The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 01, 1917, Image 8

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    1ks 1-;
John McCoy, M D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone tl
Richard Smith, little son of Mr.
una Mm. .io smith, underwent an
operation on Friday for the removal
Of his tonsilo. Little Richard 1 si
ting along famottily and will soon tM
out again.
Bert Mills of leottsblUff, promi
nent North Plfttti v.illey man, is In
the city on business this we k.
Real Estate. Loans and Insur
nnoe. P. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15 tf-6727
Traveling men and others inter-
opinion amnnv the group was that
their popnlai tnaehnff very closely re
Hi'inhled the tio. Ideas of Liberty as it
stands overlooking New York harbor.
J L. Nicolal made a trip to Oor-
lon Tuesday evening, taking over
the government army horse inspec
tors who purchased a large number
bet the first f the week under the!
direction of C L. Lester Company
Alliance is a leading horse market
and horse raisers are finding that
they can get good prices by. bringing
their stock to the local inspections.
.lack (tl'Mison and Charley Schafer
ma4e a hurried auto t;-p to tlush
ville and return Tuesday evening
They brought over Lloyd Tully.
Krom the .Lincoln ItatO Journal:)
Mofth went era Nebraoka baa attract-1
I'd rather more attention than usual
this year by its enormous crops of
pOtatOM. Tin largest tub' is in thut
section are grown under Irrigation,
hut the bulk of the cro, and the,
best quality of potatoes are grown
on the upland without Irrigation.
Lloyd C, Thomas of Alliance sent his
eeted in good roads, are pleased to father, Deputy Land Commissioner
learn that practically evecy gate be- .lohn W. Thomas, a box of Box Butte
tween Alliance and Scottsbluff has county spuds that combined both
been removed and that "runway" quality and good size. Thlrly-eight
gates have been installed. A runway potatoes from which these were taken
gate consists of two troughs or chan- weighed sixty pounds. The leglsla
past three weeks returned home last
Sunday morning
If you can't beat the high cost of
living no other way, tell the wife to
watch the ads.
HOMK .l Mips
Alliance is to have a Junior Home
itation as well as the
Guards. W. J. Hamll
ant for the seniors,
give his time to drill
boys and Wednesday
VeniBI has been chosen for the
night. The Armory Is to be used and
all youngsters over twelve years of
age are Invited to come. A good
I crowd was present Wednesday eve
jnlng and prospects are bright for a
busy organization.
Grammar, Composition. Algebra,
November 17th, P. M. Subjects:
Mental Arithmetic, History, Physiol
ogy. Civics, Agriculture, Theory,
Bookkeeping, Geometry, Physics.
48-3t. County Supt.
itels and four holes In the ground
The auto driver, If careful, drives his
car over the holes by hitting the run
ways. The cow or steer or horse,
nfrald of the holes, does not attempt
tive district which Is represented by
the younger Mr. Thomas, composed
of Box Buite rnd Sheridan counties,
Krows more potatoes than rny other
like district in the state, and those
to cross, and being unable to nego- spuds are famour, far and near, for
tlate the narrow runways, stays on ih-'tr splendid quality,
hie own side of the fence. Spurlos
VersenktT Never. An Alliance young lady who holds
itho position of stenogrr phcr In a local
office was noticed yesterday by her
employer to be intently writing some
thing on her typewriter, oblivious to
her surroundings. He peeked over
her shoulder and observed that she
was deeply lost in a Hallowe'en rev
erie, which ran something like this:
"At midnight tonight you will meet
the one who will be the cause of
your losing your heart. Beware, BE
WARE. On the wings of this cold,
stormy night she will be waiting at
the gate with a broom. Take her.
Oeorge J. Scott of Crawford
down Monday on business.
PHONE NO. 640.
Mr. Johnson, vice-president of the
Stock Yards National Bank of Omaha,
was In the city Monday on business ' keep her, fly away with her. After
with John Flynn, big Douglas, Wwy., j leaving this place the first man you
cattleman. Mr. Flynn purchased ; meet will be your fate. Take a
while here four hundred head of cracked mirror; walk backwards
steers from Everett Eldred. The j down the cellar steps and the man
steers were shipped to the feeding : you see looking over your left shoul-
yarda at the sugar factory for fatten- ,der will be your husband. The lady
standing in the corner with the tall,
black hat and the big. yellow cat Is
to be your bride. Beware, BE
WARE." F. B. Hartman of Lincoln, former-
B. O. Nelson of Seattle, Washing
ton, Is In the city on business this
wurk Mr. Nelson is president of the
Puget Sound Potash and Kelp Ferti
lizer Company, a company which is ly publisher of the Loud City North
constructing a large plant for the pur- western, who recently disposed of his
pose of extracting potash from kelp, ; newspaper Interests there, is in the
the sea weed. The company has a city this week, accompanied by his
choice location and lease from the brother, Leonard, also residing In
government on large beds of the Lincoln. Another brother. H. W.
kelp. This being the potash center of Hartman, cashier of the Saline Coun-
the United States, Mr. Nelson is here ty Bank at Western, Nebraska, was
looking over the situation. From the in the city yesterday, going from
description of his reduction propo-1 Alliance to Angora on business.
!on on the coast, it appears that he
has a fine proposition.
J. Y. Munson of Berthoud. Colo
rado, editor and publisher of the
Berthoud Bulletin, was a caller at
The Herald office the last of the week.
David L. Overbay. of Franklin, In
diana, father of Mrs. A. A. Layton
of Alliance, died at his home in
Franklin Monday morning. Mrs.
Layton was immediately notified and
left in time for the funeral Wednes-
He has been on a visit to eastern day afternoon. Mr. Overbay was past
end men here for the United States
army are Capt. Wm. P. Little. Dr. A.
Sanders. Dr. O. E. Butin. Dr. Geo.
i eighty-five years of age. Mrs.
, t. . " . 'ton has the sympathy of the
Inspection for army horses, under militv in hr h..rnvomont
She direction of C. L. Lester A Com- see
pany of Alliance is taking place this Q. A. Torgerson. attorney, from
T " ' 1 r ,om muy u"rn 'J,rm Kimball. Nebraska, is in the city to
ilet and Laramie avenue. Officers dtty on DU8lne88i tht. guost of p A
King of the Bentley Land Company.
Thp nntnuh nlnnt nrnnnund ,.,- A 1 1 i
Miller, C. Bogges, Chas. Moore and .,.,. . hv ,. .1
Peter Dalley The men selected a appears to have gone by the board,
fine bunch of horses. Everett Eldred. , The two Philadelphia men represent
well known ranchman had about ,3g the 8yndicate from that city who
forty horses here for the Inspection. were proposing to build a large plant
The Inspectors went to Gordon from at Ailtance. failed for some reason or
Alliance. Regular Inspections will j otner , tnelr negotiations and left
be held here Horse owners and . thls oon on No 44 for the ea8t
raisers should watch the announce-1 Alanpe ctt)len8 who U8prt thplr ROO(1
Ul r company in , offlceB ln endeavoring to help the deal
go through, were much disappointed
to learn of the failure. to close It.
this paper
Dr. W. J. Mahaffy was the host
Wednesday noon at a lnncheon given
In honor of Prof. Ralph R. Uniacke
at the Alliance Hotel Grill. Prof.
Unlacke on Tuesday did "his bit."
Joining the United States army, heavy
artillery division He left last night
for Fort Logan. Colorado, near Den
ver. Ouosts at the luncheon given
bv Dr. Mahpffy were J. S. Rheln. W.
D. Fisher. Lloyd Thomas and Prof.
Uniacke. Prof Unlacke was for a
number of months instructor of vio
lin at the Alliance School of Music.
He has bpn ranching near Mullen
for the last few months.
An Alliance school teacher Is Indeed
popular with her pupils. Recently a
number of her pupils were overheard
discussing their teacher and compar
ing her with some of the wonders of
The T. A. A Club meets with Mrs.
L. L. Smith ln the Flora Apartments
this afternoon. The afternoon Is be
ing spent at bridge. This club and
their husbands will be entertained at
the home of Mrs. Lloyd Thomas Sat
urday evening.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
Ralph W. Beal. 501 Laramie avenue,
next Wednesday afternoon. The
hostesses for the day are Mesdames
Blair. Bird. Rathburn and Scott.
Everyone cordially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frlcke of
Antloch spent last Friday and Sat
urday in Alliance visiting friends.
Mrs. C. E. Amsberry. who has been
the world. Finally the concensus of visiting relatives in Lincoln for the
That boy down at camp or possibly "Somewhere on
the Atlantic," would appreciate a "Dandy Likeness of
Mother" now as never before.
Then, too, "CHRISTMAS IS COMING," and you can
have your Christmas pictures made from the same nega
tives and have plenty of time to get them ready.
VAN GRAVEN, of course, is the name on the finished
work that distinguishes your picture from the ordinary.
Van Graven Studio
Alliance, Nebraska.
Phone 901 for Appointments.
John W. Guthrie, general chair
man of the Second Liberty Bond cam
paign committees, sent the following
interesting letter of appreciation to
'the members of all committees:
As chairman of the Liberty Bond
(Campaign Committee allow me to ex
tend to you my most sincere thanks
for your hearty co-operation in the
drive to obtain our quota.
While we did not reach the goal,
.each and every member of the com
imittee worked hard and faithfully
and had it not been for your indi
vidual efforts we would have fallen
far short of the amount subscribed
which, according to reports to date,
was between $135,000 and $136,000.
You have the satisfaction of know
ing that your thought and energy
was expended in a most worthy
cause and, considering the time at
our disposal, accomplished wonders.
With very kindest regards and the
assurance that my services wIP ever
be at your command in any work to
advance the intererts of our city, our
state, or our nation, I am
Yours truly,
nlshed room for housekeeping Must
be modern. Inquire at Herald.
Phone 340. 48-8761-tf
FOR RENT N'ce farm home un-
itll March 1st; no charge. Near Alli
iance. Apply at Herald office for in-
formation. 48-2t-$-8753
WANTED TO BUY -All kinds of
poultry. Will pay highest cash price.
Call P. D Roberts or Alliance Hotel.
See Us, And See Best
We Can Duplicate any Broken Lens
313 4 Box Butte Ave Phone 121
Sergeant C. H. Spear spent Satur
day and Sunday with home folks.
He Is quartermaster sergeant In the
35th regiment at Camp Funston, and
was home on a four-day furlough.
Mrs. W. H. Ostenburgh of Council
Bluffs was a guest at the home of
herson last week.
Mrs. C. E. Smith was a guest at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.
M. Ostenburgh, last week.
Mrs. D. Depue, who has been in
the Alliance hospital the past seven
weeks, returned home this week and
is doing nicely. Mrs. Depue was op
erated on for appendicitis.
Frank Brown made a business
trip to western points this week. He
is looking for a new location.
Miss Edith Alton has accepted a
position as teacher ln the Argy
school. She will begin duty next
Mrs. A. W. Brewer, who was very
ill last week. Is able to be out again.
The foundation for the new room
ing house is finished and the carpen
ters are beginning work.
The big smoke stack for the new
boiler room at the potash plant is
finished. It Is about 50 feet in diam
eter at the base and 20 feet at the
top and is 180 feet high.
Mr. Spooner and wife of Ansclmo
are guests at the home of their son,
A. L. Spooner.
Regular teachers' examinations
will be given at the Court House in
Alliance on November 17th. One day
Only. Notice change in order of sub-'
November 17th. A. M. Subjects: 1
Reading. Arithmetic, Geography, 1
Penmanship, Orthography, Drawing,
Warning to Battery
Automobile battery owners are warned not to harm their batteries by
using patent solutions designed to keep the battery from freezing during cold
weather. Batteries require constant, careful watching, at regular intervals,
to be kept in good shape. You can get the best battery service by making
use of our experience and facilities.
Prest-O-Lite Battery Service Station
New Batteries in Stock
We have batteries to lend while repair
ing yours.
Old Batteries repaired and recharged.
Chas. F. Schafer
113 East Third.
Opposite City Hall
Phone 63
Your Opportunity to Buy a Suit Was Never
Better at the Right Low Prices
Beginning with the Suits at $25.00 that are
shown in plain tailored styles, as well as fancies
in variety, we run the whole range of styles
and prices up to $49.00 in this group. No
matter what particular feature or fancy you
have in mind, this group of Suits will afford
you every opportunity to gratify your wishes
and at the same time save money.
Stylish Serviceable and Satisfactory. And
at a price here for every purse.
A Suit is one of the most serviceable gar
ments that you can wear in the coldest
weather they can be worn under the coat in
moderately cold weather you can wear them
without a coat no matter what the weather
the service is always there.
Handsome new tailored
and belted models, braid
and fur trimmed, collars
with overlays of velvet,
fur collars and cuffs and
all the newest colorings.
Twenty Different Styles
Every Size up to 52
Stylish Stouts
New modish Suits of
Broadcloths, Wool Velour,
Velour de Laine, Silver
tone. All superbly tailor
ed, with fine attention to
the nicest little details.
They have large shawl
collars of Hudson Seal
and Nutria, all beautifully
lined and interlined.
Every Suit in these lots of more than 40 garments has been chosen
with extreme care for some particular mark of merit.
18 Different Styles Every Size
Up to 52 Stylish Stouts
The most popular Sil-
vertones, Plain Velour,
Gabardines, Broadcloths
and Men's Wear Serges
four of the most fashion
able materials right now.
Fifteen Different Styles
Every Size up to 52
Stylish Stouts