The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 06, 1917, Image 7

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    ALL1AWCE HKHALD, Tin iisfAY. IiM .a. mi7.
Interesting Things About Nebraska
By Will M. Maupin. State Publicity Director
The Rpvpnna Nown tolls the story
of a chk-kou shipped from that place
to Anaconda, Mont., In whose craw
was found twenty or thirty sapphires,
evidently picked up by the aforesnid
chicken while foraging along the
banks of the south fork of the Ixnip.
Huh. finding a handful of sapphires
in a Nebraska chicken's craw isn't
anything! During 1916 automobiles
and phonograhs and sewing ma
chines, and surreys, and silk dresses,
and fur coats and pianos and univer
sity courses and trips to the Pacific
coast and a whole lot of other things
were found in the craws of Nebraska
chickens about $3 5,000,000 worth.
Mrs. Biddy Hen of Nebraska tip
your hats, please contributed more
than 200.000,000 dozen eggs to the
prosperity of the state, and 75,000,
000 dozen of them were sold at an
average price of about 22 cents per
dozen, or about $17,000,000. And
she contributed something like $17,
000,000 or $18,000,000 worth of
"frieB" and "bolls" and "stews" to
the gustatory joy of the country. A
mere handful of measley litMe old
sapphires In a Nebraska chicken's
craw is hardly worth mentioning.
ing a single share of stock. It means
that the aforesaid QOBIpM is san
guine that it is going to tlnd the oil.
That is Just what the Praiie (ias &
Oil company, a subsidiary of the
Si.mdard, Is doing In Banner county,
It has hauled hundreds of tons of
materials over t w ent ty-flve miles of
road that would give a British tank
cause to worry, and without any
press agenting or stock selling is pro
ceeding with the work of boring a
20-inch hole, prepared to sink it a
mile deep If necessary. The com
pany has oil leases on 80,000 acres
of Banner county land. The pros
pectors are experienced oil men, and
they evidently believe there Is an oil
down in Banner county. It looks
reasonable, to, for they are drilling
on a line between the oil regions of
Wyoming and the oil regions of Kan
It Is one of the easiest things In
the world to organize an oil company
and sell promotion stock. Every
body in Nebraska is yearning for the
d'scovery of oil In this state. But
when a well known oil company pro
ceeds to expend a quarter of a mil
lion dollars In prospecting for oil,
and puts up the money without sell-
The department of publicity Is
working diligently in the preparation
of a booklet, "Nebraska Facts," that
will be, if the ainiB jot the compiler
are successful, be the best epitome
of Nebraska resources and oppor
tunities ever prepared for general
distribution. It will briefly tell of
the advantages of every county In
the state provided the people of
the various counties co-operate as
they should. The director of the de
partment Is writing to parties In
every county, asking for Information
and suegestion. but as yet the re
sponses are discouragingly few. But
the only bad result of this will be de-
Can You Grubstake $1 or More for
Oil and Copper at Gallatin, Missouri?
Personal Statement of John W. Everman
Since the discovery of Oil and Copper on the 15,000 acres we have
near Gallatin, 1 have been asked so many questions and have had so
many propositions put up to me that 1 am taking this way of explain
ing just how 1 propose to develop the land, and make money for
myself and my associates. Also 1 offer a few people the opportunity
to "grub stake" with me; and have arranged with the Farmers Ex
change Bank of Gallatin to take care of the money, so people who do
not know me can deal with the bank. Probably you have heard exag
gerated rumors, also stories about Eastern Capital "grabbing off" the
leases, but the facts are good enough to interest anyone who is willing
to risk a little money for the chance of getting big money quick;
also 1 do not want any "promotion" or "stock selling scheme," etc.
If the plain facts are not good enough ami a straight, clean-cut, neigh
borly developing proposition does not appeal to any man, then I advise
him to buy stock from a regular promoter; as I am not and never will
be a promoter. Personally, 1 expect to make my everlasting fortune
out of this Oil and Copper wealth t hat nature has put at my doors:
If anyose cares to come in with
me on an "Even Steven" break, and
pat up some money against my land
for development, I will share even I
with them. Interest for Interest, on j
a basis of $1 up. and the bank to j
take care of your money until we
pay it out to the drillers, etc. I do
not know, nor care, anything about
"marketing stock," etc.; I know if
you have a large enougli boulder
of the MibNtanre, better bring It
up to the top, as coper is now
bringing no menu price.
Very truly yours.
Signed) ML K. WILSON.
When you've got 15,000 acres of
j mineralized land; when you've got
sure copper on the surface; when
j you've got oil bubbling up from 150
. . V J 1 . . .1 ... .. .. . . . . 1 1
juu imve uw uu wyyw ,uu cuu iw n tKft.fMt wells. I think vou ve KOt
them; and as the world wants oil' ,,,,. , .,
; ' I ! 1 I UlUn LUUk " ill i i i . i n UUJ ii
that touches it rich. Hence I am go-
and copper, it looks good to me, to
make our money by selling what
-we've got.
We have two wells, producing
some oil, and two farmers, boring
for water in the same neighborhood,
struck oil at a depth of 160 and 240
feet, respectively. L. W. Powell, a
farmer, was boring a well for stock
water, and struck oil, which ran out
low n the hill side, and on into the
river, coloring everything it touched.
We have 15,000 acres of land leas
ed in this vicinity, covering these
-wells, and our leases also cover land
on which we have discovered a ledge
of metal of some kind; this substance
is about 8 to 9 inches thick, and lays
30 ft. underground. It lays under a
hill and this land as well as that sur
rounding is rough as thunder I re
cently sent a sample from this ledge
to the Bureau of Geology and Mines
at Rolla, Mo., and herein you will
find a copy of their reply to me re
garding this substance:
ing to drill wells, produce oil; sell
the oil; going to mine the copper;
sell the copper; and whoever wants
to go shares with me to cover the
cost of drilling and digglng.out the
metal can come in now on a basis of
$1.00 per share sending the money
to the Farmers Exchange Bank, Gal
latin, Mo. As many as come in on
this offer, I will incorporate and issue
shares to as the law requires, the
bank acting as your trustee in the
I do not know how much you will
make out, of your $10 or $100 or
$1,000 that you put in, but if you
will come here and see what I have,
you will be as excited as all my
neighbors are; and I'll guarantee you
will put up every cent you'll dare to
risk. I haven't any literature or "hot
air" to put out; hence, if you want
to "COME IN," simply clip coupon
and send for as many shares as you
State of Missouri. Bureau of Geology ! want th? Farmers Exchange Bank
. . . . . t i m Mr vrtu nrlll tmt , ,1.. .. .
and Mines, Hid la. Mo.:
August 23, 1917.
Mr. John W. Everman,
Gallatin, Mo.
Dear Sir:
In the absence of Mr. Buehler,
I beg to acknowledge receipt of
your letter and sample submitted
August 22nd.
Tin- sample Is pure native cop
per, and I judge it lies in the
drift above the bed-rock, where
you found the princiial mass. I
can easily realize your difficulty
in detaching this small piece. If
Gallatin, Mo, you will get your dollar
j for dollar. If you would like, come
i to Gallatin and look at your property.
How all the smart promoters, etc.,
will laugh at this way of getting de
veloped but I think the common
horse sense of the American people
will tell them it is Just about the
kind of a deal that makes "REAL
MONEY" for everybody and makes
it quick.
Write to me if you want to know
anything more, but to the bank, if
you are to talk "Turkey."
(Signed) JNO. W. EVERMAN.
Find $ for shares at $1.00
a Bhare in Mr. Everman's proposition you to hold this money as my
trustee until the state issues charter and stock can be Issued; all this
to be done in sixty days from date, or the money to be refunded to me.
Notice the following Standard Estimates of Oil
A 500 barrel oil well earns 9272,350 per year.
Oil Is one of our greatest producers of fuel resources. Fortunes are
being made today in Oil, especially open to the small Investor. Here are
tome samples:
Had you invested 960 in the Coline Oil Co., you would have gotten back
90 Invested in the Spencer OH Co., would have made you 910,400.
960 Invested in the Quaker Oil Co., would now be worth 918,000.
In April, 1916, the Quaker Oil Co. paid a cash dividend of 92,600 on
each 900 share of stock.
990 Invested la the Kern OU Co. has paid over 916,000 in dividends.
960 put Into the Home OU Co., would have made you 996,000.
The Suck OU Oa. paid over 180 per cent dividends during the
lay ;n the publication of the book
The director will diie out the facts all
h himself if be has to do so But
it would be of great advantage to
the various counties If men therein
j would volunteer to assist.
In 1913 Nebraska licensed 2 5,617
automobiles. So far In 1917 more
than 1 40,000 hnVe been licensed. Oc
tober 21, 1913, the deposits In N;-
brisks, state banks amounted to
191.793.826.64. On August 10.
11917. the deposits in Nebraska state
banks amounte dto 224.896,229.84.
Deposit! In State and national bank;
I usually run about the same on
Mine 30. 1913. the assets of Nebras
ka building , and loan associations
amounted to $32,746,000. On Au
gust 10. 1917, the assets of Nebraska
building and loan associations
amounted to $54,545,000. The real
value of Nebraska property In 1917
is $450,000,000 more than It was In
1913. Anything to be thankful for
this year. Mr. Nebraskan?
lo vu HAVH MMR sVBJslf
It's iiuMrtMut to Lean the Ombm, a
Man AlUanes People Hws,
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Ne
braska, Chadron Division. '
In the Matter of the Allirnce Auto
Supply Company, bankrupt.
Case No. 42, in Bankruptcy. Volun
tary Petition.
At Chadron, Dawes county, Ne
braska, in said District, before Fred
erick A. Crites, referee In bank
ruptcy, December 6th, 1917.
To the Creditors of the Alliance
Auto Supply Company, a corpora
tion, bankrupt:
on the 12th day of October, 1917. the
said Alliance Auto Supply Company
was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and
that the first meeting of the creditors
of said bankrupt corporation will be
held ih the offices of Boyd & Metz, In
the city of Alliance, Box Butte coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 17th day of De
cember, A. D., 1917, at 2 o'clock p.
in . at which time and place said
creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt, and transact such oth
er business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
WITNESS my hand this 6th day of
December. A. D.. 1917.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Dizziness issnever a disease of It
self It's only a symptom of some
deeper-seated trouble. Much dizzi
ness Is caused by disordered kidneys
IklllS a ill. a Lm, . m
muni mi nuer an me poirons rioni
the blood These poisons attack the
nerves and dizziness results If you
are subject to dizziness .there Is good
W -on to suspect your kidneys, and
it you surfer backache, headache, and
irregularity of the kidney secretions.
v.,ii have further proof. Many' Al
liance people have learned the value
of Doan's Kidney Pills in Just such
cases. Read this Alliance resident's
statement :
Mrs. J M. Line, 314 Missouri St..
says "We have used Doan's Kid
ney rills in the family for some time
and think they are just fine. My kid
neys were out of order and acted ir
regularly and I had a steady, tiring
ache In my back. When I bent over
or got up from a chair, a sharp, cut
ting pain caught me. I had dizzy
spells and felt all worn out. Doan's
Kidney Pills completely relieved me."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Line had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Mfgs , Buffalo. N. Y.
For the Don't Worry Club.
Emancipation, or, a perfectly de
angered and de-worrylzeil mind; can
only be secured through conviction of
its possibility, and not simply through
an intellectual admission of Its pos
sibility. Fulth Is the prerequisite of
every successful accomplishment in
life. Knowledge and the appreciation
of the power of the mind over phan
toms of Its own creation, and, confi
dence tn expel them, Is as necessary In
mentlculture as Is the confidence of
the gymnast In performing wonderful
feats' of ment!pnyHircalkiU. The con
dition required for growth to emnncl-'
patlon, Is that of perfect faith aud con
fidence, born of knowledge of the
i power God has given us to "cast out
evil," and In that condition emancipa
tion, when attained, enn be anchored
safely, protected from any of the bat
tling and surglug elements of discord
from without. Horace Fletcher.
IF CALIFORNIA, our Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper Partieo
to Los Angela through Boenic Colorado and Salt Lake will per
mil you to make lliis overlain! journey in the most rare-free way.
Vou can o either direct or via San Francisco ami Coast Line
thru Santa Harhara.
IF THE SOUTH, you have BurliiiRton through -service routea vi9
Kansas City, St. Louis, ChlOmgO or Denver for direct or variable'
route tours to all principal Southern destinations and the big
military cantonments.
Ask for literature. Let me assist you and elucidate all of the travel
advantages that accrue to you, if your ticket
reads " Burlington. "
S. H. Colo, Agent, Alliance, Nebr.
L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska
Earning s Living.
It can never be said of the farmer
rho earns a good living that he
Wsn't get It, nor of the farmer wh"
n good living that he doesn't can
t Both do both.
An Old Ids.
The type of man who feels he has
discharged his obligations as s has
baud when he provides his wife with
a place to do housework for her board
is not uncommon. Topeka Capital.
International Typographical Union No. 755
The UNION LABEL on printed matter ALWAYS means
the BEST, in both the front office and the workshop the com
posing room. There arc two printing offices in Alliance en
titled to the use of the UNION LABEL :
UNION MEN and LABORING MEN of all trades, if your
tradesman solicits your business with printed matter ask him
to get the UNION LABEL on his advertising.
Demand the UNION LABEL on Your Printing
Having bought a farm, which causes me to move
quite a a distance, I will sell at Public Auction at the old McDonald
Place, 7 miles south and one and one-half miles west of Alliance, on
Thursday, Dec. 13,
commencing immediately after FREE LUNCH AT 1 1 O'CLOC
the following described property:
81 Head of Livestock
3 head of Mares 2 4-yr.-old Mares, partly broke and gentle, Wt.
about 1200 pounds; 1 9-yr.-old Mare, wt. about 1300, well broke
j j a j s
51 - Head of CATTLE - 51
30 head of Yearling Steers; 1 3-yr.-old Cow; 20 Calves
24 Shoats, weight 125 lbs.
200 bushels of Corn 20 tons of Hay
W . V A uiv AW mm mm A. MM A V w iJL WS1 WAJ M, m, UUV VS V
Ward Miles, Owner
H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer
First State Bank, Alliance