ALLIANCR HKBAI-D, HitMUAT, NOV. . 1P1T. We Have The Goods For That Dinner N Fresh Fruit Fancy Washington Apples have just arrived and are not so expensive as last year. Fancy Grimes' Golden Apples, a hox $2 . 20 Fancy Roman Beauties, a hox 2.30 Fancy Jonathans, a hox 2.40 Fancy Delicious, a hox , 2.95 Oranges we have three sizes, per doz 30c, 40c and 60c There will not he any Naval Oranges for Thanksgiving this year. Grapes Flaming Red Emperors, per lh 25c Florida Grape Fruit, two sizes 2 for 25c, and 15c each Tahle Pears, per doz 35c Cranberries are higher, but our price is 15c a qt. Fresh Vegetables Pascal Celery Radishes Cauliflower Leaf Lettuce Head Lettuce Green Onions EL H. Cucumbers Silver Plum Celery Fresh Tomatoes Candied Cherries New Crop Nuts in Shell English Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Almouds and Pecans Seasonable Groceries Cluster Raisins, imported from Spain 16-oz. pkg. for 85c Dromidary Dates, per pkg 20c Richelieu Boiled Cider in Bottles 35c California Washed Figs, per box 30c Plum Pudding, No. 1 Richelieu Cans 35c Ripe Olives Green Olives Pimento Stuffed and Almond Stuffed Olives Shelled Nuts New Crop English Walnuts Pecans Almonds Salted Peanuts Jumbo Blanched Peanuts Maple Sugar, Richelieu Cakes 30c Phone 56 L. H. HIGHLAND Phone 56 Washington, D. C, November 7, 1917. resident ot the united Mates ot America. nmion : iSpbeen the honored custom ot our people to turn in the truittul ylar in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for His many njrcies to us as a nation. That custom we can follow now, even in ekragedy of a world shaken by war and immeasurable disaster, in jty-ow and great peril, because even amidst the darkness that has fs we can see the great bjcssings God has bestowed upon us, are better than mere peace of mind and prosperity of enterprise. been given the opportunity to serve mankind as we once served our rat dayvf our Declaration of Independence, by taking up arms UMKthreatened to master and debase men everywhere, and join- peoples In demanding for all the nations of the world what we 'd obtained for ourselves. of the revelation of our duty, not only to defend our own rights r defend also the rights of free men throughout the world, there Ifed us in full and inspiring measure the resolution and spirit ot npMprQ been brought to one mind and purpose. A new vigor of landfeummon action has been revealed in us. We should especially I. such circumstances, in the midst of the greatest enterprise the ive ever entered upon, we have, if we but observe a reasonable 3onomy, abundance with which to supply the needs of those asso well as our own. A new light shines about us. The great duties a new and greater national spirit in us. We shall never again I'ider what stuff we are made of. we render thanks for these things, let us pray Almighty God that of spirit we may look always to Him for guidance ; that we may yie spirit and purpose of service ; that by His grace our minds our hands strengthened, and that m His good time liberty 1 .1 1 1 1 A. 1 iifT pevce ami the eomrailestup oi a common justice ma oe tie naticos of the earth. e, 1, Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States of America, rn ite Thursday, the 29th day of November next, as a day of thanks yt t, and invite the people throughout the land to cease upon that c dinary occupations and in their several homes and places of wor tl anks to God, the great ruler of nations. is vhereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the to be affixed. District of Columbia, this 7th day of November, in the year of lisand nine hundred and seventeen and of the independence of the one hundred and forty-second. "WOODKOW w ILSOM. LANSING, Secretary of State." h! Suggestions For Your Thanksgiving Dinner Of which We have a Large Supply to select from Turkeys Geese Hens Beef Roast Pork Roast White Grapes Tokay Grapes Malaga Grapes Emperor Grapes Concord Grapes Oranges Grape Fruit Bananas Lemons Cranberries Cabbage Carrots Turnips Parsnips Sweet Potatoes Comb Honey Strained Honey Pure Sorghum Maple Syrup White Syrup Candies Nuts Jams Jellies Preserves Delicious Apples Jonathan Apples Virginnie Beauty Spitzenburg Grimes' Golden Rutabagas Onions Squash Pumpkin Celery Raisins Citron Spice Extracts Figs Newton Pippin Roman Beauty Winesap Stamen Ben Davis Dried Fruits Canned Fruits Canned Vegetables Canned Meats Canned Fish Pears Olives Pickles Relish Ripe Olives RODGERS' GROCERY re' IX I 1 For The Thanksgiving Dinner- Remember that we always have just what you want when you want it in the line of Groceries. Stock is complete in all departments, and prices are right too. When You Think of Groceries, Think of TOM STALOS Complete Line for Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Dates, Figs, Etc. 1MB Wr y No dinner will be complete without a cup of our fresh roasted coffee Roasted fresh every day. LEE MOORE Phone 88 119 West Third Street LI