Items of Community Interest on Hip run when he hits the battle ground. Frank McCorratek, manager of I UM Alliance Hotel, was on the sick .lis' last week. John Nolan. Bin luinton employe, i that ronr8 western Nebraska as no hag ;:"nc to Edvenmnt to make hlslothcr paper does. The lb-raid ap- ! hme. C. E. Roscnberger, of Hemlngford. "Wis business visitor in Alllatie On Tucsda. i t'afeterin lUBChOOfl at the M K ciuirch Frldaj evening, I i I p Frank llanna, of llursland, win In tl ' city the first part of the week to t II NBI Hlb It ('. Worley, Ilcmineford ranch rum, was In the rity tBe tlrnt of the week on business. Hugh MeVlcker, of Lincoln, vis it, d over Thanksglvini with his Belt, F Wi Harris. The YVIker Music House report the sale of a fine piano .. at week to T S. Tachalker of Canton. R. M. Tlnrom,-Alliance agent for Alams Express company, made business trip south Monday noon. Miss Bertha Rowland of Heminc ford was operated on Wednesday fternoon at St. Joseph's hospital for tonsolitls. Mrs. Robert R. Williams, mother Of Mis. S. W. Thompson, of Alliance, 1b spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family. John R. Snyder, prominent Alli ance Odd Fellow, went to Seneca on Wednesday to attend an Odd Fellows rally there that evening. He re turned this morning on 41. F. E. Alien, former Alilanco resi dent, stopped over Wednesday for a few hours while on his way to his home near Redington, Nebr., after a Visit with relatives in Iowa. A. C. McDonald, Burlington rail road man, was operated on Monday t St. Joseph's hospital for tonsoli tls. Claude is doing well and his friends look for a rapid recovery. Misses Margaret Harris and Mabel Young wont to Mitchell last Thurs day 'for the purpose of attending a house party given by Miss Mildred Whitehead, a cousin of Miss Harris. It Is reported that Al Snedeker, former Alliance boy, now at Bridge port, has taken onto himself the bonds of matrimony. His Alliance friends are extending congratula tions. R. E. Brown, of Alliance, left Sunday evening for Seneca. Mrs. Brown and little son loft last week for the same place. They will visit with her parents there for some time. The small son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vinton, of Whitman. Were operated on Friday ,at St. Jo seph's hospital for tonsolitls. The boy was taken home on Sunday and the girl on Monday. Don't pay rent pay like rent. Wright. -build a home and See Wright & l-tf-8908 Lieutenant Lloyd M. Smith in t With the Home Guards at the armory Tuesday night. Lloyd drilled the boyB and showed them the latent wrinkles In drill work. They ap preciated his visit very much. B. V. Reeves, the decorator and painter, Is doing the decorating and painting on the new costly residence building of the Nebraska Potash Company at Antioch. He expects to Complete the work- by Christmas. Ervtn Macken who has held the position of timekeeper in the muster mechanic's office at the Burlington headquarters for the past two years, has resigned his position and en listed in the United States army. XMAS imcohYkm solykd: (live your friendn a Photognqrti VAN GRAVEN HTl'DIO Phone 01 'Alliance, Nebr. l-2t-8909 ' Max Wilcox, for ii " i Alliance boy, who has been associated with his father in the newspaper business at prsclatos the tint' patronage it has re- j Celvad dVini the past year. It will , endeavor t keep up Its reputation of faralBttlfii ait the tows and of maintaining Its standard as "The leading Newspaper of Nebraska" m.i nit the coming y ar. Cafeteria luncheon at the M. E. ohurch Friday evetlng, 6 to 8 p. m. The men and boys entertained the women and the girls at the Bap tist ohurch Friday evening. The BtertalBtaeBl was unique anil the lunch was odd, but satisfying. A general good time was hail. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, who wan operated on at St. .Joseph's Hospital IBM week for appendicitis and who alio had a bunion taki n from each loot, la improving rnpHly and ex peCta to be taken to her home the 'a A of the Week Miss Mlckinnls. who lives on a ranch north of Chert BBS, left St. Jo seph's hospital Wednesday morning for her home. She was operated on at the hospital for appendicitis shout ten days ago. and made a rapid Tecovery. An Alliance business man re ceived a blank statement In his mail the other day. The bookkeeper at the other end of the line had failed to All in the Items. He fixed that bill easily he Just sent the firm back a blank check, unsigned. F. 0. Uebelmesser Is the new as sistant bookkeeper at the Alliance yards o fthe Forest Lumber com pany. Mr. TJebelmesser comes from the bead offices of the Forest peo ple at Kansas City. He reports the coal- situation very serious at St. Louis and Kansas City. The Epworth League will serve a cafeteria luncheon at the Methodist church. Friday evening, December 7th. The general public Is cordially Invited. Menu: Roast beef, 10c; mashed potatoes and brown gravy, 10c; hot rolls and butter, 10c; pickles jelly, 10c; cake and coffee, 10c; or supper, 60c. W. C. Mounts. E. G. Lalng, J. O. Walker. J. M. Miller and D. E. W. Jones compose a party of Alliance citizens who are in Lincoln today for the purpose of Joining the Shrln ers. Most of the men left yesterflay for Lincoln. W. C. Mounts, county clerk, left a few days ago and visited Omaha, Kansas City and other points. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house; must be modern, with five or six rooms. Call 340. 53-tf-87n7 a H. W. Matchan, trave'ng sales man for the Peters Paper Company, of Denver, who visits Alliance reeu larly. Is tb 'father of a bouncing baby girl, born to Mr. and Mrs Matchan at Denver a few days ago. Mr. Matchan is buying the c'gars for his many customers with the smile that won't come off A younc lady who wanted to buy ; n bath sponae stepped into a local drug store the other evening. Her mind was evidently on something else than her purchase for she said to th eclerk behind the counter. "I want a sponge bath, please." The clerk fainted, me laciy, ami i 9tn there was a slight commotion until explanations were made all around. Miss Hattie Englehorn and Mrs. C. O, Koester are visiting friends in Scottshluff today Danny frilly and wife have re turn, d to Livingston. Mont., after a Visit in Alliance with Mra. Nellie Moran. The M E. ladles are giving a food sale on December 15th. Remember the date a Mr and Mrs. Shepard with Mrs. McClernejr were in from Hemlng ford this week to do a little shopping In the well-stocked stores of Al liance. sea Mr. and Mm. C. P. Chambers of Sidney, oama Into town Wednesday to consult with Dr. Copsey in regard to an X-Rny examination of their lit tle daughter. C. F. Miller arrived In Alliance this morning from Denver. He Is an expert mechanic that the King & Smith Garage have added to their establishment. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barno9, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis were down from Crawford thi.i week . I i. v-... ,. m " iu .iuttui uri mm y fa l w no i , i i , w vju a uujuiK irin ana ex- wfiinh wt,a tt iot.CTar w,k. RECORD BREAK ING MONTH AT BIG MARKET OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET OC T1'YIX; LEADING POSITION AND STILL FORGING AHEAD A HEAVY fl0F CATTLE Receipt of Hog, and Sheep Com paratively Light for November on Account of Shortage In common with other live stock markets Omaha showed the effects during November of the shortage of hogs and sheep, but the month was a record breaker for cattle. The number of cattle received was not the largest for any month in the his tory of the market, but the largest of any November. The total for the month was 222. 2"3 head which was- nearly 70,000 for thre corresponding month last year. The number of cattle received pect to ararnge for four new cars John J. Manion, Box Butte coun ty young man who sold his ranch stock, machinery, etc., at public sale on November 20th, will enlist in the army within a few days. John had a very successful sale, the sum of $5,800 being realized. Ten year ling steers brought $63.50 each, a record price for this class of stock. John is still feeding fltfy head of hogs which he wishes to get as fat us possible for market before leav ing for the training cump. WANTED TO RENT 4 or r. room house. Call Herald Office 340. 53-$-2t-813 J. C. McCorkle of the Nebraska Land Company, reports a flourishing land oustness for his company dur any November up to that time A new mark for one November week was also set during the six days ending November 17, the run for that period being 60,212 head. This is only 1,600 short of the largest supply ever received on this mar ket during any one week. A run of 23,274 head on Monday, November 12, broke all records for a single day during this month. In addition to this, the year's rec ord has already been broken by more than 140,000 head, arirvals for the year so far being over a quarter of a million larger than for the first eleven months of 116. Hog receipts on the other hand were only a little more than half as large as the record breaking supply which showed up in November, 1916, and considerable lighter than a nor Delicious Drinks Our pure ice cream and real fruit flavors make the refresh ments you get at Brennan's fountain really nourishing food. And we keep our serving dishes and receptacles as clean and wholesome as the best housewife in town keeps her kitchen. Stop in at Brennan's and get a thirst-quencher, thn take a pail of cream home to the family. LUNCHEONETTE IN CONNECTION Brennan's PHONE 84 301 BOX BUTTE AVE. Mall to HAS. C. JAMESON, Sec.-Treas., Ellsworth, Nebraska Cents per HeadHorses and Cattle. 6.00 Annual Due Application for Membership NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION Name XnKt Plaeaaoa- Sixty-five tracts ma, NoVember run. The total for of Box Butte county land were sold one time and ten tracts were sold tbee times, making a total o eighty-live transfers during the sea son. The lands sold totaled sixteen thousand and four hundred acres. Tlie burning of'sfx railroad cars which were worn out at the Burling ton yards Tuesday evening caused many people in Aliiunce and the surrounding country to believe that there was a serious tire. The cars were burned for the purpose of get ting the metal parts out. All metal parts are now worth big money and the railroad is saving every part. A number of Alliance citizens who are short ot kindlinK wood wished that they had been given the opportunity of wrecking and tearing up the cars for the wood, rather than to see it burn, although the big Are did make the Weather around town somewhat warmer. the month stands at 147,897 head. The supply of sheep for the month 1 amounts to 241,555 head, being ap- : proximately 40,000 smaller than a year ago, and 70.000 short of the record November run. Post Office No. Cattle . Date. Horsea. County Assessed in Brands Why Do Vou Worry? vvby shouir anyone worry shortens life. LIU ui To . II Kar Murks r . ' i . t u tl ml t 4 hi au afftan t 1 1 . VMV.l Mll4 I71taun 1111 "ST 1 ' federal health service has I a ken won) so seriously that it has Issued si bul letln naming the American peopl dguinst the danger of worrying and th blessing that comes to those who art uctive members of the glnd-huud society. Thi ! Kar Marks Remarks The Churches Christian Church Services John C. Hivner will preach both morning and evening at the Chris tian church on Sunday. December Today is "Smokeless Day" for Ne braska people. The receipts of do nations made will be expended by the Nebraska people. The receipts of donations made will be expended by the Nebraska Red Cross for presents for Nebraska soldier boys In the tralnlne camps. It Is hoped that the sum of at least $15,000 will be raised In Nebraska for this pur pose. Charles C. Sprague died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock at his home at 517 Missouri avenue. He is sur vived by his wife and one son, who accompanied the body to Crawford Wednesday morning. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Crawford. Mr. Sprague's Bridgeport, went to Omaha on Mon- ol(, homp wa8 in the PlnP Ridge dls nay to laae lac examination lor eu- jrjC( trance into the army balloon corps. Methodist Church Service Dr. Morris will speak at the Methodist church next Sunday morn ing on the subject, "Wonders of the Night,'' and Sunday evening on "The Powers'of Memory." The monthly meeting of the offi cial board held Tuesday evening was well a tended, and reports showed that the church is In. a prosperous condition. All bills are paid up to dale with money in the treasury. The congregations are increasing. It is especially encouraging to see 30 many men out on Sunday evening. Hemember, there la always room for one more. T. A. Hawkins, one of the owners of the Berea townsite. 'eaves today with a carload of potatoes for Green Held. Iowa, his former home. Mr. Hawkins expects to return to Al liance in about a week or ten days. rill be "Bud" Rumer, son of Mr. and aba. W D. Rumer of Alliance, will ; loin the army aviation covps within ; cannot carry a different stock in this the next week. Bud is an expert new church year. Tha spiritual goods Ll'THKKAN CHURCH. The church has entered upon a new year. The Advent season is with us again. Another church year has passed by, never to return again. Has it been of any benefit to us? Or have we not prospered in spiritual matters? Let us take in ventory with ourselves and see if we The Alliance postoffice moved on Sunday, Postmaster Uraham have been preparing this week for the moving and everything will be ready Saturday night for the transfer. motor mechanic and is or nussy build. He is well fitted for an avia tor's calling and will undoubtedly offered to you by the Luthein church will be the same as last year. It can be not otherwise for the para- make the Oermans know that there mount duty of the church Is to save December 9th. lis a Box Butte county boy who can and his force , imitate the birds before he srets through with his work in trie great war. Dr W. J. Manaffv'and wife are in Chicago on a ten day's visit there. Smith Garage. The doctor Is attending the meeting of the Illinois State Dental Society, of which he Is a member. Their home was in Chicago before they came west. WANTED Furnished rooms for light housekeeping: modern, pre ferred Call Mr. Miller. Kine & 53-f-3t-8914 J. H. Show, Carl Modlsett and Clark Denny, of the Potash Reduca tlon Company of Hoffman, are in the cliy on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs Show are guests for the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Mallery. Dr. C. K. Egale'was called to Ger lng on Tuesday of this week as a witness in a court case in which a Minatare farmer is being tried far hnotini; his neiehbor. the latter be ing brought to the hospital at Al- 1 States army within a rew days, irea nance and attended by the doctor has taken a homestead In Wyoming Jerome Fleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming: Noel Young. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed oung; and Warren Lotspelch. son of Mrs. I. B. Lotspelcb, have shown their patrio tism by Joining Uncle Sam's navy. The boys successfully passed the final examination In Denver and went from there to the Pacific coast for training. Their ma. y Alliance friends predict for them an Interest ine experience and know that they will make good. Fred A. King, the real estate man, munager of the local office of the Bentley Land Company, will Join the aviation section of the United human souls The seruiuns you will hear in the Lutheran church in this new year will again be replete with the glor ious tiospel niesaage of John 3-16. Is it not a blessing to hear this mes sage again and again, when it alone can lead you on the straight and narrow path to Immortal glory? How about paying the Lutheran church a visit and see for yourself what it has to offer you! Do not be disappointed for you will hear no so cial, economic or plitkal issues dis cussed, but only "Christ Crucified." At the Lutheran church on De cember 9th there will be Sunday school at 9:30 and German services at 10.30. The Ladies' Aid will meet this Saturday at the home of Mrs. G Gadsby. F. WORTH MANN, Pastor. here. With thia Issue Tne Alliance Her ald la twenty-five years of age. From a small country paper it haa grown into the largest "country" newapa per in the state with a circulation before Koinu to war. When be re- turna he will hare a fine home stead and farm, a combination that will be aure to win. If Fed drives an airplane aa swiftly and well as he does that big Hudson "Super Six" he will have the Germans all How Egyptians Reaped Grain. The ancient Egyptians reaped thelt grain close to the ear and afterward nit the straw close to the ground and laid It by. It was this straw that Pha raoh refused to give to the Israelites. h was "because of this refusal to give the longer straw to the Israelites that they were compelled to gather "stub ble." This was a matter of consider able difficulty, seeing that the straw Itself had been cut off near to the War Horse Inspection We are holding War Horse Inspections at the Simon Spry Barn Alliance, Nebraska Phone 93, Alliance for dato of Next Inspection Bring in all your geldings, ages from 5 to 10 years. Prices, $130 to $160 J. E. WILSON & SON