railroad track at Llsco an castbound
freight train struck the car and de
moltshed It completely. Mr. Cheney
does not have a good recollection of
exactly what happened to him when
the car was struck, but found him
self shortly thereafter standing on
his feet on the ground near the car,
Neither man was badly hurt, but Mr,
Cheney's back was severely wrenched
whllo Mr. Rose's clothing was torn
partly from him. The car Is a com
plete loss to Mr. Cheney, but both
men are In great luck In not getting
killed. They came on to Bridgeport
Immediately after the accident to be
in attendance at the hearing of Mr.
Dudden before the council of de
Hemlngford Ledger:
Four years ago Hutton and Clark
sold 160 acres for $3,600 to J. H.
Roherbaugh who came -from south
ern part of Nebraska. The first year
he broke out sixty acres nnd raised
nome sod corn and some potatoes of
which he makes no mention. The
second year 1915 he had in ten
scree of corn that averaged twenty
five bushels per acre, ten acres of
oats, twenty acres of wheat, twenty-nine
acres of potatoes, from all of
this his net receipts were $1,990.35.
The third year he had thirty-nine
scree of potatoes for which he re
ceived $4,893.72 i besides saving 400
bushels for seed which he figures at
$500. Thirty-eight acres of wheat.
nine acres of which was winter
Wheat, averaging twenty-four bushel
per acre; sold 102 bushels for $165 -
24; remainder on hand at present
price $1.35 $657.20. making
third year's crop total a value of
$6,216.1. The remaining wheat
was sold 1 1" '- at from $2 to $3 per
bushel. The fourth year 1917
ninety acros in cultivation: seven
teen acres of potatoes Triumphs
sold for $2.05 per bushel and
brought 3,711. Note the seventeen
Bridgeport News-Blade:
"Goodbye, Girls, I'm Through,"
were probably the words that came
Into the mind of A. F. Ouildner when
his wife called at the Bridgeport
hotel last (Wednesday and Informed
him that she would be pleased to ac
company him back to his domicile In
Wisconsin from whence he departed
some months ago. uuiioner, wno
has been working as a brakeman on
the Burlington out of Bridgeport for
several months, has proven himself
to be quite a ladies' man and it is
said that he wound his manly self
about the hearts of several of our
fairest belles during the brief time
that he tarried in this little city. It
was not known, however, to those
who were smitten by his charms that
he was a married man and the
methods which he had adopted in
wooing the ladles fair had caused
many of them to wonder If the dash
ing Lothario was not really In dead
earnest and wanted to win a home of
his own. "Alas, poor Yorlck," Guid
ner has met with hard luck, and bis
efforts at trying to be a Mormon have
been frustrated only too soon 'by his
original worthy spouse.
Bad Habits
Those who breakfast at eight
o'clock or later, lunch St 12 and
have dinner at 6 are almost certain
to be troubled with Indigestion. They
iir not ullow time for one meal to
digest before taking another. Not
less than five hours should elapse be
tween meals. If you are troubled
with indigestion correct your habits
and take Chamberlain's Tablets, and
you may reasonably hope for a quick
recovery. These tablets otrengthen
the stomach and enable It to perform
its functions naturally. Obtainable
this road. We need help. Are you
doing your part?
Co-operated with the Retail Mer
chants" association In establishing an
automobile service between Alliance
and Antioch. This auto line Is now
bringing into Alliance on an average
of twenty-five people a day. It goes
to show the value of an efficient or
ganisation, for this auto service has
been talked about for the last two
years, but not until the club took
hold of the matter was it estab
lished under regular schedule time
and with a moderate fee charge.
Does organization pay?
Circulated petitions asking the
commissioners of Morrill county to
repair the Angora-Bridgeport road
and to make the road from Alliance
to Broadwater an open road.
Furnished rooms for over fifty
delegates attending the State Con
vention of Potato Growers.
Furnished t' e ribbons, the ban
ners, paid for the prize, ana fur
nished the entertainment for the
visitors at the Imperial theatre dur
ing the state convention of Potato
Purchased a truck to repair the
Antloch road and same will be used
on any of the other roads If we can
get the right kind of co-operatlon.
The Alliance Community Club was
the first organization, im only in
Nebraska, but in the west to pur
chase a truck for the purpose of re
pairing the roads. Alliance leads,
others follow.
Conferred with the telephone com
pany regarding telephone service and
as a result there has been some
change for the better. i
Accompanied our county commis
sioners to Marple where a conference
was held with the county commis
sioners of Sheridan county and as a
result federal money will be spent on
the road next spring, and same has
been O. K.'d by State Engineer
Helped secure a lady demonstrator
for Box Butte county.
Met with the Bayard Commercial
Club and Hemlngford Community
club, at their get-together meeting,
agitating the spirit of co-operation.
Held a special meeting at the city
ball In the interest of a potash plant
for Alliance.
Took up the matter with the city
council concerning better sewerage
disposal and same was acted upon
Directors' meeting since October
15th, fourteen; average attendance,
Real estate meetings, four; aver
age attendance, 7.
Budget committee m e e t 1 n g b
twelve ;average attendance, 10.
Automobile service to Antloch,
five committee meetings; average at
tendance. 16.
Antioch road committee, eight
meetings; average attendance, 14.
Scott8bluff road commute, three
meetings; average attendance, 5.
Hay Springs, Alliance road, four
meettgns; average attendance, 6.
Charity endorsement committee
four meetings.
Office Work
Personal letters written. 627.
Twenty-three articles written for
newspapers ana magazines, totaling
over seven thousand words.
Furnished employment for five
women and sixty-two men.
Furnished information for over
hundred visitors who called at the
Furnished two special articles for
the Butterlck Publishing company
of New York, concerning articles for
The Tradesman of Omaha.
Christian Chnrcli Looking Ahead
Text: Phil. 3:13-14 This one
thing I do for getting the things
which are behind, and stretching for
ward to the things which are before.
I press on toward the goal unto the
prise of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus.
"Look up, not down. Look for
ward. Lend a hand." Hale.
Are you satisfied with your past?
A child, building with blocks, will
rebuild if not satisfied. In erecting
a building a man is never satisfied,
but will make some changes the
next time. Day by day we are
building for eternity. Each one
places the material In his own build
ing. Would you prefer another
year Just like the past? I am sure
some changes and many,
would be made. The acts of kind
ness and deeds of love you would de
sire to continue. Each doy you
would add the Christian graces. The
devil's grr.ces, unkind thoughts, Jeal
ousies, and indifference will be for
Profiting by the experiences of the
past, let us view the present. Tak
ing an inventory of self, wo discover
what is our real strength an(i what
is our real weakness. Magnify
trength and overcome weakness.
This means meditation, conservation
and Christian activity. We will also
consider the strength and weakness
of the church. Resolve to make
every department normr.l nnd
healthy. The greatest depend upon
our study of present conditions.
Without a constructive program, we
cannot meei the present needs.
Never loose sight of the text book
which Is the word of God.
Our ideals should ever grow high
er, f or tnis year we should set our
standard higher. There should be a
deeper consecration of self. Be
found often on your knees. The
knee drill is beneficial to all. Use
every talent in Christ's service. Let
us realize that living or dleing we are
the Lord's. The affirmative "yes'
will be give to any reasonable re
quest. I will not criticise others
when I am unwilling to undertake
the Job. I will not only grow in
grace, but with God's help I will
make the church a hotter church.
I will endeavor always to be hope
ful. Christ was never pccsimlstic.
He taught that at some time truth
would prevail. No wonder when
speaking through Paul, He said, "Be
not weary in well doing for in due
season ye shall reap if ye faint not."
Paul, the great Apostle to the Gen
tiles, never sound ?d a note of dis-
The ladles of the Baptist church
are offering the season tickets for the
remaining three numbers of the Red-
path Lecture Course for only 90
cents. Save 30 cents and buy the
course ticket.
Delicious Drinks
Our pure ice cresm and resl fruit flavors make the refresh
ments you get at Brennan's fountain really nourishing food.
And we keep our serving dishes and receptacles as clean and
wholesome as the best housewife in town keeps her kitchen.
Stop in at Brennan's
and get a thirst-quencher, thn take a pail of cream home to
the family.
Alliance Women Have Learned the
Causa of Many Mysterious Pains
and Aches
Mans women have come to knew
that sex isn't the reason for all back
aches, dizzy headaches and urinary
disorders. Men have these troubles
too, and often they come from kid
ney weakness. To live oimply, eat
sparingly, take better care of one's
self and to use Doan's Kidney Fills
U bound to help bad kidneys get bet
ter. There la no other remedy so
well-recommended by Alliance peo
pie. Read this case:
Mr Thomas Ackerman. 621 West
Second street, Alliance, says:
know Doan's Kidney Pills are a won
derful medicine, as I have used them
and they have always relieved any
kidnev disorders I have had. When
my kidneys have been disordered
have suffered from a dull, heavy
pain across my back that seemed to
be pulling me down. At night
couldn't rest because of the steady
aching and during the day I would
feel tired and worn-out. My kidneys
showed tSSS were disordered by act
lng Irregularly Doan's Kidney Pills
have been the means of relieving all
that trouble, so I am glad to recom
mend them."
Price, eOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the sar that
Mrs. Ackerman had. Foater-Milburn
Co.. Mfgra., Buffalo, N. T.
Lincoln, Nebraska, January 14th to 19th, 1918
Everybody interested in the vital question of greater and better
farm products should attend these gatherings.
Board of Agriculture Live Stock Shippers' Ass'n.
Corn Improvers State Home Economics
State and County Fairs Dairy Cattle Breeders
State Dairymen's Ass'n. State Worse Breeders
Agricultural Extensions State Swine Breeders
Nebraska Farmers' Congress State Potato Growers
SPECIAL FEATURES: Every day special educational events,
congresses and conventions. For official programs, information, etc.,
apply to W. R. Mellor, Chairman, Lincoln, Neb.
Denver, Colo., January 20th to 26th, National
Western Live Stock Show.
It attracts thousands of visitors to Denver
from the Middle West.
S. H. Cole, Agent, Alliance, Neb.
L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska
couragement. He said "this one
thing I do," and continued preaching
his message of salvation.
All for Christ and Chri3t for all
will give us a forward -move. Our
work is for God, home and native
land, yes and the whole world.
"Forgetting the things which are
behind, and stretching forward to
the things which are before, I press
on toward the goal unto the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ
Church of Christ
Begin the new year right. Prompt
ness and regularity at all services.
The minister will preach .on the fol
lowing subjects the first Lord's day
in the year: "Three things to think
about" and "Who Is on the Lord's
Side?" This will be a great day.
The "Every Member Canvass" will
be taken In the afternoon. Every
member of the congregation who
can', will remain at home to meet the
committee. At the evening hour
following the sermon, some will obey
their Lord in His death, burial and
resurrection. Come to the church
with a message and a welcome.
Old Gentleman (dictating an Indig
nant letter) Sir. my shorthand
typist, being a lay, cannot take
down what I think of you. I, being
a gentleman, cannot say it; but you,
being neither, can easily guess my
thoughts. Luke McLuke.
A Definition
regard our friend
as a
"Do you
"No," replied Senator Sorghum.
"He's the sortof a man that gets
credit for being a statesman, when
he's only a publicity expert." Wash
ington Star.
Young Mothers
Reserve strength for motl jr
hood is of two-fold importance
and thoughtful women before
and after maternity take
It supplies pure cod liver oil
for f'ch blood and contains
lime and soda with medicinal
glycerine, all important ingredi
ents for strengthening the
nervous system and furnishing
abundant nourishment
It is free from alcohol.
Insist on the genuine.
The N-irwtv'iiiii cod liver oil ia
Scott's Euukloo ia now refined in oar
own American laboratories which
make it pure and palatable.
Scott &Bowne,Bloomfield. N.I. 17-40
nimimmiiiimmiiimiimniMMmnnmninmwmi tmmmmmimmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmxmmmmmamtm
Money Banked is Money Saved
Money Spent is Money Gone Forever
Plenty of Time to
Join Our
Come In
First State Bank
Of Alliance
The Reasons for Christmas
Ba lking Clubs To pro
vide a way for those of
moderate and even small
means to save money.
To teach thrift to the
old and young by a sys
tematic method of sav
ing a specified sum each
week. The Christmas
Banking Club makes it
easy for all to save.
It Costs Nothing to Join
our Christmas Banking
Club and it is an easy
way to have money next Christmas. The
plan is simple! You start with 10c, 5c, 2e or
lc and increase M'ith the same amount eneh
How to Join Look ov
er our different Clubs
and select the one you
wish to join, the lc, 2c, 5c, 10c, 50c, $1.00
$5.00 then come to our Bank with the first
weekly payment. We will make you a mem
ber of the Club and give you a Christmas
Banking Club Book showing the Club you
have joined.
lc, 2c, 5c, 10c
will start you in our
Come in, let us show you how in 50 weeks
you can have from
$12.75 to $127.50
We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest in Our Christmas Banking Club. Join Now
1 i ii t r 1 1 iiiniiHi